Rebirth: Return to 1991 to be the richest man

Chapter 809 This is a big gamble

Chapter 809 This Is a Big Gamble

Three days later, Dragon Fund was established in Xiangjiang.

If this kind of speed were placed in future generations, it would be surprisingly slow.

Nowadays, the Internet is not yet developed, so it is already good to have such efficiency.

According to Chen Jianghai's request, this dragon fund does not belong to Qiuhai Group, but to an offshore company called Paradise Investment.

The actual holding company of Paradise Investment is a company in Xiangjiang.

The name of this company is Chengxin, and it is Fang Aiguo who holds the absolute controlling stake.

Not only that, Fang Aiguo also founded a number of companies abroad and jointly controlled the remaining shares of Julong Fund.

Chen Jianghai was very satisfied when he heard Fang Aiguo's return.

This must be an expert's suggestion, and Fang Aiguo's ability to execute it to this extent is considered impeccable.

Next, Dragon Fund will do something big.

Chen Jianghai hopes that the fewer people who know its details, the better.

"Brother Hai, what are we going to do next?" Fang Aiguo couldn't help but ask.

In fact, he has always been curious about this matter.

However, Chen Jianghai refused to let go, and it was difficult for him to ask further questions.

Now that the Dragon Fund has been established, the answer to the mystery should be revealed.

On the other end of the phone, Chen Jianghai looked through the window and looked into the distance: "Your main battlefield will be in the island country. You need to take your team there."


Fang Aiguo was slightly startled: "Brother Hai, I remember Liu Jianming is there too, right?"

"That's right. Speaking of which, you are old partners." Chen Jianghai responded with a smile.

"Haha, okay, I'll go meet him after I finish my business. By the way, Brother Hai, why haven't you gone to the island country yet?"

Fang Aiguo asked again immediately.

"It's very simple. Short-sell the island country's stock index futures for as long as you can." Chen Jianghai stated his ultimate goal word by word.

Fang Aiguo frowned: "Brother Hai, are you spending all the money I have?"

Chen Jianghai shook his head: "No."

Hearing what Chen Jianghai said, Fang Aiguo secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

When he received the [-] million yuan, he was so nervous that he couldn't sleep well for several days.

Especially losing hundreds of thousands made him very worried.

Now that he heard that large sums of money would not be used, Fang Aiguo felt a little more at ease.

"I will remit another [-] million and wait until the money is spent."

Chen Jianghai added another sentence later.

Upon hearing this, Fang Aiguo was petrified on the spot, and he couldn't hold the phone firmly.

After not hearing Fang Aiguo's answer for a long time, Chen Jianghai frowned and asked, "Hey, Aiguo, what are you doing? Did you hear what I said?"

"Brother Hai, I...I just...did you hear it correctly?" Fang Aiguo asked, stammering a little.

"Did you hear something wrong?"

"Five hundred million, am I hallucinating?"

When Fang Aiguo said this number, his voice trembled.

"You heard me right, just do as I say." Chen Jianghai said directly.

Fang Aiguo's tone was full of uneasiness: "Brother Hai, this... this money is too much, I'm afraid..."

"How much money is this, just do it well! I will let you operate tens of billions, or even hundreds of billions in the future." Chen Jianghai said very casually.

Fang Aiguo is now a little confused and frightened.

The more casual Chen Jianghai behaved, the more panicked he became.

Five hundred million!

By the way, plus the previous [-] million, it’s [-] million.

If this fails, then why should other patriots block this hole?Chen Jianghai naturally knew Fang Aiguo's worries.

In Chen Jianghai's view, this worry is unnecessary.

The earthquake in the island country tomorrow will definitely bring a huge reward to Chen Jianghai.

Moreover, this is also needed to allow Fang Aiguo to practice his courage.


The next day, as soon as Chen Jianghai arrived at the company, he received a call from Fang Aiguo.

"Brother Hai, did you ask me to short the island country's stock index futures yesterday?"

Fang Aiguo asked anxiously.

Chen Jianghai nodded: "Yes."

"Brother Hai, I have already bought the air ticket and asked about the stock market situation of the island country. It is like this..."

Fang Aiguo quickly stated his investigation results.

The current stock market situation in the island country is quite stable and is gradually rising. Many speculators are very optimistic about the Nikkei Index in the island country.

In this case, Bahrain Bank, with the sun never setting, began to buy a large number of stock index futures.

Under the combined efforts of many international forces, Qiu Hai's power appears to be very weak.

Even if Chen Jianghai spends [-] million, it will only be a drop in the bucket.

You know, Bahrain Bank alone has invested more than one billion in this, and it's still US dollars.

Chen Jianghai's little money can only be said to be like water.

If the Nikkei index of the island country drops, Chen Jianghai can indeed make a lot of money.

If he guesses wrong, Chen Jianghai might lose everything.

Chen Jianghai didn't panic at all for such a huge gamble, but Fang Aiguo didn't have such a big heart. After learning about this situation, he was particularly worried.

According to the inference of my subordinates, if the current trend continues, the result of shorting the stock index futures of the island country will definitely be a complete loss.

After Fang Aiguo learned the news, he immediately called Chen Jianghai.

He believed that Chen Jianghai had to give up this crazy idea, it was too risky.

After listening to Fang Aiguo's words, Chen Jianghai understood what he was worried about.

Fang Aiguo is right. If the normal trend continues, doing so is tantamount to digging one's own grave.

But amid the crisis, there are also great opportunities.

Some things are never just a coincidence.

On January 17, [-], the island nation of Hanshin will experience a major earthquake.

This major earthquake completely disrupted the plans of those international speculators.

The island nation's Nikkei stock index plummeted, causing this group of speculators to lose money.

Among them, Barings Bank, where the sun never sets, suffered a direct loss of 15 billion US dollars in the island country and went bankrupt not long after.

So this seemingly dangerous situation actually presents huge opportunities.

However, Chen Jianghai had no way to explain this matter clearly to Fang Aiguo. He could only tell Fang Aiguo resolutely to continue proceeding as planned.

Because, time will tell everything.

In Xiangjiang, Fang Aiguo put down the phone and sat in silence for a long time.

Chen Jianghai's attitude is very firm and he still wants to short the island country's stock index futures.

Under this situation, he was silent for a long time, and finally decided to follow Chen Jianghai's wishes.

After all, all of this was created by Chen Jianghai.

Fang Aiguo has already prepared for the worst.

Chen Jianghai said that if he lost, the worst he could do was follow Chen Jianghai and start from scratch again.

Besides, Brother Hai has created miracles so many times, can't a miracle happen this time?
With this idea in mind, Fang Aiguo then brought his team to the island country.

(End of this chapter)

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