Rebirth: Return to 1991 to be the richest man

Chapter 812 There is a way, let’s see if you dare to use it

Chapter 812 There is a way, let’s see if you dare to use it
"Okay, okay, you are not a child now, you are a college student, so your task is to study hard, do you understand?"

Chen Jianghai smiled and said.

"Humph, just like my brother, you will tell me these commonplace things." Zhao Yuxi pouted.

"Okay, go back and take good care of your brother. I have to go back first." Chen Jianghai waved.

In his eyes, he has always regarded Zhao Yuxi as his younger sister.

It doesn't matter to the elder brother if the younger sister is a little a little bit irritated.

When Chen Jianghai was about to leave, Zhao Yuxi stepped forward and stopped him.

"what happened again?"

Chen Jianghai asked with a smile.

Zhao Yuxi's face turned red, and she said hesitantly: "Brother Jiang Hai, I...I have a gift I want to give you."

"What gift?" Chen Jianghai asked slightly curiously.

Then, Zhao Yuxi took out a box from his pocket, held it in both hands and handed it over: "This is it!"

Chen Jianghai glanced at it and asked, "What's inside?"

"You'll know if you open it and take a look."

Zhao Yuxi looked at Chen Jianghai expectantly and said.

Chen Jianghai took the box and opened it directly: inside was a braided red rope.

"Yuxi, why did you give me this?"

Chen Jianghai took it out and looked at it. There was nothing special about it.

Zhao Yuxi followed up and said: "Brother Jiang Hai, this is the safety rope I asked for from the temple. It can keep you safe and smooth. Can you take it with you?"

Chen Jianghai looked dumbfounded. He didn't expect Zhao Yuxi to believe this.

Finally, under Zhao Yuxi's plea, Chen Jianghai softened and still wore it on his wrist.

No matter what you say, it's all the little girl's heart.

"Then I'm leaving. You have to study hard!" Chen Jianghai raised the red rope on his wrist.

Zhao Yuxi nodded vigorously and said loudly, "Well, brother Jiang Hai, slow down on the road!"

After watching the car disappear into the night, she turned around, skipped back with a smile on her face.


These fulfilling days go by so fast. It has been more than a month since the maternity and baby store opened, and the business in the store has basically stabilized.

When it first opened, its daily sales were almost 10 yuan.

Now, I can sell goods worth several thousand yuan a day, and my net profit can be several hundred yuan.

For an individual store, this result is quite good.

In the eyes of others, this number is completely sufficient.

Lin Wanqiu is not satisfied with this figure. She feels that there is still room for improvement.

Because her husband is so outstanding, she also wants to express herself.

After knowing the sales of the maternal and infant store on the first day, Lin Wanqiu was still full of confidence.

But it turned out that business was not as easy as she thought.

Because business has been failing, Lin Wanqiu and Bai Xiaoyue are a little worried.

Chen Jianghai naturally noticed that his wife looked unhappy.

If it had been anyone else, Chen Jianghai might have pointed it out directly.

When facing Lin Wanqiu, Chen Jianghai was much more cautious, fearing that if he spoke too much on his own initiative, it would make Lin Wanqiu think too much.

My wife is originally a more sensitive and aggressive woman.

Especially after giving birth to a child.

At the dinner table, Lin Wanqiu glanced at Chen Jianghai, but hesitated to speak.

When she came back from the store today, Bai Xiaoyue asked Lin Wanqiu to ask Chen Jianghai if there was anything he could do.

Lin Wanqiu actually didn't want to ask Chen Jianghai anymore, she wanted to rely on her own hands to work hard.After all, we are not at the end of the road yet, so we can still work harder and think of ways.

The next day, when Lin Wanqiu came to the store, Bai Xiaoyue had already arrived.

"Sister Wanqiu, I asked if there is any good way?"

As soon as they met, she pulled Lin Wanqiu and asked.

This time when she started her own business, Bai Xiaoyue wanted to prove it to her father, Bai Mingcheng.

However, she and Lin Wanqiu are still a little new in business, and their current results are only unsatisfactory, far from the results she wants.

Lin Wanqiu shook her head, "I think it's better for us to figure it out ourselves!"

If it had been anyone else, Bai Xiaoyue would have gotten angry after hearing this.

But for Lin Wanqiu, she didn't dare.

Not to mention that Lin Wanqiu was Chen Jianghai's wife, so he couldn't get angry at her casually.

During the time they were together, Lin Wanqiu was very kind to her, like a biological sister.

In this case, Bai Xiaoyue, who knew the seriousness, naturally did not dare to make any noise.

"Sister Wanqiu, let me go out and distribute flyers."

After thinking about it, Bai Xiaoyue knew that forcing was useless. It seemed that she could only take action on her own.

Lin Wanqiu didn't care about Bai Xiaoyue now, so she responded casually: "Okay, please pay attention to your safety."

"Okay, I know."

Bai Xiaoyue took a stack of flyers and went out directly.

After leaving the maternal and child store, Bai Xiaoyue went directly to Qiuhai Group in Pingshan

Chen Jianghai was quite surprised when he saw Bai Xiaoyue suddenly appearing in the office.

Chen Jianghai hasn't seen Bai Xiaoyue for a long time since she went to the maternal and child store to be busy.

Looking at the thick stack of flyers in her hand, Chen Jianghai couldn't help but joked: "What? Miss Bai sent the flyers to me?"

"Mr. Chen, I came to see you today because I have something to ask you for help."

Putting down the flyer, Bai Xiaoyue said very seriously.

Hearing Bai Xiaoyue's name, Chen Jianghai felt a little uncomfortable.

Back then, Bai Xiaoyue always called her by her first name.

Unexpectedly, after staying in a maternity and baby store for a while, I was a lot more polite.

Seeing Bai Xiaoyue's invitation, Chen Jianghai could actually guess the reason, which must be related to the mother and baby store.

"Okay, tell me."

Chen Jianghai smiled and nodded, pretending to be all ears.

Bai Xiaoyue thought for a moment and then said, "Promise me first, and then I'll say it."

"That's not possible. You didn't say anything. How can I promise you?"

Of course, Chen Jianghai didn't dare to agree just like that, and he showed his hands.

Bai Xiaoyue insisted: "Just promise and you can definitely do it. You are a big man and such a big boss, so don't be like your mother-in-law."

Chen Jianghai looked at Bai Xiaoyue and said calmly: "Is it for the mother and baby store?"

"Didn't Sister Wanqiu tell you about this?"

As soon as the words came out, Bai Xiaoyue quickly covered her mouth.

She knew she'd let it slip.

"Well, although Wanqiu didn't tell me about this, she has been a little depressed at home these two days, so I guessed it." Chen Jianghai smiled.

"Now that you know, there must be a way, right?" Bai Xiaoyue quickly opened her eyes and asked expectantly.

Chen Jianghai smiled and said: "Of course there are ways, it just depends on whether you dare to use it."

Without thinking, Bai Xiaoyue put her hands on her hips and expressed her attitude domineeringly: "As long as it is a good method, there is nothing I dare not use."

(End of this chapter)

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