Rebirth: Return to 1991 to be the richest man

Chapter 829: Coward, don’t even accept the offer!

Chapter 829: Coward, don’t even accept the offer!
Seeing the looks from everyone, Chen Jianghai smiled slightly and affirmed.

"What everyone said makes sense. I hope that no matter what happens in the future, you can express your opinions and speak freely like today."

Hearing Chen Jianghai say this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"Now, let me tell you my opinion."

When everyone heard what Chen Jianghai said, they immediately became serious.

Fighting against foreign-funded enterprises is a long and arduous task.

What follows is definitely a tough and long battle.

As soon as he came up, Chen Jianghai explained that this business struggle would definitely not be resolved in a short time.

The purpose is also very simple, that is to attract the attention of everyone present.

The first point is to tell domestic consumers about the ugly behaviors of foreign-funded enterprises against local enterprises.

After foreign-funded companies come to China, they first find local companies in the same industry and propose cooperation for common development.

Seeing this, local companies wanted to acquire the technology of foreign-funded companies and seek greater development, so they naturally happily agreed.

Little did they know that after the cooperation began, the nightmare for local enterprises began.

Foreign-funded enterprises use various means to seize the management rights of local enterprises.

Subsequently, the sales channels and production lines of local enterprises were all used to sell and produce products of foreign-funded enterprises.

In this case, local companies will disappear from the market.

Regarding these situations, Chen Jianghai had previously asked Chen Shuyao to publish an article in Sichuan Province.

In the end, this incident only caused a little response in Sichuan Province. Other places still know too little about these things.

Chen Jianghai's current purpose is simple, that is, to let more people know about this situation.

Along with the patriotism of the Chinese people, if these foreign-funded companies want to do evil again, they must take into account the anger of domestic consumers.

Chen Jianghai finally left it to Yue Hongsheng to take charge of this matter.

"Hongsheng, please also note that the theme of all our advertisements is going to change." Chen Jianghai said seriously.

Yue Hongsheng immediately asked: "Mr. Chen, what has happened?"

"Qiuhai's advertising theme from now on is to revitalize national industries." Chen Jianghai said loudly.

Everyone present was stunned when they heard this theme.

Is it too exaggerated?
"Mr. Chen, is this not good?" Jin Zhijiang asked cautiously.

Chen Jianghai said calmly: "There is nothing wrong with it. The revitalization of national brands is definitely a dazzling and noble topic. We Qiuhai must work hard towards this goal."

Now everyone had no objections and kept in mind what Chen Jianghai just said.

Chen Jianghai stood up, clapped his hands and said, "Everyone, the environment will not be so good in the next few years. You must be prepared for a hard fight."

After hearing these words, everyone's faces became serious.

The big boss is very keen on market changes, and his vision is also extremely vicious.

In this case, if Qiu Hai makes a wrong move, all his previous efforts may be in vain.

Seeing that no one said anything, Chen Jianghai put his hands on the table and looked around.

With this powerful aura, everyone suddenly felt the pressure increase.

"If we, Qiuhai, want to revitalize our national industry, we must fight against transnational capital. Not only must we win, but we must also fight in their homeland!"

Chen Jianghai's words were extremely firm and there was absolutely no room for maneuver.

From this sentence, everyone can clearly feel Chen Jianghai's determination.

Chen Jianghai will never show mercy to foreign-funded enterprises and multinational capital.

Seeing that everyone was speechless, Chen Jianghai stood up straight and said in a sonorous voice: "Hongsheng, you can tell reporters what you just said." After that, he left the office directly.

[-] is definitely a very important year for local enterprises in China.

During this year, many established domestic companies have tried their best to fight against foreign-funded companies and multinational capital.

In this case, Chen Jianghai naturally had to do his part to make this matter happen earlier.

Otherwise, it will be too late to resist by the time foreign-funded enterprises have accumulated sufficient strength.

As soon as Chen Jianghai returned to the office, he received a call from Chen Shuyao.

"Boss Chen, congratulations on being on the Forbes list, you are still No. 1 in the country!"

On the other end of the phone, Chen Shuyao said with a smile.

Upon hearing the news, Chen Jianghai was slightly startled: Of course he knew about Forbes.

But becoming the first on the list, Chen Jianghai was somewhat surprised and asked casually: "How much wealth does it say I have?"

Chen Shuyao immediately replied: "30 billion should be judged based on the data from your year-end celebration banquet."

Hearing this, Chen Jianghai nodded slightly: It seems that the other party hasn't found out his details yet.

30 billion is much lower than Chen Jianghai’s true worth.

However, just this 30 billion is enough to rank Chen Jianghai at No. 1.

No. 2 is the two brothers Liu Haoyong from Sichuan Province. They started their business raising quails and are now worth about 15 billion.

As for the subsequent rankings, there is no difference from the previous life.

"How is it? Are you happy?" Chen Shuyao asked with a smile.

Chen Shuyao is so happy not only because of Chen Jianghai, but also because her name is also on the list.

Although the ranking is relatively low, ranking over 70, Chen Shuyao is still very happy.

Of course, she also knew that she could not be where she is today without Chen Jianghai's help.

Chen Jianghai said calmly: "I can't say I'm happy, nor can I say I'm unhappy."

"How do you say this?" Chen Shuyao asked curiously.

At Chen Jianghai's current stage, he no longer needs these things to prove himself.

Moreover, future generations will know that there is still a lot of moisture in Forbes.

It is no exaggeration to say that some people whose names have never been heard of may be richer than the big names on the Forbes list.

Because in China, low-key and modesty are things hidden in the bones.

Many people even think that being featured in Forbes is a loss of status.

Naturally, Chen Jianghai was not too happy about this extremely watery list.

"Okay, let me just say that there is still a gap between us. We are in different realms."

After listening to Chen Jianghai's remarks, Chen Shuyao said helplessly.

Chen Jianghai smiled and said: "Speaking of which, I also want to congratulate you for becoming a rich woman on the Forbes list."

"If you want it, I can give it to you. Do you want it?" Chen Shuyao joked.

Regarding such a joke, Chen Jianghai coughed lightly and pretended not to hear it.

"How is Jiamei's development now?"

Chen Jianghai then changed the topic.

Chen Shuyao felt a little bit resentful when her question was not answered.

You coward, don’t even bother with me!
(End of this chapter)

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