Rebirth: Return to 1991 to be the richest man

Chapter 860: Who messed with mom?

Chapter 860: Who messed with mom?
Hiroshi Yamauchi said with a joking smile on his face: "I originally thought Chen Jianghai was a proud and conceited person, but now it seems that he is nothing more than that."

He was still very impressed by Chen Jianghai.

Confident and courageous, this was Hiroshi Yamauchi's original view of Chen Jianghai.

Hiroshi Yamauchi felt at the time that Chen Jianghai would definitely be an important opponent in the island country’s gaming industry.

Now it seems that Chen Jianghai spent one billion in order to ease the relationship with the island country, but it was nothing more than that.

Hiroshi Yamauchi felt that Chen Jianghai's money would be better spent anywhere than in the automobile industry.

The future of the island nation's automobile industry is now very uncertain, and Chen Jianghai's money will most likely be wasted.

"Master, I think he is very good at playing games."

Shigeru Miyamoto said sincerely, without losing his admiration in his words.

Hiroshi Yamauchi looked at Miyamoto Shigeru and taught him earnestly: "Miyamoto-kun, your talent in gaming can be said to be quite outstanding. But in terms of business, you still lack a lot."

Shigeru Miyamoto said quickly: "Teacher, I will definitely learn from you. Please give me your advice."

Hiroshi Yamauchi nodded with satisfaction, and then invited Shigeru Miyamoto to taste tea with him.

It can be seen that he is in a very good mood at the moment.

This disciple still respects himself very much.


The affairs of the island country have come to an end, and the lawsuit between Qiu Hai and Ma Junwei has also been concluded.

The result was not surprising at all, Ma Junwei failed miserably.

Losing the lawsuit means that Ma Junwei has to compensate Qiu Hai a huge sum of money.

When the contract was signed, the terms were clearly written, and Ma Junwei had to pay millions for it.

This kind of price is obviously not something Ma Junwei can afford.

For this reason, Yue Hongsheng's phone almost exploded with calls from Ma Junwei.

In desperation, Yue Hongsheng had no choice but to shut down his eldest brother, and then he barely had a day of leisure.

What Yue Hongsheng didn't expect was that Ma Junwei appeared directly in front of Qiuhai's gate the next day.

After seeing Yue Hongsheng, Ma Junwei immediately greeted him in a flattering manner.

"Mr. Yue, you have to help me!"

After saying this, Ma Junwei's face was full of begging, and he was about to kneel down as soon as he bent his legs.

Fortunately, Yue Hongsheng had quick eyes and quick hands and quickly helped him.

Even so, the actions of the two people also attracted the attention of the people around them.

Most of the employees here are from Qiu Hai, so naturally they all know Mr. Yue.

Someone quickly came up and asked, "Mr. Yue, what happened?"

"Mr. Yue, do you want to help?"

At this time, someone also recognized Ma Junwei.

"Hey, isn't this Coach Ma who is in litigation with our Qiu Hai?"

"Yes! It's him!"

"The ungrateful villain!"

"What is he doing here?"

"It's obvious! Come and beg Mr. Yue to let him go!"

"Mr. Yue, we cannot agree to this! Everything must be in accordance with the law!"


Obviously, Ma Junwei was guilty of public outrage.

Especially those present were all Qiu Hai employees. Of course, they would not be polite to people who harmed Qiu Hai's interests.

What's more, the Chinese turtle spirit he endorsed exploded such a big melon, and everyone was shouting to beat him up.

Seeing everyone's excitement, Yue Hongsheng quickly waved his hand and said, "Fellow employees, I will take care of this matter. You go to work as soon as possible!"

After hearing what Yue Hongsheng had said, Qiu Hai's employees didn't stay any longer and all went to work in good order.

I have to say that Qiuhai employees are quite good at obedience and execution.

Yue Hongsheng breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that all the employees were gone. "Coach Ma, come to the office with me!" Yue Hongsheng said to Ma Junwei.

In fact, Yue Hongsheng didn't want to do this, but there was no other way at the moment.

If Ma Junwei were allowed to stay here, he didn't know what would happen.

When he came to the office, Yue Hongsheng asked Ma Junwei to sit down and poured him a glass of water.

Ma Junwei was so anxious now that he was still in the mood to drink water. He quickly begged: "Mr. Yue, you must help me!"

Seeing Ma Junwei like this, Yue Hongsheng felt very happy.

I remember how arrogant the other party sounded when I called Ma Junwei.

He never imagined that today would happen, right?

"Coach Ma, I'm sorry that I can't do anything about this matter. Mr. Chen has already said that we will follow the court's decision." Yue Hongsheng shook his head.

Ma Junwei said quickly: "Mr. Yue, let me meet Mr. Chen. I want to tell him face to face."

"I'm afraid it won't work."

Yue Hongsheng shook his head and said, "Mr. Chen is very busy now and doesn't have time to see you."

Upon hearing this answer, Ma Junwei's face turned pale.

He knew it was an excuse.

After thinking about it, Ma Junwei gritted his teeth and said, "Mr. Yue, if I don't see Mr. Chen today, I won't leave!"

It was obvious that Ma Junwei was ready to cheat.

Yue Hongsheng was a little speechless.

Ma Junwei is a very thick-skinned person.

However, despite all the contempt, this matter will eventually be resolved.

It seemed that the only choice was to go to Chen Jianghai and see how he planned to deal with it.

But before that, Yue Hongsheng decided to show off Ma Junwei first.

It was not until the afternoon that Yue Hongsheng came to Chen Jianghai's office and reported the situation.

"Tell him that this matter is non-negotiable and ask him to leave immediately."

Chen Jianghai said flatly without giving any face.

Yue Hongsheng smiled bitterly and said, "Mr. Chen, from what I see, he won't leave until he sees you."

"If you don't leave, call the police. I don't want to waste my breath on people like this."

Chen Jianghai waved his hand and said with a firm attitude.

Ma Junwei had been given a chance before, but he didn't cherish it.

Now that I know I regret it, it's already too late.

What's more, this matter is also related to Qiu Hai's position, so Chen Jianghai will naturally not let go.

He just wanted to let others see what would happen if he violated the agreement with Qiu Hai.

Seeing Chen Jianghai like this, Yue Hongsheng knew that Ma Junwei was completely cold now.

After Ma Junwei learned the news, he collapsed on the ground.

I could only hear him mumbling: "It's over... it's over... it's completely over!"

Knowing that there was no hope, Ma Junwei finally left Yue Hongsheng's office in despair.

Yue Hongsheng doesn't have much sympathy for people like Ma Junwei who care about money and have no bottom line.

Ma Junwei's current fate is all his own fault, and no one else can be blamed at all.

Naturally, Chen Jianghai didn't take this matter to heart.

When Chen Jianghai got home in the evening, as soon as Chen Jianghai walked in, he realized that something was wrong with the atmosphere at home today.

Wang Shufen seemed to be sitting on the sofa with a bit of sadness, while Chen Liye was patting her on the back.

Seeing Chen Jianghai back, Wang Shufen immediately stood up and said: "Jiang Hai, we will go back to our hometown tomorrow."

Chen Jianghai was stunned after hearing this.

Who provoked my mother?
(End of this chapter)

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