Rebirth: Return to 1991 to be the richest man

Chapter 888 Can I really do it?

Chapter 888 Can I really do it?

Chen Jianghai glanced at Qiu Shuyi and found that she had heavy dark circles under her eyes, and asked with concern: "Why, do you often stay up late recently?"

Hearing Chen Jianghai's concerned tone, Qiu Shuyi felt very happy and said with a smile: "I'm a little busy at work, so I worked a little overtime at night."

At this time, Yin Wentao and Song Lili also came over and called Mr. Chen respectfully.

Chen Jianghai nodded and left them busy.

"Let's go to your office and report your work to me." Chen Jianghai said to Qiu Shuyi.

Looking at the backs of Chen Jianghai and Qiu Shuyi, Yin Wentao looked a little ugly.

After working under Qiu Shuyi for so long, Yin Wentao saw such a bright smile on Qiu Shuyi's face for the first time.

He subconsciously guessed that there was something going on between Chen Jianghai and his former female secretary.

At the same time, it is natural to think that it is for this reason that Qiu Shuyi has never promised herself.

Chen Jianghai entered the office and looked at the pink office, feeling a little dumbfounded.

Qiu Shuyi's girlish heart is very obvious.

At this time, Qiu Shuyi's face was also flushed, and she had forgotten about it.

With her own office, Qiu Shuyi naturally decorates it according to her favorite style.

This outfit is full of pink girly hearts.

"Mr. Chen, sit down and I'll pour you some tea."

Qiu Shuyi said quickly.

Chen Jianghai nodded slightly and sat directly on the sofa.

"Xiao Qiu, where do you live now?" Chen Jianghai asked.

Qiu Shuyi was slightly startled and glanced at Chen Jianghai in surprise.

She didn't know why Chen Jianghai asked her this question.

"I still live over there in the old factory." Qiu Shuyi quickly replied.

Chen Jianghai frowned slightly: "Isn't it very inconvenient for you to go to work?"

"It's okay, I just got up early." Qiu Shuyi smiled.

Chen Jianghai nodded and then asked some other questions.

It can be seen that Qiu Shuyi works very hard here and is very dedicated to her work.

She could answer all the questions asked by Chen Jianghai without thinking.

It seems that Qiu Shuyi can now stand alone.

"Xiao Qiu, have you ever thought about starting a project yourself?"

Chen Jianghai suddenly asked.

Now the person mainly responsible for the Kodak project is actually Yue Hongsheng.

Yue Hongsheng holds the general direction, and Qiu Shuyi does the specific things.

If you want to become an independent person, this is what Qiu Shuyi must experience.

Qiu Shuyi was stunned, crossed her fingers, and said awkwardly: "Mr. Chen, am I really okay?"

It was really because Chen Jianghai mentioned this a bit too suddenly.

At the moment, she feels that she is still in the learning and groping stage, and she will have to wait at least for a while before she can be competent.

"What? Don't you have confidence in yourself?"

Chen Jianghai said with a smile.

Qiu Shuyi shook her lips and replied honestly: "Mr. Chen, it feels a bit too fast. I am not mentally prepared yet."

"Don't worry, there are no new projects yet. But you should always be prepared. If there is a new project, I will let you take charge." Chen Jianghai said slowly.

Qiu Shuyi nodded seriously and said, "Don't worry, Mr. Chen, I will definitely not let you down."

"Okay, work hard and I'll come see you later."

After saying that, Chen Jianghai stood up.

When she heard that Chen Jianghai was leaving, Qiu Shuyi's eyes flashed with disappointment. "Mr. Chen, I'll see you off," she said quickly.

Chen Jianghai waved his hand and said: "No need, just go about your business!"

After saying that, Chen Jianghai left directly.

Looking at the familiar figure leaving, Qiu Shuyi's eyes were full of reluctance.

After leaving the factory, Chen Jianghai, who had nothing to do, went directly home. Under normal circumstances, he rarely participated in social activities.
As soon as I got home, I saw Chen Liye writing calligraphy.

"Hey, dad, what are you writing?" Chen Jianghai asked with a smile.

Chen Liye said cheerfully: "Aren't you and Wanqiu going to have a wedding? I'll write you some happy words."

Chen Jianghai glanced at the table and saw that he had already written a lot of happy words.

"Dad, your handwriting is getting better and better. I'm afraid someone will pay for it by then."

Chen Jianghai looked at it and said jokingly.

Chen Liye rolled his eyes at Chen Jianghai and said angrily: "You kid can make me happy. If my characters could be sold for money, I would have gone to the street to write couplets!"

But it can be seen that he is actually very happy to hear this kind of praise.

At this time, Wang Shufen also walked out of the room, holding a notebook in her hand.

"Jiang Hai, come and see, which style do you like?"

Chen Jianghai took it and took a look. There were pictures of red quilts and pillows on them.

"Mom, you can just buy this. Wanqiu and I have no objections."

Chen Jianghai said casually.

Wang Shufen said unhappily: "Your wedding is a big event, and there is nothing to be careless about. But you and your wife are good, they don't seem to care."

"Mom, didn't we agree before? We will listen to you when it comes to shopping." Chen Jianghai said quickly.

Wang Shufen continued to mutter: "Jiang Hai, you also need to talk to Wanqiu. Don't be busy in the store every day. You have to make preparations for this marriage, right? Let her also give advice."

"Okay, old woman, Jiang Hai and the others know how to deal with their own affairs. Why are you talking so much?" Chen Liye couldn't help but interrupt.

Wang Shufen's temper suddenly rose.

She doesn't dare to say too much about her son and daughter-in-law. Doesn't her husband just say whatever he wants?
"What do you mean? Did I say something wrong?"

She stared at Chen Liye and asked at the top of her voice.

Seeing that the two of them were about to quarrel, Chen Jianghai quickly stood up and spread his hands: "Okay, okay, Mom, I will tell Wanqiu about this."

Hearing what Chen Jianghai said, Wang Shufen rolled her eyes at Chen Liye and went back to the room.

Seeing Wang Shufen enter, Chen Jianghai breathed a sigh of relief.

The relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is really difficult to mediate sometimes!

"My son is fine. Your mother just said casually. She is still very satisfied with Wanqiu." Chen Liye said.

Chen Jianghai smiled and said: "Dad, I know this, I won't think too much about it."

Seeing his son say this, Chen Liye breathed a sigh of relief.

He was really afraid of Chen Jianghai's overthinking.

"I'll go talk to your mother. Don't make troubles and nag in the future." Chen Liye followed.

Chen Jianghai nodded and said nothing more.

When she came back in the evening, Lin Wanqiu looked a little tired. It seemed that she had been very busy recently.

Chen Jianghai couldn't help but ask: "Wanqiu, you've been coming back a little late recently."

"Business in the store has been very good recently, so I'm busy!" Lin Wanqiu said, putting down her bag.

Then, she took a look at Chen Jianghai's face and couldn't help but ask: "Jiang Hai, what's wrong with you? Are you happy?"

"No, how could it be."

Chen Jianghai looked at Lin Wanqiu with pity, stroked her slightly thin face and said, "Wanqiu, I just wanted you to find something to do, not to work hard for you."

(End of this chapter)

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