Rebirth: Return to 1991 to be the richest man

Chapter 896 You need to find an international superstar

Chapter 896 You need to find an international superstar

On the phone, Smith's laughter never stopped.

"Chen, it was so refreshing to see the expressions of the Whirlpool people in court today as if they had eaten shit! I almost laughed out loud at the time, but luckily, I held it in in the end. But it was very uncomfortable. Ah ha ha……"

Hearing Smith's hearty laughter, Chen Jianghai said loudly: "Man, no one can stop Belushi's development from now on."

Smith deeply agrees with Chen Jianghai's statement.

Through this lengthy and costly lawsuit, it can be said that Belushi has completely established a foothold in the United States.

At the same time, Belushi's reputation also spread.

This is what Chen Jianghai is most concerned about.

Hearing what Chen Jianghai said, Smith suddenly put away his smile and said very solemnly: "Chen, I want to express my sincere apology to you for my previous words."

"Smith, what do you mean by that?"

Chen Jianghai asked a little surprised.

On the other end of the phone, Smith said with a respectful and sincere expression: "Chen, I previously advocated retreating to the Chinese market, but now I know how stupid this decision is."

Once Belous really retreats and wants to return to the US market, it will definitely be more difficult than ever.

As for why Smith has such an awareness, we have to start with his opponent Whirlpool.

The launch of Qiuhai fluorine-free refrigerator is a major blow to Whirlpool.

At this time, most local refrigerator companies in China have lower prices than Whirlpool.

Under this circumstance, it can be said that Whirlpool's market share in China has been basically eroded.

Coupled with the lawsuit between Whirlpool and Qiuhai, Whirlpool completely failed in the Chinese market.

On the eve of the outcome of the lawsuit, Whirlpool had decided to withdraw from China, thereby minimizing losses as much as possible.

After getting this news, Smith knew that Whirlpool's history in China was completely over.

At this time, Smith couldn't help but put this matter on Belous and made an inference.

If Belushi makes the same choice as Whirlpool and now withdraws from the US market, will it still have a chance to return?
Smith thought about many possibilities, but the results were not ideal.

It can only be said that after missing this opportunity, it would be impossible for Belushi to continue to develop in the United States.

At this time, Smith also understood Chen Jianghai's previous decision, why he would rather spend so much money and bear so much pressure to fight this lawsuit with Whirlpool.

The reason is simple. If Belushi wants to stay in the United States, this will be an unavoidable lawsuit.

Fortunately, Chen Jianghai made the right choice and they won the lawsuit.

Chen Jianghai smiled and said: "Smith, let's not talk about the past anymore. What we must pay attention to now is Belushi's future."

"Chen, you are right, you are right, we have to move forward!"

Smith was very excited, "I believe that through this incident, Belushi's reputation in the American market has been completely established."

Chen Jianghai was not too happy.

On the contrary, he seemed extremely calm and rational about Belushi's future.

Belushi's journey to this point can only be regarded as a good start.

If he wants to create brilliance, Belous still has a long way to go. He must guard against arrogance and impetuosity, and must be more steady and steady at every step.

"Smith, what do you think about Belushi's future development?" Chen Jianghai asked.

Hearing Chen Jianghai's question, Smith stopped smiling and became serious.

"Chen, this lawsuit has been going on for a long time. I think the most important thing now is to reactivate all Belushi's previous businesses!"

It can be seen that Smith already has his own plans for this matter.

In this regard, Chen Jianghai would naturally not overstep his authority or interfere too much.Smith is definitely more familiar with the US market than he is.

If this matter is left to Smith, he will be very relieved.

What Chen Jianghai wants to do now is to expand the reputation of Belushi. It is best to take advantage of this popularity to let people in the entire United States know about Belushi.

"Smith, I think you need to find an international superstar to advertise our Belushi." Chen Jianghai reminded.

Smith was slightly stunned after hearing this, and said with some confusion: "Chen, it's not necessary now, is it? The most important thing for Belushi right now is to resume business."

"Smith, these two points are not in conflict, are they?" Chen Jianghai said with a slight smile.

Smith thought for a moment and felt that what Chen Jianghai said made sense.

Moreover, since cooperating with Chen Jianghai, the other party has always been able to bring huge surprises to him, so this decision will obviously be no exception.

The most important thing now is, which celebrity is more suitable?

The publicity effect of celebrities who are too little famous is not very good.

For famous celebrities, the publicity effect is enough, but at the same time, the price is high, and people may not agree to it.

"Chen, I'll go take a look at that time and decide which one is more suitable."

Smith thought for a moment and replied.

Chen Jianghai said directly: "Man, I have already found someone for you."

"Who?" Smith asked quickly.

"Michael Jackson." Chen Jianghai replied.

Hearing the name from Chen Jianghai's mouth, Smith remained silent for a long time.

Nowadays, Jackson's status in the American entertainment industry can be said to be that of a king.

If such a figure could come to endorse Belushi in an advertisement, the publicity effect would definitely be sensational.

Smith naturally knew it would be best if he could hire such a person.

The most important thing now is, can I invite you?
Jackson is not something that ordinary companies can hire.

Not to mention anything else, the advertising fee alone is absolutely an astronomical figure.

"Chen, would you like to think about it again?" Smith couldn't help but persuade.

Chen Jianghai asked: "Why, isn't he the best candidate?"

"He's definitely the best choice."

Smith hurriedly said, "Let's not talk about anything else. Do you know how much advertising fee it would cost to have him appear?"

"How much?" Chen Jianghai asked with a smile.

"2000 million US dollars! Let's get started!" Smith said in a high-pitched voice.

Jackson is Smith's idol. Being able to meet his idol and ask him to endorse his company's advertisements is definitely a very happy thing for Smith.

Smith is self-aware, and it will definitely not be easy to invite Jackson.

At this time, Smith believed that Chen Jianghai might have underestimated Jackson.

Jackson is an international superstar and cannot be compared to ordinary stars.

Chen Jianghai wrote lightly: "If 2000 million can bring Jackson here, we will pay for it."

After hearing what Chen Jianghai said, Smith was dumbfounded. Chen Jianghai was trying to be serious.

(End of this chapter)

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