Rebirth: Return to 1991 to be the richest man

Chapter 912 Changes in Development Focus

Chapter 912 Changes in Development Focus

Qiu Hai won the lawsuit and invited Jackson to be his spokesperson, which meant that Qiu Hai's development focus would begin to change.

Originally, Qiuhai's development focus was the huge domestic market.

As for the overseas market, it is more of a complement to Qiu Hai.

In this case, both domestic and overseas markets must be treated equally.

When Qiuhai reaches a certain stage of development, the overseas market will become the focus, and the domestic market will in turn become a supplement.

Of course, the two complement each other and are indispensable.

Chen Jianghai believes that as long as Qiuhai maintains this development speed, this day will come soon.

"I come to you today to talk about one thing."

Chen Jianghai did not mince words and went directly to the topic.

This is of course his usual style.

It was Qiu Shuyi's first time to participate in such a meeting as a manager and she seemed a little nervous.

As for Yin Wentao and Song Lili, they were sitting in the corner, each holding a notebook and a pen.

They are now only qualified to observe.

Only whoever becomes Yue Hongsheng's deputy can sit at this table.

So they are also competitors, secretly competing with each other.

Qiu Hai's development focus will change, which many people have expected.

Otherwise, Chen Jianghai would not have spent so much money overseas.

The only thing we need to worry about now is, can the overseas market really take off?
Even though Qiu Hai is doing well in China, can it still be so successful in the international market?

You must know that there are too many wealthy giants in the international market, and their strength and heritage far exceed Qiu Hai.

It is not an easy task for Qiu Hai to seize the market from them.

Yue Hongsheng proposed such an idea, and Chen Jianghai had already expected it.

Yue Hongsheng is a calm man and has no problem maintaining his integrity.

But when it comes to pioneering and forging ahead, we are a bit conservative.

Chen Jianghai knew this was a shortcoming, but it was harmless.

It is up to him to control the direction of progress, while Yue Hongsheng is responsible for guarding the rear.

One advance and one retreat, making up for each other.

In Chen Jianghai's view, Yue Hongsheng is Qiuhai's best candidate for general manager.

"Hongsheng, all the money has been spent. Do you want to give up halfway now?"

Chen Jianghai's answer was only this sentence.

After hearing these words, Yue Hongsheng became silent again.

The boss has said this, so he can no longer object.

Others had no objections when they saw Yue Hongsheng, and naturally they had no objections.

Besides, other people have blind confidence in Chen Jianghai.

Mr. Chen said that there is absolutely no problem if Qiuhai wants to develop overseas markets.

Their Qiuhai successfully defeated Whirlpool, which was endorsed by the U.S. Department of Commerce. There is nothing they can't accomplish!
In fact, everyone is looking forward to Qiu Hai being able to compete in the international market and compete with the established giants.

"If everyone has no objections, then the focus of work will begin to shift in the future, especially in terms of production. We must at least double the production based on the current level!"

Although the domestic market is so huge, compared with the international market, it is dwarfed.

As soon as Belushi resumes operation and Jackson's commercial is aired, Chen Jianghai predicts that sales in overseas markets will definitely grow explosively.

At this time, if the production cannot keep up, it will definitely affect sales in overseas markets.

Therefore, we must be fully prepared before this and reserve enough goods to cope with the inevitable hot sales in overseas markets.

For such a company policy, Yue Hongsheng naturally knows what needs to be paid.

This is what Yue Hongsheng is worried about.Chen Jianghai's speed of spending money really scared him.

He had worried a lot about this matter.

However, there is no solution at all.

Chen Jianghai didn't seem to take money seriously at all.

As long as the project is confirmed, Chen Jianghai will spend money according to the highest specifications without batting an eye.

Regarding this, Yue Hongsheng has been worried about this for so long, and now he is a little numb.

Duty told Yue Hongsheng that he must raise this issue with Chen Jianghai again.

Even if you know it has no effect.

Of course, not here, but find a suitable opportunity for the two of you to chat alone.

"Qiu Hai's next focus is to take into account both the domestic and overseas markets. Your tasks will be quite heavy next." Chen Jianghai said while looking at everyone.

Facing Chen Jianghai's gaze, no one flinched.

They are all honored to be able to sell Qiuhai's products overseas.

As an employee of Qiuhai, they are proud of Qiuhai.

Looking at everyone's expressions, Chen Jianghai nodded secretly in his heart, feeling very satisfied.

"Next, everyone can talk freely about how long it will take to achieve the goal I just set, and what kind of problems we will encounter."

Chen Jianghai obviously did this based on everyone's abilities.

Jin Zhijiang was the first to speak.

He stood up and said, "Mr. Chen, regarding refrigerators, if we want to double our production, we will have to add a fully automatic production line."

You know, Qiuhai refrigerators have just entered a production line with an annual output of 60 yuan.

At this time, it is unrealistic to ask for a doubling of production with the current production capacity.

The only way is to reopen the production line.

Chen Jianghai pondered for a while, and Jin Zhijiang made sense.

"If we don't increase production lines and work hard on internal potential, we can try to increase the production of refrigerators by one-third. Is it possible to achieve this?"

Chen Jianghai set a new mission goal.

After pondering for a moment, Jin Zhijiang nodded heavily and said decisively: "Mr. Chen, there is no problem! The task will definitely be completed within three months!"

"it is good!"

With Jin Zhijiang at the beginning, the rest of the people naturally knew what to do.

Except for refrigerators, there are no big problems in increasing the production of Qiuhai's other products.

As for the time, it is about three months.

No one wants to be a burden to Qiu Hai, so naturally they don't dare to delay this for too long.

The others quickly finished reporting, and only Qiu Shuyi was left.

The washing machine project she is working on has not started production yet, so the goal of increasing production is naturally out of the question, so she just reported on the research and development progress.

After listening to everyone's reports, Chen Jianghai nodded with satisfaction.

Overall, there was no problem with the time they gave me.

In three months, overseas markets will begin to gain momentum, and then it will be time to test production.

If Qiu Hai can prepare in advance, there is no need to worry at all.

Chen Jianghai looked around, smiled and said to everyone: "Do you have any questions?"

Everyone shook their heads, indicating that there was no problem.

After taking a sip of tea, Chen Jianghai continued: "There is something else I want to tell you."

(End of this chapter)

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