Chapter 960 is such a truth

This should be Mr. Chen’s ultimate move!
If the outside world is not optimistic about Qiu Hai, Qiu Hai will speak with facts.

By then, as long as the sales data are shown, no one will be able to say anything else.

He originally thought that he would wait for a while and let the media die down.

But under this situation, Chen Jianghai took the initiative and told these people to shut up.

Mr. Chen is indeed Mr. Chen!
This idea and this method are absolutely unparalleled by ordinary people.

"Mr. Chen, this is a great idea!" Yue Hongsheng praised sincerely.

He found that Qiu Hai had gone through a lot in the past few years, and at every critical moment, it was Chen Jianghai who stood up.

No matter what problems he encountered, as long as Chen Jianghai took action, he would be able to solve them and successfully complete the Jedi counterattack.

Apparently, this time is no exception.

Yue Hongsheng believed that by following what Chen Jianghai said, the negative turmoil in Qiu Hai would soon be eliminated.

At the same time, Qiu Hai can also use this crisis to once again prove his strength to the general public and competitors.

After giving Yue Hongsheng advice, Chen Jianghai put the matter aside.

I believe that Yue Hongsheng will handle it properly next, without him having to worry about it anymore.

As soon as he got home, Chen Jianghai saw the worried faces of Chen Liye and Wang Shufen.

"Mom and Dad, what's the matter with you?"

Chen Jianghai frowned slightly, walked over quickly, and asked with concern.

Chen Liye immediately pulled his son and asked eagerly: "Jiang Hai, please tell me quickly, what happened to Qiu Hai recently?"

"Jiang Hai, nothing serious happened in the factory, right?"

Wang Shufen also looked worried and looked at Chen Jianghai nervously.

Hearing his father and mother ask this, Chen Jianghai understood instantly.

He smiled slightly, waved his hand and said, "Don't worry, it's just that some people embezzled the company's public funds, it's not a big deal."

Seeing Chen Jianghai's indifferent expression, Chen Liye thought his son was trying to comfort them.

The more this is the case, it means that what happened in the company may be more serious than imagined.

"Jiang Hai, you have to tell us the truth, that's not what the newspaper said!" Chen Liye quickly asked.

In the past two days, there have been too many unfavorable news items on small papers that were unfavorable to Qiu Hai.

Chen Liye's heart went crazy when he looked at each and every one of them.

For a company as big as Qiu Hai, if something goes wrong, it will definitely not be a trivial matter.

In this case, Chen Liye and his wife were very worried.

They knew in their hearts that Qiuhai was built step by step by Chen Jianghai, with his sweat and hard work poured into it.

If something big goes wrong, will Chen Jianghai be unable to bear it?
Seeing the nervous expressions on his parents' faces, Chen Jianghai secretly felt a little guilty.

He thought that when his parents came to Pingshan, they could enjoy family happiness.

But now, it really shouldn't be for his parents to worry about him.

Just when Chen Jianghai was about to explain, he saw Lin Wanqiu hurried back from outside.

As soon as she saw Chen Jianghai, Lin Wanqiu quickly asked, "Jiang Hai, is Qiu Hai's matter not serious?"

Lin Wanqiu also had a worried look on her face at this time, which made Chen Jianghai feel uncomfortable.Now it's better, the whole family knows about this, and they are still worried about him and Qiu Hai.

Chen Jianghai pulled Lin Wanqiu to the sofa and asked her to sit down. Only then was he ready to explain the matter to his family to reassure them.

"Mom, Dad, Wanqiu, I know you are worried about me, but there is no need to."

Of course, Chen Liye would not feel relieved just because of his words. He said seriously: "Jiang Hai, you don't need to comfort us. Tell us quickly what's going on."

Seeing this situation, Chen Jianghai knew that the three of them would not be at ease unless he explained the matter clearly.

Next, he briefly and concisely explained the true situation of the incident and the prepared countermeasures.

In fact, this kind of thing is not as serious as what the newspapers said. It is completely exaggerated by the media.

Now to explain to his family, Chen Jianghai naturally tried to explain it as clearly as possible.

After hearing the whole story, looking at Chen Jianghai who looked confident, the three of them finally understood that their worries were unfounded.

Moreover, Chen Jianghai already has a response plan and believes that crisis public relations will be completed soon.

"Then why do some people in the newspapers say that Qiuhai is going to go bankrupt?" Lin Wanqiu was still a little worried after thinking about the situations mentioned in the newspapers, and couldn't help but ask again.

Chen Jianghai said calmly: "Qiu Hai is a big tree now. I don't know how many people want to see our jokes. Now there is some negative news. In order to win the public's attention, it is normal for the media to exaggerate when reporting."

Hearing what Chen Jianghai said, the three of them couldn't help but nodded, thinking that this was also the case.

Qiuhai is now the number one company in Pingshan, and if there is any disturbance, it will easily make headlines.

Because this time the media and newspapers over-exaggerated, it seems understandable.

Chen Jianghai waved his hand and said very relaxedly: "Mom, Dad, Wanqiu, don't worry about Qiuhai. If something really goes wrong, can I still feel at ease and get off work so early?"

After hearing these words, Wang Shufen felt relieved, stood up and greeted everyone: "It's okay, I'm going to cook."

Before Chen Jianghai could say anything, Wang Shufen left directly.

At this time, Chen Liye also had a smile on his face: "Yes, that puts us at ease. By the way, Jiang Hai, should we wait a little longer before returning to our hometown?"

"Dad, it might be a few days later." Chen Jianghai nodded.

When they came back from the capital, their families discussed it once. Chen Liye and the others wanted to return to Linghai as soon as possible, and Chen Jianghai directly agreed.

Unexpectedly, after the high-level meeting, something like corruption would come out.

Until things are properly handled, Chen Jianghai cannot leave Pingshan for the time being.

Even if he doesn't have to do anything, as long as he stays here, Qiu Hai has a backbone.

If he leaves under such circumstances, it will inevitably lead to various negative speculations.

Chen Liye followed up and said, "It's okay. It's still some time before the Chinese New Year anyway, so you should be busy with your work first."

After hearing this, Chen Jianghai knew that his father didn't want him to be distracted.

He secretly decided to return to Linghai after this matter was over and would never keep his parents waiting.

The next day, news of Qiu Hai's plan to promote preferential activities spread throughout Xijiang.

Subsequently, the matter reached various direct stores and dealers in the country, and the news spread quickly.

Originally, dealers and directly-operated stores were a little worried about Qiu Hai's crisis.

What the directly-operated stores are worried about is that if Qiuhai fails, what will they do next?
You know, the wages of directly-operated stores are all paid by Qiu Hai.

If Qiu Hai really fails, where can they find such a good job?

(End of this chapter)

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