Rebirth: Return to 1991 to be the richest man

Chapter 974 Positioning must be clear

Chapter 974 Positioning must be clear

Thinking of this, Chen Jianghai felt that the opponent Chen Jiangshan encountered might be an impostor.

You know, the most important battlefield in Asia now is in the southern coastal cities.

Xijiang Province is an inland city, and Asia has not yet expanded here.

The only explanation is that this Asia store may be a fake.

"Brother, have you ever found out whether this Asia is the authentic Asia?"

Chen Jianghai raised his head and asked.

Hearing this question, Chen Jiangshan couldn't help being slightly stunned, and asked in surprise: "Jiang Hai, what do you mean by this?"

Chen Jianghai smiled slightly and told Chen Jiangshan all his speculations.

Regarding Chen Jianghai's words, Chen Jiangshan didn't have much doubt, but was a little surprised. He couldn't help but ask: "Jiang Hai, why do you know so clearly?"

Chen Jianghai said calmly: "A friend said it by chance."

Chen Jiangshan had no doubts at all about Chen Jianghai's explanation.

At home these days, Chen Jiangshan knows how well-connected his younger brother is.

If it was his friend who said it, then it would be normal for Chen Jianghai to know.

"Jiang Hai, do you mean that I don't need to be so nervous?" Chen Jiangshan frowned.

Chen Jianghai nodded: "I'm really not in such a hurry. It's better to find out first. Only by knowing yourself and your enemy can you win every battle!"

"Jiang Shan, I think Jiang Hai is right."

Meng Meihua heard the conversation between the two brothers and whispered from the side.

Chen Jiangshan thought for a moment, and finally shook his head and said, "Then I still have to go back and confirm it myself before I can rest assured."

Hearing what Chen Jiangshan said, Chen Jianghai knew that he couldn't persuade him anymore.

As the saying goes, a country is easy to fight, and its nature is hard to change. My eldest brother's personality has always been like this, and it is almost impossible to change it.

However, this pragmatic attitude is not bad. With conscientious development, great things can be done.

"Okay, brother, slow down on the road and make a call when we get there."

Chen Jianghai warned.


Chen Jiangshan responded and said nothing more.

After packing his things, Chen Jiangshan said hello to his parents again, then said goodbye to everyone, and took Meng Meihua back to Changxi.

Seeing their eldest son leaving in a hurry, Chen Liye and Wang Shufen felt a lot lower.

Seeing this situation, Chen Jianghai took everyone to Lingshui Lake.

Since the road was repaired, more and more people have visited Lingshui Lake.

At present, these scenic spots are still authentic natural features, with no artificial traces.

Looking at the beautiful scenery of the rippling blue lake in front of them, coupled with the company of their young son and granddaughter, Chen Liye and Wang Shufen's moods also improved a lot.

Later, many tourists from the city came to Chenjia Village to appreciate the local customs.

Seeing this, Chen Jianghai took his family to the farmhouse for a walk.

Chen Liye and Wang Shufen found this strange.

If you want to eat chicken, you have to catch it yourself. If you want to eat fish or shrimp, you have to catch it yourself. If you want to eat fruit, you have to pick it yourself. This is basically farm work!
But looking at those happy and happy tourists, the two of them felt that the world had changed.

Why do city people like to play this?

Especially in the greenhouse where crayfish fishing is done, there are a lot of people of all ages and children.

The weather is a bit cold at this time, which is certainly not suitable for fishing for crayfish.

But Chen Congjun naturally has a way to solve it.A new greenhouse was built directly, and a lot of crayfish were fed in the pond inside so that tourists could fish.

At this moment, the bank of the pond in the greenhouse is full of people, holding simple bamboo poles in their hands, fishing for crayfish with offal such as pig liver.

Many people followed, apparently very interested in this.

From time to time, you can still hear an exclamation that someone has caught a crayfish.

Seeing this scene, Chen Liye and Wang Shufen were even more surprised.

Is it really that fun?

Chen Liye and Wang Shufen simply couldn't understand it.

In fact, the reason is very simple, that is, life is getting better, and everyone has more time for entertainment and leisure. At the same time, after living a prosperous life, they also have financial support.

Especially in Linghai, the appearance of Qiuhai has improved the living standards here very quickly.

Qiuhai now is definitely a very large enterprise in Linghai.

The few electrical appliance factories in Qiuhai support a large number of workers and downstream enterprises.

At the same time, the rapid development of Qiuhai has driven many local enterprises and economies in Linghai.

With the improvement of living standards, people's pursuit of quality of life has become higher.

In the past, I was always thinking about how to work hard and have enough to eat. Life was always tight, and I never had the time or leisure to come here to play.

Now that I no longer have to worry about food, and I have money in my pocket, I naturally want to enjoy life.

At this time, the farmhouse launched by Chenjiacun naturally came into everyone's sight.

After a series of reforms, the farmhouse business is now very good, and the daily income makes Chen Congjun and the villagers smile.

According to the current trend, when it comes time to pay dividends, they will definitely get a lot of money.

In addition, working in a farmhouse provides a stable and considerable salary.

The premise is that this farmhouse can continue to make profits.

Regarding this, Chen Jianghai was not worried at all.

Because he knew very well that as Linghai's living standards improved, such money would only become easier and easier to earn.

On the eighth day of the Lunar New Year, Chen Jianghai went to Qiuhai Factory again.

He will be returning to Pingshan in two days, and Chen Jianghai wants to come to the electrical appliance factory to take a closer look.

Liang Haoyang knew that Chen Jianghai was coming, so he naturally brought people to greet him at the factory gate early.

Seeing this scene, Chen Jianghai smiled and said to Liang Haoyang: "Old Liang, you should know that I don't like to engage in this kind of ritual."

Liang Haoyang said calmly: "Mr. Chen, most of the people here are new people, and you are rarely here. I have to let them see you more, lest they don't even know the big boss!"

Hearing what Liang Haoyang said, Chen Jianghai couldn't help laughing.

He came here today just to take a look and chat with Liang Haoyang about the next corporate development goals.

Qiuhai officially started work today, and Chen Jianghai went to the workshop first for a walk.

The workers were in good condition at work. Everyone received the New Year red envelope specially prepared by the company, with smiles on their faces.

Seeing such a scene, Chen Jianghai nodded secretly.

This is a good sign.

Chen Jianghai positioned the Linghai factory as a production base for small household appliances.

Its main task is to refine and optimize the original products on the basis of ensuring product quality and quantity, and also focus on expanding derivative products.

While Chen Jianghai visited, he chatted with Liang Haoyang.

(End of this chapter)

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