Rebirth: Return to 1991 to be the richest man

Chapter 983 There is only one voice from top to bottom

Chapter 983 There is only one voice from top to bottom

It has to be said that most people in China now run businesses with this kind of mentality.

What they see is always only the immediate benefit, and they lack a long-term perspective.

It also lacks the courage and determination to truly make the company bigger and stronger.

In fact, if an enterprise wants to develop for a long time, some things must be persisted and improved.

Even if these persistence and improvements will cost a lot of manpower, material and financial resources, they must be done, and there is no room for ambiguity.

Otherwise, if we remain complacent and muddle along, we will only lead to decline step by step.

Internationally renowned large companies have gone through these painful stages, stepped out of the comfort zone of the status quo, and continuously improved themselves, thus achieving their international status.

If you only think about making money and don't have a set of sustainable development concepts, your business will not last long.

Most domestic enterprises now have only one goal, which is to make money and make more money.

As for how the money is spent, they don't know and don't want to know.

As long as you can make money, you don't have to think too much about anything else.

Besides, whether a company can survive until five years later is a question.

Worrying about what will happen five years from now is simply unfounded.

It's already good enough to live a good life now, so why think about something so far away?
It has to be said that these domestic small and medium-sized enterprises have really short-sightedness.

They simply couldn't see Chen Jianghai's good intentions behind these actions.

There are also some large companies who admire Chen Jianghai's behavior very much.

At the same time, there is also deep envy and deep helplessness.

Needless to say, the manpower, material and financial resources required to achieve such a goal are needless to say.

Even though he knew about it, Chen Jianghai did it without hesitation, which shows his determination and courage.

It can also be seen from this point that Chen Jianghai really wants to make Qiuhai Electrical Co., Ltd. better, bigger, stronger, and become a banner.

This alone is enough to make the leaders of these domestic companies feel ashamed.

In fact, they don't want to do this, but they dare not put it into practice for various reasons.

The most important thing among them is naturally the profit of their company, which cannot support them burning money like this.

This is a bottomless pit that costs a lot of money in the early stage, and their little profit cannot fill this bottomless pit.

To achieve this effect, their current profit data must at least double again.

And even if profits double, if you want to use the extra money to do this, you will still be subject to various restrictions.

Why does Qiu Hai dare to do this?
It’s not because they are wealthy and have enough confidence to do whatever they want.

How does this wealth come from? It naturally depends on sales.

Who in the domestic home appliance industry doesn't envy Qiu Hai's terrifying monthly sales.

All they can do is envy.

If you want to increase your own sales, it is not an easy task.

His envy for Qiu Hai didn't stop there.

Chen Jianghai's absolute control over Qiu Hai was what they envied most.

No matter what decision he made, Qiu Hai could quickly implement it.

Why can Qiu Hai do this?

That's because Qiu Hai has only one voice from top to bottom.

That is Chen Jianghai’s voice!
As long as Chen Jianghai speaks, the remaining people have only one goal, and that is to go all out to complete the tasks assigned by the big boss.

These entrepreneurs envied Chen Jianghai not once or twice.

Every time they need to make a big decision, an idea pops into their mind.

If he could fully control the current company, would it develop at the same speed as Qiu Hai?
This kind of thought makes them very anxious every time it comes up.If this situation does not change, it will be an impossible task for them to catch up with Qiu Hai.

It's like Qiu Hai is driving a car, but they are driving a three-wheeled, human-powered one.

The gap is obvious at a glance.

Now that Qiu Hai has made such great improvements, it is not a matter of chance to get rid of them.

If this continues, they will never be Chen Jianghai's opponents.

In addition to companies in the home appliance industry, there are also business owners in other industries who have this idea.

Some people began to take desperate risks and use various means to annex shares of state-owned enterprises, thereby achieving the goal of putting themselves in charge of the entire enterprise.

Such illegal methods will not end well in the end.

Of course, these are off topic.

The quality system measures formulated by Qiu Hai had a great impact on the two competitors, Zhou Houjian and Zhang Ruiming.

To say that the one with the greatest impact must be Zhou Houjian of Hisense.

Zhou Houjian fully agreed with Chen Jianghai's decision.

He has been planning this quality standard system for a long time.

He has always wanted to establish Hisense's own standards, a system that far exceeds international quality standards.

In this way, Hisense's future development will be smooth.

What he didn't expect was that while he was still conceiving, Chen Jianghai had already started to implement it.

He really couldn't imagine why Chen Jianghai, so young, had a far-reaching gaze than him.

More importantly, Chen Jianghai is a person who dares to speak and act.

No matter what decision is made, it will be resolutely implemented to the end without any hesitation or hesitation.

Zhou Houjian could never learn this.

In Hisense, there are too many factors that restrict him. As a leader, he cannot do exactly what he wants.

In the office, Zhou Houjian was silent for a long time. He knew that he had to make a decision.

This decision may affect Hisense’s future.

Like Qiu Hai, he must establish a complete quality standard system.

If he doesn't follow Qiu Hai's footsteps, it will only be a matter of time before he is eliminated in the future.

Zhou Houjian knew that this matter was very difficult to handle, but he had to do it and try.

If you try, you still have a chance. If you don't try, you will just fall into slow death.

How Hisense can develop in the future depends on whether he can convince many managements tomorrow.


At the same time, Zhang Ruiming of Haier also locked himself in the office, with a look of decadence on his face.

He was shocked when he received the news that Qiu Hai was going to establish a quality standard system.

Regarding this, Zhang Ruiming also wanted to follow.

But he knew that this was unrealistic.

Not long ago, he worked hard to convince corporate management.

Haier purchased a super production line like Qiu Hai, worth [-] million.

This amount of money has already wiped out the entire Haier.

Even if Zhang Ruiming can convince the entire management, he won't be able to spend so much money for other things.

Thinking of this, Zhang Ruiming couldn't help but let out a long sigh, and had a feeling of exclamation, how can he be bright if he is born with Yu!
In this industry, why did Qiu Hai suddenly appear?

(End of this chapter)

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