Siheyuan: Domineering life

Chapter 135 Road to Promotion

Chapter 135 Road to Promotion
In this personnel appointment, if someone is promoted, someone will naturally have to give up their position.

Yang Jun was promoted, Li Huaide was demoted, and Cao Jianhong had no choice but to give way.

One carrot after another, Yang Jun was promoted, and the post of chief of the purchasing department became vacant.

Yang Jianguo patted the table, motioning for everyone to be quiet, and then said to Yang Jun,
"Deputy Director Yang, you are familiar with the Purchasing Department. Who do you think has the ability to take over the position of Section Chief?"

Yang Jun did not directly say Lao Wei's name, but pretended to think about it, making people feel that the person he recommended had been carefully considered.

"Who is most familiar with the business of the Purchasing Department, it is none other than Wei Daquan, Deputy Chief of the Purchasing Department. This comrade is down-to-earth, silently dedicated, and has worked hard for decades. Although he has not made any particularly big contributions, he has never made any outstanding achievements. What a mistake."

Yang Jun stood up and said to Yang Jianguo seriously,

"Here, I solemnly recommend Comrade Wei Daquan to the leadership as the chief of the Procurement Section."

Yang Jianguo glanced at Wei Daquan who was sitting below and knew that this person was usually naughty. Although he didn't have outstanding results at work, he didn't make any big mistakes and he was considered a decent person.

However, now is not the time to rank based on ability and seniority. Loyalty is the most important. Anyone who can be recommended by Yang Jun can be regarded as one of his own.

Now is the time to reshuffle the cards, and he can only choose the taller one from the short ones.

"Deputy Director Li, do you have any different opinions?" Yang Jianguo asked Li Huaide.

Li Huaide didn't know what he was thinking at the moment. When Yang Jianguo asked him, he quickly said: "Comrade Wei Daquan has rich experience. I believe he will be qualified for the post of chief of the Procurement Section."

Li Huaide certainly couldn't go against Yang Jun at this time, so he would naturally not object to the person he recommended.

If it had been in the past, he would have put forward different opinions. He would argue for every important position and strive to put his own people in them. But now, he is almost losing his own protection, so he has to fight for a section chief. has no meaning.

At this time, he was thinking about what would have happened if Yang Jun had not been placed as the head of the Procurement Section. Would Yang Jun have been promoted as quickly as he is now?

Soon, he had the answer in his heart. Even without him, Yang Jun would be able to climb to where he is today by relying on his own conditions and the big leaders behind him.

He was very lucky now that he had formed a good relationship with Yang Jun. Although the two of them didn't break up, at least they could get along with each other in terms of face.

"Do other comrades have any opinions?" Yang Jianguo looked around and asked.

"No comment."

"I agree."


Everyone expressed no objection to Wei Daquan's appointment as the head of the Procurement Section.

Everyone is not stupid. Who can get to where he is today without a little bit of discernment?

Even Deputy Director Li agreed. Who among them would dare to go against Yang Jun?
"Well, since everyone agrees..."

Factory Director Yang stood up and announced: "I now announce that Comrade Wei Daquan has been officially appointed as the chief of the Procurement Section. Everyone expresses congratulations."

The people below applauded.

Today's meeting was to announce personnel appointments. As soon as the appointments were announced, Director Yang adjourned the meeting.

A break up.

Everyone else congratulated Yang Jun, and Yang Jun responded with a smile one by one.

Some of them clamored for him to treat him, but Yang Jun neither refused nor agreed, and was fooled by his few words.

Naturally, some people will be jealous of his promotion, and he doesn't want to be caught in the pigtails at this time. Of course, for those who want to get closer to him, he can invite them to celebrate in private.Yang Jun did not go back to his office, but went directly to Factory Director Yang's office.

As soon as he entered, he locked the door.

The two discussed things quietly in the office. An hour later, they saw Yang Jun coming out with a smile on his face.

Just returned to my office.

Old Wei came over with a chrysanthemum face: "Director, congratulations. I'll treat you tonight."

Yang Jun rolled his eyes at him, held up two fingers and said, "Two meals, one is because you lost a bet to me, and the other one... you just have to know what's going on."

Old Wei grinned and said, "Director, not to mention two meals, even ten meals will be fine."

"You treated me kindly and reborn like a parent. I, Old Wei, never thought that I could go further in this life. From now on, I will only follow your lead. You asked me to chase the chickens, but I will never beat the dogs. You asked me to go east... "

"Okay, stop talking nonsense and find a few people to help me move. I can also free up the office for you."

Yang Jun couldn't stand Lao Wei's disgusting words, so he interrupted him and asked him to move for him.

Yang Jun has been promoted, so naturally he can no longer rely on the procurement department. We can't let Wei, the chief of the department, and his subordinates squeeze into the same office.

Previously, when he was the deputy director of the logistics department, the factory allocated him a large office on the third floor, but he was too lazy to move up. Now that he is a leader, it is time to set rules for the people below. .

Sometimes the rules are not all based on position and power. Even if it is an office, it is a gap that is difficult to cross. Anyone who can work on the third floor is an important person who can make the steel rolling mill tremble with just a stamp of his feet.

Although there is only a floor separating the second and third floors, this step requires decades of continuous struggle to cross.

In fact, Yang Jun didn't have much to pack. They were just some personal belongings, and the rest were belongings to the Procurement Department. The reason why he asked people to move them was just a matter of face.

Even if he only has a tea cup when moving, someone has to hold it. Have you ever seen a big leader move things by himself? You don’t have to give up the face, but the rules must be established, otherwise who would use bean bags as dry food?

When the people in the purchasing department saw that their section chief had been promoted, they all came over to fawn over him. Everyone helped him clean the office. Some people swept the floor, some cleaned the windows, and some helped him light the heater.

In less than half an hour, the office was tidy.

"Thank you for your hard work, Dong Laishun will cook mutton in the evening. Your section chief will treat us to dinner."

Yang Jun expressed his gratitude repeatedly.

"it is good."

"Thank you boss."

Everyone expressed their thanks.

Yang Jun waved his hand to signal everyone to quiet down, and then pointed to the office next door.

"Let's make a rule. From now on, everyone will call me Director Yang. As for Factory Director Yang, he's next door."

Yang Jun didn't want people to think he was distracted because of a title issue. At the same time, in order not to cause necessary misunderstandings, he had to distinguish himself from Yang Jianguo's title.

In order to prevent everyone from getting used to it over time, when the three words "Director Yang" are mentioned, they have to distinguish whether it is deputy director Yang Jun or director Yang Jianguo.

Of course, Yang Jun is also happy for others to call him director. Although others give you face, remove the word 'deputy' and call you factory director.

But the deputy is the deputy, and he always feels like he is being overpowered. He actually likes people to call him director. Anyway, he is worthy of his name as director.

(End of this chapter)

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