Siheyuan: Domineering life

Chapter 208: Catching up with the pigs of the production team

Chapter 208: Catching up with the pigs of the production team
After a while.

There was a loud noise in the courtyard.

Almost everyone in the hospital, young and old, came out.

It's not that everyone warmly welcomes Jia Zhang's return to the courtyard, but they all want to see what this thousand-year-old scourge has become like, and when will they close their eyes and kick their legs.

"Hey, Aunt Jia, you are thinner than before." Yan Jiecheng put his hands in his trouser pockets, ran over and took a look at her, and then teased.

"It's still the stick porridge that feeds people in our city. Look, Aunt Jia has become so thin after being gone for more than two months."

Xu Damao lifted the quilt on Jia Zhang's body with his hand and took a look.

"Sun thief, you are telling lies with your eyes open. Don't you think Aunt Jia is more mellow than before?" Silly Zhu said.

These two guys are sworn enemies and will fight against each other no matter what.

"Silly Zhu, where did Mr. Mao offend you? Am I wrong? Aunt Jia has obviously lost ten pounds. Don't you believe she needs a scale?"

Xu Damao was most angry with Si Zhu and had to compete with him.

Xu Damao was right, Jia Zhang had lost a little weight, but overall, her body shape remained basically the same.

It used to weigh more than 220 kilograms, but now it only weighs [-] kilograms.

"Just say it. Third uncle, please borrow your large scale." Silly Zhu didn't believe this evil and shouted at the third uncle Yan Bugui.

The third uncle's little eyes were half-closed, and he walked to the cart with a smile and glanced at Mrs. Jia Zhang.

"Sister-in-law, if you want to be weighed, just hum. If you don't want to, just say nothing."

When Jia Zhang heard this, her eyes were still closed, but her eyebrows were raised and raised, and it was obvious at a glance that she was pretending to sleep.

Everyone sees it.

Who still doesn’t understand that Jia Zhang is just pretending.

Ever since they learned that Jia Zhang was coming back, everyone in the compound frowned, wondering why this scourge didn't die in that ravine.

Qin Huairu stood aside, indifferent to everyone's mother-in-law's jokes.

her at the moment.

No one wants Jia Zhang to come back.

The children had just been trained well by him, but now that she came back, wouldn't all their previous efforts have been wasted?
After listening to the third uncle's words, Jia Zhang felt that it was neither humbling nor humming.

Hum, I just want everyone to weigh her.

If you don't moan, it means she is pretending to be sick.

However, this did not trouble her.

As a senior veteran of the courtyard, she has her own way of dealing with others.

"Dongxu, your mother is so ill now, and those damned people still bully me. I don't want to live anymore."

"Old Jia, are you just going to watch me being bullied by them? If you have a spirit in heaven, take them all away."

In one sentence, everyone in the compound was scolded.

I thought that after spending two months in a forced labor camp in Shangougou, I would be able to restrain myself, but I didn't expect that I would become more and more arrogant.

Maybe because she was sick, no one dared to touch her, so she was so unscrupulous.

"Sister-in-law, look at you, you are so angry. Did you call me wrong? You shouldn't be called Lao Jia, you should be called Lao Yi." The second uncle stood aside with his arms folded and teased.

"Ha ha!"

Everyone laughed and leaned forward.

The third uncle said from the side: "If Lao Jia has a spirit in heaven and knows that you are cuckolding him, I am afraid that the first person to be taken away will be you, my sister-in-law."

Mrs. Jia Zhang was lying on the trolley, her eyelids twitching, her eyes closed tightly, she didn't speak, and she kept humming.

"Ouch, my headache is killing me. Qin Huairu, you bitch, can you bear to see your mother-in-law being bullied?"

Qin Huairu stood aside and said nothing. No matter how Jia Zhang called, she turned a deaf ear.

"Grandma, you're back."

At this time, Banggeng ran over from the courtyard with his two younger sisters.

"Oh, my eldest grandson, grandma's favorite eldest grandson, God is wise, I finally meet the eldest grandson of my Jia family again."

When Jia Zhang heard this, she was startled, her eyes widened, and she immediately sat up from the cart.

Everyone saw this scene and curled their lips.

Look at this spirit, does he look sick?

"Grandma, I miss you too."

Bangjian threw herself on her body and cried until the sky was dark and the earth was dark.

"My precious grandson, grandma misses you every day. When she opens her eyes or closes her eyes, her mind is filled with the shadow of my eldest grandson."

Jia Zhang held the stick and cried in confusion. Then she glanced at Xiaodang and Huaihua, who were standing aside like dumbfounded chickens, and cursed,
"I was born to be a loser. I was blind and raised a pair of white-eyed wolves."

Xiaodang and Huaihua cried after being scolded, and they went to find Qin Huairu crying.

Qin Huairu saw that it was not a problem to stay at the door all the time, so she said to the second uncle Liu Haizhong,

"Second uncle, look... why don't you ask someone to carry it in first?"

When the second uncle heard this, he looked at the energetic Jia Zhang and his eyelids twitched.

"Okay, stop making trouble and get people in first."

The second uncle said that everyone should stop making trouble, and a few young and strong men stepped forward to lift the person.

But as soon as he walked next to Jia Zhang, he smelled an evil smell that hit his head and made him want to vomit.

"Oh, what does this smell like? How many days have you not showered?"

Everyone held their noses and backed away.

When Jia Zhang saw that everyone disliked her, she simply pretended to be dead and lay still on the cart.

The second uncle came over, sniffed it from a distance, and then immediately stepped away.

He waved his hand and said: "Hurry up and carry people in."

Everyone turned a deaf ear to the second uncle's words, and no one was willing to step forward.

When the third uncle saw this, it was not a problem for the stalemate to continue like this, so he ordered Yan Jiefang to go home and get a rope.After a while, Yan Jiefang came over holding a bundle of ropes.

The third uncle directed everyone to carry Jia and Zhang in with ropes.

The rope passed through Jia Zhang's body and was tied directly into a ball with the quilt. Then several young and strong boys each carried one end of the rope and lifted it down.

"One, two, three, up!"

Several people shouted at the same time, and Mrs. Jia Zhang was carried off the cart.

As soon as Jia Zhang got out of the car, she saw Yan Jiecheng coming over with a large scale.

He winked at the person carrying it, and then someone found a thick wooden stick.

Several people lifted Jia and Zhang high, and Yan Jiecheng took the opportunity to weigh himself.

"240 three pounds and eight taels." Yan Jiecheng shouted loudly.


Everyone was shocked. This was almost as big as a fat pig from the production team.

Even if you remove the eight kilograms of quilts and five kilograms of clothes, it still weighs more than 220 kilograms.

It's no less generous than before the labor camp.

It seemed that she had not suffered much in the past few months in the valley.

"What are you doing? What are you doing? Put me down quickly, you damn ones." Jia Zhang yelled.

She had her eyes closed at first, thinking that everyone had carried her in. She didn't wake up until she heard Yan Jiecheng's counting.

"Aunt Jia, I didn't hear clearly what you just said. Please say it again. Are you sure you want to put you down?" Silly Zhu asked with a smile.

"Silly Zhu, you idiot, are you jealous that my old lady has a grandson? Do you want to throw me to death?" Mrs. Jia Zhang rolled her eyes.

"Old woman, don't touch your face. Who are you talking about? Do you believe that Mr. Zhu will slap you with his big mouth?"

When the silly Zhu heard this, he was immediately unhappy.

Normally, you can just scold yourself, but if you dare to curse Ran Qiuye and the child in her belly, he will fight you to the death.

After Si Zhu finished speaking, he put down the rope in his hand and turned around to leave.

Jia Zhang was also startled by Silly Zhu who suddenly turned against him.

Silly Zhu didn't dare to talk to her in this tone before.

Every time I see her, I do my best to please her, bring meals, snacks, and help with their family.

It had only been two months since they last met, and this stupid boy actually started to glare at her, and the look in his eyes made her want to kill her.

When Jia Zhang thought that she was so frightened, she felt very embarrassed, so she shouted,

"Ouch, my head hurts so much. The doctor said it was a brain tumor that was caused by being scared. Silly Zhu must pay for my medical expenses."

"Qin Huairu, you bitch, what are you waiting for? Go and ask Sha Zhu for medical expenses. If he doesn't pay, my old lady will stay at his house."

The people in the courtyard looked at each other in shock when they heard this.

This Jia Zhang family is becoming more and more arrogant.

This is obviously blackmail.

If she can blackmail Silly Zhu today, she might blackmail herself tomorrow.

The few people carrying Jia Zhang looked at each other and felt that Jia Zhang might blackmail them next moment. They were thinking about whether to leave her alone.

The second uncle and the third uncle were so angry that they couldn't speak. Everyone was kind enough to help you, and this is how you repay them?

The second uncle's face was as dark as water, and he waved his hand to ask them to carry it in first.

The few people frowned when they saw this, but they still carried Jia Zhang in.

As soon as they entered the house, they threw Jia Zhang on the kang and left.

"Hey, don't go, take out the rope."

The third uncle stood at the door of Qin Huairu's house and said anxiously to the people coming out of the house.

Everyone avoids the Jia Zhang family, so who would want to go back?

In the end, Yan Jiecheng went in and got the rope back.

After everyone came out, they went home.

After returning home, the doors of each house were closed tightly.

You can vaguely hear Jia Zhang's voice criticizing Sophora mulberry, either scolding Qin Huairu for seducing a man, or scolding Xiao Huaihua for being a white-eyed wolf and losing money. The only one who was not scolded was his eldest grandson of the Jia family, Banggeng. .

Yang Jun and Yang Mei have been back to the backyard since Qin Huairu took Jia Zhang back to the gate of the compound.

None of them wanted to have any interaction with the Jia family. It was too late to hide, and no one was willing to get closer.

Seeing that the courtyard was much quieter, Yang Juncai and Yi Qiushui left.


Early the next morning, Yang Jun went to work.

As soon as he arrived at the office, he saw the production section chief Lu Changsheng and a dozen workshop directors blocking the door of his office.

Seeing that there were many people, Yang Jun led them directly to the small conference room.

"Director Yang, you have to take care of it. If this continues, we will definitely not be able to complete orders this quarter."

Before Yang Jun could speak, Lu Changsheng, the chief of the production department, complained to him first.

"Tell me, why are you in such a hurry and blocking me so early in the morning?" Yang Jun asked from the main seat.

"Deputy Director Li has transferred all the best people in the factory and stopped a production workshop. If this progress continues, this quarter's orders will definitely not be completed."

Yang Jun was stunned when he heard this. What he was worried about finally happened.

 Happy National Day to everyone.

  I've been too busy during this period and haven't had time to take care of it. I'm really sorry.

  Thank you all for your continued support.

  Thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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