Siheyuan: Domineering life

Chapter 211 Pig hunting in the mountains

Chapter 211 Pig hunting in the mountains
Mentougou Village is also connected to buses.
There is a bus station at the entrance of the village, and it is bustling with people coming and going. Many of them come here from the city by bus.

Yang Jun asked Ma Juzi to park the car next to the bus stop, and then several people carried guns and prepared to enter the mountain.

People who came from the city to play here looked at them with envy when they saw them carrying such well-equipped guns. A few people even asked to be with them, but Ma Xiangxiu refused.

There is no other reason.

She was afraid that someone would shoot wild vegetables with her.

Several people stood on the path at the entrance of the village and kept looking around. Their eyes wandered back and forth among the emerald green peaks, seeming to be looking for the best hunting spot.

Now in early spring, it is the season when all things come back to life.

Old trees and dead grass sprout new shoots, and the mountains are full of vitality.

"Let's go over there."

Yang Anguo pointed to the deeper emerald green mountain forest in the distance and said.

Several people nodded and followed him towards the mountains.

The darker the color, the more lush the trees are.

Where there are lush forests, there must be wild animals.

Yang Jun raised his wrist and looked at the time. It was about ten o'clock in the morning.

Before entering the mountains, you must check the time and be aware of it.

You need to leave enough time to get out, you cannot stay in it for a long time, and try not to spend the night in the mountains.

"Look, there's a money tree."

As they were walking, they suddenly heard Ma Xiangxiu's voice.

Everyone looked in the direction of her finger, and sure enough they found an elm tree not far away. Since it was early spring, the elm tree had just sprouted, and the leaves were not edible yet.

"Let's go, go ahead and take a look."

Yang Anguo sighed and then led the way.

The leaves had just sprouted and it would take some time to pick them, so everyone had to give up the idea of ​​picking the leaves.

The group of people walked into the mountains for more than an hour, marking the way along the way to avoid getting lost when they came out.

Then they continued walking deeper.

Along the way, there were very few flying birds, let alone pheasants and hares.

On the contrary, Ma Xiangxiu was very happy. Along the way, she dug up a lot of wild vegetables, including mulberry beans, shepherd's purse, purslane, bracken, water celery, and even found a wild toon tree.

Yang Anguo happily climbed up the tree and picked the tenderest leaves on the branches.

More than two hours passed, and no one caught a single prey, but they dug a sack full of wild vegetables.

Yang Jun raised his wrist and looked at the time. It was almost one o'clock in the afternoon.

If you can't catch any more prey, you have to go back. After all, spending the night in the mountains is extremely dangerous.

"If we walk forward for another hour, if we still don't gain anything, we will have to go back the same way."

Yang Jun said to the three of them.

The three of them nodded upon hearing this, knowing that Yang Jun was right.

However, I came out of this day with no results at all, which was quite disappointing.

Especially Yang Anguo, he likes to play with guns the most. He finally gets the gun out. If the gun is not released, he will go back, no matter what.

Several people put the sack of wild vegetables on the spot and continued walking into the mountains.

As a senior hunter, Yang Anguo naturally walked at the front. He stopped and walked, looking here for a while, squatting down and touching the footprints on the ground, and then looking around.

As time passed by, Yang Anguo's eyes gradually showed disappointment.

Yang Jun raised his wrist and looked at his watch. It was already two o'clock.

It's time to go back.

It took four hours to enter the mountain, and at least two hours to get out. Then we should leave some time on the road, and it would not be too late to get home.

"Let's go back."

Yang Jun stopped them, then patted Yang Anguo on the shoulder and said,
"If your hands are itchy, I'll allow you to shoot a couple of times to satisfy your cravings."

"Really, brother?"

Yang Anguo said excitedly after hearing this.

The look of disappointment on his face suddenly disappeared.

I saw him skillfully taking off the [-] cover from his shoulders, looking around, looking for a target, then taking two steps forward, half-kneeling on the ground, holding guns in both hands, staring at the target in front of him.

When Yang Jun saw this, he found that the boy's posture when holding a gun was quite standard, and he was even familiar with the shooting movements. It seemed that he had not been training in vain during this period of time in the security department.

Ma Juzi looked at Yang Anguo with envy, eager to try the gun in his hand.

It's been about 1 minutes.


A gunshot broke the silence of the deep forest.

The birds on my fingers flew around.

Yang Anguo pulled the bolt of the gun and was about to fire the second shot.

Suddenly there was a "squeaking" sound from a pile of dead grass in the distance.

Everyone heard the sound and looked back.

I saw a yellow wave appearing on the withered grass, as if something was running towards this direction.

As the wave surged, Kucao Xun quickly separated to both sides.

"No, it's a wild boar."

Yang Anguo exclaimed.

Yang Anguo just finished speaking.

There were dense rustling sounds all around the withered grass, and streaks of green light radiated towards this side in the shape of meteors.

The sound became louder and louder, and everyone became panicked.

"Wild boars."

This time it was Ma Juzi who spoke out, his voice laced with panic.One wild boar is difficult enough to deal with, but now we encountered a group of wild boars.

Yang Jun, with more than ten years of battlefield killing experience, immediately shouted at the three of them.

"Get cover quickly and don't collide with them head-on."

The four people hurriedly looked for cover, some hiding behind rocks and some hiding behind thick trees.

Yang Jun assessed the situation, took out a loaded May [-]th pistol from the space and threw it to Yang Anguo. Then, he also pulled out a pistol from his waist and placed it at his feet.

There were too many wild boars, and the rifle needed time to be loaded. He was afraid that it would be too late, so he had to use a pistol to push one.

Ma Juzi, who was hiding behind the stone, saw this and quickly took out his pistol.

Ma Xiangxiu and Yang Jun were hiding together. At this time, her face was pale and her legs were trembling.

"Xiangxiu, step on my shoulders and climb the tree."

Yang Jun squatted on the ground holding a Mosingana rifle and motioned to Ma Xiangxiu to step on his shoulders and climb the tree.

Ma Xiangxiu may have been frightened and stood there motionless.

Seeing this, Yang Anguo yelled at her anxiously.

"Xiangxiu, step on my brother's shoulder and get on the tree. It's too late."

Ma Xiangxiu was awakened by the thunder, and climbed up in a panic on Yang Jun's shoulders.

At this time, on the mountainside of this deep mountain and old forest, on this desolate grassland, a confrontation was taking place.

On one side were eight ugly and fierce wild boars, while on the other side were Yang Jun and the four of them.

Yang Jun was not as panicked as the three of them. After all, he had experienced life and death countless times, and he had encountered countless more dangerous scenes than this.

At this time, there was no trace of panic in his heart, but a little excitement flashed in his eyes.

I was originally planning to go home, but I didn't expect that I would bump into the wild boar family by mistake.

There were eight wild boars, although the number was somewhat large, but there were only two larger wild boars, and the remaining six were all half-sized piglets.

"I'll hit the one on the left, and you two will hit the one on the right."

Capturing the thief first captures the king, so he decided to take care of the two big ones first, leaving the remaining few small ones to worry about.

But he was afraid that the two guys were not accurate with their marksmanship, so he asked them to deal with the other one together.

Yang Jun slowly straightened up and pushed Ma Xiangxiu up against the tree. Then he hid behind the tree and aimed his gun at the wild boar on the left.

"Got it, brother."

Yang Anguo and Ma Juzi responded, then exposed their heads and pointed their guns at the one on the right.

The wild boar can be said to be the king of the deep forest, much more terrifying than the bears and tigers, especially the wild boar group cannot be underestimated.

Although bears and tigers are scary, they have weaknesses, that is, they can be penetrated by knives and shot by guns, but wild boars are different. They live in the mountains all year round, and their bodies are covered with pine nuts and soil. Their fur is very hard and almost invulnerable.

If it misses a hit, its animal nature will be stimulated, and it will become even more dangerous.

The fatal point of the wild boar is the head, which is also the weakest point on his body. Of course, in addition to hitting the head, the butt can also be hit.

It's just that the area is too small and difficult to target.


Several wild boars looked at them impatiently and tried to rush over.

Especially the leading wild boar was restless, showing its fangs in its mouth to demonstrate at them.


With a rapid snort, the big wild boar took the lead in launching an attack, and the wild boar following him also rushed towards them.


Yang Jun fired first and hit the wild boar in the head.

The wild boar staggered, and there was a faint light of blood coming from the top of its head. In an instant, its wildness exploded, and then it continued to charge towards him.

Immediately afterwards, two gunshots were heard, and Yang Anguo and Ma Juzi's guns rang out.

However, because they were relatively unlucky, the bullet grazed the wild boar's head and bounced off its rough-skinned and fleshy body.

When Yang Jun saw this, he didn't panic.

The trigger in his hand was pulled continuously.

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

He fired four shots in a row, consuming all the bullets in the gun and easily hitting the target's head. By the way, he also gave the other wild boar two bullets.

The two wild boars swayed for a moment, then fell to the ground.

Yang Jun threw away the long gun and quickly picked up the May [-]th pistol.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!..."

He fired seven shots in a row, hitting the remaining six little wild boars indiscriminately.

Every bullet hit their heads accurately.

However, due to the low power of the pistol and their rough skin and thick flesh, the bullets left almost no damage except for shallow marks on their foreheads.

However, these little wild boars were not like the two big pigs. They quickly panicked and immediately turned around and ran deeper into the withered grass.

"Bang! Bang!"

Two gunshots were heard again, and Yang Anguo and Ma Juzi fired two shots at the escaping wild boar.

Immediately afterwards, a little wild boar was seen running, leaning to one side, and then fell to the ground with a crash.

"I hit it, I hit it."

Yang Anguo waved his fist and shouted excitedly.

Yang Jun did not relax his vigilance because the wild boar fell. He held the pistol in both hands and carefully observed his surroundings.

There were two bullets left in the gun.

This is a habit he developed in the army, always keeping a bullet just in case.

The ammunition capacity of the May 5th pistol is only eight rounds. In order to extend the life of the spring magazine, it usually only presses 7-[-] rounds. However, there are many May [-]th pistols in Yang Jun's space, and they do not consider the life of the spring magazine at all, even in the gun chamber. Added one more.

(End of this chapter)

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