Siheyuan: Domineering life

Chapter 240 Return to the City

Chapter 240 Return to the City
until dinner time.

Only then did Yang Laosi memorize a text of less than [-] words.

Yang Jun didn't make it difficult for her and let her have dinner.

But you are absolutely not allowed to leave this yard.

He wanted to temper her temper and make her calm down and study.

several days in a row.

In addition to going to the village three times a day to solve problems, Yang Jun spent the rest of his time staying in the mourning hall and watching Yang Laosi study.

Not to mention, after Yang Laosi was treated by him, he immediately showed his learning talent. He could memorize the text in half a day, but now he can memorize it in half an hour.

Yang Jun kept pushing her harder, and her performance became more and more shocking. Even Wang Yuying was stunned.

Ever since she was little, Yang Laosi has always been her biggest headache at every parent-teacher meeting.

It’s okay to be ranked last in the class, but I have to make her ranked last in the school so that she can’t hold her head high in front of other parents.

Now, she can see from Yang Laosi the same energy that Yang Liu used to study hard. Yang Yu is not stupid, but no one can cure her.

Now after Yang Jun's conditioning, he knows how to study, and even shows a genius-like enthusiasm for learning.

February thirteenth.

This day is the day when grandma is buried.

At dawn, the whole family got up.

The first thing Yang Jun does every day is to go to the wasteland at the entrance of the village to solve personal problems.

When he came back from outside, many people had gathered in the yard. Ma Sanpao and his sons set up a big pot in the open space at the entrance of the yard and were cooking.

The banquets in rural areas are different from those in cities. They don't cook vegetables at all. Most people stew a pot of mixed vegetables and then eat them black. If they are richer, they eat corn buns.

Grandma's funeral was about noodles. Early in the morning, more than a dozen women from the village came to help roll the noodles. Once they were rolled, they were thrown into the pot and cooked. Of course, there were also people who watched the pot. After the noodles were cooked, they were poured into cold water. Pour it through and then pour the prepared soup over it.

After one bowl is served, another bowl is taken away, commonly known as flowing water mat.

This way of eating noodles is to eat noodles without drinking soup, but the villagers are not willing to waste it. They eat all the soup and noodles.

From morning to now, a total of more than two hours have passed, and people are queuing up to eat. Everyone eats one bowl and then another. Each person has at least three bowls.

Who told the Yang family to let go and eat with open stomachs.

According to the custom here, the body must be buried before noon, because after noon it is time for the underworld.

Since Yang Gui is gone, Yang Jun can only take on the responsibility of the eldest son for his father. The past two days have exhausted him. Wang Dayan took him to worship ancestors and visit cemeteries. He was busy all day long. Feet do not touch the ground.

It wasn't until almost noon that the coffin was taken out and buried.

The cemetery is on the plateau not far from the back mountain. This is where the ancestors of the Yang family are buried. He even saw his father's cemetery next to it.

His father, Yang Gui, was buried in the suburbs of Sijiu City. This cemetery was a cenotaph. It was a grave built by grandparents who missed their son so that they could enjoy incense and worship during festivals.

Wang Dayan measured the time very accurately. The moment the coffin was lowered to the ground was exactly [-] noon.

After returning from the cemetery, Yang Jun's bones seemed to be falling apart. When he returned home, he lay on the kang and did not want to move.

Wang Yuying came over to see him, and then discussed with him a date for returning home.

What else could Yang Jun do? The sooner he could go back, the better.

Not to mention not taking a shower for so many days, food and accommodation were all suffering, not to mention there were a lot of things waiting for him to deal with in the steel rolling mill.

After dinner that night.

Many people came to the Yang family one after another.

Most of these people came here with something in their hands.

Some were carrying pheasants caught in the mountains, some were carrying two cigarettes, and some were carrying souvenirs from the countryside.

Their only purpose is to hope that Yang Jun can help find a job.

The courtyard was full of people, and even outside the courtyard there were people waiting for news.

Grandpa Yang Wenhou squatted at the foot of the wall, smoking a dry cigarette, lowering his head and saying nothing.

The second uncle and the second mother were busy serving them tea and water.

"Young and old men, I understand why you are here, but I want to apologize to you."

Yang Jun stood in front and said with an apologetic look: "You have also seen that now all the intellectuals in the city have gone to the countryside to receive labor training. Now the employees in the factories are overstaffed, and it is too late to lay off employees. There is no spare time at all. index."

"Brothers Junzi, seeing that we all have the same clan and roots, please take my second son away."

At this time, a middle-aged man took over. He bent over and looked at Yang Jun eagerly.

Yang Jun knew this man, he was his cousin.

Yang Jun's grandfather is the second child, and his grandfather is the eldest, so they are cousins ​​with Yang Jun.

In terms of kinship, they haven't released the fifth server yet, so they can be considered the same family.

"Cousin, it's not that I don't help, it's just that I really can't arrange it. There are no indicators above, so there's nothing I can do."

Naturally, Yang Jun would not help with this. If he agreed to take the boy with him, the people in the yard would be even more reluctant to leave.

"Brother Junzi, my family has a large population and there is really not enough food to eat. Can you please do a good job and bring my second son with you? You don't need to pay for the work, just take care of the food." The cousin continued to plead.

When his second uncle Yang Dong saw this, he quickly came over to smooth things over.

"I'm talking to the Han people, please don't make it difficult for the soldiers. He doesn't run the factory, so how can you just say that people are crammed in?"

Second mother Qin Xiuzhi echoed: "Don't embarrass Junzi. If he can help, can he just watch you starve and suffer?"

"Big guy, I'm sorry."

After Yang Jun finished speaking, he turned around and returned to the cave dwelling.

Everyone looked at each other.

Yang Jun stayed behind closed doors and had already made his attitude clear.

Everyone looked at each other and left dejectedly.After a while, when there was no movement in the yard, Yang Jun walked out.

He lit a cigarette and squatted next to his grandfather Yang Wenhou.

"Grandpa, are you causing trouble to the family?"

Yang Jun knew that this incident must have offended the people in the village. They must have opinions about the second uncle's family, and they might even be isolated by the people in the village.

When grandpa heard this, he knocked the cigarette pot in his hand on the ground and poured out the ash inside. He sighed and said,

"It's all forced by life. The most difficult thing in a person's life is to live and suffer."

Second uncle Yang Dong took a puff of cigarette and said slowly: "It doesn't matter how old we are, as long as your generation can live a good life, this life will be considered complete."

When Yang Jun heard this, he lamented: "It's so difficult to live."

"Grandpa, second uncle, why don't you go to the city with me?"

When the three of them heard this, their expressions suddenly showed relief, but no one agreed.

"I'm old, I can't work around for a few days anymore, and I'm too lazy to move."

Grandpa put the cigarette pot into the cigarette bag, took it out a few times, and then pressed it with his thumb.

Yang Jun quickly lit the fire for him.

"Junzi, we appreciate your kindness. Second uncle would like to thank you. If it weren't for you, Anguo Anbang would still be digging in the soil right now."

The second uncle looked at the sky with blurred eyes, as if he had seen through the cycle of cause and effect in life.

None of them spoke.

Yang Jun knew in his heart that his second uncle, second mother, and grandfather would not live in the city with him, because their roots were in this yellow land, and their love for this land flowed in their blood.

the next day.

Before dawn, Yang Jun's family got up.

He wanted to set out before dawn to avoid the embarrassment of meeting people in the village.

Yang Anbang's work certificate has been sent as a matter of urgency, and he has gone to the commune to complete the relevant transfer procedures.

Today, Yang Anbang and his family are going back to the city with the car.

Yang Jun scattered the luggage on the roofs of the two cars. Those that could not fit on the roofs were placed at the back of the cars and tied tightly with ropes.

The jeep borrowed from the steel rolling mill has five seats. Fortunately, Yang Anbang's two children are still small and can barely fit in.

Before leaving, Yang Jun left 500 yuan and [-] kilograms of food stamps to his second uncle, and promised to send his grandfather ten yuan in pension every month.

The family said goodbye reluctantly, and the second uncle and second mother even sent them to a place far away from the entrance of the village.

Yang Jun drove the car very slowly until they could no longer be seen, and then accelerated away.

When I went back, I was not as anxious as when I came here, so it took more than three days to get back to Sijiu City.

Yang Jun first sent Wang Yuying and others back to the courtyard, and then he returned to his home.

Originally, he wanted to arrange for Yang Anbang to live in his own home, but he refused to agree and had to live in the same hospital as Yang Anguo, Ma Juzi and others.

Yang Jun knew that he just didn't want to cause trouble to himself.

Fortunately, the courtyard is spacious and has nine rooms.

Yang Anguo vacated the three main rooms for Yang Anbang's family to live in. He and Ma Xiangxiu moved to the east wing.

As for Ma Juzi and Zhou Miaomiao's mother and son, they live in the west wing. Fortunately, there are three reverse rooms, which are quite spacious.

As soon as Yang Jun got home, he lit a fire and boiled water. The first thing he had to do was take a bath.

During these days of staying in his hometown, maggots were all over his body. He slept on the wheat straw in the mourning hall every day, and his whole body felt itchy and uncomfortable. He must take a good wash today.

After the hot water was boiled, he locked the door and asked Yi Qiushui to go into the bathroom together.


When I came out of the bathroom, it was already past four o'clock in the afternoon.

Yang Jun thought for a while and decided not to go to the factory today.

As the host, he wanted to treat Yang Anbang's family to a meal.

However, when he went to the next yard to call them, Ma Xiangxiu had already prepared the meal.

Rice is white flour steamed buns.

Dish, just one dish, braised pork and cabbage with vermicelli.

Fortunately, there were a lot of vegetables, enough to hold two large vegetable basins.

Yang Jun went back and called Yi Qiushui, and the family sat together to eat and drink.

After eating, the two went directly back to sleep.

Early the next morning, Yang Jun went to work in the factory.

He first called Jiang Haitao to the office and asked about what happened in the past few days.
He was relieved to hear that nothing serious happened, and then he began to deal with the backlog of documents that had accumulated over the past few days.

He was in charge of logistics, I learned from these documents.

Prices have been getting higher and higher recently, and it is difficult to buy food even if you have money.

People from the supply and marketing cooperative have been here many times.
They have to re-sign the material supply contract, because according to the original contract, they can no longer deliver food in quality and quantity.

 This chapter is handled rather hastily.

  It’s not that I don’t want to write, but it’s not good to write about feudal superstition in chronological articles.'s easy to be...

  Everyone knows it.

(End of this chapter)

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