Siheyuan: Domineering life

Chapter 255 Beat up Liu Zhi

Chapter 255 Beat up Liu Zhi
The cartons were prepared in advance and were specially used for drawing lots.

Each paper ball has the corresponding building number, floor and specific room written on it.

Lots are drawn in no order. Starting from the front row, everyone lines up to draw lots one by one.

Whenever a house is captured, the notekeeper next to it will record the specific name and house information in the book.

"Unlucky, I got picked on the first floor." A cadre said angrily after grabbing the note.

No one wants to live on the first floor. The first floor is dirtier than other floors, and there are strange noises coming from upstairs.

"You are lucky, my house is next to the bathroom." A seventh-level fitter next to him was even more dejected.

The ventilation effect of the Tongzi Building is poor, so the smell from the bathroom is difficult to dissipate. It is okay in winter, but in summer, the corridor is filled with the smell of urine, especially those households near the bathroom, and the doors are not dared to be opened at all.

Of course, some people are happy and some are sad.

Those who got a good house rejoiced, while those who didn't got a good house considered themselves unlucky.

However, they also exchange houses privately.

As long as they both agree, they can go to the notekeeper to change the registration information.

The factory gave them three days to give them enough time to change houses.

After three days, no exchange is allowed.

As a leader, he naturally has the priority to choose a house.

Before the meeting, Wu Zilou, the head of the housing management department, personally visited Yang Jun's office and left the two best houses to him.

Previously, when raising funds to build a house, Yang Jun signed up and also signed up for Yang Mei.

Finally, after counting the registration list, a total of 220 cadres contributed money to build houses.

The factory provides part of the money for the cadres' housing, and the cadres raise the rest themselves.

All in all, the average share per person is 570 yuan.

This 570 yuan is not a small amount of money. This amount of money is equivalent to a cadre's salary for a year.

However, the 570 yuan is well spent. Each house has two bedrooms and one living room, with an external kitchen. The area is [-] to [-] square meters, which is enough for a family to live.

By the way, many people have converted their kitchens into small rooms, so everyone sees on TV that employees are cooking in the corridors.

Yang Jun's and Yang Mei's houses are located together on the top floor, with doors next to each other. If the room is too small, the wall can be opened in the middle, so that the two houses are connected together.

However, Yang Jun does not plan to live there.

The sound insulation effect of the house in Tongzilou is not very good. Neighbors can hear it when they grind their teeth and fart at night. The couple dare not make a loud noise if they want to have some private life.

Of course, the main reason is that Yang Jun thinks Tongzilou is too noisy.

He was not the only leader like Yang Jun. Yuan Kaizong, Yan Huaisheng, and Wang Erwa were also allocated a set of cadre housing, but they had no intention of living there.

His original intention of buying this apartment was for Yang Mei.

But now Yangmei lives in the courtyard, where the conditions are much better than those in Tongzilou, and there is also a separate bathroom.

He guessed that Yang Mei would definitely not live there.

After the meeting.

Yang Jun found Yang Mei and handed her the keys to the two houses.

Yang Mei was very moved.

But instead of taking the key, she pushed it back.

"Brother, I'd better leave the key with you."

"What happened?"

Yang Mei grimaced and sighed,
"Brother, you don't know what's going on with Liu Zhi's family. I'm afraid he will have ideas if he knows that I have two houses in my hands."

"Dare he?"

Yang Jun raised his eyebrows and said sternly: "The house is in my name. If he has any ideas, he can come to me."

"Brother, leave the key there for now. If I need it, I'll ask you for it."

Yangmei insisted not to.

"Okay then, tell me if you need anything."

In fact, Yang Jun understood her quite well. Even if the house was in his own name, Liu Zhi would definitely have some ideas if he learned that the key was in Yang Mei's hands. His younger brothers and sisters were getting older day by day, and they were all waiting. If you want to get married in a house, he will inevitably have the idea of ​​​​a house.

Even if they don't occupy it, they will always find excuses to let their younger brothers and sisters live first. Do you think Yang Mei agrees or disagrees?

It doesn't matter if he keeps the keys here, at least Liu Zhi has to think carefully when he makes the idea of ​​​​a house.

"Did you arrange Liu Lan's matter?" Yang Jun took back the key and asked casually.

When Yang Mei heard this, her face turned red and she said embarrassedly,

"Brother, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have arranged for Liu Lan under your banner."

"Okay, I don't mean to blame you. Even if you don't arrange Liu Lan, I will arrange it." Yang Jun waved his hand, indicating that she didn't need to care.

From the day he met Liu Lan, he guessed that Yang Mei did this behind his back.

In the steel rolling mill, the only people who can do things in his name are Yi Qiushui and Yang Mei.

One is his wife and the other is his sister. Everyone in the factory knows about their relationship, so everyone gives them a bit of a thumbs-down.

He knows Yi Qiushui.

First of all, she wouldn't do such a thing, and even if she did, she would say hello to him afterwards.

Secondly, she was too late to defend Yang Jun, the factory director, and would never do anything that would damage his reputation.

Therefore, the only person who can help Liu Lan is Yang Mei.

After Liu Lan was released, he was unemployed at home. Liu Zhi did not want to see his sister and her family having no food and clothing, and wanted to find a job for her. However, jobs were not that easy to find. He did not dare to ask Yang Jun, so he had to Please give me Yangmei.

Yang Mei didn't want to care about this matter, but when she thought about Liu Lan's bad life, it would definitely affect Liu Zhi, and her own life would not be easy by then.

Therefore, she asked the canteen director Lao Tang for help under Yang Jun's name and let Liu Lan return to work in the kitchen.

"Silly girl, I'm the director of the factory now. There are tens of thousands of eyes watching in the factory. You don't dare to do things under my name in the future. Do you understand?"

Yang Mei blushed and said, "Brother, I'm sorry, I will never dare to do that again."

"Okay, go back, don't run around with your big belly."

Yang Jun watched Yang Mei return to the office.

He turned to go back to the office.

Suddenly realized something was wrong.

He thought for a moment and hurried downstairs.

Came to Wang Erwa's office.

"Go and call Liu Zhi."

He sat on the sofa angrily.

"Your brother-in-law?" Wang Erwa was stunned and asked uncertainly.

"I want to see him immediately." Yang Jun ordered.

When Wang Erwa heard this, she didn't say anything. Instead, she left the office and told a security guard.

After hearing this, the security guard turned around and walked away.

"Are you having a conflict with your brother-in-law?"

Wang Erwa made him a cup of tea and placed it in front of him. "He'll be here later. Let's beat him up first, and remember not to slap him in the face." Yang Jun lit up a cigarette and gasped.

Hearing this, Wang Erwa smiled and said, "Wouldn't it be a good idea to bring your family matters to the factory?"

"Huh?" Yang Jun stared.

"Okay, okay, he will come later. I will greet him personally." Wang Erwa shrugged and expressed her helplessness.

After a while, the office door rang.

"Come in."

The security guard came in carrying Liu Zhi.

Wang Erwa shook her head and waved the guard down.


Wang Erwa swept Liu Zhi's legs, knocked him down, and then sat on top of him, punching and kicking him.

"Don't slap me in the face." Yang Jun shouted.

"Brother, why did you hit me?"

Liu Zhi hugged his head and huddled on the ground, begging for mercy.

Yang Jun patted Wang Erwa and asked him to stop.

He kicked Liu Zhi on the back.

"Don't you know why I hit you?"

Yang Jun said while kicking him: "You are so brave now that you actually do things under my banner. If it weren't for Mei Zi's sake, do you believe that I would let you two siblings get out of the factory?"

Liu Zhi lay on the ground and said nothing after hearing the words.

"Brother, I will never dare to do that again."


Yang Jun definitely didn't believe what he said.

As the saying goes, the country is easy to change, but the nature is hard to change.

Liu Zhi is such an old man, his character has been set, and it is impossible to change it.

If something like this happens once, there will be another. It cannot be changed with a beating.

Before, he almost believed Yang Mei's words.

Later, he thought carefully and realized that his sister would definitely not do such a thing behind his back. Liu Zhi must have asked for help in his name, and Yang Mei didn't want to see Yang Jun angry, so she hid it for him. .

"Starting from tomorrow, don't come to work. Just stay at home and take care of Meizi."

Yang Jun lit up a cigarette again and said thoughtfully.

"Ah?'s not like that." Liu Zhi asked, covering his arm.

"If you dare to say another word, I will ask your sister and brother to get out of the factory." Yang Jun glared.

Liu Zhi's younger brother Liu Kun is also working as an apprentice in the canteen. Although the salary is not high, it is enough to support the family.

When Liu Zhi heard this, he was startled and quickly responded: "Brother, I will listen to you."

He was really scared. Yang Jun could beat him in the factory, and even drive his sister and brother out of the factory. He didn't think Yang Jun was joking with him.

"get out."

Yang Jun gave him a disgusted look.

He didn't like Liu Zhi from the bottom of his heart.

Thinking back to the beginning, he was not satisfied with Yang Mei as a partner, but seeing that Yang Mei liked her, he didn't object much. Now in order to help his sister, he actually asked for help under his own banner.

This made Yang Jun very unhappy.

His sister Yang Mei, wife Yi Qiushui, brother Yang Anguo, and Ma Juzi have never used his name for personal gain, but Liu Zhi, his brother-in-law...

Yang Jun shook his head.

He felt that Liu Zhi could no longer stay in the steel rolling mill.

If he is allowed to stay any longer, he might do something even more outrageous in the future.

Let him go home to take care of Meizi first, and then consider arranging his work after Meizi gives birth.

Even if he doesn't work, Meizi's salary alone is enough to support his family.

Now, his only worry is how to explain this to Mei Zi and Wang Yuying.

However, he believed that Yang Mei and Wang Yuying could understand him.

"Come to my office for tea."

After Yang Jun finished smoking, he picked up the tea cup, smelled it, and then put it down in disgust: "I'll kill two by the way."

When Wang Erwa heard about drinking tea, she immediately beamed with joy, but when she heard about playing chess, her face suddenly dropped.

"Hey, you can drink tea, but you can play chess."

"What?" Yang Jun's eyes widened: "You even think my chess is bad?"

Wang Erwa curled her lips: "Lao Yang, if you don't do this, can you change someone else? Don't always catch someone and torture him to death."

When Yang Jun heard this, he was furious.

"One or two 'Lao Ban Zhang' ten rounds."

There is no other way but to use the trump card.

"Five innings."

"make a deal."

Now when he is looking for someone to play chess, he can only promise huge profits, otherwise no one will play with him.

With his current status, he can only go to Lao Wei, Wang Erwa, and Yuan Kaizong. As for the other people, he can't afford to lose that person.

Wang Erwa used to be greedy for his Chinese cigarettes, but after drinking 'Lao Ban Zhang' once in his office, her chess chips have changed.

With motivation.

Wang Erwa was not polite and didn't even give him face.

'Ping ping ping pong. '

Three strikes, five divides by two, and the chess game ends in the shortest time and as quickly as possible.

"Come again."


"come again"


Until after ten rounds.

Wang Erwa weighed the two taels of 'Lao Ban Zhang' in her hand with satisfaction, feeling that it was enough for a month.

"I'll follow you next month."


(End of this chapter)

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