Siheyuan: Domineering life

Chapter 266: Arranging for Uncle 1’s Family

Chapter 266 Arranging for Uncle’s Family

Wang Yuxian was stunned when he heard this, pushed up the reading glasses on the bridge of his nose, and looked up at him.

"Are you a soldier? I haven't seen you for so many years, and you have grown into an adult."

Wang Yuxian quickly put down the suitcase in his hand and hugged Yang Jun excitedly. Then he pointed at the young man behind him and said,
"This is your cousin Wang Xinliang."

Then he pointed to the seventeen-year-old girl behind him and said, "My cousin Wang Huizhen."

Then, he pointed to the woman walking at the end holding the little girl and said: "This is Xinliang's lover Qiao Lin, and my granddaughter Wang Lanxiang."

"Hi cousin."

Before Yang Jun could speak, several children from his uncle's family greeted him first.

"Hello everyone, it's been a long journey."

Yang Jun smiled, took the luggage from his uncle's hand and said, "This is not the place to talk. Let's talk about it when we go home."

Several people dragged their large and small luggage out of the train station.

Looking at the luggage all over the floor, Yang Jun felt worried. With so many things, the car would definitely not be able to accommodate them.

However, he has a way.

He called a rickshaw, took the important luggage with him, put all other things on the tricycle, told the rickshaw driver the address, and asked Wang Xinliang to drive back.

Yang Jun took his uncle and the others back to their rented place first.

Along the way, my uncle's family looked at the brand-new jeep, their eyes flashing from time to time.

My uncle and aunt winked from time to time, and they didn't know how to start the conversation several times.

Yang Jun knew that his uncle must have felt that it was embarrassing to be fired from the company, so he never mentioned it.

"Uncle, what are your plans when you come back?"

The uncle sighed and said: "I... haven't thought about it yet."

"Since you haven't thought about it, just listen to my arrangements." Yang Jun drove the car and glanced at his uncle from the corner of his eye.

"I've got a job for you at the rolling mill. You can start work tomorrow."

"Steel rolling mill? Is it the factory where your father worked?" The uncle said in surprise: "That's a big factory, and I heard it's not easy to get into."

"Yes, uncle, it's the factory where my dad used to work. However, now that factory is under my control, there is no problem in arranging for you to go in."

"It's under your control, what do you mean?" Aunt Bao Suna asked in confusion.

"I am now the director of the steel rolling mill, and I have the final say on all matters in the mill." Yang Jun explained.

As soon as Yang Jun finished speaking, his uncle and his family took a breath of air-conditioning and were so excited that they didn't know what to say.

"Junzi, what you said is true. You didn't lie to your uncle." Wang Yuxian said excitedly, pulling his arm.

"Uncle, why did I lie to you? Arranging your work is just a matter of my words."

"Okay, okay, your boy is going to be successful. If my brother-in-law finds out, I don't know how happy he will be."

The car soon arrived at the rented house.

This house is a single-family courtyard. Although it is not a quadrangle in the traditional sense, it is similar to a quadrangle. The house is built on the back, with three main rooms, two east wing rooms, and a thatched roof on the west side. The shed is specially used for cooking.

Although the house is not very good, the rent costs five yuan a month.

Wang Yuying and Yang Huai had been waiting there for a long time. When they saw Wang Yuxian, the sister and brother hugged each other and cried, and they kept nagging.

Yang Jun saw this and quickly pulled them into the yard.

When the house was rented, there was no furniture at all. Yang Jun asked Ma Juzi to buy second-hand furniture from the market after seeing the house.

In the east wing, there is a row of cabbage placed in the corner of the room, alongside the potatoes that Cheng brought, and a full bag of stick noodles, which Yang Jun prepared in advance for his uncle's family.

The uncle's family seemed to be very satisfied with the conditions here, and kept praising Yang Jun for his thoughtful service.

Everyone returned to the living room and sat down. There were several large white bowls on the table, containing boiling water that Wang Yuying had boiled in advance.

"Junzi, let Xinliang go to work in your factory. With my status..."

When the uncle said this, he sighed: "It's all my fault. If I hadn't made a mistake, Xinliang and your aunt wouldn't have lost their jobs."

There used to be three members of my uncle's family who worked. Because of my uncle's incident, they were implicated and their jobs were lost. Now they have to return to the place where they grew up.

Yang Jun felt that what Wang Yuxian said made sense. At present, it was really difficult for him to be assigned a job due to his status. Therefore, he also felt that it would be more appropriate to let Wang Xinliang go to work.

"Okay, let Xinliang go to work in the factory first. As for your work, uncle, we will arrange it slowly later."

Wang Yuying heard this and interjected from the side: "Junzi, please arrange a job for your cousin Huizhen. How can you support such a big family by relying on Xinliang to work alone."

When Yang Jun heard this, he frowned and said nothing.

Wang Yuying's words did make him a little embarrassed. He really thought that the steel rolling mill was run by his own family.

This mother is a doting fanatic. She only thinks about her younger brother and his family, and does not consider whether her son is in trouble.

"Let Xinliang go to work first, and we'll talk about Huizhen later." Yang Jun said.

When Wang Yuying heard this, she frowned and said, "Isn't it difficult to arrange it?"

"It's not difficult to arrange. Let's talk about it after this month."

The Tangshan Steelmaking Plant has been built and will be put into production in half a month. The factory is currently selecting a list of personnel to be transferred. If people are crammed in at this time, it will arouse others' suspicion.

Therefore, he thought that after this period of time had passed, he would arrange for Wang Huizhen to come in.

When Wang Yuying heard what he said, she was no longer so insistent. She knew her son, and if it wasn't too difficult, he would definitely be able to handle it.Although she felt sorry for her younger brother and his family, if Yang Jun was in trouble, she would definitely not force him, because everyone in the family was living their lives based on him, and nothing could happen to her son.

"It's up to you. I'll make arrangements for Huizhen when the time comes."

The uncle's family was not angry because Yang Jun did not arrange a job for Huizhen. After all, they all knew how difficult it was to find a job now, not to mention that Wang Xinliang had already been assigned to work in the factory.

That night, Yang Jun stayed at his uncle's house for dinner.

The food is just ordinary food. You can boil cabbage in water and mix it with some salt. This is how most people eat it, but Yang Jun is not used to it.

Because my uncle caused heavy losses to his work unit, he lost a lot of money. He borrowed the money for the bus ticket back from his colleagues. Now they are really penniless and they are lucky to be able to eat steamed buns.

Before leaving, Yang Jun saw Wang Yuying stuffing a bulging thing into Wang Yuxian's pocket. If he guessed correctly, it must be money and some tickets.

Although Yang Jun's impression of this uncle was before he was 17 years old, things like blood ties are very magical, and he hoped from the bottom of his heart that his uncle's family could live a better life.

At work the next day, Yang Jun called Cai Yufen to the office and asked him to take Wang Xinliang to go through the entry procedures.

As for the specific job, it was definitely not swinging a sledgehammer. Yang Jun asked him to stay in the canteen for a while, and then he would find an opportunity to transfer him to the grain collection store.

Later, Secretary Jiang informed him to go to the conference room for a meeting.

The main content of today's meeting is to discuss the redeployment of employees from the steelmaking plant.

The above document was issued, and it was decided to transfer [-] employees from the steel rolling mill to the Sugar Mountain Steel Mill.

Originally, the steel mill planned to recruit workers from all over the country, but the steel mill was eager to put into production. It was not suitable to think of all inexperienced workers, so it was temporarily decided to recruit workers from various steel rolling mills. As for the insufficient parts, they could recruit workers and slowly train them. .

In fact, the current steel rolling mill is already in a saturated state and even has redundancy. However, due to reasons at the steelmaking plant, there have been no layoffs.

Now, the official document is out.

The factory hastily started preparing for the transfer of personnel. Today's meeting is mainly to discuss the candidates for transfer and the conditions for transfer.

However, the participants in this meeting were mainly limited to senior leaders.

The reason why a meeting of all cadres was not held was because people were afraid that people would talk too much and all parties would consider their own interest chains. Not only would they not be able to discuss countermeasures, they might even make things more complicated.

However, the basic rule for drawing up personnel is to keep the good ones and send all the bad ones.

Of course, we can't just send all the weak ones over. At the very least, we need to send a few sixth- and seventh-level technicians there, so that we can deal with them more easily.

Although, there are clear transfer conditions above, stipulating which type of work and what technician level will be selected.

But since ancient times.

There are policies and measures to counter.

Everyone wants to keep good employees in their factory.

Therefore, today, Yang Jun and the five of them discussed this matter behind closed doors.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Yang Jun knocked on the table and said,
"I won't talk nonsense. Everyone has read the above documents. Now let's discuss specific methods."

As soon as Yang Jun finished speaking, Shang Tielong spoke first,

"If we redeploy 3000 people at once, won't our factory delay production?"

When Yang Jun heard this, he frowned and said: "Lao Shang, we are not discussing delays in production now. You should talk about how to adjust the production."

Hearing this, Shang Tielong raised his eyebrows and said loudly: "What else can we do? Just follow the results of the last assessment, pull from the bottom up, and send all the bad ones over."

After getting along with each other for a period of time, everyone knows that this Shang Tielong has an iron head, a straightforward temper, can't get rid of the sand in his eyes, and is straight-forward in what he says and does.

Although everyone knows that transfers are all about giving away the bad ones and keeping the good ones, you can't say it outright.

"I think we should consult everyone. We will not stop those who want to go to the steelmaking plant. If there are not enough people, we will follow Lao Shang's method." Yuan Kaizong said.

When everyone heard the words, they all nodded.

This part of the document also contains provisions that require everyone to stay or leave as they please on a voluntary basis.

"The matter is urgent and we don't have much time left. Let's just ask for the opinions of all employees within three days. If there are not enough people by then, we can only decide whether to stay or leave based on the results of the last technician assessment. Liu Feng made an excuse.

Everyone nodded after hearing this, and that was all they could do for now.

However, everyone knew in their hearts that few people were willing to go to the steelmaking plant voluntarily.

After all, their homes and families are all in Sijiu City, and no one is willing to leave their hometown and go to a foreign place.

However, the situation still requires us to leave.

As for how many people are willing to go to the steel plant, we will only know after three days.


Three days passed quickly.

Judging from the registration, less than 300 employees are willing to go to the steelmaking plant, and most of these [-] people are unmarried young people. The reason why they are willing to work in the steelmaking plant is for the purpose of dividing the worker dormitories.

After all, most people are willing to stay in Forty-Nine City. Even if they don't have dormitories or employee housing, they would rather be crowded with their families than go to the steel mill.

So today, Yang Jun and the others gathered together for a meeting.

But this meeting not only included the five of them, but also the main leaders of various departments.

The remaining 2700 people on the transfer list can only be selected based on the results of the last assessment.

After a meeting, it was decided to transfer 2650 employees from various workshops, and an additional [-] cadres and clerks.

The steelmaking plant not only needs production employees, but also management cadres, so cadres and clerks are also on the list this time.

(End of this chapter)

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