Siheyuan: Domineering life

Chapter 371 Huangtai Commune

Chapter 371 Huangtai Commune
After talking about business.

The food in the kitchen is also ready.

Due to lack of preparation time, I only cooked six dishes this time.

This time, the Kingdom did not prepare snacks after the meal, so the task of serving the dishes could only fall on a few of them.

Lao Zhao is over 70 years old. He is only responsible for cooking. As for serving food, he does not do such things.

After all, cooks also have dignity.

Fortunately, Wang Guozheng and the others respected Lao Zhao very much.

"Anguo, come in and eat."

Yang Jun kicked Yang Anguo, who was squatting in the yard watching the ants move.

Yang Jun was talking inside just now, but Yang Anguo didn't let him in, so he stayed in the yard.

"Brother, why don't I serve as the driver?"

Yang Anguo looked embarrassed.

However, there was a trace of heat in his eyes, his Adam's apple twitched, and he was almost drooling.

Yang Jun rolled his eyes at him and said, "You are thick-skinned, it doesn't matter."

"Thank you bro."

Yang Jun has said so. If Yang Anguo can't understand what it means anymore, he might as well find a piece of tofu and hit the ball to death.

Since Yang Jun said he can serve it, it means that he is the only one who can be so casual.

Just now, he had been squatting at the door of the kitchen and looking at it for a long time. The smell of the food was so tempting.

He thought to himself that he had only been working as a driver for Yang Jun for a few days and had eaten two good meals.

Although he didn't enjoy the dumplings that time, he still tasted them. Today was even better. Just now he saw the old man in the kitchen stewing a pot of elbows.

At this moment, he very much regretted the decision he had made, and at the same time he was very envious of Ma Juzi. This guy had been with Yang Jun for such a long time and had a lot of good things to eat.

Six dishes filled the dining table, and there were white-flour steamed buns that had just come out of the cage in the cage next to them.

Several people didn't drink any wine this time and went straight to the meal.

Wang Guozheng and Zhong Yuemin had already eaten, and at the moment they were mainly talking to Yang Jun.

The only people who really do the work are Yang Jun and Yang Anguo.

The food cooked by Lao Zhaotou was indeed extraordinary. Yang Jun ate three steamed buns in a row before he was full. Yang Anguo didn't know how much he ate, but he never stopped.

Finally, after baskets of white flour steamed buns were eaten, Yang Anguo was finally full.

Wang Guozheng and Zhong Yuemin witnessed the birth of a real loser throughout the whole process. They kept praising Yang Anguo for his strong physique and tried to win him over to follow them. l
After drinking and eating.

Seeing that there were two elbows on the table, Yang Jun waved his hand and said,



Wang Guozheng: "Brother Junzi, isn't that the case?"

Zhong Yuemin: "How about I ask Lao Zhao to go over and cook a meal for you another day?"

Yang Jun waved his hand and said, "Okay, don't worry about it, I just don't want to waste food."

Yang Jun stood up, picked up the big bowl of elbows and handed it to Yang Anguo.

"I'm back. See you at twelve o'clock tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow."


on the way back.

Yang Anguo was sitting in the passenger seat, holding the sea bowl in both hands, staring at the soup in the bowl for fear of spilling it.

"Brother, thank you."

Yang Anguo knew that Yang Jun wanted these two elbows specifically for him, otherwise, given his status, he would not do such a derogatory thing.

Yang Jun was driving while looking at Yang Anguo's funny look.

"The child has been crying a lot lately. Is he hungry?"

Yang Anguo said with a grimace: "Yes, Xiangxiu doesn't have enough milk and the child doesn't have enough to eat. Can't you make a fuss?"

"Buy some milk powder and mix it in."

As soon as Yang Jun finished speaking, he regretted it.

If only milk powder could be bought, the children would not go hungry.

Yang Anguo's salary is not enough to feed himself every month. A bucket of milk powder worth 12 yuan is not something he can afford.

"I still have two barrels of milk powder at home. I'll take them back later."

"No, brother, the child can just drink rice porridge."

Yang Anguo refused.

Two buckets of milk powder were almost his monthly salary. It was okay to eat and drink with Yang Jun, but it was absolutely impossible for him to accept such an expensive gift.

Yang Jun was speechless upon hearing this.

The child is only over two months old, can he get used to drinking that stuff?

The clear soup with little water will not make you hungry.

"Okay, I've never seen you polite before. What happened today?" Yang Jun teased.

Usually, this boy and Ma Juzi often steal wine from themselves, and eat meat piece by piece, but they have never been so polite as today.

"Brother, you see you bought me a bicycle and took me to eat good food. I feel embarrassed."

"What are you embarrassed about? I'm your brother and I can't write two Yang characters in one stroke."

Yang Jun's face darkened and he said, "Just keep the things I give you from now on, and don't worry about other things. Do you understand?"

Yang Anguo choked a few times, then said with a blushing face: "I know, brother."

Even though Yang Anguo is a tall and powerful person, he is afraid of Yang Jun.

At this moment, seeing that Yang Jun was a little unhappy, he quickly agreed.

After returning home.

Yang Jun pretended to go back to the living room and took out two buckets of milk powder from the space and gave them to Yang Anguo.

After Yang Anguo left, Yang Jun went to the east wing to take a look, but Yang Laosi was not there.

Ever since Yi Qiushui went to the countryside, Yang Jun had left early and returned late. This girl had no one to take care of her anymore, so she simply slept in the yard next door at night.

Yang Jun didn't ask her to come back, but took a shower and went to bed.

Early the next morning, Yang Jun arrived at the factory.

He immediately dispatched two trucks, called ten people from the security department, and then left the factory.

After receiving the medicine, he planned to deliver it to Huangtai Commune in person.

He didn't know how long he would stay there this time, so he didn't take Yang Anguo with him.

After all, there is no man in the family, so he doesn't feel at ease.

The car drove for nearly two hours before arriving at the school where the last transaction was held.

When he arrived, the kingdom had been waiting for a long time.This time, Zhong Yuemin didn't come. In Wang Guozheng's words, the snacks served last night were so sweet that he couldn't get up.

When Yang Jun heard this, he took it as a joke and didn't take it to heart.

Zhong Yuemin gets the medicinal wine from him every month, just like a dead tree blooming with spring, and he never misses every opportunity.

Yang Jun and Wang Guo were squatting aside and smoking, watching the people who brought them carry medicines to the car.

"Brother Junzi, these medicines are sent to the northwest. For your sake, I have offended the people there."

Righteousness of the Kingdom.

"Okay, don't be miserable in front of me. I'll give you an extra 20 in supplies next time."

When Wang Guozheng heard this, his eyes lit up, he gave a thumbs up and said: "The situation is bad!"

"Brother Junzi, why not be generous and make up the whole amount? How about 50 supplies?"

"Isn't 20 enough?" Yang Jun rolled his eyes and said, "Brother Guozheng, it's not that I don't want to help you, but I really can't get it."

"I am just the director of a steel rolling mill, and I am not specialized in your line of work. Where can I get so many supplies?"

"Okay, brother, I won't force you anymore, just 20."

The kingdom is closing in when it's good.

However, he also knew that if he pressed hard, he might not even get the 20 yuan.

"Be careful, there are medicines inside."

Yang Jun yelled at the person holding the medicine.

These people were so careless that they threw the entire box of medicines up, which made him worried.

There were not many medicines, and they were packed in less than half an hour.

Yang Jun checked carefully and found nothing wrong, so he ordered the guards to pedal.

After saying hello to Guozheng, Yang Jun got on the first truck and set off.

Huangtai Commune is more than 200 kilometers away from here, so we probably won't be able to get there before dark.

However, Yang Jun did not urge the driver to put drug safety first.

Yang Jun slept in the car. When he woke up, it was already dark.

The driver had already turned on the lights and was driving unsteadily on the mountain road.

"How long will it take?"

"Director, there are still more than 20 kilometers." The driver replied.

"Drive slowly, don't rush."

The long journey of thousands of miles is just about the last step, and the safety of medicines must be protected.

Among the medicines this time, there were many reagent-type medicines. If you were not careful, they would all shatter on the floor.

Yang Jun was not going to sleep anymore, but lit a cigarette to refresh himself.

After about 10 minutes, we finally arrived at our destination, Huangtai Commune.

At this time, the lights have already started to turn on.

Looking at the dots of lights around him, Yang Jun judged that Huangtai Commune should be so poor that only the organizational structure remained.

Although it is said to be a commune, it is actually a little bigger than a village.

The town is not big, so we found the town hospital in no time.

To say it is a hospital, it is better to describe it as a village clinic.

There are three houses and two doctors in total. The hospital doesn't even have a door. In the corner, you can faintly hear the sound of "humming". When you walk in, you will find that it is a pigsty.

There were two bonfires lit in the yard, and a group of people were sitting around talking and laughing.

There was an iron pot hanging on the bonfire, and in the pot was rice porridge. At this moment, a gay man was stirring it. It looked like they hadn't had dinner yet.

"The factory director personally delivered the medicine."

Someone in the yard shouted, and immediately many people stood up and ran towards this side.

"Director, you are really timely."

"Yes, if we don't send medicines again, we will really run out of ammunition and food."

"It's great, those fellow villagers can finally afford medical treatment."

Everyone was talking and saying words of thanks.

It can be seen that during this period, life in the countryside brought them deep feelings, so that their hearts were closely connected with the illness of the fellow villagers.

"Everyone has worked hard, and I would like to thank you."

Yang Jun greeted them warmly and kept thanking them.

No matter what, they were also the medical assistance team that came down on behalf of the steel rolling mill. They did a good job, and Yang Jun was very happy.

He was also a rural child in his previous life, and he knew very well how hard life in the countryside was.

The little food they share throughout the year is barely enough to fill their bellies, let alone take medicine and see a doctor.

Whenever you get sick, you almost always fight it off.

Therefore, in this era, the mortality rate from illness is still very high.

The medical team from the steel rolling mill went to the countryside to provide assistance and could more or less solve some of their illnesses.

Although I dare not say that his merits are immeasurable, at least he is doing good deeds.

After wandering around for a long time, there was no sign of Yi Qiushui.

Yang Jun pulled an employee from the medical office and said, "Have you seen your section chief?"

"I thought I saw the section chief going that way just now."

The employee pointed in the direction of the dark light ahead.

"thank you."

Yang Jun glanced in that direction, frowned, and walked over.

In vain, I don't know what Yi Qiushui is doing there.

However, when I thought about having Ma Juzi with me, I felt relieved.

After walking about 300 meters, Yang Jun saw his Paris Jeep parked on the side of the road, so he took a private look.

At this glance, he saw the doorway. There was a faint sound of snoring coming from a farmer's house. If he listened carefully, it seemed to be the sound of Ma Juzi's work.

He recognized the voice and knew from two streets away that it was Ma Juzi doing the cooking.

"You just eat this stuff?"

Yang Jun stood at the door, looking at the noodles that Yi Qiushui and the others were eating, feeling a little distressed.

The noodles were dark and I didn’t know what they were made of, but they didn’t look as delicious as the white noodles.

"How did you come?"

Yi Qiushui screamed.

He opened his arms and rushed towards Yang Jun, but as if he suddenly realized something, he quickly stopped and looked at the crowd, his pretty face flushed, and he smiled sheepishly.

(End of this chapter)

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