Siheyuan: Domineering life

Chapter 383 Should I be a Bodhisattva or a Tathagata?

Chapter 383 Should I be a Bodhisattva or a Tathagata?

Today, the big leader called them over.

It was to see off Guo Tianming when he enlisted in the army, and to have a reunion dinner while the whole family was there.

Yi Qiushui was chatting and cooking with Aunt Guo in the kitchen, while Yang Jun was called to the study by the boss to talk.

When he came to the study, Yang Jun consciously took out the two bottles of medicinal wine from his pocket and placed them in a hidden place in front of Uncle Guo.

The big leader, Lao Shen, was sitting on the sofa, as if the medicinal wine had nothing to do with him.

If I hadn't seen the slight curve at the corner of his mouth, I would have thought he had become a saint.

"You've been quite noisy lately. I heard that a director of Huangtai Commune was dismissed because of you?"

"Ah, that's what you're talking about."

Yang Jun sat back in his seat, looking like he suddenly realized something.

"Who's to blame? It's entirely his own fault."

Yang Jun didn't hide it. After all, it was the big leader who raised the matter first. He must know the truth of the matter, so there is one thing to say about this matter and the other thing to say two things.

Li Zixuan, who was kicked out by him, had been handed over to Yousi after the interrogation and signed and stamped, and Yousi implicated his uncle Zhao Bingkun based on his confession.

In addition, Yang Jun withdrew the medical assistance team, and the matter became serious. The higher-ups had to deal with the matter on a business-like basis.

"You are a person who does big things. There is no need to focus on such trivial matters. Do you understand?"

The big leader said seriously.

"I understand, Uncle Guo."

Yang Jun rolled his eyes and said mysteriously,
"Uncle Guo, I have done a big thing recently, can you help me with my advice?"

When Guo Caocao heard that Yang Jun had done something big, his face twitched.

I don’t know what this guy is up to.

However, seeing Yang Jun's serious look, he looked solemn and asked,

"What's the big deal?"

"Uncle Guo, wait a moment, I'll get something from the car."

After Yang Jun finished speaking, he turned around and left the study.

When he came back, he had a pile of information in his hand.

"Uncle Guo, this is what I do."

This pile of information is the barefoot doctor's manual that he had people collect and organize.

This information is as thick as hundreds of sheets of paper, with not only text but also graphic annotations on it.

The big leader looked through it and immediately became serious. His face became more and more excited the faster he went.

However, this excitement disappeared in a flash.

After watching it for a full 10 minutes, the senior leader took a rough look at it.

After reading it, I didn't speak for a long time, lowering my head in thought.

After a long while, he asked in a slightly excited tone,

"What are you going to do?"

"Publish directly or..."

The big leader stopped mid-sentence and looked at Yang Jun tentatively.

Yang Jun pointed to the blank space at the top of the pile of materials and said, "I hope Uncle Guo will sign it before publishing it."

Hearing this, the big leader's eyes flashed with heat.

Then, he calmed down, shook his head and said,
"Are you willing?"

You know, this is free prostitution.

You can get a piece of the pie without doing anything, which is what many people dream of.

Guo Caocao knew very well how great his contribution was, and at this moment, he was really moved.

"There is nothing to be reluctant to do. I have done all this to prepare you. Only if you make achievements can I be a good director of the steel rolling mill, right?"

Yang Jun had previously thought about keeping this credit for himself, but when he saw a flash of heat in Guo Caochang's eyes, he suddenly realized that he had almost made a big mistake.

The credit given to the big leader is far greater than the benefit to himself. Only when the big leader makes achievements can he, Yang Jun, rest peacefully under this big tree.

Hearing this, the big leader nodded happily.

At this moment, he was increasingly satisfied with Yang Jun.

It seems that all the effort in training him was not in vain.

However, the big leader thought about it carefully and then said,

"Not only can I not take this credit, but neither can you."

"Why?" Yang Jun was stunned.

The big leader explained with a smile: "You did things you shouldn't have done and robbed yourself of the glory you shouldn't have. You think others can tolerate you."

Yang Jun was startled when he heard this, his back felt cold, and his clothes were instantly soaked with sweat.

If it weren't for the big leader's reminder, Yang Jun almost committed a taboo.

It seems that I am still too young.

Although I have been a man for two generations and am almost 70 years old, I thought I could have a prosperous life.

But if you think about it carefully, there is nothing worth showing off.

He only has decades more experience than them, but when it comes to thinking about problems and dealing with things with sophistication, he is not even a little bit worse than the big leaders.

He took it for granted. He thought that getting the Barefoot Doctor's Manual was a great achievement, but if he really published it rashly, he would definitely have committed a big taboo.

The big leader is right. Doing things you shouldn't do and taking away the glory you shouldn't have is not only not a merit, but a mistake.

"After dinner later, I will take you to meet someone."

After the big leader finished speaking, he motioned to Yang Jun to avoid him, and he returned to his desk and made a phone call.

"Uncle Guo, I'll go out and wait for you."

Yang Jun responded and hurried out of the study.

At this time, Aunt Guo had already prepared the meal and was waiting for them to come out.

Yang Jun helped set the table.

That kid Guo Tianming treated him with a nose that was not his nose and a face that was not his face, and made some annoying movements and expressions.

"Go to the army and practice hard. I'll wait for you to come back for revenge."

Yang Jun couldn't help but say something.

Guo Tianming's series of provocative actions made him lose his patience.


Guo Tianming raised his head and said disdainfully: "This is exactly what I want to say."

Yi Qiushui saw this and glared at Yang Jun: "How old are you, how come you still behave like a child?"

"It's not that I have to be on the same level as him. Just look at his eyes."

Yang Jun gestured with his chin.

Yi Qiushui looked back and saw Guo Tianming sitting on the sofa, his head and body tilted at ninety degrees, and his white eyes almost popped out.

"Haha, you're laughing me to death, you two should be funny." Yi Qiushui was amused by Guo Tianming's expression, and she and Guo Tianyue fell forward and backward in laughter.

Guo Tianming rolled his eyes, his eyes were angled at 45 degrees, and said quietly,

"Some people with old arms and legs, don't let me beat them all over the ground." Yang Jun heard this, and his head was covered with black lines.

I am only thirty this year, so how come I have become an old arm and leg in his mouth?

But just listen to it.

Even that kid, who was so pampered, was at the bottom of the army.

For someone like him, he will never be his opponent even if he practices for a lifetime.

"Qiushui, the factory office just assigned a college student, do you know?"

"I know, the factory even held a welcome ceremony for him, and I also participated in it," Yi Qiushui said.

Yang Jun looked at Guo Tianming who was rolling his eyes and said with a smile,
"I'm going to introduce him to Ding Qiunan, what do you think?"

"Okay, one is a college student and the other is a cadre. I think they are a good match."

Yi Qiushui blurted out.

After she finished speaking, she seemed to remember something, and turned around and smiled awkwardly at Guo Tianming.

"Then it's settled, I'll be the moon elder."

Yang Jun deliberately spoke loudly, and after speaking, he deliberately glanced at Guo Tianming.

Boy, fight with me, you are still a little tender.

Let you call me old.

Since you are causing trouble for me, we might as well all be unhappy together.


Guo Tianming suddenly burst out and rushed to Yang Jun, squeezing his neck and saying: "If you dare to do this, don't blame me for disowning you as my brother-in-law."

Yang Jun smiled, and just as he was about to speak, his expression changed, his mouth twitched, and he crossed his arms, feeling pain.


Guo Tianming was kicked like a dog chewing shit on a flat sand and fell in front of Yang Jun.

"How dare you deny your brother-in-law when you are so capable?"

The big leader put his hands on his hips, pointed at Guo Tianming and cursed: "You don't need to worry about this matter, brother-in-law, I will be the month old myself."

"Dad, you can't do this. If you do this, I..."

"What? Do you want to sever the father-son relationship with me?"

Guo Tianming was lying on the ground, mumbling and silent, his eyes full of anger seeming to explode.

But in the end, he couldn't say a harsh word.

However, although he did not dare to fall out with the big boss, he still had some personality. After expressing his dissatisfaction with a cold snort, he angrily went back to his room and went on a hunger strike.

The big boss was not used to him either. He turned a blind eye to his method of protest and directly ordered the meal to be served.

As agreed, this meal was a farewell meal, but without Guo Tianming's participation, it seemed more perfect.

After eating, Yang Jun went out with the big leader.

The big leader didn't even bring any security guards, and drove off directly with Yang Jun.

The car drove for about ten minutes and stopped in a courtyard.

This courtyard is very large, probably with four entrances. The surrounding trees are lush and green, and it feels like sitting alone in a secluded tent.

The big leader motioned to Yang Jun to bring the materials, and then he knocked on the door himself.

The door opened from the inside and a security guard came out.

The big leader took out his ID and took a look at him. Then the guard saluted him and let him go.

Yang Jun quickly followed in.

After entering, he did not dare to look around and followed the big leader carefully.

Anyone who can get a big leader to visit him in person must have a great background.

He stared at the big leader's back and followed step by step.

Follow the security guard to the third courtyard, and then the man leads the leader in with one hand.

"Hey, Lao Guo, you are a rare visitor."

An old man in his 60s came out of the door. He was wearing a Chinese tunic suit and a pair of reading glasses. He had a kind face and was very kind.

"Lao Qiu, I have brought you great merit today. What a great merit."

While Guo Caocao was talking, he shook hands with the old man named Qiu.

"Old Guo, I am neither a Bodhisattva nor a Tathagata, so where can I get my great merits?"

"I said if you have great merits, you will have them. If you want to be a Bodhisattva or a Tathagata, you can choose whatever you want."

"Okay, let's talk inside."

Qian Qiu, the old man, led Guo Caocao and Yang Jun into the house with a smile.

After arriving at the house, the old man looked at Yang Jun and asked with a smile: "Who is this?"

"Oh, you see I'm confused, let me introduce it to you."

Guo Caocao turned back and pointed at Yang Jun and said, "This is my son-in-law Yang Jun."

"Jun Zi, I have met your Uncle Qiu."

When Yang Jun heard this, he immediately stood up, stood with his legs together, and gave a standard military salute.

"Hello, Chief."

"Okay, please sit down."

Chief Qiu waved his hand for him to sit down, and then said with a smile: "If I remember correctly, you are the target of that girl Qiu Shui."

"Yes, chief." Yang Jun just sat down and immediately stood up and replied.

"There are no outsiders here, sit down and talk." Chief Qiu asked him to sit down again.


Yang Jun responded, sitting upright on the chair and not squinting.

Only then did Yang Jun understand why Uncle Guo introduced himself as his son-in-law and not as the director of the steel rolling mill.

It turned out that Chief Qiu and Yi Qiushui's father were also old acquaintances. No wonder he spoke so politely to him.

With the blessing of Yi Qiushui's husband's status, the distance between them can be even closer.

"I heard that you two work in the same unit, so you have to take good care of him."

"Yes, I will take good care of her."

At this time Guo Cao Cao said: "Junzi, you don't know, right? The reason why your Steel Rolling Mill Hospital was promoted from a department to a hospital is all because of your Uncle Qiu's help. You must thank you very much, Uncle Qiu."

"Thank you Chief."

Yang Jun stood up and saluted again.

"Okay, okay, this is not a military unit. Don't shout at each leader one by one. It sounds awkward. Just like Qiu Shui, just call me Uncle Qiu."

"Yes, Uncle Qiu."

Yang Jun always kept his posture upright and would not relax his demands just because he called someone uncle.

True knowledge is found in the subtleties.

No matter how easy it is for people to tell you to be casual, if you are really casual, their impression of you will drop.

Naturally, Yang Jun would not do something stupid like that, otherwise he would be sorry for the communication foundation laid by Uncle Guo for him.

(End of this chapter)

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