Siheyuan: Domineering life

Chapter 391 Lao Yang, you don’t want me anymore?

Chapter 391 Lao Yang, you don’t want me anymore?

In fact, Ma Wumei didn't tell her, but Yang Jun also knew that Sun Zhaodi didn't have enough to eat.

Yang Jun still knows how good she is.

Her appetite was no worse than that of Ma Juzi and Yang Anguo. Of the thirty white-flour steamed buns just now, except for the three of them who each ate three, she ate all the rest by herself.

With such an appetite, it is estimated that Yang Anguo and Ma Juzi will have to accept the defeat.

Before, he wrote a special note and asked Sun Zhaodi to pay half a month's salary. It is estimated that there won't be much left now.

"Wu Mei, you two, one is my niece and the other is my nephew. I hope you two will take care of each other and support each other. Do you understand?"

"I know, Uncle Master." Ma Wumei smiled and said, "Even if you don't tell me, I will still take care of her. Zhaodi is our female soldier's treasure now, and I still expect her to earn face."

"Okay, since she is your female soldier's treasure, remember to bring her more delicious food." Yang Jun instructed.

"I know, I brought her three kilograms of steamed buns yesterday."

When Yang Jun heard this, his face was filled with approval.

After a while, Huang Yani came back.

Looking at the bare plates, everyone laughed.

Yang Jun had to ask Sun Zhaodi to take the remaining steamed buns back to the dormitory to eat.


Yang Jun had the habit of taking a nap at noon. Before he woke up, the office door rang.

He frowned impatiently,
"Come in."

The door opened from the outside and Wang Erwa walked in.

"Lao Yang, I want to discuss something with you."

"If you have something to say, just let it go."

Yang Jun was very angry when he woke up. He was in a bad mood when someone disturbed his sleep.

Wang Erwa sat down on the coffee table, looked at Yang Jun who was sleeping with his eyes closed, and said,

"I want to expand the enrollment in the security department."

When Yang Jun heard this, he immediately became alert.

His eyes suddenly opened, he stared at him and said, "You kid, stop messing around. There are more than 200 people in the Security Department now. Do you want to expand the enrollment?"

"What's wrong with more than 200 people? Even 300 people are not enough."

Wang Erwa spread her hands and said: "Now that the hospital is built, shopping malls and guest houses will be put into use in a while, the workload of our security department will be even greater. Now the manpower is tight, how can we work then."

When Yang Jun heard this, he realized that what he said was not unreasonable.

Sit up from the sofa and light a cigarette to refresh yourself.

Not to mention, he really hasn't thought about this issue.

When it is built there, the workload of the security department will definitely increase. If it is not deployed in advance, it will definitely be in a hurry.

After all, newly recruited personnel need to be trained for a period of time before they can take up the job.

"How many people do you want to recruit?" Yang Jun asked.

"100 people."

"How many?" Yang Jun exclaimed: "You little lion has a big mouth, and there are 100 people in one mouth."

Yang Jun stood up and walked around the office.

"You don't know that firewood, rice, oil and salt are expensive. Do you know how much it costs to raise a hundred people every year?" Yang Jun asked.

"I don't know, that's none of my business."

Wang Erwa stood up, looked into Yang Jun's eyes and said, "I only know that this is an opportunity. It will not be so easy to expand enrollment in the future."

After hearing this, Yang Jun rolled his eyes and said nothing.

He walked back to his desk, sat down, lit a cigarette, and threw the remaining half pack of cigarettes to him.

"Tell me."

Wang Erwa put the cigarette directly into her arms, walked to Yang Jun, put her hands on the table, and stared at him.

"Old Yang, this is an opportunity. I happen to have the reputation to expand enrollment in the Security Department. If you miss this opportunity, it will be difficult to expand enrollment in the future."

"Also, don't you think someone has been very active jumping up and down recently? He's either in meetings or making reports."

Yang Jun sighed.

He knew in his heart who the person Wang Erwa was talking about.

Since the publication of the book "The Barefoot Doctor's Handbook", it has had a great response in society, and the name of the steel rolling mill has appeared in major media and newspapers.

The reputation of the steel rolling mill has reached an unprecedented level. Every time a person from the steel rolling mill walks out, others will look at him with envy. Especially when he mentions that he is from a steel rolling mill, others will look high on him.

After the steel rolling mill became famous, Yuan Kaizong also became active.

He is busy holding meetings every day, organizing workers to study, or going to the superiors to report on ideological work. It can be said that he has taken all the glory of the steel rolling mill.

In addition, the steel rolling mill provided a sum of money specifically for the publication of this book, which pushed the reputation of the steel rolling mill to the pinnacle of life.

If Wang Erwa hadn't reminded him, Yang Jun almost made a big mistake.

Recently, Yuan Kaizong has been quite active. He is either studying in meetings or on the way to meetings every day.

He hadn't seen him for a long time, and he had asked for leave for the last few meetings.

Although Yuan Kaizong had a showdown with him before, saying that he would follow his lead in the future.

However, things are constantly developing and changing, and no one can guarantee that they will remain unchanged.

Perhaps Yuan Kaizong thought that Yang Jun must be promoted after making such a great contribution, and he wanted to take over his job after he left.

However, Yang Jun didn't think so.

Even if one day he is promoted, he must arrange a successor.

There are many people in the factory who make their own living, such as Ma Juzi, Yang Anguo, Ma Wumei, Sun Zhaodi, and the entire security department, and even people from the grain collection shop.

These people will definitely be affected once he's gone.

Therefore, he must hand the factory into his own hands.

"Old Wang, you are right, just follow the plan you proposed."

At this point, Yang Jun changed his voice and said: "However, it is not 100 people, but 150 people."

"150 people?"

Now it was Wang Erwa's turn to be surprised, and his face twitched.

Unexpectedly, Yang Jun was even more powerful than him, and he immediately expanded his recruitment by 150 people, which was equivalent to doubling the strength of the security department. "Come on, this is the decisive and decisive old Yang I know."

Wang Erwa patted her chest and said, "Don't worry, I'll do it right away."

When you're done, turn around and leave.

"Wait a moment."

Yang Jun stopped him.

He stood up from his desk, walked to Wang Erwa, stared at him and said,

"After you finish this matter, get ready to go to work in the logistics department."

"What? Lao Yang, are you confused? Are you transferring me to the logistics department at this time?"

Wang Erwa exclaimed, looking like she didn't recognize Yang Jun.

"What are you yelling about?"

Yang Jun rolled his eyes at him and said, "I want you to concurrently serve as the deputy director of the Logistics Department."

After Wang Erwa's reminder just now, Yang Jun felt that it was time to have his own people among the senior cadres.

Let’s not talk about Liu Feng and Shang Tielong. They are the kind of people who are dedicated to their careers. It’s hard to say whether they will be on their side at critical moments. As for Yan Huaisheng and Yuan Kaizong, they can’t be compared to each other. I can't guarantee whether I will betray myself.

Therefore, he felt that within the next two years, he must promote his own people. When the time comes, he can safely hand over Zhang Gang to them.

"Hey, I was shocked. I thought you didn't want me anymore."

Wang Erwa patted her chest, and then made a gesture with her orchid fingers.

Yang Jun frowned, feeling a chill coming over him.

Kicked over.



After Wang Erwa left, Yang Jun immediately held a five-person leadership meeting.

Yuan Kaizong was organizing employees to study when he was called back by Yang Jun.

During the meeting, Yang Jun first brought up the issue of expanding enrollment in the security department.

Everyone has no opinion on this matter. After all, after the construction there is completed, the security department will definitely be short of manpower.

But they still have reservations about expanding enrollment by 150 people.

After all, the entire steel rolling mill only has more than 200 people, and this expansion of 150 people is indeed a bit too much.

But Yang Jun has been determined not to let go, even if there is one less person among 150 people.

In the end, it was Yuan Kaizong and Yan Huaisheng who took the lead in voting by a show of hands to pass the resolution.

Even if all four of them object, Yang Jun is not afraid.

The reason why he proposed it at the meeting was to give them face. If they didn't know what they were doing, Yang Jun could just leave them alone and go it alone, or ask for approval directly from above.

After the expansion of enrollment in the Security Department was approved, the next step was the appointment of Wang Erwa, deputy director of the Logistics Department.

As soon as this proposal was put forward, except for Yuan Kaizong, the other three people had no objections.

Yuan Kaizong had a small calculation in his mind. He wanted to wait for Yang Jun to be transferred and take over his job. But now looking at this posture, Wang Erwa is obviously the successor trained by Yang Jun. It's strange that he feels happy.

However, out of the group of five, four agreed, and in the end, he had to raise his hand in agreement.

After the two matters were passed, Yang Jun announced the adjournment of the meeting.

He must have the final say on matters in the factory, and it is useless for anyone to object.

When I returned to the office, I happened to see Yang Mei coming up.

"Brother, mom told you to go back for dinner tonight."

Yang Jun was stunned and said, "Is something wrong?"

"It's okay, maybe mom misses you." Yang Mei shook her head.

"Oh, I know."

Yang Jun responded, then glanced at Yang Mei and asked,

"How are you recently?"

Since the last time he got angry and scolded Yang Mei, he regretted it.

The brother and sister have been in a cold war for the past two months, with almost no communication except work matters.

"Okay, you don't have to worry about me."

Yang Mei said, something crystal clear appeared in her eyes.

The brother and sister hadn't spoken for a long time. Today, Yang Jun took the initiative to talk to her. She felt that Yang Jun was showing his kindness to her, so she felt aggrieved.

"Is Xiaozhuang okay?"

Yang Jun felt that the relationship between him and Yang Mei was not as casual as before, and there seemed to be a sense of unfamiliarity between the two.

"She's fine."

Yang Mei blushed and said, "Brother, I have changed Xiao Zhuang's name. Her name is Liu Lanqing now."

Yang Jun was startled: "Why did you change your name?"

"Brother, you are right. A girl should look like a girl. Giving a boy's name will indeed cause a lot of trouble. Therefore, Liu Zhi and I discussed it and we still think it would be better to change it to a girl's name."

"Okay, okay, just change it."

Yang Jun said hello three times in a row and seemed to be very satisfied with Yang Mei's approach.

A girl should look like a girl and have the same name.

Otherwise, it will bring unnecessary trouble to the children.

"Brother, if it's okay, I'll go back first."

"Well, well, go back. I'll be back in the evening."

Looking at the background of Yang Mei's departure, Yang Jun had mixed feelings in his heart.

The brother and sister had been in a cold war for more than two months, and now the clouds have finally cleared.

He felt that he had been too anxious before, otherwise he would not have said such hurtful words to the brother and sister.

But now, the two are talking, which is a good start.


(End of this chapter)

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