Siheyuan: Domineering life

Chapter 404 Don’t be too confident

Chapter 404 Don’t be too confident
After returning to the rolling mill, I received a call from Li Tiezhu.

As soon as he picked up the phone, Li Tiezhu's thunderous roar came from the other side.

"The epilepsy is crazy, I'm not done with you."

Yang Jun shook his head, dug his ears with his hands, and raised the corners of his mouth.

"You are only allowed to disgust me, but I am not allowed to cause trouble for you?"

After Yang Jun finished speaking, he hung up the phone with a smile.

Brothers not only have to share hardships, but also often cause trouble. This is in line with the brotherhood of loving and killing each other.

After hanging up the phone, the phone rang again within a few seconds.

Yang Jun frowned.

This kid Li Gangjing is also too idle. What's the point of always competing with him? Maybe a few quarrels can settle Lao Wang's head.

When you eat dog meat, it tastes delicious. I didn’t expect the aftermath to be so disturbing.

"I said, are you finished, boy?"

Finally, Yang Jun answered the phone.

But the call was not from Li Tiezhu.

"Director, there is a man named Qian at the door looking for you."

The call was from the doorman.

"not see!"

When Yang Jun heard that the surname was Qian, he felt disgusted.

He thought it was Qian Xiangrong, a guy Yang Jun was disgusted with indescribably.

A grown man is not as cheerful as his sister. Yang Jun really suspects that the manly spirit of his old Qian family has been passed down to Qian Jiajia.

"Director, that person is a woman."

The doorman explained.


Yang Jun buttoned his ears and said, "Let her in."

He didn't know many people named Qian. As long as it wasn't Qian Xiangrong, he would be happy to meet even a female monkey.

After about 5 minutes, Qian Jiajia came with a man.

"Boss Yang, why don't you see me?"

As soon as Qian Jiajia entered the door, she shouted: "I heard it just now, you said you didn't see me."

Yang Jun didn't answer, but looked at the man behind her and said, "Who is this?"

At the mention of that man, Qian Jiajia's face turned red inexplicably.

"That...he is the person I mentioned to you before."

" tastes very strong."

Yang Jun spoke in a long tone, and then nodded meaningfully.

The man in front of me was wearing a brand new tunic suit, but it was still obvious at a glance that he was from the countryside.

With his dark face and burly physique, he looked like he was a good farmer.

"Hello, my name is Yang Jun."

Yang Jun took the initiative to extend his hand.

The man's face turned red, and he subconsciously bent down and stretched out his hands and said,
"Yang...Director Yang, hello, my name is Liang Shan, you can just call me Liang Zi."

Qian Jiajia tugged at the corner of his clothes and corrected him in a low voice: "I, it's me, not me."

"Oh, I... I..."

Liang Shan smiled awkwardly, looking at a loss.

"Feel free to come to my place without any restrictions."

Yang Jun patted his shoulder and told him not to be nervous.

"Boss Yang, I have handed over Liangshan to you. You must take good care of me, do you hear me?"

Qian Jiajia hugged Liang Shan's arm and pretended to be serious.

"I've been a little deaf lately, please say it again." Yang Jun said, picking at his ears.

"De Xing, let's not talk about it. I have two things to do today. One is about Liang Zi, and the other is to give you money."

Qian Jiajia glared at Yang Jun, and then put her handbag on the table.

Opening the zipper, there were bundles of banknotes inside, dozens of them.

"This is the inventory and weighing data. Take a look."

Yang Jun didn't bother to look, he just grabbed the yellow bag containing the money and stuffed it into the cabinet.

"Aren't you afraid that I'll lose your money if you don't click?" Qian Jiajia said in surprise.

"Whatever you order, what's so good about tens of thousands of dollars?"

Thousands of kilograms of pork plus various vegetables cost more than 6 yuan, and Yang Jun was not interested at all.

Besides, this is in the office, if someone accidentally bumps into you, you will be covered in words and you won’t be able to explain clearly.

"Okay, Boss Yang is indeed my idol, Ju Qi."

Qian Jiajia was stunned by Yang Jun's arrogance and couldn't help but give a thumbs up.

"Don't worship me, he is just a legend."

Yang Jun rolled his eyes, raised his head at 45 degrees, and said quietly with his hands behind his back.

"Okay, you've got this style right." Qian Jiajia said with a smile.

After talking about money, the two turned to the issue of how to arrange Liangshan.

Yang Jun had already made plans on how to arrange Liang Shan. He planned to let Liang Shan serve as the deputy director of the office. This position did not require high technical difficulty, and he felt much more at ease working under Jiang Haitao.

"Brother Liangshan, let me ask you a question." Yang Jun said.

"Director Yang, please tell me." Liang Shan said awkwardly.

"Have you ever farmed at home?"

"Hehe, Director Yang is joking, there are no farmers who don't farm."

Yang Jun looked back at Qian Jiajia's airport and said, "Brother, you are blessed. We have been allocated a piece of land with vast plains. You will be very busy in the future."

"What kind of land should be allocated? Aren't they all farming collectively now?" Liang Shan asked doubtfully.

"Boss Yang, you are going to die."

Qian Jiajia glared at Yang Jun and said, "Liangzi is an honest man, don't lead him astray."

Hey, this silly girl is still pretending to be innocent in front of herself.

Racing cars are not as fun as you on weekdays, and the honest and honest Liang Shan in front of her is just a novice in front of her.

Just don't lead him astray yourself.

However, Yang Jun has recently been sensitive to the professions of veteran driver and farmer. Especially when he meets old farmers, he can't help but ask them about their farming experience.

"Does he need my teaching? With you as his master, he will make rapid progress."

"Boss Yang, you have changed." Qian Jiajia looked at Yang Jun faintly, her lips pursed, and she looked at him with a resentful look.
"I almost regret letting Liang Zi come to your place."

Yang Jun waved his hand and said as if he didn't care, "It's not too late for you to take him... away."

Donkeys are led by the nose every day, people are not donkeys.

The adult world is very complex and is no longer black and white. Many times, what we see most is indefinable gray.

Who stipulated that Snow White must marry Prince Charming.

The world of love is very wonderful and can transcend national boundaries, age, occupation, background and even gender.

Qian Jiajia and Liang Shan are a typical combination of princess and slave. No wonder they are not recognized by Uncle Qian.

It's not that Yang Jun looks down on rural people, but there is a big gap between rural people and urban people.

Apart from anything else, Qian Jiajia is just like a lark singing happily in the woods when it comes to conversation, while Liangshan is dull and rigid.

I don’t know how these two people got together. Qian Jiajia even did not hesitate to stand on the opposite side of her own family.

"Boss Yang, you are so angry with me."

Qian Jiajia glared at Yang Jun fiercely and said, "Man, I leave it to you. Within three months, you must train him into a human being." After saying that, he left Liangshan and left.

Yang Jun's face twitched.

Isn't Liangshan a human being now?And let yourself be trained to look like a human being?

After Qian Jiajia left, Yang Jun directly asked Huang Yani to take Liangshan to report.

After they all left, Yang Jun put the bag of money into the space.

With nothing to do, I locked the door, turned around and went to the security department.

As soon as they entered the security department, they heard Wang Erwa cursing.

You can feel his anger from a distance.

"Trash, it's all trash."

"A bunch of gentlemen can't even win against a girl. I think we might as well go home and sell sweet potatoes."

In his office, the sound of tables being set and benches being smashed could be heard from time to time.

Yang Jun took a sneak peek and saw several captains, section chiefs and more than a dozen cadres of different sizes who were guarding Corey lined up in a row, submissive like quails.

Yang Jun has long been accustomed to this. Ever since the competition, Wang Erwa's outbursts of temper are as punctual as a woman's menstrual period. She trains three times a day and lasts for more than an hour.

The male soldiers in the security department have been hanging their heads lately, and sometimes they want to put their heads in their crotches.

Not only the people in the security department knew about the fact that the male soldiers could not beat the female soldiers, but even the entire factory staff knew about it.

Whenever male soldiers passed by, they were always pointed at.

There were even a few male soldiers who were so ashamed that they asked themselves to leave the workshop.

Yang Jun did not go in to relieve the group of male soldiers.

Although Wang Erwa's method is rough, it is very effective. Now it is really time for the male soldiers to straighten things out.

They feel all day long that in the steel rolling mill, God is the boss and they are the second child.

Of course, this does not mean that male soldiers are useless.

In fact, it can't be calculated that way. If calculated according to the overall strength, the male soldiers still have the advantage. Among the female soldiers, there are only two pillars, Sun Zhaodi and Ma Wumei, and the other female soldiers are all scum.

When they arrived at the gun storage area, Lao Sun, who was responsible for keeping the guns, was craning his neck to listen to Wang Erwa's lecture.

This guy is in his 50s and is an old man in the security department. He is probably the oldest in the general department. He has been working in the field for half his life and is currently just a stock manager.

"Old Sun, what are you doing sneakily?"

Lao Sun might have been so absorbed that he didn't see Yang Jun coming to his side.

Hearing the voice, he shivered.

"Director, you are here."

Lao Sun pointed towards Wang Erwa's office diagonally opposite and said with a smile: "Director, listen, our section chief is cursing."

Yang Jun smiled, pointed at Lao Sun and said, "You old cunning guy, your back hurts when you stand and talk, right?"

All the leading cadres in the security department, big and small, were called in for training, but Lao Sun was missing.

There is no other reason.

Lao Sun is from the gun storage office. As long as there is no problem with the gun, Corey's other matters have nothing to do with him.

"Hey, it's a pleasure to listen to our section chief scolding people. Director, please listen carefully. This scolding is so exciting, and it doesn't involve repeated criticism."

"Be careful if other people hear this, they will have to pluck all your monkey hair when the time comes."

"If you want to pluck all my monkey hair, they have to be able to come in to be considered capable."

Lao Sun patted the steel pillar in front of him and said.

The gun storage office was converted into a closed office. The outer room is an office, and inside are various safes, and the cabinets contain guns and ammunition.

There is a row of fences in the middle, and no one other than the Firearms Security Department can enter.

For safety reasons, the middle pillar is made of solid steel pillars. Unless they have heavy weapons, it is difficult for ordinary people to penetrate.

Even though Yang Jun is the director of the factory, he can't just go in.

Yang Jun pulled out the Browning pistol from his waist and slapped it on the counter.
"Old Sun, see if you have a suitable silencer and help me get one."

Since Tietou San discovered the secret of his space last night, Yang Jun thought of finding a silencer to prevent the gunfire from being too loud and causing a lot of inconvenience.

"Hey, director, this is a good gun. If my guess is correct, this gun was just produced in the United States last year. We are still in the counterfeiting stage in our country."

Even though Lao Sun is a gun keeper, he is actually half a gun expert. He can tell you everything about the guns that have ever appeared in the world.

"Old Sun, you have good eyesight. This was given by Director Chen of the arsenal. I have always been reluctant to use it." Yang Jun said.

Lao Sun was also a firearms enthusiast. Once the Browning was in his hands, he disassembled all the parts in just a few strokes.

"Director, this is a good gun, and it fires continuously."

Before Lao Sun could finish a sentence, the gun was assembled.

Yang Jun couldn't help but sigh: "Old Sun, how about I transfer you to another position? With your skills, you are more than enough to be their instructor."

"No, director, you are so noble, please let me go. I don't want to be promoted in this life, I just want to live in peace and stability until I retire."

When Lao Sun heard that Yang Jun was going to transfer his job, he was startled and quickly glanced diagonally across the street at Wang Erwa's office.

In his job, he was protected from the wind and rain, and he didn't have to be scolded by the section chief. It was not like he was being scolded, so he had to scold him.

"You won't be offered the position of deputy section chief?" Yang Jun asked, squinting his eyes.

"If I don't do it, even the section chief won't do it." Lao Sun refused without hesitation.

He is still self-aware. If he really had that ability, he would not be just a stock leader at this age.

"Director, let's not talk about the transfer of jobs. I'll give you a silencer."

Lao Suntou was afraid that Yang Jun would insist on transferring his position, so he simply changed the subject.

After saying that, he turned around, opened the safe, and took out a black tubular thing for him.

"FBP silencer, try it."

Yang Jun picked up the silencer and weighed it in his hands.

Not to mention, it feels quite nice, neither light nor heavy.

"It's this kind of silencer. I've been looking for it for a long time." Yang Jun said.

The FBP pistol suppressor is suitable for all fixed barrel pistols and most closed barrel pistols in calibers 7.65 Browning to 9mm, and is one of the smallest and lightest suppressors in the world.

This type of silencer can use the 'add water' method to improve performance, and has a better effect of reducing noise during the first 15-25 rounds of shooting.

Yang Jun installed the silencer, squinted his eyes and made a few gestures, feeling very satisfied.

"Okay, that's it. I'll borrow it for a day and return it to you tomorrow."

"You don't have to pay it back. If you like it, just take it and use it."

Seeing Yang Jun's confused look, Lao Sun explained: "This silencer is different from guns and ammunition, and is not within the scope of control. Besides, the second-level lathes in our workshop can produce it themselves."

"Yes, very good. It will be much easier to kill people in the future." Yang Jun nodded after hearing this.

"Ah? Factory director, what did you say?"

Lao Sun was shocked and looked at Yang Jun in horror.

Yang Jun turned his gun, pointed it at Lao Sun and said, "I would like to ask you if you agree to the transfer of positions?"

Lao Sun didn't panic, he smiled and opened the muzzle of the gun with his finger.

"Hey, director, don't make trouble, there are no bullets in it."

After Lao Sun finished speaking, he put his hand on the counter and placed a handful of brass bullets in front of Yang Jun.

"Director, when I was dismantling the gun just now, I unloaded the bullet by the way, hehe."

Yang Jun has a black line on his head.

Unexpectedly, this old Sun was a master and actually removed all the bullets under his nose.

Normally, he would be able to tell whether there were bullets in the gun through the weight of the gun. It might be because of the silencer installed, so he didn't notice it for a while.

"Old Sun, don't be too confident."

After Yang Jun finished speaking, he adjusted the gun tip and pulled the trigger.

"Pfft!" There was a soft sound.

There was a bullet hole in the wall.

(End of this chapter)

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