Chapter 597
Obviously, Sun Zhaodi had tasted the food cooked by Yi Qiushui herself, otherwise she would not have said this.

This girl has become smarter and more mature now.

It's not that she deliberately hid Yang Jun's secret, but that she really couldn't bear to discourage Yi Qiushui's enthusiasm for cooking.

Yi Qiushui resigned and had nothing to do at home.

She spends the whole day either reading or doing embroidery. It's rare that she wants to do something, which can be regarded as a way to alleviate her boring life.

After eating, Yang Jun asked Ma Juzi to drive Yi Qiushui home.

Then he began to deal with matters in the courtyard.

As the dean of the institute, he must become familiar with the work of the institute as soon as possible.

These days, he has been trying to understand what is going on in the laboratory.

No, I specifically found a book about machinery and started studying it.

Not long after watching, Huang Yani came in.

It was said that Zhou Hai came to see him.

Yang Jun frowned and motioned for him to come in.

"Dean, we've got some ideas on how to purchase a car."

As soon as he entered the room, Zhou Hai reported to him.

Yang Jun was startled.

Didn't expect it to come out so soon.

What was decided in the morning, this time there was news within a few hours.

You know, it is difficult to get a car ticket, you need to have an approval document.

"How many tickets did you get?"

Yang Jun asked.

When Zhou Hai heard this, he waved his hand and said: "Dean, I didn't get the ticket."

Seeing Yang Jun's confused look, Zhou Hai continued,
"It's like this. I know the sales section chief of an automobile factory. When I told him about our car purchase, he agreed without saying a word, but..."

"But what?" Yang Jun asked.

"They don't want money or approval. They say they want us to replace their cars with diesel engines," Zhou Haidao said.

When Yang Jun heard this, he thought this was a good thing.

"How to change?"

Zhou Hai raised three fingers and said: "Three engines for one car."

After hearing this, Yang Jun lowered his head and thought for a moment.

Nowadays, their engines are hard to find. Many units across the country are eyeing the Great Wall No. [-]. If they used ordinary engines to replace a car, it would be reasonable.

But things are different now. Great Wall No. [-] is far ahead of the top domestic engines for more than ten years, and its engine performance has improved, which means that the economic benefits it generates are far greater than before.

Therefore, if three engines are exchanged for one car, it is obvious that the institute will suffer a loss.

"No, two at most."

Yang Jun raised two fingers and said.

When Zhou Hai heard this, a look of embarrassment appeared on his face.

"Dean, I can't make the decision on this matter. How about I ask again?"

Yang Jun pointed to the phone on the table and said, "Call right here."

Zhou Hai didn't say anything, he stood up and made a phone call.

After getting on the phone, I started chatting with the people at the car factory opposite.

Listening to the heated discussion, it seemed that the bargaining was not going well.

Then, the other person hung up the phone and said that he couldn't make the decision and wanted to ask the leader for instructions.

After about 10 minutes, the phone rang, and Zhou Hai answered the phone.

After chatting for a few words, Zhou Hai covered the phone receiver, turned around and asked.

"Dean, the other side said that five engines could be used in exchange for two cars. Are we willing?"

Yang Jun heard this and thought for a moment.

On average, it takes 2.5 engines to replace a car.

Yang Jun felt that the exchange ratio was still within a reasonable range, so he nodded.

"Just do it."

Zhou Hai nodded, then turned back and continued chatting with the person opposite.

"Dean, the other party asked how many cars we want to replace."

Yang Jun thought for a moment and said, "Change ten cars."

Zhou Hai nodded and continued to negotiate with many parties.

After a while, the two sides reached an agreement.

After hanging up the phone, Yang Jun invited him to come over for tea.

"Dean, this automobile factory is in Jincheng, and it only takes two or three days to get back and forth. When do you think the engine will be sent there?"

"It's better to do it sooner rather than later. Let's do it tomorrow."

Yang Jun continued: "Go back and borrow two trucks from the steel rolling mill to pull 35 engines there."

"35 engines?"

Zhou Hai said doubtfully.

"Oh, let them replace the ten cars with our engines. If we don't use the engines we developed ourselves, it won't make sense. Do you think this is true?" Yang Jun said.

"Yes, yes, our engine is very good. It's just an advertisement for our engine."

Yang Jun: "As for the replaced engine, let's see if they can turn it into a car and give it to us."

"Okay, okay, I'll discuss it in detail with them later," Zhou Hai said.

After talking about the car, Zhou Hai went back without sitting for a long time.

As soon as he left, Zhen Shiyou came.

In the morning, Yang Jun gave him the task of recovering Li Heping's two vehicles.

This guy used to be a loyal supporter of Li Heping, and Yang Jun wanted to take this opportunity to test him and see where his butt sat.

"Old Zhen, come and try the freshly brewed tea."

Yang Jun poured him a cup of tea.

After Zhen Shiyou sat down, he took a sip of tea and looked at Yang Jun with a questioning look.

"President, I..."

"What? Things are not going well?"

"is not it."

Zhen Shiyou Nuonuo said: "I only want one car back, the other one..."

"Secretary Li said that his wife's car should be returned, but his car will not be returned. He said that he is qualified..."


Yang Jun slapped the coffee table and yelled: "He has the right to fart." Zhen Shiyou was startled, the tea in his hand spilled all over the floor, and a lot of it also spilled on his pants, as if he had pulled up his pants before shaking them off.

"The bus is for private use, and he's still reasonable."

Yang Jun pointed at his nose and said: "Vice President Zhen, I hope you can see your position clearly. With a cadre like Li Heping, I advise you to draw a clear line with him."

"Dean, there's nothing I can do, I..."

"Shut up, I don't care what method you use, you have to take the car back. If you don't see the car before getting off work today, you won't have to go to work tomorrow." Yang Jun scolded.

Seeing Zhen Shiyou looking senile, Yang Jun really couldn't bear to lecture him.

After all, he is so much older than himself.

Zhen Shiyou had experienced the power of Yang Jun, but he did not dare to disobey his orders.

If you offend him, he might be the next one to recuperate at home.

I looked at the time and saw that it was less than three hours before get off work.

He was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot.

"Dean, can I ask Vice President Shi and Vice President Chen to go together?"

Yang Jun sat on the sofa, crossed his legs, and exhaled a puff of smoke.
"I said, no matter what method you use, I only care about the results."

When Zhen Shiyou heard this, he immediately knew what to do.

"I understand, Dean, I'll do it right now."

Just as he was about to leave, he heard Yang Jun faintly say,

"If it doesn't work, you can go to the Security Department to find Director Yang."

When Shiyou Zhen heard this, he immediately said excitedly,

"Thank you, Dean."

Yang Jun's attitude has been very clear, he is rushing to break up with Li Heping.

Now is the time to take sides, and they'd be fools if they didn't know how.

Between Yang Jun and Li Heping, any fool knows how to choose.

After Zhen Shiyou left, Yang Jun called Guo Caocao.

He told the matter to the big boss.

The big leader said that he should let him go and he would clean up the situation for Yang Jun.

With the support of big leaders, there is nothing Yang Jun dare not do.

Just one bus for private use was enough for Li Heping to drink a cup.

It should be said that Li Heping is very ignorant of current affairs, and until now, he is still unwilling to admit defeat.

If this had happened to anyone else, he wouldn't have taken this opportunity to return the car obediently.

Since he is so ignorant of current affairs, don't blame him for being ruthless.

About an hour later, I heard someone making noise downstairs.

The sound was very loud, and Yang Jun vaguely heard someone mention his name.

Coming to the window, Yang Jun glanced down.

I found a group of people gathering downstairs.

Li Heping clamored to enter the office building to ask Yang Jun for comment, but Zhen Shiyou and others stopped him from entering, and instead advised him to calm down.

Next to him, Yang Anguo was standing there with a team of people on duty, all looking at him indifferently.

Yang Jun frowned deeply when he saw this.

Zhen Shiyou and his gang are still not very firm in their stance. He is so disappointed that the people with the security department still manage things like this.

These guys are getting older, their courage has become smaller, and they no longer have the same courage as before.

If this matter had been brought to Wang Erwa, Li Heping would not have spoken in such a loud voice.

Yang Jun shook his head, so disappointed with this group of people.

It seems that I have to take action on this matter myself.

Walk downstairs.

Li Heping was still yelling, asking Yang Jun to give him an explanation.

Seeing Yang Jun coming, Li Heping said,

"Dean Yang, let me ask you, am I still the leader of the institute?"


Yang Jun put his hands behind his back and looked at him with a smile.

"Okay, just admit it. Then I'll ask you again, based on my level and salary, do I qualify for a special car?"

"Yes." Yang Jun still kept smiling.

"If so, why do you want to repossess my car?"

Yang Jun smiled when he heard this.

"Secretary Li, is what you said useful?"

Li Heping opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something.

Yang Jun said again before he could speak,

"We are not talking about the car now. We are talking about your personal use of the official car and giving the car in the yard to your wife. Dare I ask you what this behavior is? Do you agree with the code of conduct of a cadre?"

When Li Heping heard this, his whole body became cold.

Yang Jun's words hit the nail on the head, and he could often hit the vital spot with a stick.

It's not that he doesn't know the nature of private use of a bus. Whether it's a big or small matter, it depends on who is responsible.

At this time, he felt cold all over and regretted that he should have handed in the car earlier.

But because of his poor self-esteem and hating Yang Jun for adding insult to injury, he deliberately didn't return the car.

Now it seems that Yang Jun is deliberately looking for trouble and wants to make this matter bigger.

He thought for a long time, then looked at Yang Jun with a horrified look, and said tremblingly,

"Dean Yang, I... have a mental illness and want to retire early. You see..."

Yang Jun smiled when he heard this.

If you want to leave, there is no such thing as cheap.

If this matter had been mentioned before, Yang Jun might have agreed out of kindness.

I want to get out if I can’t take advantage, haha...

"It's useless."

Yang Jun turned back to Yang Anguo and said, "Take Li Heping down and interrogate him to see if there are any other violations besides using the official car for private use?"

"Yes, Dean."

Yang Anguo roared.

After waving his hands, two people walked out immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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