Siheyuan: Domineering life

Chapter 616: The one who loves is like holding a torch

Chapter 616: The one who loves is like holding a torch
Those who love you are like holding a torch; if you go against the wind, your hands will be burned. This is your end.

But my life and death are like a cloud, I would rather disappear without a trace when the sun rises.

I have no regrets, and I have Buddha in my heart. Even if I die, I will reach Nirvana like a phoenix, a coolness in the fire, and eternal life.

Yang Jun finally took that step.

At that moment, I felt a little guilty, but not regretful.

In a sense, this is a kind of betrayal, but the special structure of biology is destined for men to have much more desires than women.

There are two kinds of betrayal, one is spiritual betrayal and the other is physical betrayal.

Fortunately, his betrayal was only physical, and he still loved Yi Qiushui from the bottom of his heart.

Yang Jun is just an ordinary person, and he will forget himself after he succeeds.

A man can go through this world for nothing if he has never done anything outrageous.

In fact, what he defined for himself was not betrayal, but just physical relaxation.

I believe most men can understand cheating.

When walking on the street, when you meet a beautiful woman, you will look at her twice, and then an unsightly picture will automatically appear in your mind.

I won’t go into details here, I believe most men can understand it.

If there are a few who don't understand, I suggest you go to men's medicine...


The next day, Yang Jun drove to Yang Qingxiang's residence alone without Ma Juzi.

There are some things that even the closest people cannot let him know, let alone something like this.

Hearing the sound of the car, the black door opened immediately.

A beautiful landscape appeared in front of Yang Jun.

The flowers that have been watered by rain and dew appear more delicate and bright.

Today, Yang Qingxiang looked particularly attractive in a blue floral cotton suit.

The fitted clothes wrap around the proud figure and make her look slim.

Yang Qingxiang responded and shouted sweetly,
"Mr. Yang, you are here."

Yang Jun looked back and smiled, looking her up and down: "Are you feeling better?"

"Much better." Yang Qingxiang's face turned red, as if she was drunk.

"Help move things down."

After Yang Jun finished speaking, he started to move things from the car.

Today, these things are all taken out by him from the space. They are food, clothing, useful, and have only applications.

Two jars of braised pork, four boxes of canned fruits, three large pieces of milk powder, malted milk, various fruits...

Yang Qingxiang's eyes gleamed when she saw these things.

This was the first time in her life that she had seen so many good things. Some of them she had never heard of, let alone eaten.

In the past, at Guozheng, she felt that her life was like a fairy, but she didn't expect that Yang Jun would bring her cognitive subversion.

Some things can't be bought with money. Even people like Mr. Wang are always eager to please others.

She was grateful to Yang Jun from the bottom of her heart. This man not only brought him a rich material life, but also prevented her from becoming the kind of dirty woman that everyone yelled at.

How about the mistress, so about the lover.

These days, if you can't even fill your stomach, how can you have dignity?

Except that Yang Jun is a little older than her, he is impeccable in other aspects.

After a while, everything was moved out of the car.

Yang Qingxiang counted the things Yang Jun brought with a smile on her face.

Yang Jun was very attentive. He even brought four quilts for bedding, and the food was taken care of in every possible way.

At this moment, she even had hallucinations and felt like a newly married daughter-in-law.

"This quilt is so soft and has a light fragrance."

"I saw the village chief eat this can when I was a kid, and it made me really hungry."

"This braised pork is so good, you can smell the aroma even through the jar."


Yang Jun sat aside, smoking a cigarette and looking at her with a smile on his face.

This girl seemed to have grown up overnight, from a young girl to a mature young woman, showing off her daughter-in-law style in her behavior.

"This floral fabric is so beautiful..."

Yang Qingxiang smiled while talking, holding a piece of cloth and kept talking.

When she turned around, she saw Yang Jun sitting there looking at her dreamily.

She blushed instantly.

His voice was like a mosquito: "Mr. Yang, would you like to..."

When Yang Jun heard the voice, he suddenly woke up from his trance, waved his hand and said,

"No, you have a good rest these two days. Let's wait another day."

At this moment, Yang Jun felt like he had become a bad man who spent money to buy sex.

When Yang Qingxiang heard this, a trace of apology flashed across her pretty face.

Putting down the cloth in his hand, he sat on Yang Jun's lap and hugged his neck.

"Mr. Yang, I'm sorry. It really hurts. I will make it up to you some other time."

Yang Jun smiled and said: "Stop calling Mr. Yang one after another. It seems too abrupt. From now on, please call me Brother Jun."

"Brother Jun." Yang Qingxiang's face turned red and she buried her head in his arms in shame.


Yang Jun put his arm around her waist and said, "Take a good break in these two days. I'll come back to see you in a few days."

"OK, all right."

"Also, don't go out for a walk when you have nothing to do. The most important thing is to never contact Mr. Wang again. You don't want to be looked down upon by him, right?"

"Well, I won't contact him anymore. I finally have a place to live now. I just want to serve you well and I'm content."

"As long as you understand, don't worry, I won't treat you badly."

After saying that, Yang Jun stood up.

"It's getting late. I have to go to work. Don't run around at home alone."

"Okay, Brother Jun."

Yang Qingxiang sent Yang Jun to the door and watched him get into the car.

Yang Jun started the car and was about to step on the accelerator when he suddenly remembered something.

"I'll have someone come over and clean up the bathroom later so I can take a bath later." "Yeah."

When Yang Qingxiang heard this, she lowered her head in shame.

Yang Jun left, taking with him the heart of this 17-year-old girl.

It wasn't until Yang Jun's figure disappeared at the entrance of the alley that she couldn't come back to her senses for a long time.


Yang Jun did not go to the Institute of Mechanical Science, but went to the steel rolling mill.

There were many people blocking him at the institute every day, so he had to work at the steel rolling mill.

As soon as he entered the office, he saw Huang Yani sitting on his desk correcting documents.

Although he still has an office at the steel rolling mill, the secretary's office has been taken back.

Therefore, Huang Yani can only work in his office.

Yang Jun entered the room and lay down directly on the sofa, looking weak.

Huang Yani rolled her eyes: "Dean, you're here at this time. Did you spend most of the night last night?"

Yang Jun rolled his eyes when he heard this.

This girl drives more and more frequently now, driving at every turn, and often speeding.

"Yes, it took five times and more than two hours." Yang Jun said angrily.

Yes, he and Yang Qingxiang spent the whole afternoon yesterday, but they borrowed it here today.

Huang Yani's face turned red when she heard this.

She didn't expect Yang Jun to be so direct. He was not that kind of person before.

What she didn't know was that Yang Jun's mood had changed slightly now that he had taken that step.

Sometimes, he felt that life was just like that.

If you can take that step, you can take two steps.

If Huang Yani flirts with him again, he will punish her directly.

Naturally, Huang Yani didn't know about Yang Jun's change in mood, and kept testing him on the verge of death.

"Looking at you like this, you must not have eaten enough."

Yang Jun was immediately aroused and stood up with excitement.

He put his hands on the table and looked down at her with a pair of hot eyes.

"You're right, I haven't eaten enough. Do you have anything to eat?"

Huang Yani was startled and shrank back, looking at Yang Jun's cannibalistic eyes with both fear and excitement.

He whispered softly: "Are you serious?"

"Yes, is there anything to eat?"

After saying that, the atmosphere suddenly froze.

The two stared at each other with fiery eyes, and each could hear the other's heartbeat.

"There are two white flour steamed buns, do you want to eat them?" Huang Yani asked, blinking.


Yang Jun couldn't help laughing and returned to the sofa to lie down with his waist in his hands.

"If you add too much alkali, it will be bitter."

A glimmer of hope flashed across Huang Yani's pretty face, and she pursed her lips and said, "It's not interesting."

"I said, you girl, don't flirt with me. I don't have that good concentration. If you do something wrong, I won't be responsible."

"I didn't let you take responsibility, and I was happy to do it."

Huang Yani said solemnly, "Since the moment you rescued me from the fire pit, I swore that I would be yours for the rest of my life. I will never marry again. I will always guard you silently. What are you doing?" Just say it whenever you need it.”

"Girl, why are you doing this? How embarrassed are you?"

Yang Jun murmured.

After saying that, two lines of tears fell from his face.

To be honest, he was moved by Huang Yani's infatuation.

After getting along with her for such a long time, he already understood her thoughts.

It's just that her love for him is too deep, too deep for him to bear.

The more Huang Yani behaves like this, the more guilty he feels.

This is a poor girl.

Her parents died, and she was the only one left. She suffered enough, and Yang Jun didn't want to hurt him anymore.

He also knew that there would be no results for any woman being with her.

In the end, the only ones who get hurt are themselves.

"Yanni, don't say anything. We must not take that step, otherwise we will have to separate." Yang Jun said.

A layer of crystal tears shone in Huang Yani's eyes. Hearing this, she nodded painfully.

"Okay, listen to you."

In the office, neither of them spoke anymore, and the air seemed very solemn.

Huang Yani lowered her head and continued to annotate the document, while Yang Jun lay on the sofa half-squinting.

It took a while before I heard Huang Yani say.

"Oh, Dean, I almost forgot something. I didn't get Huang Gong's marriage certificate."

When Yang Jun heard this, he sat up.

"what is wrong?"

Seeing this, Huang Yani took out a file bag from her bag and handed it over.

"The people from the subdistrict office said that Huang Ziqiang's materials did not comply with the approval procedures, so they would not be processed."

Yang Jun knew that Huang Zhiqiang's family background was problematic and that it was difficult to obtain a marriage certificate. He was not prepared to go through the normal procedures, so he asked Huang Yani to handle the matter in his name.

Generally speaking, as long as his brain is not caught in the door, he will sell Yang Jun's face.

"You didn't mention my name?"

"Forget it."

When Huang Yani heard this, she became very angry and said angrily: "I just told you your name, and the other party just threw out the materials. She also said that as long as you are from the institute, she will not give them to you." manage."

When Yang Jun heard this, he felt that something was wrong.

"It seems like someone is targeting me."

(End of this chapter)

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