Siheyuan: Domineering life

Chapter 814 Sunrise in the East and Rain in the West

Chapter 814 Sunrise in the East and Rain in the West


Yang Jun locked his son Yang Chengdao in a room, locked the door, and used a belt to treat him to fried meat with bamboo shoots.

This is an era of fighting for fathers. This is the truth, but it does not mean that Yang Jun indulges his son and doesn't care.

If his son fails to live up to his expectations, even gold and silver will not be enough to defeat him.

The child is only eight years old now, and there is still time for everything. No matter whether the fight is of no use, the feeling in my heart must come out.

"Dad, I was wrong."

When Yang Chengdao saw that Yang Jun was making serious moves, he immediately became scared.

The whole person huddled in the corner and remained motionless.

"Hmph! It's still useful if you tell your mother."

Yang Jun trembled the belt in his hand and touched it twice with his hands, and the belt made a "snap" sound.

Even if there was no such thing as this exam, Yang Jun would have already wanted to educate this kid.

This child was spoiled to no end by Wang Yuying and Yi Qiushui. It was common for him to be naughty and get into trouble. If he didn't care about it anymore, he would really become Sun Wukong.


As soon as Yang Jun took the belt off, Yang Chengdao screamed, leaving a band-shaped blood mark on his arm.

"Ah! Dad, I was wrong, please forgive me this time."

Yang Chengdao had never suffered like this since he was a child. The belt stuck to his body, like an ant, and he couldn't even scratch it.

"Clap! Clap! Clap!"

After a few more whips, Yang Chengdao burst into tears. He curled up on the ground, his mouth wide open and he couldn't even howl.

When other parents spank their children, they usually explain clearly why they are spanking them, but Yang Jun doesn't say anything at all and just keeps sulking and whipping him one after another.

"Clap clap clap!"

After a few more belts were removed, there were no more belt marks on his body.


This guy's reflex arc is a bit long, and it took him a long time to whip the belt before he screamed.

Yang Chengdao's cry quickly attracted Yi Qiushui and Sun Zhaodi.

The two stood at the door and kept patting the doors and windows.

"Husband, stop hitting him. Do you want to beat him to death if you hit him so hard?"

"Godfather, please stop hitting your brother. If you want to, just hit me."

The couple cried and begged for mercy outside the door, but Yang Jun refused to open the door.

The more they begged for mercy, the more angry Yang Jun became.

If you hadn't always spoiled him so much, would Yang Chengdao be like this?

After a few more belts were removed, there was almost no place on Yang Chengdao's body that was not marked by the belt.

The fiery red mark was swollen, and the blood mark was bulging, as if it wanted to break through the skin and spurt out.

"Clap clap clap!"

After a while, the child fainted.

When Yang Jun saw this, he stopped.

He tightened his belt again and opened the door.

As soon as the black shadow flashed, Sun Zhaodi rushed towards Yang Chengdao, who was unconscious in the corner.

Yi Qiushui, on the other hand, glanced at the child and then rushed towards Yang Jun like crazy.

"Young man named Yang, I'm not done with you."

After saying that, he pounced on Yang Jun and scratched him.

Yang Jun shook her aside, pointed at her and said: "Stop making trouble unreasonably, the child is spoiled by you. You are not loving the child, you are harming him."

Yi Qiushui collapsed on the ground and kept sobbing.

Yang Chengdao is her rival, and she doesn't allow anyone to touch him, not even Yang Jun.

"I don't want to have a baby anymore. I'm going to have an abort tomorrow."

When a woman gets into trouble, she dares to say anything.

To say this is an understatement, and some even threaten divorce.

"Whether love gives birth to a child, it's better not to have a child."

To be honest, when there are more children, Yang Jun doesn't love them very much. It's not that Yang Jun is unkind and ungrateful, that's the fact.

Why were those children in previous years so down-to-earth and more independent?

That's because they have more brothers and sisters and can't get more love from their parents. Therefore, they can only rely on themselves. They have learned a truth very early that if they want to get more things besides their parents, they can only rely on themselves. Go for it, you will never get it by relying on charity from others.

In the same way, there is no doubt that if there is only one child in the family, then the child's abilities in all aspects will not be as good as that of a child with many brothers and sisters.

Of course, Yang Jun also relied on the fact that he had many children, otherwise he would definitely give all his fatherly love to Yang Chengdao. However, it is different now. Yang Qingxiang has given birth to a well-behaved and sensible son for him. Huang Yani, Nalan Qingmeng and Meng Wenya are also pregnant now. He doesn't have to worry about future generations at all, so it's easier to start.

A woman cannot be reasoned with at this time. Once you try to reason with her, you have already lost.

Yang Jun ignored Yi Qiushui and went directly back to the backyard.

After returning to the study, he locked the door directly.

Sure enough, it didn't take long.

There was a violent knock on the door.

Yi Qiushui moved Wang Yuying here.

"You are too brave to hit my grandson."

"Come out here and see if I don't break your legs."

Wang Yuying slapped the door like crazy and shouted that she wanted to beat Yang Jun to death.

Yang Jun plugged his ears with cotton balls and lay down on the sofa.

Wang Yuying left after making trouble for a while.

There was the sound of a car starting outside, and they took the child to the hospital.


The next day, Yang Jun didn't eat breakfast and ran away early in the morning.

If it had been any later, Wang Yuying would have blocked her home.

Wang Yuying is such a person. Every time she spanks her children, she will make unreasonable troubles with Yang Jun.

However, she can't go back these two days, and she has to wait until her anger subsides.

First, he went around the unit, then had a small meeting, and then went directly to Yang Qingxiang's place.

His son Yang Chengcai went to school, and Yang Qingxiang was the only one at home.

After Song Ma put down the tea and fruit snacks, she wisely went to the front yard.

Yang Jun was lying on a wicker chair, and Yang Qingxiang sat next to him and fed him.

"Lao Yang, this time our son ranked first in grade again." Yang Qingxiang said.

When she mentioned her son, she beamed with pride.

This son was so ambitious that she never let her worry about him since he was a child. He ranked No. 1 in every exam and got full marks in every subject.

In the words of his class teacher, the reason why he scored [-] points in the exam was not because Yang Chengcai's level was only so high, but because the test paper only scored [-] points.

As expected, there were no mixed names, and Yang Chengcai had indeed become a talent.

Yang Qingxiang feels that her life is already complete. She has a man who loves her so much and a well-behaved and sensible son. She feels that she is the happiest person in the world. She is very satisfied with everything in front of her.

"As expected of my Yang Jun's son, he did not embarrass his father."

Yang Jun smiled and said: "Ask your son later and ask him what he wishes. I can help him realize it."

When Yang Qingxiang heard this, her pretty face suddenly darkened.

"Lao Yang, I advise you not to ask, otherwise you won't be able to fulfill your promise."

"What's wrong? There are still promises that I can't fulfill?" Yang Jun was stunned.

Now he wants money, power, and space to support him. There are very few things in the world that he can't do.

When Yang Qingxiang heard this, she lowered her head and said nothing.

After a long while, he said: "I have already told my son what happened between us. I'm afraid that he...will ask...for a complete family."

"If you can't do it then, what will you do?"

Yang Jun was startled: "You... told the child?"

Yang Qingxiang said in a deep voice: "The child is older. He can guess some things without me telling him. I... have no choice but to tell him the truth."

When Yang Jun heard this, his heart sank.

He hurriedly asked: "What did the child say?"

"What else can I say?"

Yang Qingxiang smiled bitterly and said: "The child is very calm and seems to have guessed that we have this kind of relationship. He didn't say anything at the time, but when I went to bed at night, I heard him hiding in bed and crying secretly."

Yang Jun felt very heavy when he heard this.

"I'm sorry for the trouble for the children. I'm sorry for you two."

Yang Qingxiang: "Lao Yang, what are you talking about? I am with you voluntarily. I don't care about your affairs. If the child blames you, then blame me."

"No, you have no choice. You are a mother. In the eyes of your children, you are perfect. You cannot bear this bad reputation. If the children want to blame me, blame me."

Yang Jun said: "I won't leave tonight. I will have a good chat with my son."

Yang Qingxiang: "Old Yang..."

"Okay, stop talking, just do it."

Yang Jun continued: "The child is everything to you. I can't let any gap arise between you and the child."

"Old Yang..."

Yang Qingxiang choked and hugged Yang Jun tightly.

To be honest, she was really afraid of leaving a bad impression in her son's mind, afraid that his son would misunderstand her mother as the kind of person who clings to power and pursues glory and wealth.A bad woman who doesn't cherish her reputation and destroys other people's families, she cares too much about her impression in her son's mind.

In the afternoon, Yang Jun came out of the bedroom in high spirits.

When I came to the front yard, I found Yang Qingxiang and Song Ma and the others busy with dinner in the kitchen.

Seeing Yang Jun coming over, Yang Qingxiang rubbed her hands on her apron, then came over to help him organize his clothes.

"The food will be ready soon. We will start eating as soon as my son gets out of school."

"It's okay, I'm not too hungry. Let's eat together when my son comes back."

Yang Jun said.

Afterwards, Yang Qingxiang went in and got busy.

Yang Jun just sat there and watched her working.

Yang Qingxiang came in and out, and every time she saw Yang Jun, her face was filled with smiles.

Scenes like this are not common, she thought to herself, it would be great if her son could be here.

"Mother Song, come here."

Yang Jun called Song's mother over.

He took out a wad of money from his pocket, counted one hundred yuan and handed it over.

"Mr. Yang, you can't do it."

Song's mother naturally knew what Yang Jun was going to do.

"You have already paid your salary, it is not appropriate for us to take this money again."

Yang Jun said solemnly: "Mother Song, after so many years, don't you still understand me? Just take what is given to you."

When Song Ma heard this, her face became excited.

She knows Yang Jun. Yang Jun is not short of money at all. If you dare to refuse what he gives you, you are not giving him face.

"Then...then thank you, Mr. Yang."

Song Ma bowed.The 100 yuan is not given to her alone, but is shared equally with her niece. Each of them can get 50 yuan.

50 yuan is a lot of money. It covers her monthly salary. Over the years, her average salary has exceeded [-] yuan, which is more than the eighth-level technician in the factory.

"Mama Song, thank you for helping me take care of Qingxiang and my children for so many years."

"Hey, this is what it should be, it should be."

Yang Jun said: "If you encounter any difficulties that cannot be solved in the future, you can come to me and I will solve them for you."

"Thank you Mr. Yang, thank you Mr. Yang."

Yang Jun never takes the initiative to make promises to others. If he can get a personal promise from him, it means that this person is someone he can trust.

Afterwards, Song's mother went into the kitchen to work.

After about 10 minutes, Yang Chengcai went home.

Yang Jun also specially arranged for a driver to take him to and from school, so the child's safety was guaranteed.


As soon as Yang Chengcai saw Yang Jun, he rushed towards him excitedly.

"Hey, son, come and let daddy hug you."

Yang Jun picked up his son, held him above his head, and spun him around twice.

He loved this well-behaved son from the bottom of his heart.

The child did not alienate Yang Jun because his father and mother did not have a normal relationship. Instead, he hugged Yang Jun's neck tightly, with a choked voice and a very excited expression.

He cherishes warm times like this very much. It is a piece of cake for other children, but it is a luxury for him.

"Dad, can you stay tonight?"


Yang Jun hugged his son and said softly: "Your mother said that you ranked first in grade again. Dad is very happy. To reward you, dad decided to stay with you for one night."

Yang Jun really didn't have the courage to ask his son what he wished for. He was really afraid that his son would want a complete family, but at that time he was really in a dilemma.

"It's great, dad can finally stay."

The child writhes happily in his arms.

"Dad, can you sleep with me, mom, and our family of three tonight?"

"Of course, I'll listen to you."

"Thank you dad."

The child was very happy when he heard it.

After putting down the books, the two of them played in the yard.

Yang Jun first accompanied his son to finish his homework, and then chatted with him for a while until Yang Qingxiang came over and asked them to eat.

That night, Yang Jun's family of three slept on the same bed.

My son was very excited and liked to stick to Yang Jun. He kept asking questions about this and that, and he didn't fall asleep until one o'clock in the morning.

The next day, Yang Jun got up and sent his son to school in person.

After returning from school, he went directly to work.

"Big boss, there is a man named Qian who wants to see you. Do you want to meet him?"

Nalan Qingmeng is pregnant and has resigned and gone home to raise her baby.

As the secretary of a big boss, getting pregnant before marriage was a very serious style issue. In order to avoid trouble, she simply quit all her jobs and went home to raise her baby.

Now Tan Qin has taken over her job and is responsible for all his daily work arrangements.

A few years ago, he also arranged for Jiang Haitao to go to the Ministry of Education. Now, except for the old man Tan Qin, all the current secretaries are newcomers.

"What? I don't even understand the rules anymore. Can I see anyone?"

When Tan Qin heard this, he curled his lips and said, "He is Sister Yani's secretary."

Yang Jun was drinking water. Hearing this, he almost spit out a mouthful of water.

"You girl, can't you finish your sentence in one breath?"

Huang Yani's secretary Qian Fang is coming over, and Yang Jun definitely wants to see her.

"Invite people in quickly."

"Yes, big leader."

Tan Qin played a long voice to express his dissatisfaction with Yang Jun.

Tan Qin has been following Yang Jun for seven or eight years, so he is naturally qualified to joke in front of Yang Jun. However, joking is a joke, but when doing business, he is not joking at all.

After a while, Qian Fang came.

He was carrying a gift bag and a thermos flask in his hands.

"Hello, leader."

Qian Fang bent down and bowed to Yang Jun, then stood aside respectfully.

Since learning Yang Jun's true identity, Qian Fang originally expressed deep remorse for Yang Jun's contempt.

She didn't expect that Yang Jun would hold an important position at such a young age, and his influence would be huge. When Yang Jun's name was mentioned, everyone in the entire Forty-Nine City and even the whole country would know about it.

Only then did she understand why a capable woman like Huang Yani was willing to be Yang Jun's woman silently.

This is a very charming man, a man who fascinates women.

I remember when we first met, she said that men like Yang Jun who smoke are the most fascinating.

After in-depth understanding, she respected Yang Jun even more.

"Hello, Secretary Qian."

Yang Jun used one hand to signal her to speak.

Qian Fang did not dare to sit down, but put the thermos pot she brought on the coffee table, opened the lid, and poured a bowl of chicken soup from it.

"Boss, our chairman cooked this for you personally. She told me to watch you finish the chicken soup."

After saying that, he looked at Yang Jun with a smile.

Yang Jun frowned when he heard this.

He has learned Huang Yani's cooking skills. This silly girl likes to cook, but she can't cook well. It's good if the rice she cooks can kill people. As for the taste, don't worry about it.

Yang Jun held the bowl close to his nose and smelled it.

"Has your chairman tasted it?"

Qian Fang burst into laughter upon hearing this.

"The chairman's guess was indeed correct. She expected you to ask this question early on."

"Big boss, you can't look at people with old eyes. Our chairman has not been idle in Hong Kong City for so many years. She practices cooking whenever she has time, and she has even studied with a chef for several years."

Yang Jun heard this and shook his head.

It's not that he underestimates the chefs in Hong Kong City. The level of those chefs is simply incomparable with the chefs in the mainland. Even they themselves are not willing to eat the food they cook.

Yang Jun wanted to take a bite, but he hesitated and put it on the table.

"Tell you, Chairman, I've tried it and I say it's good."

Hearing this, Qian Fang smiled coquettishly again.

"Keke, our chairman's guess is right. She had already expected what you would say."

"Our chairman has said, if you don't want to drink, forget it, she won't force you."

After saying that, he put away the chicken soup.

"Haha, your chairman has made some progress over the years." Yang Jun said with a smile.

"Of course, I admire the fact that a woman like the chairman can manage such a large family fortune. She is the strongest woman I have ever seen, bar none."

Qian Fang's eyes were full of little stars, and it was obvious that she admired Huang Yani very much.

"Let's talk business."

Yang Jun didn't like outsiders talking about what happened between him and Huang Yani, so he changed the topic.

"Oh, that's the case. While the chairman asked me to deliver chicken soup to you, he also asked me to bring some documents for your disposal."

After speaking, he took out several documents from the gift bag and placed them in front of Yang Jun.

Yang Jun looked through it and found that they were all about major decision-making issues.

These are documents that only the chairman of the board is qualified to sign.

Yang Jun didn't understand why Huang Yani gave these documents to him for signature. She was just pregnant and could still handle the affairs of the group, so why didn't she handle it herself?
It wasn't until he saw the last personnel appointment letter that he understood what Huang Yani meant when she asked him to sign it.

This is a personnel appointment letter that has been drawn up long ago. It states that so and so is appointed as Manager Zhong of the company group, responsible for taking charge of all the company's affairs.

But the name column above is indeed blank.

This is definitely not Huang Yani's negligence or forgetfulness, but her deliberate doing.

Seeing this scene, Yang Jun immediately understood what she meant.

So, he put the personnel appointment letter in front of Qian Fang.

"Do you understand what your chairman means?"

After saying that, he looked straight at her.

Qian Fang knew about this personnel appointment letter. Hearing this, his face turned red, nodded, and whispered,
"I probably understand, but I'm not sure."

Qian Fang is Huang Yani's secretary. As the secretary of the chairman of the super group, if she is very good, the chairman asks her to deliver the documents and puts this personnel appointment letter in the middle. Wouldn't she just want Yang Jun to inspect her.

If Yang Jun thinks it's okay, Qian Fang will be the general manager of the group. If Yang Jun thinks it's not okay, then Qian Fang will still be her secretary.

Her future and destiny were in Yang Jun's hands, and she was both excited and nervous at the moment.

The purpose of what Huang Yani did was to prepare for the next step of raising a baby. With such a big deal in the group, someone had to take care of it for her.The general manager can only be a woman, not a man.

The man is too ambitious and difficult to control, and as a female chairman, she can only find a female general manager to be her assistant.

Therefore, she threw this problem to Yang Jun and let him decide.

"Do you want to be the general manager?" Yang Jun asked.

The group had had several general managers before, but they were laid off due to incompatibility of ideas or personalities. Now it was hard to find a suitable one. She couldn't make up her mind, so she wanted Yang Jun to check it for him.

"miss you!"

Qian Fang nodded.

Yang Jun has been in the workplace for so long, he knows exactly what is on everyone's mind, and there are very few things that can be hidden from him.

When he inspects people, he never asks about business matters, but always chats with them in order to get the answers he wants from their words.

A person's way of speaking and behavior is developed over a long period of time. Through these subtle changes, a person's personality, hobbies, character, etc. can be derived.

Qian Fang is doing pretty well so far and is a man capable of big things.

Afterwards, Yang Jun asked a few more questions at will.

After summarizing, he felt that Qian Fang was a person with excellent abilities and character. Although he was not the best candidate for general manager, he was still the best candidate.

Although they seemed to be chatting casually, Qian Fang actually knew in her heart that Yang Jun was testing her. She didn't think she had anything to hide from Yang Jun, an old fox, so she would basically answer truthfully.

After about a stick of incense, Yang Jun suddenly picked up a pen and signed his name on the personnel appointment.

Of course, his signature is not legally binding.

This signature is mainly for Huang Yani to see. The appointment letter will have to be re-drafted later, and it will be officially effective after Huang Yani's signature.

"Big leader, thank you."

Qian Fang bowed slightly to him excitedly: "I will definitely live up to your expectations and cooperate with the chairman to manage the company well..."

Yang Jun raised his hand to interrupt her.

"Okay, go back and tell your chairman that I will go to her place tonight."

Qian Fang's face turned red when he heard this.

Although I am a secretary, there is no need to tell me about this private life.

However, she could only be obedient in front of Yang Jun.

"Yes, big boss, I will definitely convey it to you."

(End of this chapter)

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