Siheyuan: Domineering life

Chapter 822 You don’t understand the happiness of fishermen

Chapter 822 You don’t understand the happiness of fishermen

Yang Jun came to the bedroom and found Yi Qiushui lying flat on the bed.

At this moment, she was lying there lazily, watching TV leisurely, with a fruit plate next to her.

The green-white fingers pinched the grapes gracefully and skillfully stuffed them into the lips.

"Husband, you're back. How was your harvest today?"

Yi Qiushui glanced at him and then continued watching TV.

"Well, it's not bad. Fishing is indeed the best leisure activity for cultivating one's mind and body."

Yang Jun didn't dare to tell her that he was from the Air Force. This girl had been waiting to see his joke.

Yang Jun took off his shoes and went to bed, lying next to her.

"I heard that you just came back from the hospital. Are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere?"

Yi Qiushui was stunned for a moment, then smiled.

Lying down and whispering in Yang Jun's ear for a while.

"Oh, it's insured."

Yang Jun suddenly realized that he felt like he was carrying a heavy burden.

Some time ago, Yi Qiushui had the baby removed. After a few months of rest, she went to the hospital to get additional insurance.

This time it was really safe. She had a sterilization surgery and the last accident would never happen again.

"Wife, thank you for your hard work."

Yang Jun held her in his arms and kissed her forehead.

Yi Qiushui sighed.

"It's just that your ten brothers have worked hard during this period."

When Yang Jun heard this, he chuckled.

"Don't talk nonsense, I have never asked my brother to help me, and I will never need it in this life."

Yi Qiushui rolled her eyes: "Your ten brothers didn't help, but my ten sisters did."


Yang Jun blushed and said, "Girls, be more reserved and don't say anything without restraint."

"A girl again?"

"Have you ever seen a girl who is almost forty? You are my man. I can't say anything in front of you." Yi Qiushui rolled her eyes at him.

"You will always be that young and beautiful girl in my heart."

"You're so damned." Yi Qiushui rolled her eyes angrily: "Don't say it yet, I just love what you say, and I never get tired of hearing it every time."


Yi Qiushui is a pure person, and she still yearns for beautiful love in her heart. Yang Jun is her true love, and she is willing to dedicate everything to her.

Therefore, in the past ten years, her feelings for Yang Jun have not declined but have reached a sublimated level.

Afterwards, the two of them stayed cozy in the house for a while.

"Husband, Zhaodi will go back to her hometown tomorrow. I just want to take advantage of this time to recuperate. After Zhaodi comes back, I will go to work."

Yang Jun said: "Don't be in a hurry about going to work. You just had the surgery and should stay at home for a while."

"By the way, husband, our school is running for the vice principal, do you think I should try?"

After Yi Qiushui finished speaking, she looked at him with hopeful eyes.

Yi Qiushui is now the dean of the branch college and is eligible to run for the vice president of the main college. However, not everyone can be the vice president of Huaqing University. In addition to qualifications, there are also academic requirements and the publication of a certain number of papers. Wait, the most important thing is the influence in society and academia.

In terms of strength, Yi Qiushui is indeed not weaker than them, but in terms of the number of papers published and their impact, she is not.

She is a person with an elegant temperament and hates the assembly line selection of talents, so she has not published any papers for so many years and is only obsessed with medical research.

Of course, the reason why she is so stable in the position of branch dean is due to Yang Jun's factors.

"If you are interested, I can make arrangements for you." Yang Jun said.

Not to mention being a vice-principal, even being the principal of Huaqing is just a matter of Yang Jun's words.

Yi Qiushui was a little moved when she heard this.

But after thinking for a while, Yi Qiushui refused.

"Forget it, husband, I'll just continue my medical research. If I really run for vice president, I won't be able to continue teaching on the front line."

"It's up to you. You can tell me anytime you want."

Yang Jun respects her choice very much and will never force her to do something she doesn't want to do. She also resigned and came back before, and he made arrangements without saying anything.

There is nothing lacking at home now, and this job is purely a hobby.

Life is short, you should do something you like.

"Thanks husband."

Hearing this, Yi Qiushui hugged Yang Jun excitedly.

Turning over, her wound was pulled.

"Honey, it hurts!"

"Lie down quickly and let me check you to see if the wound is open."

"piss off……"


The next day, Yang Jun did not go fishing, but stayed with Yi Qiushui at home.

Yi Qiushui had just finished surgery and was feeling uncomfortable physically. Coupled with the hot weather, her mood was even worse.

"Husband, I want to eat green dates."

Yang Jun knew that she was in a bad mood, so he followed her in everything.

"Okay, I'll buy it for you."

"Oh, I also want to eat apples and kumquats."

When Yang Jun heard this, the corners of his mouth twitched a few times.

He felt like this bitch did it on purpose.

Look at the fruits she ordered to eat. They are all winter fruits. If she were an ordinary person, where would she get these fruits for her?

Fortunately, he is not an ordinary person. He has everything in his system, not to mention winter fruits, and even foreign fruits. As long as you can name them, he has them all here.

In the past few years, Shitou has sent him fruit all the time. As long as he didn't have it in his space, he would take it in and copy it.

"Okay, I'll buy it for you."

Yang Jun finally figured it out. This woman was deliberately looking for trouble.

Eating fruit is fake, tossing him is real.

"If I can't eat within half an hour, I won't eat."

Seeing how readily he agreed, Yi Qiushui put forward another harsh condition.

Yang Jun smiled when he heard this.

Let alone half an hour, he can do it within a minute.

"No problem, I guarantee you will have fresh fruit within half an hour."

"and also……"

When Yang Jun heard this, he quickly raised his hands to beg for mercy.

"My dear wife, don't torment your man. Just tell me what you want to do, right?"


Yi Qiushui pouted and said dissatisfiedly: "I am lying here suffering, and I just want you to be stabbed too."

"You men are so lucky. Why should we women suffer the consequences?"

When Yang Jun heard this, he couldn't laugh or cry.

"How about I find a knife and you give me one too?"

When Yi Qiushui heard this, she grinned and cried.

"Go away, don't let me see you."

How could she be willing to give Yang Jun a knife? The reason why she said this was to vent her dissatisfaction, and at the same time, she also wanted Yang Jun to care more about her.

"Okay, okay, I'll disappear right away."


Yi Qiushui stopped her again, and then stared at him for a while.

"Walk, walk, walk as far as you can."

Yang Jun smiled bitterly and left.

Went back to the front yard and drove out for a spin.

When he came back, the car was piled with fruit.

He asked Zhao Juhua to wash some fruits and send them to Yi Qiushui.

Then he sat there chatting with his family.

"Daddy, my first store will open in two days. Can you go over and help me cut the ribbon then?"

At this time, Yang Chengliu came over and sat next to him.

When Yang Jun heard this, he waved his hand: "I can't go, so I'll change my request."

Yang Chengliu smiled when he heard this.

She seemed to have guessed that Yang Jun would say this, and was not disappointed, so she hugged his arm and said coquettishly.

"Okay, this is your godfather's decision."

Yang Chengliu rolled his eyes and said with a smile: "Currently, the goods in the store are not complete. The port city is still going through customs procedures. I would like to ask my godfather for a favor. How about getting me a batch of home appliances?"

Yang Jun said without thinking, "Okay, no problem."

"Give me a key to your warehouse and I'll send it to you later."

"Thank you, godfather." Xiao Liu said happily.

The things in Yang Jun's space are very complete. Almost everything that exists in this world can be found in his space.

"Xiao Wu, how is the construction of the house over there?" Yang Jun asked.

Xiao Wu was playing cards. Hearing this, he turned around and faced Yang Jun.

"Daddy, the house is almost finished. There are still issues like landscaping, water, electricity, and decoration. It will take about a month to move in."

"Well, you can have some snacks. After all, this is your own house."

"Got it, godfather."

Yang Chengwu put a lot of thought into this manor. With sufficient funds, all the materials used were the best. There was no cutting corners. After all, he lived in it himself.

"By the way, godfather, I have something to report to you."

After Yang Chengwu finished speaking, he motioned to Yang Jun to find a quiet place to talk.

When Yang Jun saw this, he got up and came outside.

Looking around and seeing no one around, Yang Chengwu said, "Godfather, the man named Peng is back."

Yang Jun was stunned for a moment.

"Peng Sanwan?"

"Yes, that's the grandson."

Yang Chengwu said: "Yesterday I went to school to pick up Xiaoliu and found that grandson talking to Xiaoliu."

"You read that right?"

Yang Chengwu: "Godfather, I don't dare to say anything else. I have never missed this pair of tricks. I think back then, I used these tricks to lead Xiaoliu around to beg for food. What kind of dog bites? I can tell at a glance that such a dog doesn't bite."

"I recognize the man named Peng who turned to ashes. I will never admit his mistake."

When Yang Jun heard this, he sighed heavily.

He believed that Xiao Wu would not lie to him. If he said it was Peng Sanwan, it must be Peng Sanwan.

Before, Xiao Wu didn't know about the relationship between Peng Sanwan and Yang Liu, so he wanted to bring Xiao Liu and Peng Sanwan together. Now that he knows about their relationship, it is definitely impossible for him to agree to it again, not to mention, Peng Shanwan This man's character is not good.

"Xiao Wu, you did the right thing. Xiao Liu is not very experienced in the world and does not understand the dangers of people's hearts. Therefore, sometimes we have to check for her."

Yang Jun continued: "Does Xiaoliu know that you saw Peng Sanwan?"

"I don't know. I saw them together yesterday, but I didn't dare to show up."

"You did very well."

Yang Jun nodded and said, "I hope Xiaoliu won't blame us in the future."

When Yang Chengwu heard this, a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes.

"Godfather, do you want me..."

Xiao Wu made a slicing motion.

Yang Jun shook his head.

"Don't worry about it, I'll do it."

After all, Xiao Wu was a member of the underworld, and his subordinates were all gangsters. Gangsters were not reliable in their work. Yang Jun did not intend to let those people do such things. He had to have his people do it before he could rest assured.

"Godfather, your identity is inconvenient, so I'll do it." Yang Chengwu said worriedly.He thought to himself that even if something happened in the future, it would have nothing to do with Yang Jun. As long as Yang Jun was not involved, there would be room for change.

Yang Jun gave him a big blow directly.

"How can a child be so angry?"

"I'll say it again, don't worry about this, and don't expose yourself in front of Xiaoliu."

Yang Chengwu covered his head and muttered: "I know, I know, why do you do such a heavy hand?"

Afterwards, the two of them returned to the yard pretending that nothing had happened.

Yang Jun first played two games of chess with Yang Anbang and the others, then grabbed a handful of peanuts and quietly sat next to Yang Chengliu.

This child felt that Yang Jun was very kind because Yang Jun had promised to get her a batch of home appliances just now, so she kept hanging around him.

"Daddy, try this banana, it's very sweet."

Xiaoliu hugged Yang Jun's arm and stuffed the banana into his mouth.

Yang Jun took a bite and nodded: "Yeah, it's so sweet."

"That's what your daughter feeds you. You have to say it's sweet even if it's not sweet, Ge Ge!"

After Xiaoliu attended a training class at Huaqing University for a few months, his whole person changed drastically. He became much more cheerful, no longer afraid of communicating with strangers, and his eloquence became better.

The two sat there and showed off their father-daughter affection for a while.

"Xiao Liu, have you been in contact with that Peng Sanwan recently?" Yang Jun suddenly asked.


When Yang Chengliu heard this, he panicked and answered without thinking.

"Oh, just don't contact me."

As long as Yang Xiaoliu denies it, even if asked in the future, she will lie first.

"My godfather asked you something off-topic. You must tell me the truth."

"Okay, godfather, just ask, I promise that I will tell you everything from my heart."

Yang Jun pondered for a moment: "I know you still have Peng Sanwan in your heart..."

"Godfather, I didn't..."

Yang Jun raised his hand and interrupted: "Don't deny it yet. My godfather asks you, if Peng Sanwan loses his job one day or becomes disabled, will you still be willing to live with him for the rest of your life? "

Hearing this, Yang Chengliu hesitated.

When Yang Jun saw this, he immediately guessed the answer.

As long as she hesitates, it means that she is thinking vicariously, imagining whether Peng Sanwan will really become what Yang Jun said, and whether she can accept it.

As long as she thinks about it, it means that Peng Sanwan still has a certain weight in her heart.

"Godfather, I can't."

When Yang Jun heard this, he chuckled.

"It won't be fine."

Knowing that Xiao Liu lied, Yang Jun felt a little heartbroken.

When a daughter grows up, once she has a man she likes, she will even deceive and hide it from her parents. This is the so-called power of love. In fact, these... ugh.

"Okay, since you don't have him in your heart, we won't mention him in the future."

After saying that, Yang Jun waved his hand and returned to the backyard.

When he came to the study, he locked the door and made a phone call.

Around evening time, Luo Xiaojun came.

"Uncle, everything is done."

Yang Jun nodded after hearing this.

"Has everything been dealt with cleanly?"

“Very clean!”

Luo Xiaojun answered briefly and neatly.

Yang Jun nodded after hearing this.

He has several such people under his command who are dedicated to doing such dirty things for Yang Jun.

Before, Nalan Qingmeng's stepmother wanted to kill her, so Yang Jun's people took her to an abandoned brick kiln to deal with it. For so many years, those people have been hidden by him, and now they can finally use it again. The ground is gone.

You can't do this kind of thing often, it will become addictive, and you will lose that sense of awe in your heart. If things go on like this, you will become a bloodthirsty demon.

"Just in case, let's send the person to the port city to hide for a while." Yang Jun explained.

"Uncle, don't worry. He has been sent away. If nothing happens, he will appear in Hong Kong City at this time tomorrow."

When Yang Jun heard this, he nodded with satisfaction.

Luo Xiaojun has been trained by him in the past few years, and he is more calm and steady in his work than before. Some things have been dealt with without him having to explain.

"Well, give his family a sum of money so that he can hide away for a few years."

"Uncle Master, I have already given it to you."

This was just a precautionary arrangement. In fact, according to the cautious attitude of those people, it was impossible to leave any clues, but Yang Jun was like this and liked to add double insurance.


For the next few days, life went on as usual.

Yang Chengliu seemed not to notice that Peng Sanwan was missing. In order to show that they had broken off contact, he still behaved normally in front of Yang Jun.

Yang Jun also acted as if nothing happened and did whatever he had to do.

On this day, Yang Jun came to Beihai Park to fish again.

This time he came well prepared and brought a large bucket of fish food just for making a nest.

The fish food is made of wheat bran and pig blood, and comes in a big bucket.

Still sitting in the same fishing position as before, Luo Xiaojun and the others began to get busy as soon as they sat on the deck chairs.

There were five or six balls of fish food with big mines. Sun Zhaocai was very strong, so he looked at the right place and threw it.

Five or six fish food balls were thrown over in a row, and a large ripple appeared in that place.

"Uncle Yang, those who know are here to fish, but those who don't know think that the breeders are here to feed the fish."

The fish food alone cost five or six yuan, and Sun Zhaocai felt a little distressed. If the money could be used to buy food, it would be enough for him to eat two meals.

"Do you think I'm a money-hungry business owner? What I focus on is a fishing spirit. It doesn't matter whether I have money or not, as long as I can catch fish."

As soon as Yang Jun finished speaking, he saw a group of old men approaching with fishing rods.

Finally, I met a big enemy. With so much fish food thrown in, it’s strange that the river is full of fish but they can’t get through.

A group of old men sat on both sides of Yang Jun. After throwing out the fishhook, they stared at the fish float.

"Hey, you can't fish here."

Sun Zhaocai began to drive away those people.

"To attract wealth, what are you doing?"

Yang Jun glared at him: "Don't you know fishing is more lively when there are more people?"

"Uncle Yang, they are taking advantage of you." Sun Zhaocai said.

"Just stay there and don't talk."

Fishing alone is no fun, it would be fun if there was someone to accompany you.

When Sun Zhaocai heard this, he retreated angrily.

If you don't let me chase people away, I will eat.

Seeing Yang Jun not paying attention, he took out all the snacks he brought.

Then he ate it in big mouthfuls.

"Yes, yes."

I only heard someone shouting, and I saw an old man next to me holding a pole, and a carp weighing three to four kilograms came ashore.

The uncle danced happily and turned back to show off to Yang Jun from time to time.

"Thank you, young man."

When Yang Jun heard this, his face twitched.

Hey, young man, I already have four cards, okay?

However, others don't know that he has four pictures. Only he knows that in the eyes of others, his appearance looks less than 30 years old.

Therefore, it is not wrong for people to call him young man.

"Oh, I have one too."

At this time, a little old man next to him also stopped his pole with a smile.

Although the fish he caught were not as big as that of the old man, he still had something to gain.

Yang Jun suddenly became unhappy.

You all have it, but mine is silent.

Could it be that the fish in the river also bullied him for being a newcomer.

Next to them, Luo Xiaojun and the others were unavoidably worried about Yang Jun. If others gained a lot, where would Yang Jun's face go?

"Uncle Master, please move the fishing rod to the side, farther away from the nesting place." Luo Xiaojun said.

"Why?" Yang Jun was stunned.

He thinks he should fish where there are the most fish.

"Of course it's for fishing."

Luo Xiaojun explained: "Uncle Master, think about it, we just put in so much food that the fish couldn't finish it. Who would care about the little bait on the hook? If you move to the side, it will be different. Those fish that can’t eat fish food might eat the bait.”

Yang Jun thought for a while and felt that what he said made sense.

"You're right."

Then I retracted the fishhook, and the bait was indeed hung on the fishhook well.

Then as soon as he reeled in the line, he threw the fishhook two or three meters away from the place where he made the nest.

After doing all this, he quietly waited for the fish to take the bait.

But 5 minutes passed and there was still no fish hair.

But there was always a sound of 'yes, yes' coming from the side.

"I have it again."

An old man with a white beard next to him caught another two-pound silver carp.

Yang Jun had long been unhappy with the old man. In just a short time, he had caught five fish.

Of course, the luck of other fishermen was not bad, and they all caught more or less, but Yang Jun was the air force.

"Yes, yes."

"I have it again."

There were constant sounds in his ears, and their surprise was just a mockery to Yang Jun.

Laughing at him as a first time fisherman.

"Have it!"

The old man with the white beard screamed again.

This time, Yang Jun was completely angered.

As soon as he took off his straw hat, he said to the old man: "Sir, don't worry about it. Now that you have it, go to the hospital to wait for delivery."

"I say young people, you have to be patient when fishing..."

"Hey, Junzi."

"Yeah, it's the third uncle."

This old man with a white beard turned out to be the third uncle Yan Bugui.

I haven’t seen him for so many years, and he has become so old.

Such a respectable man from his hometown has grown a beard, which is inconsistent with his status as a scholar.

"I said who is so arrogant and feeds fish food by the bucketful? It turns out to be you, Junzi. It's not surprising, haha." The third uncle kept throwing the pole in his hand while talking to Yang Jun.

Yang Jun had been fishing with a straw hat, and the hat covered his face, so the third uncle did not recognize him.

When Yang Jun heard this, he scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Hey, third uncle, you don't understand the happiness of fishermen."

When the third uncle heard this, he just smiled and said nothing.

He has been fishing since he was a teenager, and now he is 70 or [-] years old. Some people still say that he does not know how to fish.

However, as people grow older, he will naturally not tell the truth, and Yang Jun still has to give him face.

"Junzi, are you coming tomorrow? The third uncle is messing with you." The third uncle said with a smile.

Yang Jun also looked embarrassed.

"Third uncle, why do I feel like you are laughing at me?"

(End of this chapter)

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