Siheyuan: Domineering life

Chapter 873 You Are Calling

Chapter 873 You Are Calling
Yang Jun arranged for Yang Chengwu and the others to meet.

After the meeting, he immediately asked someone to move Yang Chengliu to another place.

He has to guard against it.

It's not that he doesn't believe Xiao Wu, but that he has to do this. After all, Xiao Wu and Xiao Liu grew up together. They depended on each other and begged all the way to Sijiu City. They have a deep relationship, and Yang Jun is afraid that Xiao Wu will do it. Something irrational happened.

Yang Jun is now in a high and powerful position. The more this happens, the more he walks on thin ice, not daring to make a mistake every step he takes.

In the past few days, I often go to Hongjie's teahouse, for no other reason than to taste the cabbage, and then... guide the work of Hongjie's teahouse.

Not to mention, the 16-year-old baby cabbage is just more delicious than the old baby cabbage, and Yang Jun enjoys it every day.

Yang Jun stayed with Xiao Baicai for three days in a row. When it was time to have in-depth exchanges and when it was time to charge into battle, they just kept silent about each other's affairs.

Yang Jun didn't even ask Xiaobaicai's name.

He now understands that if he wants to eat eggs, there is no need to buy chickens and raise them at home. He will no longer find a yard for women to raise them like he did before. It would be too much trouble. If he accidentally misfires, he will Human life has to be worked hard for a lifetime.

Of course, Yang Jun is not a scumbag. He can't compensate women in this aspect, but he can compensate in other aspects.

Most women who reach this point are trapped by money, and what Yang Jun is most in need of is money.

Give money, give a house, give a car, give everything that money can buy, but don’t talk about love and family...

He has enough women now and doesn't want to cause any more trouble to him.


In the past few days, Yi Qiushui was watching Yan at home. Yang Jun was not running around, but was fishing at home.

After several months of growth, the fry that were originally about the size of a fingernail have now grown to be as long as a little finger. The reason why they grew so fast is entirely the result of Yang Jun having people feed them fish food.

Due to the excessive number of fry initially released and the natural growth, the river has now become crowded. You can see groups of small fish swimming by everywhere. Even without the aid of tools, you can catch them barefoot in the river with your bare hands. Live small fish.

Even so, Yang Jun still couldn't catch a fish.

Hey, I'm afraid he wasn't born to fish, or maybe it was the spirit of a fisherman that impressed the Dragon King?
Yang Junzhi is not fishing, so it doesn't matter what bait he hangs. This is the same as taking off his pants and farting.

No, Yang Jun threw the fishing rod directly into the river and began to lie down on the deck chair.

Today, Ding Erzhu is on duty again. He and another guard are guarding Yang Jun.

However, this guy's mind was not here, and he looked back behind him from time to time.

If you say you want to look around, just look around. The key is what are you always mumbling about?It was so noisy that Yang Jun couldn't even lie down peacefully.

When Yang Jun turned around and saw Sun Zhaodi there, he understood.

Yi Qiushui was resting at home today, and Sun Zhaodi didn't follow her out. Instead, Sun Zhaodi moved a small bench at the door and knitted a sweater.

This scene is so eye-catching, just like Zhang Fei eating bean sprouts. There is no one like this tall and thick girl who doesn't play well with guns but insists on holding embroidery needles.

"Silly Zhu, if you make any noise again, believe it or not, I will throw you into the river to feed the fish?" Yang Jun said lazily.

When Ding Erzhu heard this, he laughed.

"Uncle Yang, how about I stay away from you?"

"I won't go far. I'm just at your house. If you need anything, just say hello."

Yang Jun smiled when he heard this.

This guy is so stupid that he has learned to play tricks.

Don't you just want to have a love affair with Sun Zhaodi openly?
Sun Zhaodi's marriage has always been a headache for Yang Jun. He is almost three-year-old, but he still seems to be heartless. He eats and drinks when he should. It feels like the emperor is not in a hurry and the eunuch is.

He really wished that Sun Zhaodi could get married.

To be honest, Yang Jun liked Sun Zhaodi very much. Except for her big appetite, she was impeccable in other aspects. Yang Jun didn't want his goddaughter to die alone in her life.


Ding Erzhu came to Sun Zhaodi, leaned on the door frame, and watched Sun Zhaodi knitting a sweater with a silly smile on his face.

When Sun Zhaodi saw this, her face turned red.

He raised his head and glanced in the direction of Yang Jun, then pursed his lips and smiled.

"Why are you laughing?" Sun Zhaodi said with a red face.

If Sun Zhaodi didn't have that thought, why would she bring a small bench to the door to knit a sweater.

Ding Erzhu chuckled and scratched his head.

"My mother said that women who can knit sweaters are good women."

In his eyes, women who knit sweaters, make shoes, sew clothes, and do housework are all good women.

When Sun Zhaodi heard this, her face turned red.

It was the first time that a man praised her, and she felt a little embarrassed.

She knew how to knit sweaters ten years ago. If it weren't for Ding Erzhu, why would she pick up this job again.

However, I don’t know whether it was because she was unfamiliar with her craftsmanship or because she was absent-minded, which caused her to keep making mistakes today.

"What else did your mother say?"

Sun Zhaodi felt very sweet.

Ding Erzhu stared with big eyes, tilted his head and thought.

"My mother also said that women with big butts can give birth to boys."


Before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Sun Zhaodi.

Our relationship hasn't been decided yet, why are you talking about this?
My butt is big because I am fat. It has nothing to do with whether I can have a boy.


Ding Erzhu responded sadly, but took two steps back without leaving.

He didn't know what he said that offended Sun Zhaodi.

He frowned and thought that what he said just now was wrong. My mother was right. Women with big butts can give birth to boys.

When Sun Zhaodi saw this, she didn't tell him to get out.

Seeing his silly look, he burst out laughing.

"Why are you standing so far away? Come closer and talk."

"Didn't you tell me to get out?" Ding Erzhu looked aggrieved.

Sun Zhaodi's eyes widened with anger.

I told you to get out, did you get out?

"If you don't come closer, I will go back to my room."

"No, I'll be closer."

Ding Erzhu was anxious.

If Sun Zhaodi returned to the room, how could he flirt with her?

Without an order, Yang Jun's home cannot be entered casually. What's more, he is on duty now and cannot leave his post without permission.

Ding's son listened very much to Sun Zhaodi's words, came to Sun Zhaodi, squatted on the ground carefully, held his arms with his hands, and laughed.


"What are you laughing at?"

"You are so pretty."



Ding Erzhu stood up and took two steps back.

"Why are you so far away from me?"


The two of them were adults, but they were doing things like children.

Che Zhuluan kept talking, just a few words.

Ding Erzhu was seen squatting down and retreating for a whole hour, repeating the same movements.

This scene was seen by Yang Jun.

He smiled knowingly.

Love is actually very simple, just seeing the right person.

Even without saying a word, the other person knows that you care about them.

Yang Jun was a little strange about Sun Zhaodi's view on love. She used to believe in singleism and made up her mind to stay with them alone for the rest of their lives. However, since Ding Erzhu appeared, she seemed to have changed a lot. Not only did she not reject this kind of thing, but she would also do it from time to time. Ask about the subtle changes between men and women.

Yang Jun shook his head, really confused about their concept of love.

Could it be that he is getting old?

Perhaps in the eyes of the giant Ding Erzhu, a giant like Sun Zhaodi is a good match.

Just like us normal people look at them, we think it is abnormal to be so big. However, in the eyes of Ding Erzhu and Sun Zhaodi, we so-called normal people are not normal. Instead, they think giants are normal.

The reason why Sun Zhaodi hasn't found a partner for so many years may be because she hasn't met a giant with the same size as her, so she has been single.

Now, Ding Erzhu appeared, Sun Zhaodi seemed to have found the meaning of life, and the two secretly hooked up.

Not to mention, humans are quite strange animals.

Whether it's finding a partner or starting a family, it's basically a matter of groups. Just like us so-called normal people, would you find a giant or a dwarf to marry?

Like a basketball player, would he marry a weightlifter?
Height is not proportional, it affects the quality of life.

However, Yang Jun was happy from the bottom of his heart that Sun Zhaodi could find his own spring.

"Puff puff!"

There was a sound of big feet, as if someone was running towards this side.

Yang Jun didn't open his eyes because he didn't need to.

If there is danger, the guards around you will definitely nip the danger in the bud.

The reason why this person was not stopped was because this person was a family member of Yang Jun.

Yi Qiushui sat down on the small bench next to Yang Jun in a panic, as if she had done something shady.

"Lao Yang, have you seen it? Have you seen it?"

Yi Qiushui looked excited. As she spoke, she blinked at Yang Jun a few times and pointed behind her.

"I saw it, our cabbage was eaten by pigs." Yang Jun said quietly.

In his eyes, Sun Zhaodi was his biological daughter.

Anyone who is worthy of her is too high.

Yi Qiushui's almond-shaped eyes widened, and her green-white hands pinched Yang Jun's waist.

"Do you speak like this? Can you act like an elder?"

"If they become successful in the future, wouldn't it be you who becomes my son-in-law?"

When Yang Jun heard this, he chuckled.

"When they are done, let's see how I beat that kid."

This is the tradition of his old Yang family,

Regardless of whether it belongs to a brother-in-law or a son-in-law, this level must be passed.

This is the rule set by Yang Jun.

Among his brothers-in-law, none of them had been beaten by him, and one of them had his family ruined by him.

If you want to be Yang Jun's son-in-law and brother-in-law, you must pass this test. It's not that Yang Jun has many bad rules, but that he has to do this.

He must let those people know that it is not easy to maintain the Yang family's job, and he must make them feel a little in awe.

Not to mention, the brothers-in-law who were educated by him were pretty good.

Except for Wang Tao, because Yang Jun did not beat him at the beginning.

Yang Jun has been reflecting on it. If he had beaten Wang Tao back then, would he and Yang Liu not be where they are today?
There are no ifs and what-ifs in things. There is no regret medicine in the world. Yang Jun does not regret what he has done. As long as he does it, he will admit it and bear the consequences himself. If crying and regretting are useful, then there will be nothing in the world. What a pity.

"you dare?"

Yi Qiushui said angrily: "It's hard for Zhaodi to find a partner. If you are beaten away, I will never be done with you."

Over the years, Sun Zhaodi was like Yi Qiushui's own daughter, and Yi Qiushui loved her in every possible way.

Yang Jun smiled when he heard this.

No matter what she says, those who deserve to be beaten must be beaten.

It's's a little difficult to find someone to beat Ding Erzhu.

Looking at the entire guard platoon, except for Sun Zhaocai who could hold on for a while, it seemed that no one could beat him.

However, these are not problems for Yang Jun.

At worst, if the time comes to do it himself, will he still dare to fight back?

Yang Jun had his own idea, and there was no need to compete with Yi Qiushui here.

"Ha ha!"

Yang Jun just smiled and said nothing.

When Yi Qiushui saw this, she didn't know what he was thinking.

"Yang, let me tell you, don't mess around. It's hard for Zhao Di to find a partner. If you..."

Yi Qiushui talked for a long time and then said in a whisper: "I won't let you touch me."

"Oh?" Yang Jun's eyes suddenly lit up: "Are you serious?"

Seeing this, Yi Qiushui seemed to feel humiliated, and her little pink fist started to output like crazy.

"You think beautiful."

"If I fulfill your wish, my wife will not be able to stand up."

There are so many women in Yang Jun, so Yi Qiushui would definitely not dare to do this.

She loves this man deeply, and she will naturally not push Yang Jun out without severing the relationship.

Yi Qiushui put her hands on her hips, pointed at Yang Jun's nose and said, "Come home with me, and I'll show you what a woman's gang is."

When Yang Jun heard this, he stood up and said with a smile: "Okay, I just want to see how you revitalize the women's gang."

Yang Jun has been very angry recently, and he can't go out casually. He is looking for someone to calm down his anger.

He accepted Yi Qiushui's flirtation.

Yi Qiushui was stunned when she heard this.

"It's broad daylight, are you serious?"

Yang Jun rolled his eyes: "Who told you that revitalizing women's rights can only be done at night?"

"How embarrassing is it in broad daylight?"

Yi Qiushui blushed and said, "Zhao Di and the others are still here."

Yang Jun glared: "There's so much nonsense, do you want to revitalize the women's gang?"

After some mental struggle, Yi Qiushui finally made up her mind.

"Let's go, I will risk my life today."

After saying that, he took Yang Jun and went home directly.

When passing by Ding Erzhu and Sun Zhaodi.

"You two go help me look at the fishing rods." Yang Jun said.

Ding Erzhu was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and looked at Yang Jun a little at a loss.

On the other hand, Sun Zhaodi's face turned red and she quickly pulled the corner of Latin Erzhu's clothes to signal him not to speak.

Then, I took my sweater and went to the river to knit.



"Call me."

"louder please."

As Yang Jun's seven wolves moved one after another, the muscles on Yi Qiushui's face trembled.

When she saw her son Yang Chengdao being beaten on the ground like a little chicken by Yang Jun, she felt heartbroken.

In the past, she would have fought tooth and nail to protect the calf.

But this time it was different. My son really deserved to be beaten.

Today, her son's tutor Yao Maizi came to complain, saying that Yang Chengdao kept calling her wife, and also called her in front of the whole class, which made her a little embarrassed.

Yang Chengdao was Yang Jun's son. She couldn't beat him or scold him, so she had no choice but to come over and complain.

When Yang Jun heard this, he was furious. He apologized and comforted Yao before sending Yao Maizi away.

As soon as Yao Maizi left, Yang Jun immediately arrested Yang Chengdao who was hiding in the room.

Take out the seven wolves, don’t worry about Sanqi 21, just have a meal of fried meat with bamboo shoots.

During this period of time, Yang Jun had not paid much attention to him. He always felt that children should release their nature and respect their childhood.

This is good, as a spoiled child is like a murderer, and this kid is getting more and more arrogant.

Even though his hair has not even grown, he actually imitates adults and calls him wife.

Do you know what your wife is used for?
"Call, you should call."

Yang Jun waved the seven wolves angrily.

Yang Chengdao is a smart guy, and he won't even utter a sound when he's beaten to death.

No matter how much force Yang Jun used, he remained silent.

The more he behaved like this, the angrier Yang Jun became.

He doesn't believe that he beat you without screaming.

"You idiot, you should scream."

Yi Qiushui advised from the side.

Seeing her son being beaten like this, she couldn't help but persuade him in the end.

Now the beating is no longer because you called your teacher's wife. It has touched Yang Jun's paternal authority. You are challenging his authority. It's strange that he can't beat you to death.


Yang Chengdao finally couldn't bear it anymore and howled loudly.

He lay there, his eyes full of tears, staring at Yi Qiushui.

I thought to myself, don't just talk, why don't you come over and start a fight.

Yi Qiushui also had tears in her eyes, and she sat there with her head bowed in silence.

How do you ask her to start a fight?

You kid, don’t you know the seriousness of the matter? How can any student call his teacher his wife?
Fortunately, Yao Maizi is generous, otherwise your reputation would be ruined.

Yang Jun was also very angry.

He could allow his son to be incompetent and mediocre, and you could wait to die, just to be a harmless person, but what you did was so bastard, it was simply appalling.

If you don’t want your own reputation, is it possible that I will also want to lose it?
Everyone knows that you are my son, Yang Jun. If this gets out, how will I behave?


The seven wolves suddenly took off their hands and flew on the coffee table, making a clanking sound.

It was not that he really took action, but that Yang Jun did it intentionally.

If the fighting continues, my son's life will be decided here.

He is also a father. Although he has the anger of King Kong, he also has the heart of a Bodhisattva.

If his son doesn't beg for mercy, he can't beat him to death.

"Bring me the feather duster."

Yang Jun said to Sun Zhaodi, who was scared and pale.

"I do not."

Sun Zhaodi turned her head and expressed her refusal.

Yang Chengdao was raised by her, so she would not help Yang Jun.

"Go get it for me."

Yang Jun said to Yi Qiu Shui again.

Yi Qiushui was stunned for a moment, and then came to his senses.

The feather duster is on the TV cabinet, within easy reach.

She finally saw that the reason why Yang Jun said this was because he wanted someone to step down.

"Okay, just let him have a long memory. Do you really want to beat him to death?"

Yi Qiushui quickly stepped down the steps for Yang Jun, stood up, came over, and forced Yang Jun down on the sofa.

"Drink some water to calm down."

Yang Jun snorted coldly and glared at Yang Chengdao.

"If your mother hadn't begged for mercy, would I have been able to kill you today?"

He took the tea cup and was about to drink it when he saw wolfberry tea in the cup.

"I don't want to drink this stuff, please change it for me."

A real man cannot drink wolfberry tea. Yang Jun always thought he was okay.

Hearing this, Yi Qiushui rolled her eyes and said coquettishly, "Okay, I'll change it for you right away."

After saying that, she signaled Sun Zhaodi to change tea for Yang Jun, and she wanted to stay here and watch Yang Jun.

"I don't, who asked him to beat my brother."

Sun Zhaodi was also in distress and burst into tears at this time.

When Yi Qiushui heard this, her expression changed.

You girl, why are you so blind?

If your godfather really wanted to hit him, would the belt come off?

"Zhao Di, be obedient and quickly change tea for your godfather."

Sun Zhaodi looked at Yang Jun, then reluctantly took the teacup.

You don't have to listen to what others say, but you must listen to Yi Qiushui's words.


After that, he went to the kitchen with the tea cup.

Yi Qiushui ignored her son lying on the ground and sat next to Yang Jun.

"Lao Yang, what should we do now?"

Yang Jun sighed, took out a cigarette and lit it.

He took two puffs and exhaled thick smoke.

"What else can we do, except separate the two of them."

Yang Jun pondered for a moment, then continued: "Either transfer this beast to another school, or transfer him to Teacher Yao Maizi."

If he followed Yang Jun's method, he would definitely use both methods.

The son will transfer to another school, and Teacher Yao will also be transferred away, so that they will never meet again.

If his son were an adult, he would not interfere too much with their freedom, but he is still a child, his hair has not even grown, and he has a wife who doesn’t know what to do with him, so why did he marry him?

Of course, he didn't think it was because the child was naughty and called him that. He knew his son well. The boy was very wild and had great ideas. He didn't seem to act haphazardly.

Therefore, Yang Jun must nip this kind of thing in the bud.

"Hey, you can do this too." Yi Qiushui said.

She thought about it but couldn't think of any solution.

"Starting from tomorrow, he will be suspended from school and stay at home. I have to discipline him well." Yang Jun said.

Merely spanking a child is not effective, corporal punishment is also required.

Hey... in fact, beating is also a kind of corporal punishment.

It’s just that Yang Jun is not good at this.

As for education... haha, that's even more nonsense.

Jade cannot be made into a useful tool if it is not polished. There is no way in this world that children can be educated to become talents through education alone.

Otherwise, there would be no enwei and this idiom would be used.

"Isn't it...not good to suspend school?"

Yi Qiushui said worriedly: "Now that he is in fourth grade, I'm afraid that his homework will be too far behind other students."


Yang Jun sneered coldly: "While others are still playing with urine and mud, he already wants to marry a wife."

Yi Qiushui rolled her eyes at him: "Have you ever said that about your son?"

"Don't you think about it, your son doesn't know who to follow?"

"You..." Yang Jun was choked and speechless.

Who else could the child follow? Of course he would follow Yang Jun.

Who keeps the red flag from falling down at home and colorful flags flying outside?

Yi Qiushui still wanted to say something to Yang Jun, but at this time Sun Zhaodi came back from changing tea, so she quickly stopped.

No matter what, she must maintain Yang Jun's dignity in front of her children.


Sun Zhaodi blamed Yang Jun for beating Yang Chengdao, and she didn't treat him well and put the teacup on the coffee table.

Yang Jun didn't take it seriously. After all, she raised the child by herself. He wished someone would protect his son like this.

Picking up the teacup, he took a sip.

Then he frowned: "Why do I smell the smell of wolfberry?"

Over there, Sun Zhaodi said angrily, "I took out the wolfberries, but the tea was not changed."

Yang Jun: "..."

Yi Qiushui: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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