Siheyuan: Domineering life

Chapter 978 Opening a ancestral temple

Chapter 978 Opening a ancestral temple

After this incident, Yang Jun felt more and more the importance of family power.

Although they are all ordinary people with no ability, once they are used, the power that bursts out is quite huge.

Sometimes, even if you have a high position and are prominent for a while, you will inevitably need help from others. Compared with outsiders, your own tribe is at least relatively easier to trust.

Those tribesmen know that they can live better by relying on you, so when they encounter difficulties from the outside world, they will spontaneously and unanimously deal with the outside world.

For example, Yang Jun's younger brothers and sisters would never be stupid enough to betray their eldest brother to fulfill themselves.

If Yang Jun falls, they will not have a good life.

Blood relationship is a very strange and powerful force. This kind of thing similar to faith is wonderful. It can reunite a piece of loose sand and exert a powerful force.

This is the concept of inheritance that has been passed down for thousands of years since ancient times.

At the same time, it is also the significance of establishing an ancestral hall to worship ancestors.

More than half a month has passed.

The ancestral hall has been built and decorated.

Today is an auspicious day, and we are preparing to open an altar to worship our ancestors.

Under the leadership of the patriarch Yang Mingsheng, a group of Yang family members followed closely and waited outside the ancestral hall.

These tribesmen traveled thousands of miles from their hometowns specifically to worship their ancestors.

They are all well-off members of the Yang family. Once people become prosperous, they will believe in fate and unfounded things. They think that they can become prosperous because of the care of Yang Jun and the protection of their ancestors.

Today, Yang Jun also rushed over.

Early in the morning, he and his brothers and sisters went to Xishan Cemetery to get his father's ashes.

On the way, Yang Jun said to them.

"In the future, our dad will have a home of his own. You should come over and visit him from time to time to prevent him from getting lonely."

Yang Mei: "Yes, over the years, I have always felt that our father is far away from us. It seems that he lives in Xishan on rent and has to pay rent every year. There is no sense of belonging."

"It's fine now. Our old Yang family finally has our own ancestral grave, and our dad is the first one to move in. I'm really happy to think about it."

Yang Liu: "All of this is thanks to our eldest brother. Without him, our family would still have to live in those two houses and live a life of one meal without another, let alone build such a big family fortune. .”

"Yes, I really want to thank you, brother. Since he came back, our family's life has been the same and getting better day by day. It's great that our brothers and sisters also have their own homes," Yang Yu said.

Hearing this, Yang Huai sighed: "Among our brothers and sisters, I am the least promising. I really embarrass our old Yang family."

Seeing how harmonious the relationship between Yang Jun and the others was, Wang Yuying had a smile on her face.

She glanced at everyone kindly and said kindly: "You are all very good. You are all good children. If your father knew about it, he would be happy for you."

Yang Jun held his father's ashes in his arms and looked out the window in a daze.

At this time, he lit a cigarette and let the cigarette hang in his mouth without realizing it.

"Brother, please stop smoking on this occasion. It seems too unserious."

Yang Mei took the cigarette from his mouth angrily and threw it out the window.

Yang Liu smiled and said: "My brother is now an old smoker. If he doesn't smoke for a day, it will be like killing him."

Yang Yu: "Even for such an old person, you don't know if smoking is harmful to your health. You have to take good care of your body. We sisters still need you to protect us."

When Yang Jun heard this, he smiled and said: "I am in good health. It will not be a problem to live for another hundred years."

"You can pull me down. I don't even think about how old you are..."

Yang Mei said "Huh", and then looked at Yang Jun carefully.

"Brother, I'm seven years younger than you. Why do you look younger than me?"

After Yang Mei's reminder, everyone looked at Yang Jun carefully.

It didn't matter. Everyone made a sound in surprise.

"Don't mention it. It's true. My eldest brother looks younger than me." Yang Yu said.

Yang Liu: "Isn't it? Look at him, he doesn't even have a wrinkle on his head, but I have many more wrinkles than him."

Yang Huai didn't believe it and deliberately leaned his head over to compare with Yang Jun.

"Haha, why do I feel that the eldest brother should call me brother?"

When Yang Jun heard this, there was a smile on his lips.

He didn't know how to explain it to his brothers and sisters.

This is his capital and also his headache.

Being immortal is naturally a good thing, but it also brings him endless troubles.

Decades later, what does he feel like watching his relatives around him grow old one by one?

His dragon essence and phoenix blood can delay aging, but you can't give everyone a few tubes of blood.

Not to mention his younger brothers and sisters, even his children he couldn't take care of.

It is already difficult to make his wife immortal. He can't let his children live forever too. Even if he has the ability to take care of his children, he can't take care of his grandchildren.

Besides, this was against nature. Decades later, how would he feel when he looked at his son and grandson with gray hair.

Yang Jun felt faintly sad.

He was thinking about what it would be like decades from now.

Other things are easy to handle, but watching the loved ones in front of you leave one by one, the pain is not something that ordinary people can bear.

He was thinking about the days ahead...


I don't know who called out, and Yang Jun quickly pulled his thoughts back.

He sat upright and looked up ahead.

A building covering an area of ​​20 acres lies in front of you. It has white brick and white walls and is a standard courtyard building, giving people a solemn look.

The four characters "Yang's Ancestral Hall" are written on the lintel of the gate. Dozens of people stood there solemnly.

Dozens of firecrackers were placed on the ground next to it, and next to it was the lion dance team.

"Lao Wu, hug our dad and get ready to get out of the car."

Yang Jun told Yang Yu, who was holding his father's portrait, and got off the bus first.

After getting off the bus, the clan leader Yang Mingsheng led everyone over.

He didn't speak, but looked at Yang Jun and nodded.

"The auspicious time has come."

Yang Mingsheng shouted, and then someone went to light firecrackers.

Then there was the sound of crackling firecrackers.

The sound of firecrackers lasted for ten minutes. After the sound of firecrackers disappeared, all the scenes in front of us were shrouded in smoke.

"The heirs return to their throne and welcome their ancestors."

Yang Mingsheng roared again, and then nodded to Yang Jun.

Upon seeing this, Yang Jun quickly walked in front holding his father's ashes, followed by his younger brothers and sisters and Yang Jun's family members.

Logically speaking, the treatment for the first person to move into the ancestral grave should not go to his father Yang Gui, but his grandfather did not move the grave, so the treatment could only be cheaper for Yang Gui.

Everyone walked slowly towards the ancestral hall.

Coming to the ancestral hall, the huge building makes people feel solemn and solemn.

In the middle of the hall, there is a nanmu table with more than a dozen tablets on it. The one on the top reads, "The position of the ancestor of the Yang family." '

Yang Jun and others stopped in the middle of the hall, and then the patriarch Yang Mingsheng began to take out an edict written on yellow paper that was similar to a letter to the ancestors.

"Thinking of the blessings of heaven and earth, the virtue of virtue in the sea..."

Yang Jun and the others stood there solemnly, listening to the imperial edict.

Although they could not understand the content of the imperial edict, the atmosphere felt very heavy, and an inexplicable sense of family honor surged into their hearts.

Looking at the others, they all stood there respectfully with solemn expressions on their faces.

It can be seen that they were moved by this sense of family honor that belongs exclusively to them.

With a look of determination on his face, he secretly vowed to carry forward the Yang family.

"I would like to express my condolences to our ancestors. The first-generation patriarch Yang Mingsheng leads all the Yang family members to pay their respects."

After speaking, Yang Mingsheng respectfully held the edict in his hand above his head and bowed in the direction of his ancestor's tablet.

"bow down!"

With a shout, the Yang family members knelt on the ground.

"It's done."

Everyone stood up.

This operation can be regarded as the establishment of a temple.

The next step is to hold the ceremony for Yang Gui to enter the ancestral tomb.

Since Yang Gui was the first to enter the ancestral grave and was Yang Jun's father, the clan members prepared a separate entry ceremony.

"Jun'er, please take your father's memorial tablet." Yang Mingsheng said.

Yang Jun nodded and was the first to kneel down.

Seeing this, the younger brothers and sisters behind him also knelt down.

Yang Jun kowtowed respectfully, then shouted in the direction of the altar table,

"Dad, I'm home."

In fact, he didn't know what to say, so he could only imitate others.

"Dad, I'm home."

The younger brothers and sisters also shouted.

"It's done." Yang Mingsheng shouted.

Then he motioned to place Yang Gui's tablet.

After the tablet was placed, Yang Jun bowed to his father's tablet again.

The younger siblings followed suit.

"Okay, Jun'er, let's go to the back and let your father rest in peace."

After Yang Mingsheng finished speaking, he opened the way in front and led everyone to the ancestral graves at the back.

The tomb was completed a few days ago and is now waiting to be occupied.

There are several cement workers nearby, waiting to handle the follow-up work.

Yang Jun held his father's ashes wrapped in red silk and placed them in the grave according to the instructions of the clan leader.

Then, the plasterer who had been waiting for a long time came over to cover the tombstone.

After covering the stone slabs, the plasterers stepped aside again.

Then Yang Mingsheng asked the tribesmen to bring some shovels and handed them to Yang Jun and his brothers and sisters.

Instruct them to seal the soil.

There is a rule in my hometown that when sealing the soil, the first shovel of soil must be sealed by the children, and then a few more shovels of soil are symbolically waved, and the rest is handed over to the plasterers.

Yang Jun stood nearby and watched them seal the soil.

Until the tomb door is sealed, all that is left is the work of the masons. They are still building a stone wall around the tomb, sealing it with cement, and then erecting a monument.

The work of sealing the land would have to wait for a while, but Yang Jun and the others did not wait here, so they went to the ancestral hall in front with everyone.

The Yang Family Ancestral Hall is similar to the architectural appearance of a courtyard, with a total of two courtyards.

The front yard is used as an ancestral hall, and the back piece of land is used as ancestral graves.

In the front yard, several tables of banquets had already been set up.

Yang Jun and the clan members came to the middle table, and then everyone sat down.

"Jun'er, the matter at the ancestral hall is settled, what are your plans in the future?" Yang Mingsheng asked.

After saying that, everyone looked at him.

Yang Jun heard this and thought for a moment.

"The ancestral hall cannot be empty, and the ancestors' incense cannot be cut off. I plan to find someone to take care of the ancestral hall, put up incense sticks every day, and then take care of everything here."

Yang Jun had already made plans when building the ancestral hall.

After the ancestral hall was built, several people had to be hired to guard and take care of the ancestral hall, so he reserved a place to live in the gatehouse in advance. It has complete facilities, water and electricity, and is suitable for long-term living. "Jun'er, have you decided who to hire to take care of the ancestral hall?"

Yang Mingsheng continued: "To take care of the ancestral hall, you cannot do without your own people."

Yang Jun was startled when he heard this, and then asked respectfully: "Cousin, there are no outsiders here. If you have anything to say, just say it."

When the uncle heard this, he coughed dryly, and then glanced at everyone.

"As the leader of the clan, it is natural for me to stay and take care of the ancestral hall myself. What do you think?"

When everyone heard this, they looked at each other.

However, some people stroked their beards and nodded.

"Cousin, if you stay here, where is your hometown?" Yang Jun looked at Yang Mingsheng.

Yang Mingsheng pondered for a moment and said, "I've thought about it. Anyway, I have nothing to do now, so I might as well run back and forth between my hometown here."

Yang Jun shook his head and said: "Cousin, it's not that I disagree, but you see, you are in good health now, but it won't be so convenient in the future. I think you might as well stay in your hometown. After all, most of the clan members are there." Bian, it’s convenient for you to handle family affairs, what do you think?”

"But this is the ancestral hall, and I, the clan leader, should stay here."

Yang Jun waved his hand and said: "Cousin, why bother to stick to the details? There is an ancestral hall and an ancestral grave here. I can just ask a few people to take care of it. I still need you to take charge of my hometown."

When the others heard this, they nodded in agreement.

"Yes, Junzi is right. If you stay here, things in your hometown won't be able to be dealt with. I don't approve of you staying here either."

"It's better to go back to your hometown, everything is waiting for you there."

"Listen to Jun Zi, you should go back to your hometown. There are many things waiting for you there."

Seeing that everyone had the same opinion, Yang Mingsheng had no choice but to give up.

"What a pity. It would be great if the ancestral hall was located in my hometown."

It can be seen that he regrets that the ancestral hall is located in Peiping.

When everyone heard this, they were also sighing.

Yang Jun could see that they also wanted to install the ancestral hall in their hometown.

However, due to Yang Jun's status and power, they had to accommodate him.

When Yang Jun saw this, he pondered for a moment.

"Let's do this, cousin. If that doesn't work, let's build another ancestral hall in our hometown. I will pay for the construction of the ancestral hall."

When Yang Mingsheng heard this, excitement flashed across his face.

"Is this... okay?"

Yang Jun smiled and said: "What's wrong? I can't ask for more than one person to sacrifice to my ancestors."

The ancestral hall is a building and a formal existence.

As for how many to build, there is no fixed standard.

Under a unified clan, there may be several branches. Each branch wants to build an ancestral hall and worship their ancestors. There is no reason why Yang Jun can stop them.

Yang Mingsheng glanced at everyone.

"What do you...mean?"

After hearing this, everyone looked at Yang Jun and remained silent.

It was obvious that they were worried about Yang Jun and did not dare to speak.

"Just say whatever you have." Yang Jun said.

At this time, an uncle said: "Since Junzi has spoken, I will tell the truth."

"The ancestral hall is built here. People in our hometown can't come so far to worship during festivals. I think our hometown should also build one."

With Uncle Clan's words, others began to agree.

"Yeah, I don't think there's anything wrong with building two ancestral halls without breaking the rules of our ancestors."

"I also support building an ancestral hall in my hometown."

Yang Mingsheng opened his mouth and wanted to say something else, but Yang Jun beat him to it and said,

"Since no one objects, the matter has been settled."

"I will also contribute a share of the money to build the ancestral hall later, which is considered my intention."

Yang Mingsheng wanted to say something else, but was interrupted by Yang Jun.

"Cousin, you don't have to feel embarrassed. To be honest, there are some things I did wrong and I didn't think everything through. But fortunately, this mistake can be made up for. Just agree to it and don't make me feel guilty."


A look of determination suddenly flashed across Yang Mingsheng's face.

"Okay, Junzi, it's up to you. Let's build another ancestral hall in our hometown."

Yang Jun breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this.

"That's right, if you build another one, all problems will be solved."

To be honest, Yang Jun also hopes that they will build another ancestral hall in his hometown. He also doesn't want to be complained by his tribe for being too domineering. He can't patronize you at the expense of the interests of the entire tribe.

Besides, the reason why he built this ancestral hall was actually mainly for his father Yang Gui. He really didn't think that far ahead at the beginning.

In addition, he also hopes to carry forward his own clan. The growth of his family does not rely on the glory of the clan.

It can be foreseen that the success of the Yang family in the future will still depend on Yang Jun.

Then, the banquet was announced.

The tribesmen and those who helped all sat down to eat.

The meal took a long time, and Yang Jun also chatted a lot with the tribesmen.

Yang Jun didn't return to the city until the sun went down.

When he got home, his family was waiting for him.

A few women were sitting in the living room chatting, while the children were playing hide-and-seek in the house.

As soon as Yang Jun entered the room, he lay down on the sofa.

Resting his head on Nalan Qingmeng's legs, he waved his hand: "I'm exhausted."

When the women saw this, some poured him tea, some brought towels to wipe his face, and some gave him massages to relax him.

"It's so comfortable."

Seeing the women surrounding him, Yang Jun couldn't help but sigh.

It is good to have power and money. This is the benefit that power and money bring.

If Yang Jun was still the same man who worked and got paid, no woman would be willing to follow him.

Of course, it is not ruled out that some of these women are willing to follow him, but the prerequisite for following him is that he has the ability.

"By the way, Lao Yang, Mom is not very happy today. She has been shutting herself in the room. Please take the time to see her." Yi Qiushui said.

Yang Jun sighed after hearing this.

"I see."

Today, Wang Yuying did not go to the ancestral hall.

It's not that she doesn't want to go, it's that she can't go.

Today, sacrifices are held and temples are opened. Women are not allowed to enter the ancestral hall.

Moreover, today is the day when his father Yang Gui moved his grave. Yang Jun didn't want to see her sad, so he didn't let her go.

"How about you go see mom later?"

Yang Jun shook his head and said, "No, she doesn't want to see anyone now."

"Tomorrow, I'll just take her to see our dad in person."

Hearing this, Yi Qiushui nodded.

"That's fine, a few of us also want to go there to pay homage to our ancestors tomorrow."

When Yang Jun heard this, he raised his eyes and glanced at them.

"That's the truth."

"You are all the daughters-in-law of my old Yang family, and you have all contributed to the prosperity of the heirs of the old Yang family. It's time to pay homage to your ancestors."

Hearing this, all the women except Yi Qiushui looked grateful.

By doing this, Yang Jun was equivalent to admitting their identities.

And I was very touched to see Yang Jun defending himself so much.

"Lao Yang, thank you."

Everyone said in unison.

Yang Jun smiled when he heard this.

"Why thank you, I still feel like I haven't done enough."

"If this were in ancient times, I would give you the status of a concubine."

When everyone heard this, they laughed wildly.

"We don't care whether we are concubines or not. As long as we can be with you, we will be satisfied." Huang Yani said.

"Yes, we are not following you for any identity, but mainly for you as a person." Nalan Qingmeng.

Meng Wenya smiled and said: "I am different from you. I not only care about this identity, but also the person Lao Yang."

When everyone heard this, they all laughed at her.

"You're not shy either. Sister Qiu Shui is still here."

"That's right, be careful that Sister Qiu Shui gives you little shoes to wear."

Facing the ridicule from everyone, Meng Wenya lowered her head shyly.

Yi Qiushui pursed her lips and smiled: "In your hearts, am I just the jealous woman who doesn't want to see other people's good things?"

"No, Sister Qiu Shui, you are very kind to us and very generous. You are the most tolerant woman we have ever seen."

"Yes, I don't obey anyone but Sister Qiu Shui."

Yi Qiushui was so happy to be praised by others that she could hardly cover her teeth with a grin.

"Gee, you all have such sweet little mouths. Don't think I don't know. You guys talk about me behind my back."

When the girls heard this, they burst into laughter.

How could they admit it?

In front of Yi Qiushui, they only wanted to please him, and there was no way they could say anything wrong.

Later, in order to show his unique status in this family, Yi Qiushui led Yang Jun into his yard domineeringly.

"Lao Yang, I will take care of you to take a bath."

As soon as they entered the yard, Yi Qiushui dragged Yang Jun to the bathroom.

Yang Jun sighed after hearing this.

"You can take a shower, but that's all."

Hearing this, Yi Qiushui pouted and said, "Why, don't you want to relax?"

Yang Jun rolled his eyes: "Not today."

Hearing this, a trace of disappointment flashed across Yi Qiushui's face.

With a smile on his lips, he looked up and down at Yang Jun thoughtfully, and finally, he fixed his gaze on a certain place.

When Yang Jun saw this, he gave her a brain-destroying blow.

"What are you thinking about?"

"Our dad is going to the field today. If anything happens, we'll talk about it today."

Hearing this, Yi Qiushui suddenly realized.

"Husband, if you didn't tell me, I almost forgot."

Moving the grave and burying are very important things. As a child, although it is said that you don't have to observe filial piety for three more years, at least everything on that day is not appropriate. Can a filial son show up at all?

"You have these things in your mind all day long, it would be strange if you don't forget them." Yang Jun was angry.

"It's annoying, I don't have that..."

(End of this chapter)

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