Chapter 1
I am 26 years old, and I am eager to bring about an earth-shaking revolution in my life, but as long as the night comes, I will still fall uncontrollably, fall in the bar, fall under the light, fall between women and women's arms.

It was another weekend night, and a group of people and I were having fun and drinking at the bar.

On my left is Sister Ren Ran, 31 years old this year, and the current wife of a well-known local entrepreneur Ming Media; last year, this entrepreneur had a mistress outside, and Sister Ren Ran also started to let herself go and became a frequent visitor to this bar...

I like to deal with Sister Ren Ran the most. She is not only beautiful, but also generous. As long as she comes to the bar, we will not drink cheap industrial beer. She always chooses the most expensive ones. Money is her most obvious label. , so we all affectionately call her "lady", and she is also persistent. Every time I call her that, she always flashes blurred eyes and repeatedly emphasizes that she is lonely and has no one. The "lady" of love.

Sister Ren Ran likes to be with me because I am humorous and have a good drinking capacity. At this moment, Sister Ren Ran’s hand is placed on my thigh, and the other hand is holding a cigarette, laughing heartily.

What happened was that I accidentally bumped into her and couldn't help but sigh at how plump she was. She actually took out a breast pad from her clothes and raised it up, saying it was this, and then she started laughing, and everyone else laughed too.

She must have had too much to drink!

The woman on my right is called Zuo Xiaowei. She is the resident singer in this bar. She is 23 years old and has just graduated from college. Compared to the mature sister Ren Ran, she is a little reserved and immature, but this does not hinder her. She likes me, to be precise, she adores me.

She said that I am a man who regards "freedom" as a pursuit and achieves it to the extreme!

That's what happened to me. After graduating from college, I didn't choose to find a stable job like most people did. I first sang in a bar. After making enough money, I bought a second-hand RV and started traveling around the country. Wandering, dawdling...

What Zuo Xiaowei likes is this experience that I gained by not doing my job properly. She is a girl with a literary complex. She likes to listen to my stories about the road and the unruly temperament that I have developed since I became "unconventional". She has always wanted me to I can take her out for a walk, but my RV and I have been parked in Qingdao for a year and a half. In this year and a half, I got to know Sister Ren Ran, her, and other friends.

At this moment, Zuo Xiaowei was leaning on my shoulder, holding a wine glass in her hand, imagining something. She didn't come back to her senses until the band called her to come on stage.

I admit that I once had a relationship with Zuo Xiaowei because of her affection for me, but I did not fall in love with her because of this, and I did not want her to be my girlfriend. Therefore, after this incident happened, I hid I had her for a month, until she stopped asking and I stopped mentioning it, and we started playing together again without being ashamed.


"Hey, why are you so bad...I fell deeply in love in just two days, and I said it was like true love; I'm telling you, hey, have you fallen in love today? Have you dated and dumped me? You also said that it's rare to find true love; I want you to tell the scandal now I have to tell you everything before I listen to your confession... I hear you say that you really like me and really want to fall in love..."

Zuo Xiaowei on the stage, wearing a short skirt, twisting her waist, sang "Breath Decision", which is a popular song that has become popular on Douyin recently. It seems to be telling the restless hearts of men and women in nightclubs. Full of hints and teases...

I gradually lost my mind because of her sexy singing, and then I remembered her lying on the bed without clothes. I was a little excited. Suddenly, I felt lost for no reason: my life seemed to be clear, and only cigarettes and cigarettes were left. Sex, wine, singing and dancing, music and singing every night...

I want to go out and get some air.


I lit the cigarette, took a deep breath, and felt the world again. Zuo Xiaowei's singing voice had become faint, and the noise of the city came to my face again. Even if I deliberately avoided it, it seemed that the world would never be truly quiet.

"Han Chao..."

I turned around and saw that it was Sister Ren Ran. Her face was slightly red and she looked a little drunk. She must have come out to get some air.

I smiled and asked her, "Did you have fun today?"

"Happy, drinking with you, of course I'm happy... Do you have a fire? Let me borrow a fire."

I handed her the lighter, and she skillfully lit the cigarette in her hand, and then said to me: "Let's change places and continue drinking later."

"Okay... you name the place, and I'll drink with you to the end."

"The bar closes after two o'clock, so you won't be able to have a good time drinking." Sister Ren Ran paused, then tentatively said to me: "How about... I go to the hotel to get a room, and we can drink in the room?"

I looked at Sister Ren Ran. Her eyes were lonely and empty, but when she looked at me, a trace of desire ignited. She was not joking with me. She must want to have something happen with me this night, maybe on a spiritual level. Comfort, perhaps, is the blend of water and fire.

I was a little moved because Sister Ren Ran is the most elegant woman I have ever seen in this city; I once heard a small shareholder in a bar say that before she married that romantic entrepreneur, Sister Ren Ran was a member of a local TV station. The female host of a financial program is also the face of the entire TV station; in the early years, she was fantasized by almost all the adult men in the city. Even though she later got married, her temperament was not as good as the money. It went down but went up, so it was impossible to tell that she was a woman in her early thirties.

"Han Chao, you have to be responsible for me... Before I came to this bar, I was not like this... It was you who taught me to smoke, teach me to draw punches, play dice, and play various drinking games... Now, I also learned to stay up at night, but I have to have someone with me...otherwise I'll be embarrassed!"

"Sister Ren Ran, if you blame me for turning you into a bad woman, then I will start to act prudish."

I was obviously joking, but Sister Ren Ran took it seriously. She replied: "I really don't blame you. Life is only a few decades, and there is nothing wrong with being a bad woman... At least, I am happy."

"If drinking makes you happy, then I will drink with you until dawn."


In the hotel room, sister Ren Ran and I both fell on the sofa. She was more proactive than I thought. In a blink of an eye, I was only left with a pair of shorts on my body, and just when I stretched out my hand to her; Suddenly, there was a rapid knock on the door. There was a man outside calling Sister Ren Ran's name. His voice sounded very angry...

The enthusiasm suddenly subsided, and then turned to panic. I stopped the movements of my hands, and Sister Ren Ran below me also held her breath at the same time...

"It's my husband..."

My mind went blank, and I just subconsciously asked: "How did he find this place?"

"I don't know, get up quickly!"

I stood up in a panic, and then stood at a loss...I swear, this was the first time in my life that I encountered this situation. The extreme panic made me completely lose my judgment; that is, at this time , Sister Ren Ran pointed to the balcony outside and said to me: "Hurry up and hide outside."

When I had no judgment, my consciousness was controlled by Sister Ren Ran unconsciously. I ran outside the house wearing only shorts, and Sister Ren Ran also ran out...

Sister Ren Ran stamped her feet anxiously: "It's not good to hide here, can jump to the balcony next door."

This is a designer hotel. The layout of the rooms is different from that of a traditional hotel. The room next door and the room I am in are staggered, so they are one and a half meters lower. I can jump over, but it is not close to the ground. The height of more than ten meters gave me a great sense of fear, and I hesitated...

The people knocking on the door became more and more violent, and a sense of shame I had never felt before suddenly defeated the fear in my heart. I climbed up the guardrail, facing the cold wind, and then jumped amidst Sister Ren Ran’s screams. , landed on the balcony next door.


I huddled in a hidden corner and listened carefully to what Sister Ren Ran was saying...

The door was opened, but I didn't hear the quarrel I imagined. I only heard a few footsteps of varying severity, walking towards the balcony...

"Han Chao, you are an idiot...haha."

Everyone laughed, and I felt that the voice was familiar. I took a careful look, and found out that it was the bar owner known as "Saucy Pig". Following him were several other friends who often drank together. They had already He raised his mobile phone and was recording this large social death scene...

I was about to curse, but I found Zuo Xiaowei standing in the crowd. After a burst of laughter, everyone tacitly focused their attention on her...

Zuo Xiaowei walked to the front and stared at me with a half-smile. I already understood that this was a prank.

"Han Chao, today is your birthday, consider this my birthday gift to you... I don't know if you will like it, but I really put a lot of thought into it!"

I wanted to cover my face and my body, which made me a little messy: "Zuo Xiaowei, you fucking went too far!"

"Not too much, how can you have such a long memory...Don't forget, you avoided me for a month before."

Zuo Xiaowei was determined to punish me. I couldn't place my hope of rescue on her, so I looked at Sister Ren Ran asking for help, but I forgot that she was also one of the participants.

"Han Chao, please don't blame me... I am also controlled by Xiao Wei..."

Sister Ren Ran seemed to be explaining to me, but in the end, she laughed along with everyone else: "But... you have a really good figure..."

Everyone agreed: "It's really good, look at those abdominal muscles, they are angular!"

I was ashamed and yelled: "One of you counts, can you be a fucking human being!"

"Look, he's angry... He's really angry... He won't kill us, right?... Otherwise, let's run away."

"Go, go, go..."

Several males present were talking as they pushed Zuo Xiaowei and Sister Ren Ran outside. They heard Sister Ren Ran suggest to them in a low voice: "It's so cold, how about giving him his clothes..." …”

"It's okay. Who can be smarter than him? He can handle it himself."

My voice became softer and softer, and I became more and more desperate... I thought I was risking my life to pursue that absolute freedom, but at this moment, I was trapped on this small balcony, with nothing to do.

I finally understand what it feels like to have a "guilty conscience"; once, I traveled around the country in an RV and encountered many traps, which I cleverly avoided. However, just because of "a guilty conscience", I was seemingly caught The innocent Zuo Xiaowei was deceived, and it was still such a scam with no technical content at all.


The surrounding gradually became quiet, and I finally calmed down and began to think of ways to save myself. However, because of the gap between the two balconies, it was impossible for me to return the same way.

I can only go out of this room, and then return to my room to get back my clothes and mobile phone; if this idea goes well, it won't be too miserable... But I'm afraid, there are people living in this room...

If there is someone living there, how can I explain why I appear on his or her balcony wearing only a pair of shorts?


I crouched down and peered into the house through the tiny gap between the curtains...

The lights were on in the room, and today's "Qingdao News" was playing back on the TV, but there was no sign of anyone. Just when I wanted to see it more clearly, the bathroom door suddenly opened...

A woman wearing only a bathrobe came out of it. I couldn't see her face clearly. I could only vaguely see her drying her hair in front of the full-length mirror...

No wonder the big noise just now didn't disturb her. It turned out that she had been taking a shower in the bathroom.


My brain was in a panic and I didn't dare to make any move, but I felt like my heart was about to jump out! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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