i'm not a bad man

Chapter 128 Small Town Life

Chapter 128 Small Town Life
When I was imagining life in a small town, Zuo Xiaowei did not disturb me. She just turned on the car stereo and played a song called "Flowers of the Sea" that was already half played.I recommended this song to her. She never sings it on stage because when I recommended it to her, I specifically told her that this song needs to be listened to calmly in order to empathize. If you can't empathize, listen to it. It's a pity for the person who sang it, and it's even more pity for the person who sang it. Obviously, the drunkards in the bar who are bent on getting drunk can't be calm, so she is told not to consume this song easily.

During these years of wandering on the road, my favorite song is "Flowers of the Sea", but I don't listen to it easily, because there are really not many times when I am calm...

However, when I heard it again in Zuo Xiaowei's car, I suddenly found that I had reversed the relationship of priority. It is not that this song requires a state of mind to feel, but that this song will bring you a kind of tranquility and tranquility. Therefore, I, who was originally uneasy, gradually calmed down during the singing, and then turned to look at Zuo Xiaowei next to me...

Zuo Xiaowei didn't seem to be in a hurry to get results from me anymore. She was very absorbed in it, and finally hummed softly along with the rhythm: "It's you who are so strange, crushing my dreams, as if the brief light of foam on the water's surface, is My whole life..."

As she sang, she turned to look at me, and I suddenly had a tacit understanding with her. I took over from her and began to sing: "You are so tender, give me a dream, wander in the undulating waves, Faintly rippling in your arms... You are so affectionate, rocking my dreams, lingering like every boundless wave in the sea, on your body..."

For the chorus, we sang together. Zuo Xiaowei’s voice was delicate and gentle, and mine was a little rough, but still high-pitched. So in this small car, we seemed to be such a perfect match, and this is why we The only time we have collaborated since we have known each other for so long, even though we have been together for a long time, is that we are two people who make a living from music.

Staring at the waves rising and falling with the waves, I finally asked Zuo Xiaowei, "What kind of small town is yours?"

Zuo Xiaowei really wanted to describe it to me, probably because she felt that words could not fully describe her small city. After thinking about it, she took out her mobile phone, found a video, and said to me: "This is where we live." summer."

I took the phone and looked at it. It was a video shot from the perspective of a passerby. In this video, I saw the sunset and children playing in the sunset. When the camera turned, it was a scene of mountains and mountains. It is so lush and green that there is not even a bare mountain. The small town seems to be embraced by these greens. Although there are not many high-rise buildings in the city, the momentum is not weak at all because of these mountains. This is a big landscape; small landscapes are full of details. I saw countless barbecue stalls in this video. Most of these barbecue stalls are located in pedestrian streets, but some are hidden in the woods on the roadside, by springs, and rivers. The guys who deliver wine are riding their electric bikes. , all showing that this is a small city without alcohol or pleasure...

I deliberately compared this small town with Qingdao, and it seemed more leisurely. Based on this impression, I nodded to Zuo Xiaowei and said, "It's quite leisurely."

"Of course it's leisurely. As long as I go back to the small town, I will drink every day. But we locals don't like to go to the pedestrian street to drink. We will go to the mountains to find a place with a stream. The stream is very clean and the temperature is very low, so we just drink it." Put the watermelon, cola, and beer in the stream, and then barbecue and play while waiting for the food to be grilled; the watermelon, cola, and beer will also cool down, and then the feast can begin. We will play from day to night , and finally the best friends will watch a movie together before going back to their respective homes."

I nodded, and after taking a deep breath, I asked: "In your small town near the pedestrian street, is there a hilltop with sun lights on it? If there is enough sunshine during the day, at night, the entire hilltop will look like... Twinkling starry sky?”

Zuo Xiaowei was a little surprised and asked, "How do you know?"

"You are a small city in Luoyang. I went there three years ago." After a short pause, I smiled again: "Do you think traveling across the country is just a slogan? Except for XJ, I have been to all places with tourist value in the country. city ​​of."

"What season was it when you went to our place?"

I thought about it and replied: "It seems to be between late spring and early summer. I just remember that the main street in your city is full of cherry blossoms, and there are other flowers that I can't name. They are all blooming." I was in a good mood...I was in a really good mood that day. I drank two boxes of Budweiser beer at the barbecue stall on your pedestrian street. That was the most I drank since I came out." "You even remember what you drank, It looks like she is really happy." After a pause, Zuo Xiaowei started to think again and said, "I don't know what I was doing that day... If it was late spring or early summer, I should be in school... If If it's the weekend, I might go back... Han Chao, what would happen if we met by chance in a small town?"

"Don't make assumptions about things that have a low probability."

"It's really not a small chance. The town is too small. You will meet many acquaintances every day when you go out... If I met you that day, I would definitely invite you to my house for dinner, or call my friends and get drunk together at the barbecue stall you."

The more Zuo Xiaowei imagined such a scene, the more it proved how urgent she wanted me to go to the small town. After pondering for a while, I finally replied: "I brought my girlfriend with me at that time."

"It's great to have a girlfriend with you, but at worst, you'll even get your girlfriend drunk with you."

Zuo Xiaowei seemed to be so high that she blurted out these words. After reacting, she suddenly looked sad. If I really agree to live in their small city, she will be my girlfriend, current girlfriend and ex-girlfriend. As if good and evil are incompatible, how could she play with my ex-girlfriend?
It seemed that as long as we could live in her small city, she would welcome anything as long as her illusions were not shattered.

"Do you really want to go back to your little city?"

When I asked this question, Zuo Xiaowei came out of her sad state, but this time, she did not appear so determined. After a period of silence, she said: "If you chase fame and fortune and are obsessed with money, small cities It is not suitable, because once you choose a small city, it means that life becomes transparent and there are almost no other possibilities in life... Therefore, this is the real reason why I was unwilling to go back and had to come to Qingdao. My dad Mom has already interfered with my studies. If she interferes with my love again and finds me a man I don’t like for the rest of my life, I will definitely go crazy... But you are different. Even if we are in a small city, I still feel that life There is a lot of fun. For example, we can use our advantages to cultivate countless musical talents for small cities. We can also open a music restaurant, music bar, etc. in a small city. We feel comfortable because of the small city, and the small city also It has become more colorful because of us... But this is not the most important thing. The important thing is that I am happy when I see you... Even if it is not a small city, even if it is an uninhabited island, I will be happy..."

After saying that, Zuo Xiaowei closed her eyes and smiled. I can't tell what I'm feeling at this moment, but I will never forget this morning. There was such a woman who said to me in the morning sun and sea breeze. These words, I seem to be awake, but also seem to be addicted to them...

Suddenly, there was a burst of heat in my palm. It was Zuo Xiaowei who held me. She leaned gently on my shoulder and fell asleep in just a moment. I didn't have a good rest either, so I talked to Zuo Xiaowei. They leaned together and fell asleep...

During my sleep, I had an extremely long dream. I went to the small city where Zuo Xiaowei was. She was a teacher in school, and I was a teacher in a training class. We saved some money, and then we went to the small city. After buying a house, our life got better and better, so we opened the first music bar and restaurant in a small city. We also really cultivated many musical talents for the small city, so when we were about to grow old, , have already become famous all over the world, and life does not seem so pale and empty...

It's just that, from beginning to end, we have never had a child...in this dream.

(End of this chapter)

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