i'm not a bad man

Chapter 133 Arouse your desire for money

Chapter 133 Arouse your desire for money

I really want to find out: Why is it that my regret is a drone? A top-of-the-line DJI drone is placed in front of me; just when I want to speak, there is suddenly a man in business attire. The woman came to me and Lu Xi and said to me: "Hello, sir, I am the marketing specialist of the car brand just now, and I want to discuss something with you... You were not performing on the stage just now. Our boss thinks your hip-hop dance is very visual, so we want to cut your dance into our promotional video. As a thank you, if your name or your friend’s name has our car brand, we will I can give you two maintenance sessions for free; if we don’t have this brand, I’ll give you a 1:18 car model, do you think that’s okay?”

After saying that, the woman took out two free maintenance coupons and a dark green retro car model from her carry-on bag for me to choose.

For that stage, I was a loser, but I never thought that I would have a chance to turn around later. Not to mention, I could actually choose between free maintenance and a car model. This choice is not to lose, but to gain, which really makes people feel good.

Of course I gave this opportunity to Lu Xi, and of course Lu Xi chose the official car model with extremely exquisite workmanship.

The woman asked me to sign a very simple agreement, to the effect that I agreed to use the footage of me showing off my talents. Then, she said to me in a self-deprecating tone: "Actually, I am asking you to make this choice for the purpose of conducting market research. Looking at the market acceptance of our brand, I didn’t expect that you, including your relatives and friends, don’t have any relatives or friends who use our brand. We should work harder!”

"The threshold for your brand is too high. It's us who should work hard."

The woman smiled politely and replied: "Then let's work hard together... Anyway, thank you."


After the woman left, Lu Xi kept playing with the car model, and my mood was a little complicated. I didn’t know what was wrong. Hard work and struggle seemed to be the theme of today. Not only was I thinking about it in my heart, but anyone who came to me, I can actually talk about this with the other party; you know, in the past few years, I never thought about this...

After a while, Lu Xi finally put down the car model in his hand, picked up his phone, looked at it, and said to me: "My sister-in-law sent me a message asking where we wanted to eat at night. She booked a seat in advance."

When eating, guests should do as they please, and my mind was not on that at all. After saying "I can do it," I gave the choice back to Lu Xi, and Lu Xi seemed to be a little evasive, not to mention the sudden gift. Give me a drone; so the drone placed on the table became more and more abrupt and its origin was unknown.

I also picked up my mobile phone and looked at it. After I gave up rehearsing, our rehearsal group seemed unusually quiet. No one asked me where I was going, and no one asked if I would rehearse today. Everyone seemed to A tacit understanding was formed to give us this half-day of freedom.


I habitually picked up a cigarette and when I lit it, I remembered that this was a non-smoking mall. I put down the cigarette in my hand and finally said to Lu Xi: "I feel that today is particularly abnormal. You seem to have the ability to predict the future. Others also seemed to have disappeared for no reason. Originally, rehearsal was something everyone agreed on, but we have been out for so long, and no one in the group asked us where we were going... I don't know what happened, but you You must know, can you tell me the reason?”

Lu Xi is very similar to me. If it's not something I want to talk about, I won't talk about it unless others ask. If others ask, I won't hide it. So, after a brief silence, she said to me Said: "Sister Ran asked me to find you, and this drone was also asked by Sister Ran to give to you..."

I was surprised, but not surprised, because Renran and I have been together for too long, especially when we drank too much. I would tell her about many things that happened on the road, including of course the regrets in my heart. The only thing What puzzles me is that she actually found Lu Xi and asked Lu Xi to do this, and she chose such a time. I remember, when I told her about this regret in my heart, it seemed to be last winter. , a year has passed, and she just chose today. "Why did she do this?"

"Probably because she is a woman who sees things very far; she said, you always muddle along, you look very cool now, but you have no future... She said, I can help you arouse your desire for money. ...I'm also confused as to why she thinks I can... Now, I've finished everything she asked me to do, do you have any desire for money in your heart?"

After saying that, Lu Xi looked at me with curiosity...

After pondering for a while, I replied: "It's too boring here. Let's talk somewhere else."


Lu Xi and I sat side by side on the rocks at the deserted seaside. Facing the undulating waves, I could finally light a cigarette for myself. While smoking, I relived the experience I had just experienced in my mind. Whether it was Luxi's supercar, a DJI drone, or the set of cosmetics that I wanted to give to her but failed to deliver, all gave me an urge to make money.

I have always thought that spiritual enjoyment and material enjoyment can exist independently of each other, but if, just now, I just drove an ordinary family car and drove Luxi on the "Jiaozhou Bay Bridge", the pleasure would be greatly reduced. , so I also imagine that I can have such a super car.

As for that set of cosmetics, although it was an accident and not within Ren Ran's plan, it also gave me a lot of regret and touch. If I were not short of money now, even if I couldn't win with my talent, I could definitely go to the mall. If you buy a higher-end set for her, you won’t have any regrets.

Speaking of drones, I was shocked again: I kept saying that I loved Luan Yu, but in fact I didn’t love her as much as I imagined. When I really love someone, I will be particularly willing to give, but for Luan Yu, I seem to I want more, I hope she can accompany me unconditionally, I hope she can be highly compatible with me mentally, I hope she can sleep with me, I hope she can share the regrets that happened between us with me, I hope she will live forever Get married, don’t have kids, hope…

Looking at Lu Xi next to me, and then thinking about Luan Yu in the past, I seem to see an extremely contradictory and extremely complicated version of myself... And Ren Ran is the only person in the world who can completely see through me, so she found me Deer Creek brings about contrast and reflection within me.

I really shouldn’t hate Luan Yu anymore, not at all, including the matter of repairing her hymen. It was me who turned her into an extreme, precisely because she experienced endless disappointment and lack of reward from me. She wants to seize the happiness she has now because of her sacrifice; she should be very afraid of meeting a man like me again, or in other words, she can't lose the man who can give her everything now, so she would ask me to leave Qingdao. It seems like an incredible request, but I have never calmed down and thought about it from her perspective, until this moment... (The author Wei Xing's public account, ***, reply to "Lu Xi" or "Qiao Jiao" You can view photos of the protagonists!)

Now, she has found her own happiness, and I can finally look at the experience between us objectively. I have completely let it go. My only regret is that I didn't listen to her and buy one. Drones can record those beautiful moments from a better angle.

Yes, I had so many hopes for her, but when she hoped for a drone and hoped that I could stop and give her a good birthday, I couldn't satisfy her...

Ren Ran not only wants to arouse my desire for money, but also wants me to dig out my former self and "whip the corpse" severely!
This is Ren Ran's wisdom and foresight. What's funny is that I always thought she was a woman who could just get by and be weak.

(End of this chapter)

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