Chapter 137
I didn't slow down until I was sure that I was far away from Lu Xi's sight. My mood had never been so complicated as at this moment. I could feel that I was in pain, and the pain was mixed with sadness and anger. At the same time, I also felt sad and angry. Full of negativity and low self-esteem, but this low self-esteem is not thorough enough, so it breeds unwillingness...

I never dreamed that my relationship with Lu Xi would end in such a dramatic way before we even started.I left no room for anything and completely ruined my image in her mind; I still remember that in order to make her less disgusted with me, I drank two kilograms of white wine and helped her get that extremely precious black set. Later, I stayed up late to make a wooden deer for her. I am not a particularly patient person. Especially at night, I would like to drink, think about women, and think about all the little things related to ambiguity, but that At night, I showed great patience and made this little deer one stroke at a time. Later, I chased to Shenyang. In order to make her feel better, I promised to go all over XJ to help her find the deer. A man's promise; later on, he served as her shield. Even if his eyebrow bone was cracked, he still felt that he had no regrets...

It is difficult to build a tall building, but it only takes a moment to push it up. The person who pushed it up was none other than myself, and it only took a minute.


With these complicated emotions, I walked to the beach alone. Like countless anxious nights, I only had a pack of cigarettes to accompany me.I lit the cigarette, but it didn't work anymore. I didn't calm down because of it, but I thought about more things related to reality. I have never been a noble person. The reason why I did this was just because of my relationship with Luan Yu. Sometimes, I am too self-centered and self-centered to the point of being despicable; therefore, this is not a noble act, but a kind of redemption that requires sacrifice.

Halfway through smoking a cigarette, my phone vibrated. I took it out mechanically and looked at it. It was a WeChat message from Lu Xi. She didn’t say anything, she just took the deer that I had thrown to pieces. Photos were taken and sent to me.

Although she did not appear in the photo, her shadow was there. She was squatting on the ground. She must have felt very uncomfortable. She must have picked up the deer and looked at it for a long time...

If the same thing happened to Qiao Jiao, she would definitely kill me, but what Lu Xi did made me feel more uncomfortable than killing me, because I seemed to be able to feel her mood, and her mood was very different to me. For me, it is the biggest killer.


I closed my eyes and pinched the hot cigarette butt with my hand, but the pain did not last. When the cigarette went out, the pain disappeared. After the pain disappeared, I became cruel again. When I opened my eyes, I took the deer. Lu Xi’s WeChat account was put into the blacklist and then deleted from the blacklist. It was said online that this was the most thorough way of deletion. Unless we get Lu Xi’s consent again, we will never be able to use WeChat again. build connection.

Everything about WeChat has been cleared, but I still stared at the phone screen for a long, long time... because I still remember the mood when we exchanged WeChat messages. I was very excited and novel. The novelty was because of her celebrity status. , the excitement was due to the unconcealable affection for her in my heart.

Humans are really a very strange animal. If you have not met them, forget it. If you have met them, it cannot be treated as if you have never met them.

I swallowed repeatedly because of the pain, and smoked one cigarette after another until my chest felt tight, and until my desire to fight was extinguished little by little...

I have personally killed all possibilities between myself and Lu Xi, so I don’t want to fight anymore. I suddenly feel that living in a small town is not an option...

No, what I choose is not a small city, but a person who loves me. To make up for it, I can give up my long-standing non-marriage policy. When the conditions are ripe, I will marry Zuo Xiaowei and have children, and then we will be a family of three. , living an ordinary life in an ordinary small town.

As for what Ren Ran said, I can take it as a reminder and try to avoid it.

When this idea settled like dust, I no longer planned to leave any escape route for myself. Facing the roaring sea wind, I finally sent a message to Zuo Xiaowei: "Send me the location, I will go find it now." you."

Zuo Xiaowei seemed to have been waiting for me. She quickly sent me her location. She was not far from me, in a business hotel three kilometers away.


On the way there, I stopped and bought a bottle of liquor and some snacks. My purpose was very clear. I wanted to have sex with her again when I was half drunk and half awake. The reason why I wanted to be half drunk and half awake was Because when I'm awake, I still feel unwilling.

I once said to myself that if I have a relationship with Zuo Xiaowei again, I will definitely be responsible for her to the end, and this is what I call self-destruction.


Ten minutes later, I stood downstairs in the hotel where Zuo Xiaowei was staying. I didn't go in immediately because I was still awake at this time and I still had some concerns in my heart.I can't let go of Ren Ran. If I really leave like this, what will happen to her project?The construction phase is about to begin; and her life, will the mistress who makes people feel sick just thinking about it still bully her?

In my absence, my phone vibrated again. I mixed some liquor under my arm and took the phone out of my pocket. I thought it was Zuo Xiaowei urging me, but it was Qiao Jiao calling.

Speaking of Qiao Jiao, I also feel a little regretful, because my RV is still with her. If she can return the RV to me, no matter whether I go to a small town or wherever I go, I will still have someone to rely on, but I seem to have I have no right to ask her to return it to me, because she bought it back with real money, and I have lost all rights to use the RV.

Qiao Jiao didn't have many worries, so her tone was as brisk as ever. She asked me, "Brother Chao, where can you be happy?"

Because I had that kind of thought in my heart, I became bold when I spoke. I replied: "In a woman's bed."

"You worthless little piece of trash, just stop bragging."

"Why am I useless?"

"I am such a beauty, and you don't even respond when I hug you. If you are not a useless little piece of trash, then who is?"

"Would you have a physical reaction to someone pretending to be a ghost and scaring you?"

Qiao Jiao on the other end of the phone thought for a while and replied: "If he is handsome enough, yes." (The author Wei Xing's public account, ***, reply "Lu Xi" or "Qiao Jiao" to view the protagonist's photo!)

I had no intention of joking with her, and while lighting a cigarette, I also fell into silence; and Qiao Jiao said to me again: "Have you thought about what I asked you to think about for me last time?"

"whats the matter?"

"Help me think of a way to make money. This matter is imminent. If it still can't be solved after a week, I should pack up and go abroad."

Remembering that I had already thought about going to a small town, I subconsciously replied: "There's nothing wrong with going abroad."

"What are you talking about?"

"If you don't like hearing it, just think it's nonsense."

"Han Chao, I'm warning you, if you dare to talk to me, I will set a fire and burn down your home before I go abroad..."

I was stunned, and then I remembered that the home she was talking about was the RV that had accompanied me through 296 cities. Just when I wanted to say something, there was a sudden sound of opening the window on the second floor.

It was Zuo Xiaowei. She had been watching me through the empty window. The next moment, she leaned out and shouted to me standing under the dim street light: "Han Chao, what are you doing standing there? Why are you still here?" Not coming up?"

Before I could reply, Qiao Jiao on the phone sighed: "I said you are a beast, but no one dares to call you a beast... and actually went to find a woman!"

(End of this chapter)

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