i'm not a bad man

Chapter 172 Wrong Room

Chapter 172 Wrong Room
Until the moment before I contacted Qin Minhong, I didn’t know whether Lu Xi was in Qingdao or BJ. The text message she replied gave me the answer; at this time, Lu Xi was in BJ, and she would attend an awards party in the evening. Qin Minhong accompanied me throughout the whole process, so Qin Minhong couldn't meet with me tonight.

Since I went to the small town, my mood has been mostly calm, but at this moment, there was a slight fluctuation due to some assumptions; maybe, during this BJ trip, I will meet Lu Xi again because of Qin Minhong The above, maybe, this is just an idea, and it does not mean that it actually happened. In short, I will not take the initiative to seek anything, because no meeting, no contact, and no longer longing for her are all what I hoped for after I maliciously hurt her. result.

Yes, Luan Yu is a wall between us. Even if we have moved the scene to BJ, the isolation in my heart cannot be completely eliminated; unless I can ignore Luan Yu's existence, but I can't, at least It can't be done now.

While thinking about these thoughts, the bullet train had already passed through the entire city and arrived at the suburbs. The suburbs were desolate, filled with weedy wasteland and dried up rivers. People couldn't help but wonder about the high-rise buildings in the city. The bustling scene that appeared was just an illusion, and the setting sun hung heavily beside the last high-rise building on the edge of the city. Looking back, my heart seemed to have failed to catch up with the speed of the train, and fell into the city. Under the afterglow of the setting sun, Whereabouts unknown...

The winter dusk came too early, it was only [-]:[-].


After just a drowsy sleep, the train had already arrived at BJ West Station. Chang Yuli and I stood under the neon lights of the train square, looking around. After a long while, I spoke to him first: "Find a hotel first." Stay here, I will take you to Brother Jiu tomorrow morning."

"Okay, Brother Chao... Then I've booked a hotel, where do you want to stay?"

I subconsciously looked up, and then I remembered that I had been to so many big cities, but BJ was so unfamiliar. I remember that the last time I came to BJ was 16 years ago. It was my tenth birthday and my dad gave me a gift. The birthday gift he gave me was a one-day trip to BJ. He said that boys should go out early to see the world, so on my birthday, I saw Tiananmen, climbed the Great Wall, walked around the alleys, and ate the authentic BJ roast duck, but Now that I think about it, the memory of BJ more than ten years ago has long been drowned by the tall buildings rising from the ground. I don't know where I should live.

At this moment, my phone vibrated again. I took it out and looked at it. It was a message from Qin Minhong. She said: "The award show ends at 10:30. If you can wait, I will send you my office address." Let me tell you, go to my office and wait for me."

I don't have the habit of going to bed early, and the purpose of coming to BJ is very clear, so I couldn't refuse Qin Minhong. I immediately sent a message and replied: "As long as you are not tired, I will wait until any time."

After a while, Qin Minhong sent me the location of their company and told me that there was someone on duty at the company now. When I arrived, I could have some coffee or something.

Speaking of drinking coffee, I am really a little confused. Why not just find a coffee shop to meet?

Because we had a clear destination, it was easy to find a place to stay. We found a hotel near Qin Minhong's company. After booking the room, Chang Yuli and I found a hot pot restaurant near the hotel. Killing time.

I have the habit of drinking soul-reviving wine, and Chang Yuli is also an alcoholic who never drinks. So the two of them ordered another bottle of white wine and started drinking hot pot. However, compared to Chang Yuli, my mood was different. I could never get excited. I seemed to have fallen into a trap of depression. I only wanted to quickly solve all the big and small troubles in front of me, so my desire to see Qin Minhong became even more urgent.


After finishing half a kilogram of liquor, it happened to be ten o'clock at night. I asked Chang Yuli to go back to bed first, and I went to Qin Minhong's company. To be honest, BJ is indeed the leading city in the country, and its prosperity is really the result of the hard work and hard work of countless people. Time creates it, so even at this time, the office building where Qin Minhong's company is located is still brightly lit. Because of the security guidance, I found Qin Minhong's company with almost no effort.

The door of the company is unlocked, but only a ceiling light in the office area is dimly lit. There is only one woman in the entire office area who is wearing headphones and doing a PPT.

I walked up to her and she was startled to realize that someone was there. She first patted her chest, then took off her earphones and said to me with strong dissatisfaction: "Who are you? Why did you come to our office area?" "I'm here to see Sister Minhong, didn't she tell you?"

Only then did the woman remember, and her tone became more polite: "Are you Han Chao? Sister Minhong told me that she has been too busy with work recently and her brain is a little exhausted. She has forgotten this matter. You Forgive me... You go sit in Sister Minhong's office first, and I'll get you a glass of water. Her office is in the lower left corner."


All the lights in the office area suddenly turned on. I was in a daze for a moment, then walked in the direction the woman pointed, then opened the door of the office near the lower left corner and turned on the lights.

I'm a little surprised. It's hard to imagine that Qin Minhong's office would look like this. The decoration style of this office is really too young. Even the curtains are with letters, while the general office areas use blinds. Curtains, this is in line with the office atmosphere...

After taking another look, I was surprised to find that the cabinet by the window was filled with various trophies and photos of Lu Xi.

I'm afraid I'm in the wrong room!
Just when I wanted to quit, I suddenly found a deer on the pure white desk that I had given her but was broken by my own hands.

I was stunned because the deer had been restored, but not so completely, so I could still see large and small cracks on the deer's body.

I felt very uncomfortable when I thought of the scene where I gave this deer to her, and later we called it "One Deer is Safe". This was a purely handmade deer, even the color was the same as ours. It was painted on with one stroke of pen.

In fact, when I broke the deer, I had already thought about its fate. It would probably be thrown into the garbage. I never thought that Luxi not only did not throw it away, but also took it to BJ with it. , and made repairs...

Does she really like this thing?


I couldn't come to my senses until the only woman in the company who stayed to work overtime came to me. She said to me in surprise: "This is Luxi's office. Sister Minhong's office is next to it."

I turned around and looked around. There was actually a door next to the Luxi office. Next to this door was a particularly tall green plant. In addition, it was not as grand as the one in Luxi, so I ignored it. .

I smiled awkwardly and wanted to explain, but I felt it was unnecessary. I just went to the wrong room, and there was no one in the room. Of course, it couldn't be compared to the first time I accidentally entered the room in Luxi.

(End of this chapter)

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