i'm not a bad man

Chapter 199 Meeting in a small town

Chapter 199 Meeting in a small town
After receiving Qin Minhong's message, I specifically checked the time. It was exactly 09:30 in the morning. Counting the distance they got off the train from Luoyang to Xiaocheng, I would arrive at Xiaocheng at about 04:30 in the afternoon. My mood is still complicated. After all, this is Zuo Xiaowei's city. If Lu Xi and Qin Minhong ask about Zuo Xiaowei, if I tell the truth, it will make me look a little embarrassed and like a loser, because the life in the small town is what I and I were doing at the beginning. Zuo Xiaowei chose it together, but now I am the only one left, struggling to deal with unresolved problems and contradictions; I don’t know where the future direction is, and I don’t know how long I will stay here. This seems to be too much. , if you can still get by in another place, why did you leave Qingdao in the first place?
At least, Lu Xi, who doesn't know the truth, will definitely think so.

Just when I was thinking about this, Chang Yuli had already driven the car to my side. I didn't get in the car immediately, but looked down at my own shadow. Its dejection was exactly the same as mine, but just as I was about to get in the car, I looked down at my own shadow. The moment I got on the car, it suddenly showed a posture of being ready to go. I was startled by this, and then I realized that the chassis of Chang Yuli's car was too high. I had already raised my legs. My consciousness didn't keep up with my movements, so I had this illusion.

A person whose soul and body are not unified, no matter how I whitewash it, is still sad after all, and it is a kind of continuous sadness, unless I can really find the direction of life again in a small town.


Sitting in Chang Yuli's car, I looked at the rapidly retreating buildings in the rearview mirror and thought about Zuo Xiaowei's whereabouts. Until this moment, I still haven't been able to wait for news about her, so these two The sky keeps repeating the mood I had after Luan Yu left me. I will be in a trance, lose my mind, and will unconsciously think of the time I experienced with Zuo Xiaowei, think of her kindness, and then I will fall into In the mood of self-blame, I lost my appetite and became depressed. Therefore, even if I made my own tomato and egg noodles, I only took a few bites.

Based on this mood, I called Zuo Xiaowei again, but her phone was still unreachable, as if she had disappeared from the world.


After driving for about 10 minutes, Chang Yuli finally took me to the entrance of the scenic spot. We got off the bus here. As Chang Yuli said, it was indeed a dilapidated scene, especially the door of the ticket office. It has been tattered by wind and rain, and even the steps leading up are covered with withered and yellow weeds. It is really hard to believe that this is a scenic spot that has spent more than [-] million to acquire it more than ten years ago, because Looking at it with the naked eye, you really can't tell what its value is. The only thing that can reflect its value is probably the road specially built to lead to the scenic spot, which at least facilitates the travel of some local villagers.

Yes, this scenic spot is not in the city, but in a relatively remote ravine.

I did not communicate with Chang Yuli immediately. Instead, I took out my mobile phone and took pictures of the dilapidated scene I saw in front of me. This was something I had to do because I wanted to reshape the body of a dead scenic spot. , it must involve publicity, and when it comes to publicity, there must be materials, and this is a process of collecting materials.


We walked towards the scenic spot and saw some B&Bs and restaurants that had ceased business scattered on both sides of the road, confirming that this was indeed a scenic spot and that this scenic spot was indeed dilapidated.

As I walked, I asked Chang Yuli beside me: "What is the most famous attraction in this scenic spot?"

Chang Yuli pointed to a higher place with his hand, and then replied: "The most famous scenic spots are Shuanglong Lake and Butterfly Valley, both of which are up there."

“What’s the story behind these two attractions?”

"Butterfly Valley is full of butterflies. Shuanglong Lake has a story. It is said that there are two white dragons living in the lake, one male and one female. The male dragon is nostalgic for the world, and the female dragon is dedicated to practicing Taoism. Finally one day, the female dragon attains Taoism and ascends to heaven. The male dragon was alone in the world. The male dragon lost its restraint and returned to its evil nature. It turned into a human form, raped and raped, causing the people of the small town to suffer misery. The female dragon, who had become enlightened, learned about the male dragon's nature. After his evil deeds, he returned to the world, turned into a white sharp sword, and cut off the male dragon's head. The town was able to regain peace. To commemorate this story, the people called this lake Shuanglong Lake, which has been passed down to today……"

I squinted at Chang Yuli.

"Brother Chao, why are you looking at me like that all of a sudden?"

"I suspect you are conceiving me. What do you mean by two dragons, one male and one female? The female is gone and the male is left behind?"

Chang Yuli was stunned for a moment, then suddenly laughed out loud, and said: "Are you doubting my connotation, you and Xiaowei?...Haha, how can I not have that level? This is really the story of Shuanglong Lake. "

"Stop being so damn harsh, don't you know that dragons are genderless species?"

"There is no gender. Then how did the Dragon King give birth to the Dragon Prince?"

This time I was stunned, and I didn’t say anything for a long time, but I really remembered reading somewhere that dragons do not have gender distinctions. …

Unknowingly, Chang Yuli and I walked halfway up the mountain. The Shuanglong Lake he said is between two mountains and is a naturally formed lake. This lake is very similar to the "Baishui River" I once saw in Lijiang. It is also concave in the valley, with trees on both sides, and it is also green and clear. Especially when the sun shines, it is like a crescent-shaped jade inlaid among the mountains... This kind of lake is on the road from Yunnan to XZ There are many, but it is extremely rare in the Central Plains and even in coastal cities. I think this is a very good tourism resource, and it can even be said to be unique. Therefore, the failure of such a scenic spot to operate is mostly due to man-made reasons.

I stood by the lake and looked up, and suddenly I saw a stone tablet erected not far away. I took a closer look and saw that the story of Shuanglong was recorded on the stone tablet. It was almost the same as what Chang Yuli said, and I couldn't help but be dumbfounded!

Chang Yuli and I walked around the entire scenic spot. By the time we left, it was already 03:30 in the afternoon. We had something to eat on the street, and another half hour passed.

I gradually began to feel nervous. According to my estimation, Qin Minhong and Lu Xi would arrive at the small town at around 04:30, which meant that I would be able to meet them in half an hour. However, because Lu Xi and I There has always been a historical issue that has not been resolved, so my mood is still the same as the last time I went to BJ, with mixed feelings.

I finished my meal before Chang Yuli. While waiting for Chang Yuli, I finally sent a message back to Qin Minhong: "You guys rushed here in such a hurry, aren't you afraid that I won't be in the small town?"

"There is no such way of hospitality, and there are no people who are so incompetent in doing things."

After this message, Qin Minhong sent another message: "Lu Xi was already suspicious of you. If you dare to make our trip in vain, wouldn't it solidify her suspicion... To be honest, I'm also very curious, what did you do to regret her that allowed you to hide in such a small place whose name I haven't even heard of?...I was really about to collapse. It was said that it was a highway control, so I could only We drove for almost an hour on the national highway, and we only walked [-] kilometers. Will it take years and months to reach your place?"

I calculated it carefully and replied: "Based on your driving speed of [-] kilometers an hour, it will take at least two and a half hours."

"I have never been on such a hard job in my life!"

"After dark, the speed has to slow down. It's good to be able to drive there in three hours."

"If you can't write two popular songs for us, I will kill you!" (Follow the author Wei Xing's public account: ***, you can reply "Lu Xi" or "Qiao Jiao" Check out the photos of the protagonists! You can also check out the latest chapters! Participate in the event to get a signed book from the author.)
Although this was Qin Minhong's complaint, I also figured out her motive for coming to the small town. She really came to the small town for fame and fortune, but Lu Xi did not. She was more concerned about the secret that I had been keeping.

For this secret, she went through all the hardships to come to the small town. At this point, can I really keep it secret?


The sky was getting darker, so I put Chang Yuli away and sat alone on the road they had to pass to the small town to wait. They were almost there...

While smoking, I took the bubble machine I bought before and kept firing it to a bright place. But this time it was not for entertainment, but a reflection of my mood, because every time I saw her, I felt like I was in a In a dream-like scene, simply dream first, so that your mood will not be too ups and downs when you see her.

But just when I was wondering which car she was driving, Qin Minhong sent me another message. It turned out that they had passed through the dream scene I had created. Qin Minhong said that I looked like a fool sitting on the street. They felt embarrassed and didn't want to meet me here, so they went to the city first.

Immediately, Qin Minhong sent me another location and asked me to go there to find them.

Just when I thought I had missed a point, a voice suddenly came from behind me: "Fool Han, is the bubble machine fun?"

I turned around and saw who it was if it wasn’t Lu Xi!

(End of this chapter)

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