i'm not a bad man

Chapter 20 The First Formal Chat

Chapter 20 The first official chat

Looking at the WeChat message sent by Lu Xi, I really had a very strange feeling in my heart. This wonderful feeling comes from the natural distance between ordinary people and celebrities; especially for someone like me who is not star-chasing. , I have never seen a concert in my life, let alone been to a theater. Therefore, from my understanding, celebrities should exist on TV and in various entertainment news.

Now, a female celebrity sent me her WeChat, and WeChat is the most frequently used communication tool in modern society and has a certain degree of privacy. This is equivalent to giving us a platform to communicate alone. I You can even learn about her daily life through Moments. Isn’t this amazing enough for an ordinary person who is often overwhelmed by social waves?


I sent Lu Xi a request to add a friend, but she did not approve immediately, and I fell into waiting again; my phone had not been charged overnight, and while waiting, the phone issued a low battery warning. I am a I am not dependent on mobile phones, and I have no one I have to contact, so I never care about the battery. But at this moment, I felt anxious because of the lack of battery. So, I shouted to the door again: "Sister...sister, Can you come over here?"

I heard the nurse reply impatiently outside: "I told you, I still have half an hour to get off work. If you can't bear it, just order a takeaway and eat it first."

"I can bear it, but my phone can't. My phone also has to eat. Find me a charger, an Android interface."

"You have no friends or family. You can't contact anyone. Why do you need a mobile phone? Just lie down and rest."

"Now that I have friends, you can help me find one... When I can be discharged from the hospital, I will treat you to dinner. Let's visit often and make friends."

"Put it down. You come here often. If all I meet are patients like you, I won't do anything else for the day... You don't seem to be here to be hospitalized. You seem to be here to torture me."

The nurse was complaining as she walked towards my ward. When I saw her again, she already had a charger in her hand; she gave me a look, but I knew she was a bitch. He's such a kindhearted person.

I charged my phone and was satisfied.


After waiting for a while, my phone finally made a vibrating sound. I thought it was Luxi who approved my friend request, but the vibrating sound was continuous. I picked up the phone and looked at it. Sure enough, it was not WeChat. News, this is a call from Ren Ran.

"Miss Ran."

"What's wrong with you? I called you so many times and you didn't answer any of them."

"Did you hit me?"

"Look at the call history yourself."

I laughed: "Except for people who defrauded me of loans and people who sold houses to me, no one else calls me, so I don't even bother to look at those call records."

Ren Ran was furious: "Don't you know that others are worried about you?... Where are you now?"


After being silent for a while, Ren Ran replied: "I'm going to the hospital after all! ...Which hospital is it? I'll go over and see you right now."

I was really confused because I was sent to the hospital in a coma, so I didn’t know which hospital it was. So I covered the receiver of my mobile phone and shouted to the nurse outside: "Sister, this is where we are." What hospital?"

"I'm really driven crazy by you. Isn't it written on the quilt you put on me?"

I looked down and saw that the name of the hospital was really printed on the quilt. Not only was it on the quilt, but it was also on the drinking cup. So, I turned to Ren Ran on the phone and said, "In the Gastroenterology Department of the Third People's Hospital." .”

"I'll be right over... You don't have a big problem, right?"

"I can't die, it's just very uncomfortable."

"I really treat myself like a wine barrel. I drank two kilograms of white wine in one breath. No wonder I don't feel uncomfortable." Ren Ran sighed and hung up the phone. I could already imagine her hurried over to see me. I was a little surprised. When the nurse asked me if I had any friends I could contact, why didn't she think of her immediately?
Maybe it’s because I drank too much with her, so I can’t separate her out of the group of fair-weather friends just yet; I still need some time to accept her wish to be my sibling; look at it this way Come on, I am indeed not a person who likes to change easily, even if Ren Ran is really good to me.


After I ended the call, another 10 minutes passed before Luxi finally approved my friend request.Out of curiosity, I opened her friend circle first, but unexpectedly, she set up a very annoying three-day visibility. In my opinion, such people are either autistic or boring, because I also did this set up.

I withdrew from her circle of friends very disappointed, and then thought about how to send her the first message after we became netizens; she sent it first: "Han Erjin?"

"Sister, do you really not know that my name is Han Chao?"

"Don't let the Korean wave become more and more arrogant. The Chinese wave is the best. Can the Korean wave be roughly equal to the Korean wave?"

I was stunned for a moment, and then I remembered that this was something Jay Chou once said at a concert. I couldn't help but smile knowingly and replied: "You wouldn't think of the flu because of the Korean Wave, and then think of the virus because of the flu, and then think of the virus again." Give me the nickname of a virus...Excuse me, are you determined to make trouble with my name?"

"I'm not that boring to give you random nicknames... I don't like Han Chao, who looks like a perverted hooligan. Han Erjin is pretty good."

I seemed to smile again, and I understood what she meant. Han Chao represented her first impression of me, and Han Erjin was the man who was willing to drink two pounds of liquor for her liking. In contrast, of course It is Han Erjin that is better.

Seeing through but not telling the truth, he changed the subject and asked: "By the way, why do you like Jay Chou so much?"

This time, she responded a little slowly: "Can I not answer this question?"

I asked back: "Don't mutual understanding between netizens begin with asking questions?"

For me, this is indeed a question worthy of my curiosity, but Lu Xi did not reply to the message. I don’t know whether she is really rejecting it or is busy again.

No matter what the reason is, it will not affect my mentality, because I know that adding WeChat is just the beginning. It is impossible for us to finish everything in our first official chat.


I put the phone back next to the pillow, then closed my eyes, planning to rest for a while; actually, I wasn't feeling sleepy, so I couldn't help but start thinking wildly again.

Although many times, I will let myself deliberately forget, but the connection caused by blood is something I can never deny. I can't choose my parents again, but I can't be close to them either...

Therefore, in these years, what I am most afraid of is the Chinese New Year, because every Chinese New Year, countless people will talk about the word "reunion" and the New Year's Eve dinner that symbolizes reunion.

I don't know who to reunite with.

Sometimes I also wonder, I have been away from home for so long. Is the family that once scared me the same as before, or does it have a new look?

But so far, I haven't been able to find the courage to go back; especially after Luan Yu left, her departure was like a mirror. In the mirror was a frustrated and failed me. I didn't find what I wanted in my heart after I ran away from home. The kind of happiness you want.

I am still decadent, still taking wine as my companion, still looking forward hopelessly...

There probably won't be a woman in this world who would cater to the kind of life I want. Although the most beautiful scenery is on the road, no one can really be on the road forever, not to mention that I still fantasize about having another one. A woman who is as fearless as I am, by my side every step of the way.

Thinking about it, I am afraid that I have become a joke in the eyes of the people in my hometown. They must think that I am a bad boy, a bad man, a bad uncle, a bad potato... there is no way to be bad.

How can I go back with so much evil on my back? !
(End of this chapter)

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