i'm not a bad man

Chapter 201: Only talk about private matters and not official matters

Chapter 201: Only talk about private matters and not official matters
When Lu Xi asked me how I was doing here, the first thing I felt was not pain, but exhaustion. I thought again of those differences and suspicions, and the depression of being unable to struggle. But counting the days, it would be long before we returned to the small town. Just over a week!

This kind of fatigue is tired in my heart, but if I say it to someone who doesn't understand why I left Qingdao, it would be a shame. After all, in the eyes of others, we are unstoppable in returning to the small town, of course for a better life. , but now I am left alone to guard the small town, leaving a tired body.

I was used to lighting a cigarette when I felt tired, so I took out the cigarette case and lighter from my pocket, lit the cigarette, and said to Lu Xi with a smile: "I am actually a very insecure person. , surrounded by mountains on all sides, it’s like a kind of protection, you know?...I don’t think about what is on the other side of the mountains. I become particularly focused, only focusing on the world in front of me, so this place is more conducive than Qingdao. I do one thing well. There are not so many temptations here. When you want to be quiet, just stand on a mountain and it will be quiet enough to hear your own breathing and heartbeat. If you want to express your inner pride, then climb When you reach the top of the mountain, you can reach the clouds at your fingertips and the world is at your feet... So, in a place where I can interpret my inner world to the extreme, why am I not having a good life?"

Lu Xi put her hands in her coat pockets and looked up again, and I followed her gaze...

It was already dark, except for the faint glow of the pendant neon lights on the building, nothing else could be seen; whether there were mountains and what kind of mountains they were, I could only imagine in my heart, so these of mine It sounds like it lacks some strong arguments.

Lu Xi finally spoke: "It's hard to imagine that a person who has traveled almost all over the country would regard this place surrounded by mountains as a kind of protection..."

After a short pause, Lu Xi focused his attention on me again and asked me seriously: "Do you still miss the sound of the sea?"

"I don't think so. In this season, the wind blowing from the seaside can freeze people to death."

"Your mouth is really harder than the rocks on the mountain!"

I deliberately changed the subject: "Call Sister Minhong and find a place to eat."

"No need to call her, we only talk about private matters today, not official matters."

I looked at Lu Xi, and her unavoidable eyes made her look completely different from when we first met. I gradually felt a sense of oppression in my heart, because I knew what private matter she wanted to talk to me about, and This is also the thing that I am least willing to face so far. If it were not for this matter, Lu Xi and I would never be where we are now, and I would not choose to leave Qingdao.

In fact, when I think of Lu Xi, I also miss the days when I used to approach her unscrupulously. But now I have so many worries in my heart that I have completely lost myself in front of her.

This time, I avoided her gaze. After taking a deep breath of cigarette, I finally said, "But I just want to talk to you about business."

"In your heart, is there only business between us?"


Lu Xi sighed, but didn't want to argue with me. There happened to be a flower pond on the roadside, and she sat on the edge of the flower pond, looking at the cars passing by on the street and lost her mind...

I lost my mind following her, and no longer had the energy and mood I had when we first met.

Why is the world so big, but Luan Yu is her sister-in-law?
The more I asked myself this in my mind, the stronger the anger at being played by fate grew; eventually, this anger turned into the urge to escape...

I finally broke the silence and said to her, "Let's meet again when you want to talk about business."

After saying that, I ran away without giving Lu Xi time to react. She had already called me "Fool Han" anyway, and I didn't mind becoming a little more silly in front of her.

"You stop."

I can feel Lu Xi behind me trying to chase me, but when a man insists on running away, a woman’s foot strength cannot keep up, so Lu Xi’s voice becomes increasingly blurry...

"Fool Han, are you really planning to break the jar?"

"Han Erjin..."

"Han Chao!"

The sound of Lu Xi completely disappeared from my ears. All that was left in my ears was the "whirring" sound of the wind and my own rapid heartbeat. I turned all my anger towards fate into the motivation to run wantonly. , I want to run from one end of the town to the other. I want to sweat, I want to be exhausted, I want to take a cold shower and lie in bed without waking up... No, you can only drink here. Small town, I want to drink more!


I just ran all the way back to Chang Yuli's villa.

In this cold and windy winter, I was sweating profusely. I put my hands on my knees, and the sweat flowed down my neck to my abdomen. The hot and sticky feeling almost made me vomit. come out.

But I finally escaped another disaster, but how many times can I escape from such a disaster?

I was very clear-headed. The further I ran away, the heavier the doubts in Lu Xi's heart. As long as she insisted on exploring the truth, I would be unable to hold on any longer. It was at this time that I felt confident about my choice for the first time. Heavy thinking.

Am I really doing it right?
If I am right, why is Ren Ran so regretful, why is Qiao Jiao so angry, and why is Zuo Xiaowei so sad?All of this stems from the decision I made; now, only Luan Yu stays in Qingdao safe and sound, enjoying the fruits of victory she gained after deceiving...

"Brother Chao, why are you running at night?"

I looked up and saw Chang Yuli standing on the second floor talking to me. Then I straightened up and said to him, "Come down and have a drink with me."

"Why did you forget that I can't drink again?"

"Then you come down and watch me drink."

"Awesome, Brother Chao!... You are more like the people here than the people here. People here only drink when they are bored. You drink when you disagree. I think you are really in the right place... You What do you want to drink? I'll get it for you."

"You can drink me into a fool."

After a while, Chang Yuli actually took a bottle of wine and went downstairs, held it in front of me and said, "Is this wine good?"

This turned out to be a bottle of wine named "Century of Confusion". I couldn't help but nod and sighed: "You really have all kinds of wine here!"

Chang Yuli smiled, and then asked me: "Brother Chao, where is your bubble gun? When I left, I clearly saw you holding it in your hand."

Only then did I remember that I was just running away, but I left the bubble gun with Lu Xi. However, this was not a particularly important thing to me, so I treated Chang Yuli nonchalantly. Said: "Lost it."


After Chang Yuli gave me the wine, he brought me a plate of peanuts and dried beans to go with the wine. I sat on the stone pier under the street lamp and drank.

Chang Yuli seemed to like the bubble gun I gave him. While I was drinking, he used the gun to create dreams, and he never tired of it. Whenever bubbles rose and danced in the air, he raised his neck and watched until all Once it was shattered, he shot out another string.

This thing really makes people look like a fool. At this moment, Chang Yuli looked like a silly son of a landlord.

It wasn't until No.2 passed by us that he stopped. I finally had the honor to see the true face of No.2. For Xiaocheng, she is indeed a rare beauty, especially her figure. , has the beauty and temperament of practicing dance; but her defeat at the hands of Zuo Xiaowei is not unjust, because Zuo Xiaowei's beauty is more accessible and can make people empathize.

She greeted Chang Yuli, but I lost my mind. Because of this, I thought of Zuo Xiaowei and my current situation...

I have called her many times and sent many messages, but until now, I still haven’t waited for her reply. I don’t know where she went when she was heartbroken. It was this situation that prompted me to I chose to escape from Lu Xi because I couldn't enjoy the feeling of getting along with Lu Xi with peace of mind at this time, but it was not just because I was afraid of revealing Luan Yu's secret.

(End of this chapter)

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