i'm not a bad man

Chapter 227 Mysterious characters

Chapter 227 Mysterious characters
Luan Yu's matter has been exposed, and I no longer have the need to hide it. But because this matter is too bizarre, I still brewed up my emotions before saying to Ren Ran, who had been waiting for me to speak: "I'm here Before coming to Qingdao, I had a girlfriend. She traveled with me to all cities in the country except XJ. Probably because we had been together for too long, she gradually saw through me as a person and lost interest in our common life. Confidence, so not long after we arrived in Qingdao, she chose to leave without saying goodbye... I have been waiting for her in Qingdao for more than a year... Some time ago, she found me again, but not to get back together, she told I, she found a very happy man, but this man has religious beliefs and does not accept his partner having premarital sex. For this reason, she deliberately underwent hymen repair surgery in order to prevent this behavior from being exposed. , she wanted me to leave Qingdao. She didn’t want to have any chance of intersecting with me in her future life... I didn’t agree with her behavior and couldn’t understand her, so of course she didn’t leave Qingdao... Qingdao is so big , two people who have decided to separate, it is not so easy to meet again, so life has returned to calm little by little... Just when I was about to forget about this matter, I unexpectedly discovered that her fiancé is Lu Xi’s biological brother ...My mood was very complicated at the time. I deeply reflected on myself. She followed me, and I was never willing to give her hope. I was just consuming her endlessly, so I felt guilty towards her... plus , Her current situation is indeed very bad. Her father is seriously ill, and Lu Xi’s brother has always been responsible for this matter. If I let her lose Lu Ming as a support at this time, it would really be like killing her. The executioner of life... After thinking about it, I decided to leave Qingdao completely."

After saying that, I threw away the cigarette butt in my hand and refilled myself with another one.

Although she looked calm, her mouth was slightly open...

"What about now? What's going on now?"

Squinting my eyes and taking a deep breath from the cigarette, I replied: "My abnormal behavior aroused Lu Xi's suspicion. She chased her all the way to the small town. I couldn't resist the pressure, so I told the secret. ...Now...now, she and Lu Ming have separated. She didn't give up and chased her to the small town. She probably wanted Lu Xi to help her restore her relationship with Lu Ming."

"You mean, she is also in the small town now?"


"Does it mean that, except for Xiaowei, everyone who should come and those who shouldn't come are all in this small town?"

I spit out the cigarette in my mouth and nodded.

"How do you plan to deal with these relationships?"

I looked at Ren Ran and suddenly felt myself falling into endless confusion.


Even though they were tired from the journey, when I went back, everyone said they didn’t want to drink anymore, so that night, we drank only three bottles of liquor. For me, who had been out for a while to relax. To put it bluntly, it was as if I hadn’t drank. I was very awake and thinking clearly about what Ren Ran said to me at the end.

Yeah, how do I deal with these relationships?
Especially the relationship between me and Lu Xi, should I pursue her as unscrupulously as before?
And after this bonfire party is over, who should stay and who should leave?


That night, I arranged for Ren Ran and his group to stay at the hotel owned by Chang Yuli's family in the "Da Nangou Scenic Area". Chang Yuli and Qiao Jiao, I went back to the villa area. Because it was already too late, After returning, we went to bed separately.

Going to bed does not mean falling asleep, especially in this state of drinking but not drunk, the nerves have been kept excited, so lying in bed, I inevitably fell into the wave of thoughts. middle……

In a daze, I reached for the cigarette case out of habit, but found that the phone screen kept flickering. I picked it up and looked at it, but it was a call from Chen Linqi.At the beginning, I came to talk to him about Zuo Xiaowei's contract dispute. Because Zuo Xiaowei suddenly disappeared, it has been postponed until now and has not been completely resolved. He must have called me because of this matter. matter.

"Mr. Chen."

Chen Linqi seemed to be drinking too. His voice was a little muffled, and I could barely hear him clearly: "I'm calling you this to inform you that the contract dispute between Xiaowei and I has been resolved... In this matter, you can Don’t worry about it anymore.”

Out of concern, I immediately asked: "Is Xiaowei at your place?"

"Xiao Wei did not resolve this matter herself. She issued a power of attorney and entrusted others to negotiate the dispute with me... Now that the matter has been resolved, the conditions we discussed before will not count. You Let’s communicate with Lu Xi here, I really gave her face, but Xiaowei insists on not wanting this face, and I can’t help it.”

Chen Linqi on the phone seemed a bit verbose because he was drunk, but I still heard the key points. This person who stepped in for Zuo Xiaowei must be very refreshing. Even if Chen Linqi deliberately made things difficult, he could handle it easily. Chen Linqi couldn't refuse. Such a temptation, so we gave up on the terms we had negotiated before.

After a short silence, I spoke to Chen Linqi and said, "Mr. Chen, I understand what you said. I would like to ask, who resolved this matter on Xiaowei's behalf?"

"The other party doesn't want this matter to get into trouble, so you'd better stop asking."

"Looking at your protective attitude, I'm afraid you got a lot of benefits out of it, right?"

After Chen Linqi finished saying what he wanted to say, he was too lazy to communicate with me anymore and hung up the phone. I never put down my hand, and my heart became heavier and heavier. No one would help another person for no reason. Under the premise that the mysterious man is so generous, what kind of sacrifice will Zuo Xiaowei make?

Is she already having a BJ at this time?

I'm afraid this mysterious man is not mysterious at all. The only people around Zuo Xiaowei who can be called wealthy are Chang Yuli and Guan Yubo. Chang Yuli is the son of the richest man and has limited autonomy. Besides, he has been by my side recently. , I didn’t feel any trouble, so it couldn’t be him; then, it could only be Guan Yubo.

Thinking of Guan Yubo, my nervousness relaxed a little, and I thought that the friendship between him and Zuo Xiaowei would not be an exchange of equal value. But even if there is no exchange, does such a heavy favor really not need to be repaid?
If it needs to be repaid, what should Zuo Xiaowei use to repay it?

With these thoughts in mind, I subconsciously raised my head and glanced out the window. I saw that the night was dark and terrifying, just like the night Zuo Xiaowei ran away.

(End of this chapter)

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