i'm not a bad man

Chapter 235 Capital, Capital

Chapter 235 Capital, Capital

I'm not sure whether Zuo Xiaowei was with Guan Yubo at this time, but I'm sure that they could at least be in contact with each other. But Zuo Xiaowei completely severed contact with me, so I saw Her determination is that we have indeed broken up and no longer have any relationship. Choosing to stay in the small town has become my personal choice and no longer our joint decision.

Standing on the corridor of the hotel, looking at the world swallowed up by the night in front of me, I couldn't help but think of everything I had experienced between myself and Zuo Xiaowei. I didn't feel particularly tired, because when it came to this relationship, I I have never tried my best. I just followed her to the small town and then lived with the flow. If we hadn't encountered huge resistance from others, we might have lived a calm life like this. I wouldn't I am ecstatic, but I don’t really hate this kind of life, and my girlfriend Zuo Xiaowei. I can adapt to it. Even if I can’t adapt, I can endure it, and I can endure it for a long, long time...

This is my summary of this relationship. I don’t know if Zuo Xiaowei will feel the same way. There is a high probability that she will not think so. I will never forget that on the night she left me, she looked at She knew how sad and disappointing she felt, better than anyone else, that I was just making do, so in such an irreconcilable contradiction, she no longer had the motivation to persevere.


After we separated, I chose to stay in a small town and pursue a career, but what kind of life would she choose?

During the period before Black Foot arrived, I had been thinking about this question repeatedly, but it was in vain. Before seeing Zuo Xiaowei again, I could not have an answer, because I had never really visited Zuo Xiaowei. After exploring what kind of woman Zuo Xiaowei is, I only know that she is a natural singer, beautiful and sexy.

Lighting a cigarette and taking a deep breath, I couldn't help but have mixed feelings in my heart.


Late at night, Heizu finally brought his motorcade to the hotel located in the "Danangou Scenic Area"; this was an extremely luxurious motorcade, including not only Heizu's RV worth over [-] million, but also the other RVs. None of them are worth less than one million. Most of these RVs are unique and powerful. Let alone small cities, even in first-tier cities such as Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, RVs of this level can only be seen in RV campsites.

Black Foot is indeed a rich man, and his circle is also a very powerful one. However, as his life and death friend, I can only see some superficial things. As for why he is so rich, his circle I don't know what kind of circle it is, and this also makes Blackfoot somewhat mysterious.

Black Foot changed his girlfriend again. This time, he brought over a female Internet celebrity who was already well-known. Not only did she look fashionable, but she also had a sweet mouth. She was completely obedient to Black Foot; although Black Foot didn't say anything , but I already understand that this is probably another love story full of copper odor between the top brother and a female Internet celebrity.

Blackfoot has changed. I absolutely don’t believe that he will fight recklessly with a group of gangsters in a foreign land for the sake of this female internet celebrity. He seems to be playing around, and there is no trace of a couple between his words and deeds. Everyone should respect each other. In the short ten minutes after we met, he asked the female internet celebrity to go to the car to get his coat for him, and then asked the female internet celebrity to hold his mobile phone and wallet for him. The female internet celebrity was slightly exposed With an expression of reluctance, he viciously told her to get back into the RV and not allow her to come out again.

But Blackfoot Sanji in the anime is a man who, although he is carefree, is very graceful and unwilling to hurt any woman, even his enemies.


After all the friends of Heizu were properly arranged, Heizu and I sat on the sofa in the hotel lobby and started chatting; I first handed him a cigarette, and then said with emotion: "Counting the days, we have to We haven’t seen each other for two years.”

Hei Zu lit up his cigarette, squinted his eyes and replied, "How long it has been since you and Luan Yu broke up, how long it has been since we last met."

I smiled: "When did Luan Yu become a unit of measurement?"

"I really don't think of her as a unit of measurement, but when I think of the time we spent in Lanzhou, I feel uncomfortable... I remember that not long after we left Lanzhou, you two broke up."

"Well, one month and four days."

"I never thought that you would break up, let alone that you would break up so soon... I remember when I went to Qingdao to see you, you were so decadent. We drank for three days in a row, and you were drunk every time, but You don't get drunk easily, so I started drinking with you from the afternoon until two or three o'clock at night."

I looked at Heizu, as if I had returned to the days when Luan Yu had just left me. Time had gradually smoothed away the pain in my heart. I could even laugh it off, but I didn't laugh. I said to him seriously: " You think I’m drunk, but actually I’m not drunk, I’ve never been drunk after drinking beer.”

"Are you just pretending to be dizzy?"

"I'm afraid you'll collapse, but you also said that I'll stay with you from noon to two or three o'clock at night." Heizhi pointed at me and smiled, showing his helplessness.

I said to him again: "There is beer at the service counter. I will ask the kitchen to make two dishes, and we can have some drinks."

"Forget the beer, just drink the white one."

"Are you worried that I won't get drunk?"

"I want to get drunk."


The kitchen made some dishes for Blackfoot and me to go with wine, and we started drinking...

This time we drank white wine and chatted while drinking. I changed the topic to Heizu and said to him: "It can be seen that you and that female internet celebrity are just having fun, but there is no need to use that attitude. Treat her, everyone has dignity."

Blackfoot replied nonchalantly: "A woman who comes here for money is just a commodity to me..." At this point, Blackfoot smiled and said, "You will care about your razor, How does your watch, your hair dryer feel?"

"You don't treat Lin Jie like this."

Black Foot fell into silence, and then lost his mind. He must have thought of the time in Lanzhou and Lin Jie who was with him at that time; but he was unwilling to talk about Lin Jie with others, so even now, I don’t He didn't know what kind of woman Lin Jie was in his heart, let alone whether their relationship was pure love, or whether like his subsequent girlfriends, she also fell in love with his wealth.


Black Foot was still the same as before, still not mentioning anything related to Lin Jie. He drank the wine in the glass by himself, and then took the initiative to change the topic and said to me: "I know you came to me, not just In order to build momentum, you also want me to invest here... Putting aside our friendship, I am currently quite interested in the cultural tourism industry. Please tell me about the situation of this scenic spot."

This was business, so I put aside my doubts for the time being, and after sorting out my thoughts, I said to Heizu: "Let's talk about the situation of this small town first. The small town's economy is underdeveloped. It used to rely on minerals. As the mineral resources gradually depleted, Therefore, the focus of economic development has been shifted to the tourism industry... The small town currently has two 5A-level scenic spots, and the tourism resources are still good. However, due to the uneven capabilities of the operators, the development of the scenic spots has become very serious. The phenomenon of differentiation, the scenic spot I want to operate, is gradually declining under this background..."

It took me half an hour to explain clearly to Heizu the current status of the tourism industry in the entire town, including the disadvantages and advantages of the scenic spots, as well as the situation of competitors. Of course, this competitor is Guan Yubo. His current motivation is very clear. I just want to use my connections and capital advantages to form a monopoly on the small town's tourism industry. What I have to do is to face his encirclement and suppression and find my own living space.

After thinking for a while, Heizu replied: "Before coming here, I also checked the information about Danangou Scenic Area on the Internet. Its terrain has many similarities with Mogan Mountain... I think this There is no need to think too complicated about this matter, and there is no need to care too much about the so-called competitors. We can just copy the Moganshan model and operate it... My idea is to eliminate those low-end B&Bs, and Hotels...Introducing high-end B&Bs on a large scale...When high-end B&Bs form a group, the nature of the entire scenic spot will also change. This change will eliminate all low-end consumption, and only high-income groups will be able to visit here. , they pay attention to the quality of tourism and don't like crowding, so they avoid the disadvantages of geographical location and transportation..." After a pause, Heizu continued: "Although doing this will greatly reduce the passenger flow, individual consumption will be reduced. If it can be increased exponentially, I don’t think it will affect the total income of the scenic spot too much.”

"There is nothing wrong with your strategy, but it is seriously out of touch with the masses... There are many aborigines in the scenic area. They have self-built houses in the scenic area. Most of these self-built houses have been transformed into restaurants and family hotels... If , we are determined to take the high-end route, which means cutting off their livelihood, and I am afraid there will be unimaginable resistance... Furthermore, our ultimate goal is to revitalize the entire Danangou Scenic Area, and there are other possibilities Before sex, I didn’t want to stand on the opposite side of the masses, I wanted to lead them to get rich together.”

While Heizu and I were discussing rationally, the female internet celebrity who was locked in the RV by him finally couldn't bear it any longer. She opened the car window and begged for mercy, asking Heizu to let her out.

I couldn't help but be speechless, because I knew that while she was bowing down to Black Feet, she might also be a sacred and inviolable goddess in the hearts of many men; then, what kind of power is capital?
When Guan Yubo had capital, he was so ambitious that he wanted to monopolize the entire small town's tourism market; Heizu's capital turned a living woman into an object that did not need to carry any emotions.

If Black Foot can really devote themselves to my career, what kind of sparks will they create when facing Guan Yubo?

(End of this chapter)

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