Chapter 264
The car had stopped at the door of the villa, but Qiao Jiao had no sense of risk at all. She opened the car window regardless, and then looked coldly at the villa that belonged only to her.

Someone seemed to be taking care of the villa all the time. Although there was no light inside the villa, I could still see clearly under the light from outside. There was not even a fallen leaf in the entire courtyard, let alone other debris. This detail was enough to make me vigilant. , couldn't help but said to the carefree Qiao Jiao beside her: "Sister Jiao, you'd better be careful. I think your dad really came to your place a lot after you left. Look at the yard, it's cleaner than when you were here. Woolen cloth."

"Can you please stop being so suspicious? The cleanliness of this yard has nothing to do with my dad... We hired a housekeeping company. As long as it is our house, no matter whether it is occupied or not, they will set the time every week. Come and clean it up."

I felt a little relieved and sighed: "No wonder you don't want to go abroad. Who can easily let go of this life of having food to eat and clothes to stretch out!"

"If you had said this to me a few days ago, I would have definitely nodded to you, but you'd better not say such words in front of me now, because I have changed and I can completely let go of this. A life where food comes and clothes come."

After saying that, Qiao Jiao opened the car door. I grabbed her and lowered my voice and asked, "This has already arrived at your door. Please tell me quickly what you want to take."

Qiao Jiao turned to look at me, then narrowed her eyes and smiled, and then looked at me with a meaningful expression.I really didn’t know what kind of medicine she was selling in her gourd, so I just looked at her. But while we were looking at each other, my mind was filled with memories of her dad catching me, so maybe It was one of the most embarrassing experiences of my life.

Of course I didn’t want to make the same mistake again, so I asked, “Speak, what do you want to get...”

"It's not daily necessities anyway."

After saying that, Qiao Jiao jumped out of the car, opened the courtyard door, and walked straight into the villa. I hesitated for a moment, and then followed her, because this was indeed a safer place. At this time, we can even go to the beach to watch the sunrise in a very relaxed time after getting our things, and then it is time to have breakfast. During this process, her father will definitely not come over. After all, everyone has to Sleep and rest.


I was ready to move heavy objects, but after Qiao Jiao fumbled around in her room for a while, she only took out a document bag and held it up in front of me, as if to tell me that the matter was done.

"Didn't you say that the thing is very heavy and you want my help?"

Qiao Jiao opened the document bag, took out the contents, threw it on the coffee table and said, "When I say heavy, I don't mean heavy on the material level... look at what this is?"

I picked it up and looked at it. It turned out to be the property ownership certificate of this villa. I roughly know the real estate market in Qingdao. Judging from the location and area of ​​​​Qiao Jiao's villa, it is at least an asset worth more than 3000 million yuan. , to say heavy, of course heavy... What is the concept of 3000 million?Last time, Qiao Jiao only withdrew a few million in cash, and she had already made a bed. 3000 million would probably fill a room. So, I became even more confused. I don't know why Qiao Jiao put such "weight" displayed in front of me.

Qiao Jiao sat down on the sofa and then said to me: "I want to sell this villa."

I was shocked, and after a long while, I asked: "It's such a good villa, why do you want to sell it?"

"I also want to invest in a multi-million-dollar B&B in Danangou Scenic Area."

"are you crazy?"

"I'm not crazy. Why can't I invest when others can invest?"

"Are you the same as others? Heizu invested because he is in the cultural and tourism industry and has experience investing in B&Bs worth tens of millions in Moganshan. The other person who is willing to invest tens of millions is actually Chang The sitter Tianming found, although Chang Tianming has no experience in running a B&B..." I became more and more excited as I spoke, so much so that my tone unconsciously became a few points higher: "Although Chang Tianming has no experience in running a B&B... but he is real. He is rich... Moreover, Danangou was originally his scenic spot, and now it is about to be revived. Not to mention an investment of tens of millions, even if it is over 100 million, it is still worth his risk... Tell me, what are you planning? Or are you [-]% sure that you can do this well?"

Just as Qiao Jiao was about to respond, I said again: "You are not sure... No one is sure about this matter. Why do you think Blackfoot and the others went to Zhengzhou and Xi'an to do market research?... They just want to do it. Before this incident, there were more data to prove it. To put it bluntly, it was because I was not 100% sure. I really don’t know what you are fooling around with..."

"Are you finished?"

"I haven't finished yet... The real estate market in Qingdao is so good now. No matter what you want to do, you shouldn't sell your house. As long as you have the idea of ​​selling your house, you're talking nonsense!"

Qiao Jiao looked at me and made sure that I would not interrupt her again, then she spoke again: "Although you are the commander-in-chief of the revitalization of Danangou Scenic Area, you may not know as much as I do...the one Uncle Chang is looking for The shill has been discovered by Guan Yubo, so this matter has been spread among investors. The reason why Blackfoot and the others want to conduct market research is also for this reason... Blackfoot has a very good relationship with you, he I don’t want to tell you this in person, but because the matter of finding a sitter has affected his investment confidence, I have to use market making to weigh the investment value of the entire scenic spot. After all, no one’s money comes from the strong wind. ...My money is certainly not brought by the strong wind, but the military morale is now unstable, so I need someone to stabilize the military morale. After much thought, I am the most suitable person to do this...After all, I have followed you all the way from Qingdao. When I go to a small town, I can be regarded as your confidant... If I confirm this multi-million-level investment first, it will dispel the doubts of those investors. At least you will not cheat your confidants... Only in this way can this matter be developed. The direction was pulled back to the original track... Don't blame Uncle Chang for this matter. He didn't expect that Guan Yubo's penetration would be so strong. He instigated the stooge to rebel. He could have controlled the situation originally. .”

I looked at Qiao Jiao, and I had an indescribable feeling in my heart... I always thought she was a careless woman who only knew how to play in the world; but at this moment, the courage and determination she showed were already capable of becoming Guan Yubo opponent, because this in itself is an act of taking advantage of others; who is Guan Yubo?
When I involuntarily put Qiao Jiao and him in the same position, you can imagine the shock in my heart!

(End of this chapter)

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