i'm not a bad man

Chapter 272 Persuasion

Chapter 272 Persuasion
After Renran explained the cause and effect of this matter clearly, I felt indescribably depressed. Yes, it was dull, not angry. In the darkness of the night, I thought more about human nature, life, and living alone. meaning...

I wasn't shocked because I had been wandering on the road for so long. I had never heard of things like this before, and I used to find them unbelievable. But when these things happened to Ren Ran, all that was left was to think...

Captivity is really a terrible method, and Ren Ran, who is used to this kind of captivity, actually tolerated Lin Sheng'en blatantly looking for a mistress, and even tolerated the mistress getting pregnant; but this tolerance did not make Lin Sheng'en feel any guilt. , but went even harder, wanting to treat her as a tribute to the powerful...

Lin Sheng'en has been poisoned by fame and fortune, which is not worth mentioning. I want to know what Ren Ran is thinking at this moment. After such a thing that challenges human nature and ethics happens, does she still plan to live in the comfort zone given to her by Lin Sheng'en?
Like her, I once thought that the reason why Lin Shengen was willing to give her such an enviable comfort zone was just because of the remaining love between husband and wife. I never thought that Ren Ran would have to pay such a price to cater to her. His extremely dirty thoughts.


I lit a cigarette and looked up at the sea that had merged with the night. I finally said to Ren Ran: "Sister Ran, things have happened and we have to face them. Are you still going to tolerate it?" ?”

Ren Ran looked at me with a look of confusion on his face. The confusion was of course because he had no decision in his heart.

I didn't try to guide her. She needs to reflect on this kind of thing by herself. Only when she feels sour, bitter, and can't stand it anymore will she truly be determined to change the status quo.

Of course Ren Ran was very miserable, but after a moment, she still shook her head and said to me: "I can't leave Qingdao, nor can I leave my current life."


"The project of cultural tourism town in Rizhao is about to be negotiated. I don't want to give up halfway... In addition, there are Ba Xiaoguang and others... They have entrusted their livelihood to me. If I let it go, what should they do? Where to go?",

"If you think too much, you will be stuck in this vortex forever... Sister Ran, in your eyes, what exactly should people live for? Can you talk to me?"

Ren Ran was still confused. After a while, he shook his head and replied: "I don't know what people should live for... What drives me to this point has always been a kind of inertia... No matter how painful it is, I will get used to it over time. After I get used to it, I will get used to it." , I no longer feel that the people and things that have caused me pain are a kind of pain!"

"So, do you have to try to adapt to this pain now?"

"I don't want to adapt, but when I decided to start a career of my own, the bond between Lin Sheng'en and I became more than just a relationship between husband and wife..." After a slight pause, Ren Ran said it almost as lowly as In a voice that only she could hear, she said to me: "Han Chao, no matter what, I will insist on finishing the project in the tourist town in Rizhao... After this project is over, I will divorce Lin Sheng'en and take the My family has moved on and will never recall this marriage."

"If you turn this matter into your bottom line, Lin Sheng'en will only intensify his efforts to oppress you... Sister Ran, in your heart, is a wealthy life really that important?"

Ren Ran remained silent, but when she spoke again, she had already changed the subject. She said to me: "From the moment you decided to leave Qingdao, there has been no intersection in life between us... So, this matter Just pretend it never happened... You must not be as impulsive as last time and go to Lin Sheng'en's house to have a conflict with him... Last time you beat the mistress and did not violate him. If you directly violated If you meet him, with his retaliatory character, he will definitely not make it easy for you... Don't doubt that he really has such ability." I let out a heavy breath and replied: "If it were before, I might not really have it. I have the patience to sit here and tell you so much. I will definitely rush to Lin Shengen’s house to get this slap back for you... But now... I won’t be so impulsive... I think it is better to return this slap to him. , letting you get rid of his control is the best response to him... Sister Ran, no matter what you think, I will never let you stay with Lin Shengen and be his tool to realize his interests... To me, this is more practical than beating him up."

Renran looked at me with a surprised look on her face, as if she didn't quite believe that there would be such a change in me, and I became more rational than ever.

This change stems from a sense of responsibility. If I really beat up Lin Sheng'en and caused a criminal dispute, I would not be able to return to the small town for a while. Everything in the small town is imminent. In exchange for this momentary pleasure, I have to sacrifice my career.

After taking a heavy drag on the cigarette, I spoke to Ren Ran again: "You and Lin Sheng'en are legally married. Even if you are divorced, you legally have the right to distribute your common property. Why are you still entangled in a tourist town?" Where is the project?”

"You think about divorce too easily. It's impossible for me to get a share of his property... and even bear his debts. He has already done something about this, otherwise he wouldn't dare to do this. Blatantly looking for a mistress."

When I looked at Ren Ran, I couldn't help but have mixed feelings in my heart. I just felt that she had completely become the dominated party in her marriage to Lin Sheng'en, and I only saw her wantonness and freedom in the bar, but never... Go deep into her heart to understand the pain and helplessness that accompanied her over the years.Maybe what she was afraid of was not leaving the house. What really frightened her was the debt that Lin Shengen had imposed on her through means after the divorce. She had long since lost the ability to work. Judging from Lin Shengen's despicable degree, he The debt imposed on Ren Ran will definitely take half of Ren Ran's life; weighing the balance, it seems that she can only choose to compromise.

"Sister Ran, listen to me... I already know most of the grudges between you and Lin Sheng'en. Don't stay in Qingdao during this period. I will figure out a solution for the construction site... As for the divorce, , I don’t have a good solution now, but this marriage must be divorced. Before you completely get rid of Lin Shengen, you are absolutely not allowed to stay in Qingdao..." After a slight pause, I lowered my voice and said: "Actually, Life without money is really not as scary as you think... I have experienced it. I can't describe this mental journey too specifically, but you must believe me. After you overcome this kind of suffering without money, After that, your spirit will really become very free... Besides, even if you really have nothing, at least you still have me... After the project in your hand is completed, you can take Xiaoguang and the others to the small town. In the process of reviving Danangou, I will definitely find opportunities for you to do projects. Although it is not as big as a large project that often costs hundreds of millions, it is still enough for you to live a good life."

Ren Ran didn't reject me, but she didn't agree immediately. I can understand her. For her, this is a huge turning point in her life, and she needs some time and space to consider the trade-off.

I didn't disturb her, I just put out the cigarette in my hand and stayed by her side quietly. It was at this time that Qiao Jiao called me.


I avoided Ren Ran and answered Qiao Jiao's call. Qiao Jiao complained on the phone, saying that I acted without permission again and left her alone in the villa; I probably told her about Ren Ran's experience, I can only tell her, because like me, she is one of the few people who knows Renran's suffering, so there is nothing to avoid in front of her.

Qiao Jiao was silent for a long time, and then she said to me: "Where are you now? I'll go find you... let's go and beat up the mistress together."

I was silent for a long time and replied: "Isn't it Lin Sheng'en who was wrong in this matter?"

"I don't know why, but as long as Sister Ran suffers, I want to kill the mistress..." After thinking for a while, Qiao Jiao added, "Maybe she is easier to handle, who doesn't like to pick on the weak!"

When Qiao Jiao said this, I suddenly had an idea to save Ren Ran from the sea of ​​suffering. Now the only person who can liberate Ren Ran and prevent Ren Ran from being persecuted by Lin Sheng'en is this mistress!
(End of this chapter)

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