i'm not a bad man

Chapter 275 I am better than Xiao 3

Chapter 275 I’m better than the mistress
The night is like a boundless cage, covering the sky over the city. The moving cars are like sharp knives, trying to break through the cage, but they are stopped by the traffic lights at the intersection, so the powerlessness becomes It seemed that the resentment turned into the sky, and finally gradually disappeared and subsided in the neon lights. As a result, the neon lights became more and more translucent and swaying, swaying out the restlessness and restlessness of the city...

For the first time, I felt that a city also has emotions.

After we separated from Cong Lei, Qiao Jiao and I encountered a traffic light that lasted for 3 minutes. This was not the first time I passed this intersection. Every time I would use these 3 minutes to smoke a cigarette and then look at the intersection. I would stare at this city in a daze and feel its mood... Or, in other words, I would imagine myself as this city, with all kinds of garbage emotions imprisoned in my body. I would feel sad and depressed because of this, and then rush to wait until the light turns green. Before I got up, I used cigarettes to relieve these emotions, and then continued to rush to the next intersection. I had been obsessed with this feeling for a long time, so much so that I would drive here when it was not necessary... …

I don’t have a car myself, so I always drive Ren Ran’s car, so several times, Ren Ran was with me in the passenger seat, but this time, the person next to me was Qiao Jiao, and the car was also changed. , it’s no longer Ren Ran’s Porsche Cayenne... The only thing that remains unchanged is the feeling when facing this traffic light, still dazed, depressed, unwilling to speak...

"Han Chao."

I turned to look at Qiao Jiao: "Huh?"

"Have you ever found a mistress?"

"I'm not married, so why are you looking for a mistress?"

"Finding a mistress is not based on marriage. When you are talking about a girlfriend, you can also have a third party..." After a pause, Qiao Jiao said to me again: "After contacting Cong Lei today, I really I think women who can be mistresses are very awesome... You should remember what she told you, right? Can a normal woman have such scheming and means? And her overall view... This doesn't count. Look at the overall situation, this is called strategic vision. Although Lin Shengen compensates Sister Ran, it is also a loss for her, but she is really willing to give it, and she is not obsessed with the small profit in front of her..."

I felt that Qiao Jiao only said half of what she said, so I asked, "So?"

"So, you must never find a mistress in the future. With whomever you are with, you should be together cleanly, you know?... Looking for a mistress is the beginning of destruction."

"Sister Jiao, what you said may make sense, but I'm really not in the mood to talk to you about this right now."

"Why aren't you in the mood to talk about this?"

"Isn't Sister Ran's matter still unresolved? Until Sister Ran gets divorced, I won't be able to feel at ease..."

"Are you worried about the mistress, afraid that she won't try her best?"

"It's not impossible..."

"Don't worry, there is absolutely no such possibility."

Qiao Jiao said this incomprehensibly, then took out her mobile phone from her bag, raised it in front of me and said, "Listen to what this is?"

After saying that, I heard a recording on Qiao Jiao's mobile phone, and this recording was the conversation I just had with Cong Lei, including her views on her relationship with Lin Sheng'en.

In my surprised gaze, Qiao Jiao smiled and said: "If Lin Sheng'en knew that she only regarded him as a cash cow, what do you think Lin Sheng'en would do to her? I'm afraid this mistress's dream of becoming a full-time employee would be completely ruined..."

No wonder when I was talking to Cong Lei, Qiao Jiao sitting next to me was so quiet that she was unusually quiet. It turned out that she was doing this.At this time, Qiao Jiao added: "If she doesn't do her best to handle this matter, I will send this recording to Lin Sheng'en. If she can really keep her promise, it will be treated as if she has never recorded it."

I nodded and replied: "It seems that you are really good at dealing with mistresses!"

Qiao Jiao looked proud: "Of course, I'm better than the mistress... So you'd better not offend me in the future, or I'll make you worse than Lin Sheng'en!"

I just smiled and did not choose to respond to this sentence. When I spoke again, I had already changed the subject and said to her: "I'm not sure how long it will take Cong Lei to handle this matter. The situation outside is imminent, so I am planning to go back now... Do you want to stay in Qingdao for a few days, or go back with me?"

Qiao Jiao thought for a moment and replied: "You can go back first, I won't go back for the time being."

"Are you still thinking about selling the house?... Let me tell you, you should quickly give up this idea. Do you know why I must include the villa she lives in when negotiating terms with Sister Ran? You all I am a native of Qingdao. I am still young now and my heart is wandering. When I get older, I will feel like returning to my roots. When the time comes, where will you live?"

"You've been doing this for a long time, are you testing me?"

"It's not a temptation, it's a responsibility for your future life."

After saying that, I locked the car door, and the red light that I had been waiting for for 3 minutes finally turned to green at this time. I stepped on the accelerator hard, and took Qiao Jiao and sped away in the direction of the beltway... …

"Han Chao, are you crazy? I still have things left at home that I haven't picked up!"

"Come on, we went back to Qingdao on an impromptu trip. I didn't even bring a change of underwear. What could you have left at home?"

"Why are you so ungrateful? I'm helping you realize your career ambitions. If you don't treat me like a god, forget about it. You're still playing coquettishly with me here...be careful when the time comes. You won't even have a chance to regret it." , all good career opportunities are fleeting."

"I'm just so pretentious, so don't do it."

"I'm not kidding. This is what my dad has said to me hundreds of times... When my dad started his career, it was my mom who sold the house to support him, so he was lucky enough to be where he is today!" ( Follow the author's Weixin public account: ***, reply "B&B" to view the prototype of Tank Fenghua Xueyue Inn B&B.)
"I am not your father, and you are not your mother...the grudge between them is not suitable to be applied to the two of us."

"What do you mean you are not my father? Do you want to take advantage of me?"

After saying that, Qiao Jiao greeted me with a slap. Although she was extremely smart, it was true that she did things without considering the consequences. When this slap came, I subconsciously dodged, and just dodged, causing me to lose control of the steering wheel. Chang Yuli's car, worth more than 200 million yuan, just scraped against the sycamore tree on the roadside, making a harsh friction sound, and then pressed against the curb and climbed onto the sidewalk... If I hadn't reacted quickly enough, If you step on the brakes in time, it will definitely cause more serious consequences!
The most annoying thing in my life is this kind of willfulness, so much so that I forgot what we were arguing about. I glared at Qiao Jiao and angrily said: "Are you mentally ill? If you have something to say, you can't do anything. What hand..."

Qiao Jiao was not at all frightened by such a turn of events. She straightened up and replied even more angrily than me: "I took action because you are unreasonable... Yes, you are not my dad, and I can't represent you either." My mother... However, my current mood is the same as my mother's towards my father at that time... There has never been a man in this world who has succeeded by working alone... Otherwise, why do you think Lu Ming is in such good condition? Can you like Luan Yu who has nothing? It’s because Luan Yu can stand behind him and help him share the burden of work and the garbage emotions generated at work... This was the last time we had dinner together , Lu Ming told us personally... Even if Lu Ming is like this, ask yourself, when you have nothing, do you really not need such a woman behind you?"

(End of this chapter)

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