i'm not a bad man

Chapter 278 She must have such a wish

Chapter 278 She must have such a wish

I drove alone to "Shuanglong Lake". Shuanglong Lake was still brightly illuminated by the afternoon sun, like a mirror, reflecting the beautiful scenery of the mountains, tiled between the sky and the earth; if you want to compare this Shuanglong Lake to By herself, she must be a very beautiful woman, but she was kept in a deep alley without leaving home, so that among the thousands of people in the world, no one was lucky enough to see her beauty. She was about to die. Buried!

One day, I accidentally broke in and saw her shocking beauty. I was determined to break the barrier that had trapped her for thousands of years, so I swung the hammer in my hand and smashed the high wall, just to hold her hand. , bring her to the world...

When I thought about it, it was quite romantic, so I looked at myself reflected on the lake and grinned. While I was smiling from the bottom of my heart, my desire to persuade all investors to invest here became even stronger. It became urgent.

What a beautiful scene it would be if there was a B&B with white walls and blue tiles next to Shuanglong Lake. As soon as I closed my eyes, this scene became concrete in my mind. This is a B&B without a modern kitchen. We rely on firewood to cook meals and boil water. Therefore, whenever dusk comes, wisps of smoke will rise between the white buildings. When the smoke encounters the wind, it seems to be alive. It swings in the sky above Shuanglong Lake. He said that he wanted to wander, go to all directions, go to a place without high walls and worries...

The smoke from the kitchen is like a passerby, leaving in such a hurry, but the people in the B&B have to keep company with the dark night, which is a symbol of loneliness, so there is only one table in the empty courtyard, and on the table is half a bottle of the remaining wine from last night. , there were three or two side dishes that had just been prepared, and I turned into the owner of a B&B, drinking wine to the moon, enduring the loneliness of having no business...

Suddenly, the wooden door was pushed open. I thought it was a guest from afar, but it was my "girlfriend" Lu Xi. She finally finished the movie she was rushing to release recently. Although we don't get together often, But whenever she has free time, she will come here to find me.

Thousands of evening stars lit up the small courtyard. We sat opposite each other, eating and drinking while chatting about our recent life and work, as well as our thoughts in our hearts. Finally, we washed together and met each other in the only room with a skylight. Sleep in a hug...

This is the feeling of satisfaction, the feeling of satisfaction I can feel just thinking about it. But when I really want to pursue this feeling of satisfaction, I find it is so out of reach. She is a hot star, she really knows how to be with me. Similarly, do you regard such a place as your own home and a haven for your soul?

I opened my eyes, and all the illusions were shattered at this moment. There was only the lonely Shuanglong Lake in front of me, and the dead leaves falling with the cold wind.


This mood suddenly gave me inspiration, and there was a melody in my mind, sometimes lonely, sometimes warm, sometimes full of fantasy and hope...

I quickly took out my phone, found Lu Xi’s WeChat account, and hummed the melody to her. Then I asked her what images came to mind when listening to this melody.

After a while, Lu Xi sent me a message back: "It seems that there is a house on the seaside, and there is a lighthouse on the sea. The light of the lighthouse shines through the fog in the yard, bringing light to the people sitting alone in the yard. Warmth and hope.”

Although there is a certain difference between this and the picture I imagined, the artistic conception is the same, which is enough to prove that this melody is wrong; and the reason why Luxi is said to be by the sea must be because it is in Qingdao, because of people's imagination To some extent, she was affected by the environment she faced at that time. Maybe at this moment, she was in the hotel room, opening the curtains, facing the vast sea...

"Is this the song you wrote for me?"

"Well, I only have this melody now, and I still need to compose music and lyrics later... But I don't think it will take long, because the inspiration has already come."

"The melody is very nice. I look forward to your complete work... By the way, I have one thing to tell you. Zuo Xiaowei has announced that she will enter the entertainment industry. She signed a contract with Chen Linqi's company, and Chen Linqi's company also made progress because of her joining. In terms of business reorganization, it will no longer be a single record company in the future. It will take the route of entertainment media. While cultivating singers, it will also cultivate some Internet celebrities... I heard that they recently received an investment. This investment is The key to the company's transformation, if I guess correctly, this investment should come from Guan Yubo from the small town." Originally I suspected that Guan Yubo was operating, but when Lu Xi said this, I became even more sure, and I also I didn’t know what to say, but I just felt that I should bless Zuo Xiaowei, so I replied to Lu Xi: “It’s good that she finally found a big enough stage to display her singing talent... maybe in the future One day, her star will be as bright as yours!”

"At that time, will you regret missing such a woman?"

I was a little surprised, because this was not something Lu Xi would care about. Unless she already had some intention of being my girlfriend, she would not care about my past.

She must have such a wish. I will never forget that day, what we said in the freezing cold lake. The only distance between us was Luan Yu and Lu Ming, but this seemingly very The short distance is very likely to become the biggest regret between us; at least, I don’t have a perfect way to overcome such obstacles, and the same goes for Luxi... So, about the beautiful memories between us , can only helplessly freeze on that night, unable to make any further progress.

Forced myself to let go of the regrets in my heart, I replied to Lu Xi's message: "I won't regret it. If she were with me, she would never take this path. There is an aura between people. Living one kind of life with this person, living a completely different life with another person..."

This sentence comes from the deepest understanding in my heart. Not only Zuo Xiaowei, but also Luan Yu, they have all become better after leaving me; I really had no choice in the past. By satisfying them materially, I can only give them some spiritual happiness. Therefore, my next girlfriend must be a woman who is materially rich enough. What she wants more is an emotional value.

The emotional value in me is inexhaustible, because I have never lacked the courage to break through the world. As long as the woman I love needs it, I will not hesitate to spend a few more years to revisit all the cities on the map. Again.


I lit a cigarette, the smoke drifted away in the wind, and I fell into a trance. In my trance, a white thing broke into my sight. I looked at it carefully and realized that it was Qiao Jiao. , she was riding the same electric bike that broke down halfway last time. After she parked next to me, she asked me: "You came to talk to them about investment, why didn't you call me?"

"You really haven't learned your lesson. How dare you ride this crappy bike?"

"This time I fully charged the battery... Don't interrupt. Please talk to me. Why didn't you call me?"

"Have I not explained it to you several times... Don't be too busy questioning me. Before I came here, Liu Chuang called me and said that you had entrusted him to sell your villa. Are you Is it really going to be a dark road?"

"It's already an urgent matter, and you're still blabbering here!" After a pause, Qiao Jiao slowed down and said to me: "Before coming here, I called Blackfoot. He discussed and asked him to give me this open space next to Shuanglong Lake. I want to build a B&B here. With this B&B, I don’t have to build an extra bakery... Heizu said, as long as I am sure that I will be there. To invest here, he won’t compete with me for the land next to Shuanglong Lake... He wants to build a RV-themed B&B and needs a large space. There is an open space at the foot of the mountain, which is more than twice the size here. He feels that the open space is also Not bad... So, I have prepared everything. What I need is your attitude, an attitude that can advance and retreat together. I don’t want to turn this matter into a one-man show for me. "

Just when Qiao Jiao finished these words, there was a faint sound of a car engine on the winding mountain road. Qiao Jiao and I subconsciously looked in that direction, and Blackfoot and the others were already here...

Only then did I really feel the urgency. In fact, until now, I am not 100% sure that I can convince them, because deep down in my heart, I still dislike Qiao Jiao doing this at the price of selling the house. I Afraid of letting her down, afraid that I can't be responsible for her choices!

(End of this chapter)

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