Chapter 286
Perhaps because she was in a really good mood, Lu Xi seemed to have a good appetite. She not only ate a burger, but also a pair of grilled wings. She ate half of the fries herself and fed me half of them; Although we can't confirm our relationship because of Luan Yu and Lu Ming, at this moment, we are already a couple, not only sharing the journey, but also sharing the food...

I even had the urge that if she never found a boyfriend, I wouldn't find a girlfriend either. We would just keep wasting it until we were at the end of our rope and had no way out.


Maybe Lu Xi also felt this way in her heart. She gradually let go in front of me. She took off her shoes and curled up on the seat, relying on the seat heating to warm her feet that were frozen due to her thin clothes...

It was this move that caused an uncontrollable sour feeling in my nasal cavity, which was the urge to cry.

Because after Luan Yu, I have never tried this feeling again. In my co-pilot seat is the person I love. She is free and casual, which is the greatest comfort deep in my heart, and this comfort is easily No, the premise is that the lives and destinies of two people are tightly tied together, and then there will be such a chemical change.

I really like this kind of Luxi, which has lost its star halo and seems to exist only for our common life: and Luxi did it. When passing by a service area, we went to the bathroom separately. She was faster and waited for her at the door of the convenience store. Then the two of them discussed and bought some food. She settled the bill as if she was the one in charge of the finances, while I carried the food. It's the one who does the hard work, and this feeling can only be felt by a couple who has lived together for a long time.

When we were about to get in the car, she found a shop selling leather gloves and hats not far away. She took me back and bargained for a leather hat for me and a pair of leather gloves for herself. , the moment she put it on, she seemed very satisfied, saying that she was no longer afraid of the cold and cold weather in the small town.

I was in a daze, so she pulled me and ran all the way until I got in the car.

If love does not need to be proven by making love, at this moment, I feel that there is really love between us, the kind of love that grows in the secular world and can blossom and bear fruit at any time.


Even though I felt very reluctant to leave, we still completed the 140 kilometers as time went by. After paying the toll, I pulled over and stopped...

The sky is clear in the small town, but the highest points of the rolling mountain tops are covered with a layer of white snow, as if it was brought by the strong wind last night and just fell on the top of the mountain without disturbing the world.

At this time, Guan Yubo’s 5A-level scenic spot is the most beautiful. I have seen related videos on the short video platform. The white snow covering the palace on the top of the mountain, coupled with the sea of ​​clouds and lights, is like a fairyland. In the mundane world.

I really don’t know what Guan Yubo is afraid of. Although our scenic spots are all in small towns, they each have their own missions. His scenic spots exist to amaze all living beings, while ours exist for a better life. One symbolizes height. One symbolizes width. We could have worked together to make things bigger, but because everyone had their own ambitions, it turned into a state of confrontation. I really feel that it is a pity and a pity. I tried to persuade Guan Yubo, but he was already pursuing He completely lost himself in the pleasure of monopoly status.


Opening the car window, she finally breathed in the fresh air, and her spirit became much refreshed. Looking at Luxi again, she had already lost her mind looking at Guan Yubo's 5A-level scenic spot...

"The creek."

It was the first time I called her that, and she turned to look at me with surprise on her face.

I smiled and said, "Nothing, I just want to ask you, where will I send you later?"

Lu Xi remained silent.

This made me a little uneasy, so I tentatively said, "If you don't like me calling you that, I'd better call you Sister Lu."

Lu Xi shook his head, then smiled and said to me: "I don't dislike it, it's just that except for my parents and my brother, no one else has ever called me that."

"Then you don't mind having one more of me." "If you like to be called that, then you can."

I really like to push my limits. After receiving Lu Xi's statement, I shouted "Xiaoxi" to her several times until she covered her ears and avoided me, and until the toll station staff came to remind her, let her We don’t want to occupy this open space for a long time, so I started the car again and drove Luxi towards the center of the small town...

"You haven't told me where you are going?"

"Guan Yubo and Zuo Xiaowei are already waiting for me at the door of the hotel. Let's go to the hotel to meet them first... But I don't want to stay in the hotel. I will stay in Jiaojiao's room tonight. You can wait for me there for a while. "

This answer made my emotions sublime again. I felt that this was her dependence on me. I had experienced this kind of dependence just now, so I slowed down the car and refused to get off the highway.

Let me ask, is there any happier response in the world than this?Our emotions just come and go in constant communication, and the ultimate goal is just to stay with each other for a while longer.


After a while, I sent Lu Xi to the hotel where Guan Yubo received her. I was really familiar with this hotel because it was where Zuo Xiaowei and I stayed on the first night after we came to the small town. here.

At this moment, Lu Xi is sitting next to me, and looking at Zuo Xiaowei standing with Guan Yubo, I really feel like I am in another world.

Just when I was about to get off the car with Lu Xi, Qiao Jiao suddenly called me again. I have never been upset because Qiao Jiao called me, but at this moment, I inexplicably remembered her yesterday. The words she said to me at night; she said: When we start a business in the future, she will be the outsider and I will be the inside...

I have no choice but to look squarely at such a Qiao Jiao, but it is true that I like Lu Xi, and no one can be deceived by my mood this afternoon.


Because of this emotional conflict, I took a deep breath before answering Qiao Jiao's call and asked: "Sister Jiao, have you arrived in Qingdao?"

Qiao Jiao is still the same Qiao Jiao. She said to me very annoyed: "I really gave in to myself. I rushed back to Qingdao in a hurry, but I forgot my household registration book in the small town. You go back immediately and put the I sent my household registration book back to Qingdao by SF Express... I couldn't delay it for a day... I originally thought that I would finish the transfer tomorrow morning and come back tomorrow afternoon... Now, even if I use SF Express, I have to go back to the small town the day after tomorrow. Oh...why am I not so stupid!"

Lu Xi had already got out of the car before me, but I still looked at her subconsciously. At this moment, she had already walked into the welcoming team. In this welcoming team were not only Zuo Xiaowei and Guan Yubo, but also several people I had never met before. A middle-aged man who looks like a leader.

"Han Chao, I'm talking to you, can you stop acting like you're not taking this seriously?"

"The signal was not very good just now. I will go back and get your household registration book. Where did you put it?"

"It's in the drawer of the dressing cabinet, next to my cosmetics."

"I see."

"Hurry up. If it's over five o'clock, you'll have to postpone it until tomorrow... After you send it out, remember to take a picture for me. I'll send you the address via WeChat now."

I don’t know why, Qiao Jiao on the other end of the phone looked anxious, but I was lost in her words again!
(End of this chapter)

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