i'm not a bad man

Chapter 296 Their Weakness

Chapter 296 Their Weakness

Winter nights always come so suddenly. It seems that just between a few words between Qiao Jiao and I, the setting sun completely disappears on the back of the mountain. As a result, everything begins to become dim. Only the cold moonlight shines on the lake. Some bright light was refracted, and when the cold wind blew, the light swayed in an uneasy manner, seeming to urge Qiao Jiao and me to leave, and telling us that the bright city was our destination.

Qiao Jiao raised her hand to look at her watch and said to me, who had been silent for a long time: "Let's go quickly. We have an appointment with Guan Yubo and Zuo Xiaowei for dinner at 06:30."

"What did you ask them to do?"

"Isn't it a favor to take someone's helicopter back?"

"Of course it's a favor."

"Then what's wrong if I treat someone to a meal?"

"Forget it if you invite Guan Yubo to dinner, what's the point of calling Zuo Xiaowei? Are you trying to embarrass me?"

Qiao Jiao sighed and replied: "With what I just said, you didn't even listen to a word... I told you that in this dimension, you are facing people like Guan Yubo and Chang Tianming characters, as well as some intricate leadership relationships, can you not bring these little loves into this dimension, and then make yourself unable to let go?... Let me tell you, since I am with you, then Guan Yu Bo must take Zuo Xiaowei with him. It is a fact that there is a conflict between the two of you now, and you can't convince him, and he can't convince you. This is also a fact... Then why don't you let me and Zuo Xiaowei stand on the same side? Let’s talk about this matter from a woman’s perspective. Sometimes men are too rigid with each other, and a woman really needs to soften it up. Even if we can’t relax, it’s right for us to express our attitude. We want to seek common ground while reserving differences, and don’t want to confront. If it comes to a day of unremitting struggle, it will also be the consequences caused by Guan Yubo. We are passively facing it... Although in the business field, we don't talk about kindness, but the image on the scene still needs to be maintained, otherwise you think those companies Why are families so keen on doing charity after they are rich?...You don’t have to be kind, but you still need face.”

After saying that, Qiao Jiao didn't give me a chance to refute, and pulled me towards the parking place.

Of course, I am a person with a very strong sense of autonomy, but at this moment, I still put away my emotions, because my dad once said something similar to me...

He said that if you keep using an inflexible perspective to deal with people at a higher level, you will only end up in complete failure.

In the past, I hated such remarks, but since I came to the small town, whenever necessary, I will really calm down, find these words out of my mind, and then savor them carefully.

This time, I chose to obey Qiao Jiao, which was of course a decision I made after careful consideration.

She is my strategist, my staff, and a woman who is determined to accompany me in my career. I should put aside the arrogance and prejudice unique to men and choose to believe in her.


We met at the largest food street in the town, and then chose a hot pot restaurant because Qiao Jiao said that eating hot pot makes it easier to get closer.

We chose a table for four, and Qiao Jiao and I sat side by side opposite Guan Yubo and Zuo Xiaowei.Guan Yubo and I naturally wanted to drink some wine, so Zuo Xiaowei and Qiao Jiao took over the responsibility of serving food. When we didn't talk too much, the atmosphere at the table was pretty good.

After Guan Yubo toasted me with a toast, he spoke first: "Brother Chao, I sincerely thank you for this glass of wine... If you hadn't brought Luxi to the small town, it would have been difficult for us to find opportunities for cooperation... Personally I am very satisfied with this cooperation... Let me tell you good news. Now one of the largest music platforms in China has reached a cooperation intention with us. They are going to buy the exclusive copyright of Xiao Wei's new album. Although there is no doubt about Xiao Wei's ability. , but what the platform should value more is her enthusiasm for working with Lu Xi."

I smiled and replied: "There is no need to thank me. You operated it properly and chose a good time."

As soon as I finished speaking, Qiao Jiao also took over and said: "Everyone is talking about Xiao Wei's new album. As friends, can you give us a small break and let us listen to it first? ... There are some singing around me. I’m a friend who hangs around, but I haven’t seen a real talented woman yet.”

At this time, Zuo Xiaowei and I subconsciously had an eye contact, but it was only for a moment, and we looked away again; the reason for such an intersection was because we both knew in our hearts that Zuo Xiaowei’s This album is actually my early work. When Zuo Xiaowei went to BJ, I gave these works to her, including the copyright.

Zuo Xiaowei looked at Qiao Jiao and replied: "If it had been done one day earlier, there would have been no problem, but now that we have an intention to cooperate with the music platform, we are obliged to keep it confidential."

"Okay, then I'll wait until the day it's released and buy it on the music platform myself, which can be regarded as a compliment."

Although she said this, Qiao Jiao turned to me and asked: "Han Chao, aren't you curious at all? Everyone knows that Xiaowei is good at singing, but no one has heard her original songs."

I was stunned for a moment before replying: "I'm curious, but there's no need to wait too long. Just wait patiently. We support originality and genuine editions."

Qiao Jiao pouted and said no more, but Guan Yubo gave us an exact date, saying that on the 18th of next month, Zuo Xiaowei's new album will be released online. (Follow the author's Weixin public account: ***, reply "B&B" to view the prototype of Tank Inn B&B. Reply "Lu Xi" "Qiao Jiao" to view character pictures! You can also view the latest chapter, free)


Halfway through the meal, Qiao Jiao finally spoke to Guan Yubo about the real purpose of the meal. She said to Guan Yubo: "Yubo, although we haven't had much dealings with each other, Lu Xi and I are... We are best friends who grew up together, and Luxi is now the most important strategic partner of your scenic spot to expand nationwide, so we still have some connections... I will use this connection to tell you a few words from my heart. ...Actually, you really don’t need to view the relationship between the two scenic spots with antagonistic emotions... First of all, the types are different. What you go for is traffic, and we focus on quality. If the two can be organically combined, we can give the small town Creating a healthy and diversified tourism environment actually does no harm to anyone...Besides, even if you can successfully monopolize the small town's tourism market, do the benefits really outweigh the disadvantages for you?...The truth is that a big tree attracts attention. You should have heard that if you have a monopoly, it means that you are at the forefront of the storm. Secretly, there are many people who are trying to stumble you, because from a business perspective, monopoly is a kind of murder. , killing their own kind, those people who have been forced by you to have no way out, can they be willing to do so?... Even if you are strong and do not take these people seriously, are you afraid of dissatisfaction at the government level?... …In a short period of time, the government may not be aware of the dangers of monopoly, but over time, the small town’s tourism industry has lost its vitality due to monopoly, economic development has stagnated, and unemployed people are everywhere. Do you think there will be anxiety from above? What are the consequences of anxiety? What it is, as the most successful entrepreneur among the young generation in a small town, you should know better than me... Moreover, policies will change, and the preferences above will also change. As practitioners, we must leave room for everything in order to be successful. Find room to survive among these changes!”

After Qiao Jiao said these sincere-sounding words, Guan Yubo fell into silence. His expression looked very complicated and contradictory. This kind of behavior was what I saw when I negotiated with him before. Never appeared before.

Although I don't believe that Qiao Jiao really has the ability to convince an ambitious person, I can see that at this moment, Guan Yubo seems to be weighing things in his heart...

I have to believe that Qiao Jiao really understands people like Guan Yubo better than I do, and she really knows where their weaknesses are!
(End of this chapter)

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