i'm not a bad man

Chapter 319 The Truth Comes Out

Chapter 319 The Truth Comes Out
Looking at Lu Xi and Qiao Jiao standing next to me, a sense of powerlessness gradually surged through my body; at this moment, no matter who I chose, it seemed that it would hurt the other party, but they both She is a woman that I absolutely don’t want to hurt, so I am caught in an extremely difficult situation and eager to escape from this situation. For me, if this is not a multiple-choice question, whether it is with any of them It is a joy for anyone to spend this night together, but this is a must-choice question...

Seeing that I was reluctant to express my position, Qiao Jiao immediately let go of her hand on my arm and said coldly: "Han Chao, if you are silent because you are thinking of opportunistic ways, then you are too naive... "

As soon as Qiao Jiao finished speaking, Lu Xi also released his hold on my arm and said to me in the same cold voice: "I also advise you not to be too naive."

Fortunately, they both let go of my arms at this time. The next moment, we met acquaintances on the street. Chang Yuli and Heizu walked side by side from the bar across the street. They must have been drinking. , but he didn’t seem to drink much, and he looked like he still had something to say.

Just when I was about to call them two at the top of my voice, they had already noticed me, showed excited smiles, and walked towards me across the road.

Blackfoot put his hand on my shoulder and said with a smile: "I said I called several times, but you didn't answer it...it turns out I'm with two beauties!"

I took out my phone and looked at it. I saw that they had actually called me several times. Not only did Heizu call me, Chang Chang also called me 10 minutes ago. I didn’t mean not to answer it. , just because I muted my phone during the afternoon meeting and never thought of returning it to ring mode. In addition, because Qiao Jiao and Lu Xi were having dinner together, my mind was not on my phone at all, so I ignored so many calls.

For me at this moment, Blackfoot is my savior, so I quickly asked: "Why are you calling me? Do you have any work matters to talk to me about?"

"Isn't it just a work thing? Today, an investor came to the scenic spot, and Uncle Chang is entertaining him. He's a good drinker. He didn't drink enough at the wine table, and he has to go to the KTV for another drink. Uncle Chang can't cope with it. , so he called me and Yu Li, but when it comes to drinking, who can be better than you, the Korean Chao, and not only are you awesome at drinking, you are also awesome at singing, and with you going to the KTV to create atmosphere, this business will definitely be guaranteed. !”

I pretended to look at Qiao Jiao and Lu Xi next to me, then looked embarrassed and replied: "The three of us have made an appointment to play together. Is it okay for me to leave in the middle?"

Black Foot wished that I wasn't with Qiao Jiao, so he replied sternly: "No matter how you look at it, this is all a best friend game, what are you doing with a big man like this... Come with me quickly, Uncle Chang and the others are still waiting at the KTV. A shopping mall is like a battlefield. Without you, you are missing a heavy weapon. You really want to watch these comrades of yours being cut into pieces by the enemy..."

"I definitely don't want to... I am in the world, and my duty is my duty. I must go with you."

Just when I felt like I could breathe a sigh of relief, Qiao Jiao suddenly grabbed Heizu and me and replied, "Let's go too... to see what the world of KTV is like."

After saying that, she grabbed Lu Xi again and motioned Lu Xi to come with her...

Almost at the same time, someone called Lu Xi. She took out her mobile phone from her handbag. After taking a look, her expression suddenly became serious...

"Excuse me, I'll take a call."

After saying that, she walked to a secluded place alone. We thought she would come back, but after answering the call, she suddenly got into a taxi and left without even saying goodbye.

Qiao Jiao also seemed to be discouraged at this time. After she glanced at me, she said, "I'm not in the mood to play with you anymore... I'm going to see Luxi."

I was also worried about Lu Xi, so I replied, "I'll go with you."

"Aren't you afraid that we will give you a required choice question later... You should go to your Jianghu, where there is no love between children, only pleasure and hatred, which is more in line with your current mood." After that, Qiao Jiao didn't give me another chance to speak. She got into a taxi parked on the side of the road and left in an instant.

Only Heizu, Chang Yuli and I were left at the scene. The masculinity of this reunion suddenly broke through the dream of being held by both of them at the same time, and brought me back to the reality of feasting and feasting...


The so-called KTV drinking bureau was just a lie made up by Heizu to prevent Qiao Jiao and I from playing together, so this night, I had no reason to drink. I refused Heizu and Chang Yuli to change bars. After the suggestion to continue drinking, I walked alone on the street, and all I could think about was the scene of Lu Xi leaving in a hurry...

It wasn't until I reached the end of the road that I remembered that Chang Chang had called me before; so I stopped, lit a cigarette out of habit, and called him back.

"The sound on your phone just turned off. Is something wrong?"

Chang Chang replied in a flattering tone: "Didn't you ask me to help you investigate why Zuo Xiaowei's uncle suddenly became wealthy... I asked you for it."

I unconsciously sat up straight because I paid attention to it, and asked, "What on earth is going on?"

"I also heard from a friend of mine that Zuo Xiaowei's uncle told him personally when he drank too much that Guan Yubo gave him 15 yuan. In addition to this 15 yuan, he previously owed Guan Yubo 10 yuan in debt. He was also exempted by Guan Yubo... He didn't give any specific reasons, he just said that he did a very beautiful thing for Guan Yubo, and when Guan Yubo was happy, he gave him money..." After a pause, Chang Chang Then he said: "By the way, he also talked about you, saying that you are a toad who wants to eat swan meat, and you are not worthy of Zuo Xiaowei... Only Guan Yubo can be trusted."

I am a person with the ability of association. Although what Chang Chang brought me was not a particularly complete information, after piecing it together, I still came to an almost certain conclusion... At the beginning, Ren Ran gave me That pair of bracelets was stolen by Zuo Xiaowei's uncle. He sold the pair of bracelets to Guan Yubo and successfully created a conflict between Zuo Xiaowei and me that was enough to destroy us...

I didn't talk too much to Chang Chang on the phone. I hung up the phone after I said I knew about it.

I wasn't very angry, I just smiled disdainfully. The reason for my disdain was because of what Zuo Xiaowei's uncle had vowed to say in front of me. He talked about personality and dignity with me just to cover up the truth, but the truth is really The moment he surfaced, his so-called dignity and personality seemed particularly ridiculous... and he became the most despicable person I have ever seen so far, so despicable that he looked like a...

A few vicious words popped up in my mind, but remembering that he was Zuo Xiaowei's uncle, I still didn't say these words...

It’s not because Zuo Xiaowei and I have any unresolved relationship, I just remembered Zuo Xiaowei’s heart-breaking life experience at this time. I have always sympathized with her, and this sympathy makes me unable to bear to hurt her anymore. , so I decided to swallow this bitter pill myself. If I expose this matter, it will be Zuo Xiaowei’s dignity that will be damaged. Her uncle may not have it, but she must have it... Because, it won’t be long before, She will become a rising star in the entertainment industry. A good image is extremely important to her, and she must not have such unscrupulous relatives around her to make negative remarks about her... …

Just when I was making these trade-offs in my heart, my phone vibrated again...

I took it out of my pocket and looked at it. It was a phone number that I had not noted, but I knew that the person who called me was exactly the Zuo Xiaowei I was thinking about...

(End of this chapter)

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