i'm not a bad man

Chapter 359 Our Consensus

Chapter 359 Our Consensus

After I ended the call with Zhao Yingrou, I returned to Xiao Chen and his daughter, and reminded Xiao Chen to check again whether he had brought his ID card, household registration book, medical insurance, and the child's vaccination book.

When I asked this question, I was really glad that Zhao Yingrou called me in advance, because the regulations of each hospital are different, and some places do not require vaccination books. Xiao Chen didn't think about it, so he didn't bring it.

Time was tight, so I immediately gave the car keys to Xiao Chen and asked him to go back and get them as quickly as possible, but this was already a delay, because it would take at least two hours to get back and forth, but compared to When I arrived in Tianjin, I was unable to be hospitalized due to incomplete documents, so I made up for it in time.


After Xiao Chen left, Qiao Jiao and I took the child. The child seemed not to sleep well. After a while, he curled up on the sofa and fell asleep. Qiao Jiao asked the waiter to bring a quilt and covered the child with it. The two also started chatting.

Qiao Jiao asked me: "How long do you plan to stay in Tianjin this time?"

"After settling them in, come back..."

"In such a hurry?"

"The event has started, of course it's urgent." After saying this, I lit a cigarette to entertain myself. Then I remembered the issue that I had seriously thought about last night, and then said to Qiao Jiao seriously: "This The event is like a tide for all those who are interested... When the event is over, the tide will recede, and many things will become clear... If this event succeeds, Uncle Chang will not be able to After winning the road reconstruction project and the so-called 38 billion investment health care project, no matter what he does in the future, there will be basically no reversal; if this activity is successful, it will provide him with enough chips to successfully win these two projects. Projects and scenic spots will inevitably be revitalized... But for us, there is no essential difference between these two results. We will all face a choice of going or staying... So, I want to ask you, when everything is dusted After settling down, do you want to stay in the small town or go back to Qingdao...or do you have other better places in mind?"

In fact, we have discussed this issue before, but it was not about the two of us, but the B&B that Qiao Jiao wanted to invest in. Qiao Jiao said that there is such a B&B that can avoid the hustle and bustle of the city and enjoy tranquility alone. Doing what you like is also a good choice. B&Bs have no life, and their main body is still people, so this can be regarded as an answer. But at this moment, Qiao Jiao's face showed a blank look. After a moment, she He opened his mouth and asked me: "You have sold that house. You must not have planned to stay here for a long time, right?"

"To be honest, after Luan Yu left, I no longer had the motivation to stay here... During this period, I thought about a lot of things, and I couldn't calm down. Since I'm not calm, then big cities are more suitable for me. , The prosperity of big cities can make people dizzy, and there is not so much space to think about things that are neither happy nor regretful."

"If you decide to leave, what's the point of me staying here?... Guarding an inn alone and turning myself into a tragic figure?" At this point, Qiao Jiao smiled and shook her head. Said: "Then I can't do it... I will definitely leave... But what about my inn and my bakery? One invested money, the other invested so much energy, just give up. Yet?"

"If you are in a hurry to leave, there are many solutions... I had a chat with Uncle Chang before. He intends to set up an operations team to help the owners who have invested in B&Bs here but are unable to manage them themselves. When operating a B&B, 8% of the profit goes to the investors, and the remaining [-]% is used to offset his operating costs... If you don't trust his operation team, you can also hire someone to run the inn yourself. Just ask Black Foot for this, he has a lot With such resources, he has a team that has built [-] Internet celebrity B&Bs in Moganshan, which is very professional."

"What if we're not in a hurry to leave?"

"Then operate according to your original idea."

"You really made me conflicted again!" After a pause, Qiao Jiao added: "Many times, I feel that this small town is really boring and boring, but I am afraid that after leaving here, I will never find it again. The second city that allows me to calm down and do things... What I want to tell you is that the feeling of being immersed in it because of a goal is really good. You will feel that you are a flesh-and-blood person, no longer Empty and lonely, no more wasting time.”

"I understand, it's the same for me. I know here what kind of guarantee can truly be called a sense of security. Although this city is small and pitiful, it has given me enough ambition... even if I return in the future In a big city, I won’t live like before.”

"Then how do you want to live? Give up hedonism completely and aim to make money?"

I nodded.

Qiao Jiao sighed: "After all, you still live like my father... It seems that no matter what kind of man he is, he will eventually become realistic. I don't know whether the innocence in your hearts is killed by desire or not. If you go with the flow, you will dissipate.”

"Go back to Qingdao. After things stabilize here, I will go back to Qingdao with you."

Qiao Jiao looked up at me with an incredible expression on her face, but I kept smoking with my eyes squinted. For me, it took a lot of courage to say this.

"Go back to Qingdao?...Really go back to Qingdao?" "Yeah."

"Are you coming back with me?"


A smile suddenly broke out on Qiao Jiao's face, and she said: "I can eat Guangji's desserts again... I go to Hisense Plaza to buy all kinds of bags and cosmetics I like... I also want to eat seafood and drink beer..."

Speaking of her excitement, Qiao Jiao held my arm with one hand, gestured to her heart with the other, and said: "By then, I should have grown my hair longer, at least it will be here..." I especially don’t like short hair. When I dreamed yesterday, I dreamed that I had long hair again. I had already thought about what hairstyle I would like when my hair grows longer... It’s true!”

I looked at Qiao Jiao, smiled and said, "Have you forgotten the immersive experience of doing things in a small town so quickly?"

"Uh...can you give Sister Jiao some face and don't expose me so quickly!"

Seeing Qiao Jiao's embarrassed look, I felt mixed emotions in my heart, because I knew that the so-called immersive experience and the expectations for that inn were just reasons she was looking for to be with me. When I also When she is willing to return to Qingdao, these reasons will no longer be necessary, so everything about Qingdao will revive deep in her heart.

She is a girl born and raised in Qingdao, and Qingdao is a city that is so beautiful, so suitable for life, and can meet her needs in all aspects. Of course, it is a place that she will never let go of.

Therefore, it was necessary for me to seriously think about this issue last night. As for this small town, it can be regarded as a harbor in our lives. It is also a good choice to stop there occasionally.

When everything goes well, I have enough reasons to look forward to the future, and I don't seem to be so depressed anymore.

At this moment, there are only two things left in my mind. The first one is to focus on the present and help Xiao Chen’s child cure his illness; the second thing is to help Chang Tianming revive the scenic spot, not to mention realizing personal value, after all, I have also taken it. If a house fails in the end, I would really feel sorry for Chang Tianming.

Now all the bets are on this event, and of course I have a sense of urgency in my heart that success or failure depends on this. Therefore, during my trip to Tianjin, I don’t want to cause any trouble at all and delay my return to the small town.

I believe there will be no right or wrong. In my subconscious, I prefer to imagine that man as a well-established and successful person. He will not meet me with hostility. Since there is no hostility, there will be no hostility. Something will happen.

As for Zhao Yingrou, it makes me a little confused. I don't know how to face her now. Sometimes I feel that she is still the same as before, and sometimes I feel that she has really changed and become courageous and capable. Advocacy, especially when she spoke to me in a doctor's tone.


Just when I was thinking about this, Xiao Chen had already left and returned. Only then did I realize that I actually had a two-hour communication with Qiao Jiao. This was probably the most serious communication we had since we came to the small town. We communicated once and reached a consensus.


At [-] o'clock at noon, we finally set off from the small town. We couldn't reach Tianjin in the evening, and we couldn't reach Tianjin until at least eight o'clock. On the way, I was basically sleeping, and Qiao Jiao and Xiao Chen took turns driving, waiting for me to wake up again. By that time, we had arrived at the toll station.

When I stood up and looked around, the words "Tianjin welcomes you" instantly stirred my emotions, because neither a small town nor Qingdao can compare with the memory this city has left for me, which has lasted from my childhood to the present. As an adult, I have also witnessed the rise and fall of a family. My roots are here. Even though I have traveled to 296 cities over the years, I still cannot change this fact.

(End of this chapter)

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