i'm not a bad man

Chapter 361 Is he that awesome?

Chapter 361 Is he that awesome?
After settling Xiao Chen and Annie, I, Zhao Yingrou and Qiao Jiao left the hospital. The purpose of leaving the hospital was to have a meal, but Zhao Yingrou did not let me treat her to a good meal as I expected. She insisted on taking Qiao Jiao and me to a restaurant near the hospital that specializes in copper pot cured pork ribs and barbecue. After ordering, she took the initiative to settle the bill. In response, she claimed that I had been away from Tianjin for too long, and besides, With Qiao Jiao as a guest, she should be the landlord no matter what. This made me a little uncomfortable, and Qiao Jiao also had some different opinions about her, so when Zhao Yingrou went to check out, she She also told me that Zhao Yingrou was not at all what she had imagined before meeting her. She was not only decent, but also very polite. There was no hint of taking advantage of others in her words, so that Qiao Jiao was also entangled, not knowing whether she should or not. It's time to give her the 5000 yuan red envelope that I prepared before.


After paying the bill, Zhao Yingrou asked the waiter to bring another box of beer, saying that he must have some wine to celebrate our meeting after seven years. Of course, Qiao Jiao and I were also happy to drink some, after all, it was settled. It was a matter of worry. Seeing that Xiao Chen and Jiani were settled so well, I felt really indescribably relaxed.

This hotel is not an elegant restaurant, and even the seats are just small benches, so the three of us have been sitting there, feeling like eating at a roadside stall. Zhao Yingrou also used this as a topic, and spoke to me first He Qiaojiao said: "This place is a bit simple, but it is already a time-honored restaurant with almost 20 years of history. It is their first creation to pair the copper pot with barbecue, and the taste is the most authentic. Therefore, my colleagues and I , if I work the night shift, I will come here after work to eat some skewers and drink...I’m not greedy for drinks, I just like the feeling of eating here, and the conversation is very open, it’s like a small community, a small street, free and casual.”

Qiao Jiao seemed to have no objection to Zhao Yingrou, so she smiled and replied: "Do you doctors also have such unhealthy living habits? Kebabs, cured meats, beer, and late-night snacks are all unhealthy. synonym."

"In just a few decades of life, everything is pursued to maintain health. I don't dare to eat this or do that. It's so boring... Besides, I don't think this is an act of not maintaining health. In the traditional sense, health preservation is It's true to take care of your body... But after seeing too many terminally ill patients, I feel that a good attitude and a good mood are more important to people's health... Therefore, pursuing a good mood is the real health maintenance... You also remember, Many diseases are caused by long-term depression and depression. A good mood is the best nutrition for immunity... However, a good mood is not a panacea. Genes are the most important. To put it bluntly, it is fate... Many couples Children who are [-] years old, what kind of bad living habits can they have? It’s not even a bad mood, but they are still suffering from a terminal illness... Sometimes you don’t even believe in fate. Since fate is already determined, then live as happily as you want. , Never put shackles on your soul, you are the stupidest person!"

Qiao Jiao nodded and said, "Your last sentence has a bit of a philosophy of life."

"You can smell the philosophy of life, that's right... This was what Han Chao said when he deceived me before..." After saying that, Zhao Yingrou looked at me, then lowered her voice, and said with a He sighed a little and said: "I used to think it was a scam, but after I really entered the society and entered the industry, I felt that life really seemed to be like this... everything was just a cloud, all in vain!"

Qiao Jiao also looked at me and sighed along with Zhao Yingrou: "Is he that awesome?"

"It's really amazing!"

"Let's talk about the Han Chao you know."

"Drink one first."

After saying that, Zhao Yingrou raised her glass to Qiao Jiao, and Qiao Jiao also raised her glass and touched it with her, completely ignoring me as the client. After they finished drinking a glass of beer, Zhao Yingrou looked at her with a look of recollection and spoke again. Qiao Jiao said: "Han Chao is a very unique person... He is just a bit unsociable and a bit indifferent, you know?... At that time, the classmates thought that his family was rich. When he got along with us, he There must be a sense of superiority, which is a derogatory term. Indifference and unsociableness are derived from this sense of superiority... But after we fell in love, I found that he was not indifferent, nor was he superior in any way. I feel that the reason why he is not gregarious is simply because he has nothing in common with us... In that era, good students were all thinking about the college entrance examination, while bad students were thinking about excitement and falling in love... He was a bit weird , he would think about survival, the way to survive, and the meaning of survival and reproduction... He also wrote a song because of this. I still remember the title of the song, called "The Meaning of Survival is Tossing", which is very rock-like. In the song, he criticized war, desire, the system, and human nature, and it was full of despair... I even secretly gave this song to our music teacher, who didn't believe it. This is a song that a high school student can write... Recently, I also met this music teacher, and we talked about Han Chao again. I told him that Han Chao ran away from home and drove around in an RV... He finally believed it , that song was written by Han Chao. He said to me meaningfully that the soul is always the one that controls the body. When the soul is liberated, the body will follow suit... This is Han Chao, who has abandoned all sense of responsibility and yet sublimated. His own life... However, I can't tell whether this is a derogation or a compliment."

Qiao Jiao looked at me for a while and then asked Zhao Yingrou: "So, did anyone like such a Han Chao at that time?"

Zhao Yingrou also looked at me and replied: "A rich second generation, who is not addicted to vulgar tastes, can write songs, play various musical instruments, and hip-hop, has excellent grades, has a tall and tall figure, and is a bit handsome... What do you think?" After a short pause, Zhao Yingrou continued: "His downfall should have started after his home was ruined... The pain and loss pulled him down from the altar, and he suddenly discovered that he had to endure hardships in order to survive in this world. Go down... This must be a very sad thing for him... So, now that I think of his decision to run away from home, I am still willing to give him more understanding, because after all, besides his parents, I In addition, I know him well enough as the person who gets along with him the most... He is actually quite pitiful, because his soul is too lonely. Only by letting go of everything and going out can he really find some people who can talk to him, and Instead of living in the frustration of a broken family, looking for opportunities to make a comeback... During that time, he should have truly seen through the warmth and warmth of human relationships... I heard that his father forced him to have a relationship with a leader His daughter fell in love, and this woman only disliked and ridiculed him... So... So, let’s not talk about the Korean trend in the past. Tell me about the current Korean trend. He told me that he was doing something It’s a very meaningful thing, I’m quite curious... For him, is there anything more meaningful than liberating the mind and pursuing absolute freedom?” (Follow the author’s Weixin public account: ***, reply to “B&B "View the prototype of Tank Inn B&B. Reply "Lu Xi" "Qiao Jiao" to view the character picture! You can also view the latest chapter, which is much faster than here)

Qiao Jiao shook her head and said to Zhao Yingrou: "He has no real emancipation of mind... He misses his parents very much... He has not completely given up his sense of responsibility because of his four years of wandering... That's why we have the opportunity to Let’s meet in Tianjin... Because he is sponsoring Xiao Chen and Jiani... He is even more looking forward to love... I think this time you will also have the opportunity to meet the woman he is in love with now... She will be tomorrow I will come to Tianjin to meet Han Chao."

Qiao Jiao and Zhao Yingrou seemed to have completely forgotten my existence, so they talked about my past and present unscrupulously, and at the same time they were analyzing me as a person, so that I, who had always been confused, slowly came to a conclusion: Everything depends on It seemed like things had changed, but it seemed like nothing had changed. I was still living in the trap of survival, sometimes in pain, sometimes dominated by desire and responsibility.

(End of this chapter)

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