i'm not a bad man

Chapter 381 Troubled

Chapter 381 Troubled
In the silence, I subconsciously looked up again and saw that the car on the left was still passing, while the car on the right was stuck in place. This was enough to prove that what I had made was a very stupid choice. If I had been willing to wait patiently just now, Wait, maybe you have followed the traffic on the left, caught up with the red Aston Martin, and found out.

The reason why I thought of this matter again was because Qiao Jiao suddenly talked to me about Luxi on the phone.


When I was silent, Qiao Jiao asked me again: "Have you contacted Luxi again after you were in Tianjin?"

"No, no contact of any kind."

This time, Qiao Jiao fell into silence again. After a long time, she spoke to me and said: "I haven't contacted her again. I don't know why. Anyway, it's because of guilt... Sometimes I think I think, she is actually quite pitiful. Regarding her emotional affairs, I have the most say, because we have known each other for too long. I always felt that she had never been attracted to any man. She was lonely and arrogant... ...It wasn't until she went to Shenyang that she realized that she had met such a man... Not to mention Yang Yiming's current feelings for her, but in those years, she was really deceived and suffered a lot. When she was passionate, she was like a flower blooming on a high mountain. No matter how beautiful and charming she was, she could only admire it in isolation. Later, when she met you again...you were even more difficult to describe...for her, This can be considered a kind of lie. Not only did you lie to her, I also lied to her... I don’t know if she really let it go, or if she was licking her wounds alone... But one thing is for sure, I I don’t have the shame to contact her anymore, because I really seem to have done something very unkind... Actually, I also know that if it weren’t for what I said to you in Tianjin, you would still be biased in your heart. She... In the end, she will fulfill her promise to go to Hunan with you to meet your godfather and godmother. Therefore, you will have a lot of time alone... Maybe there are many misunderstandings, or things that are usually difficult to say will be talked about. ...It is precisely because of thinking of this that my heart is filled with a sense of crisis, and then I become indifferent...Right now, our relationship is still a secret. If one day, everyone knows...someone will definitely think that I am. Robbery... In fact, this is also the case... I don't deny it... I remember telling you last time that I don't care about anything, I don't need to rob anything, except the love I want..."

"Han Chao, are you listening?"

"I'm listening, always listening."

"So...I was thinking, should I give you a chance to speak clearly?...And then make this matter as fair as possible...I am very entangled, very, very entangled...if it was another woman , I would put her out at any point, but she is Lu Xi, my best friend who has been with me for almost 20 years, and the most distressed friend I have ever had...Some things must have an outcome...then Let nature take its course. From what I know about her, since you have already made a commitment to go to Hunan together, she may go... If she doesn't go, we will still keep in touch normally. If she goes to Hunan, you will Don't contact me again... I don't want to think of you two together... But after this, you must give me a result. If by that time, you still firmly feel that we must be together and return together. Living in Qingdao, I will come back to you, and you are not allowed to contact Luxi anymore, and you are not even allowed to have contact information... If you still feel that Luxi is a dream you can't let go, I will stay abroad with me Living with my mother...I think that when the distance between us becomes far enough, maybe this result will not be so difficult to accept."

After a while of silence, I finally replied: "But do you know? I didn't become happy just because you gave me this choice..."

"Don't rush to make a conclusion about your feelings... Wait until you see her... In fact, if you calm down and think about it, it is quite scary that you suddenly transferred your feelings for Lu Xi to me... Although this can also be explained by the long-term love, but if one day, I can't be with you, and there happens to be a woman beside you who can be in love with you for a long time, then will the me of tomorrow become the person I am today? Where is Lu Xi?... So, let’s not have this emotional confusion between the three of us... If she didn’t go to you, or she felt that Yang Yiming was her most important man, I would be very happy, Because there is no mental obstacle between us anymore... If she is not willing... then it depends on your choice. Anyway, we are all the chosen ones, destined to be humble, so there is no need to say anything more. .”

I fell into silence again.

Qiao Jiao, however, had the mentality to stop talking, and then smiled and asked me, "Where are you now?"

"I have already boarded the Shanghai-Shaanxi Expressway and encountered a traffic jam."

"Then please drive safely on the road and take a rest if you feel sleepy."

"I'm a little uncomfortable with your change!" "I haven't changed, I just calmed down suddenly... If everything can be calm, I will still be the same Qiao Jiao as before. You can say anything you want to me, even if it's a dirty joke... Playing a gangster...I also want to play a gangster to you, because before I calm down, I think you are my boyfriend. I want to sleep with you and have a baby...Actually, my transformation is not terrible. , because no matter how I change, you all know that I love you. The scary thing is your transformation, for me and Lu Xi..."

"Come back and see if you can transfer from other countries. I'll wait for you in Changsha and we'll go to meet my godfather and godmother together."

Qiao Jiao seemed to force a smile and replied: "Even if I can go back in the near future... By then, Lu Xi will also go to Hunan. Who will be embarrassed?... I really don't want to have any conflicts between us in the future. Sometimes, you complain and say that I didn't give you a chance to speak clearly, so you missed each other... So, just let it take its course."

"Did you tell your mother about this? Have you been talking about this for the past two hours?"

"I won't let others guide me in my own feelings... However, it was really enlightening to hear her talk about the grudges between her and my dad... After the passion faded, I faced a terrible situation. It’s just a useless life… Unless you can maintain passion in me forever, can you do it?”

“How do you stay passionate forever?”

Qiao Jiao on the other end of the phone thought for a moment and then replied: "After meeting, seven times a day... until I reach menopause."

"Uh... to be honest, I think a week is the limit!"

"Haha... I'm so cowardly... It's not that you are cowardly. This is human physiological characteristics, which are given to us by genes. Of course, it also includes the daily trivialities after living together... I hope that we can be happy so much, so I don't want us to There are such big hidden dangers between us... I said, before you meet Lu Xi, we can still keep in touch like we do now... I'm sorry for Lu Xi, so I'll leave the choice to her this time, she won't Forget it, if you go, you can have a good chat..."

Having said this, Qiao Jiao yawned heavily, then said "sleepy" and hung up the phone.

Looking at the vehicle in front of me that gradually started to squirm, I couldn't come back to my senses. At this moment, I seemed to see Qiao Jiao, who was looking out the window alone and lost her sight in the dark of night.

I don’t know what’s wrong with me. It seems that every relationship cannot be 100% pure, which bothers me and hurts so many women I once liked.

(End of this chapter)

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