383 Calm
On the highway, ten kilometers is a very short distance, so in about one song, I drove the car to the observation deck that I had missed more than four years ago.

After parking the car, I walked to the observation deck with my phone and looked around. I was immediately shocked by the scenery in front of me. I drove nearly [-] kilometers on this highway, and I didn’t even know this was happening. There is such a spectacular river hidden between the mountains. Its magnificence even exceeds that of the Yellow River and the Yangtze River. Maybe its waters are not as wide as the Yangtze River and the Yellow River, but because I stood between the mountainsides, it visually formed a beautiful river. An extremely shocking sense of dislocation, and then a sense of awe that can only be viewed from a distance but not played with; I even felt that there might be some prehistoric giant hidden under this long river, because it looked really It was so profound that I didn’t see its gentle side until a painted boat appeared on the river... It can be said that people are walking in the paintings and the paintings are swimming in the scenery. Such beautiful scenery is indeed worth walking along this way. It is absolutely Build a viewing platform on the highway where you should not stop.

I was almost drunk by the sunset on the river. I even imagined that I was the person on the boat, with wine, poetry, songs and beautiful women in it!


"Han Chao, are you habitually sleepwalking again?"

I woke up suddenly and realized that I had not interrupted the call with Zhao Yingrou.

"Make a video call to me, hurry up..."

"Why are you making a video call? I already told you that I believe Lu Xi is not with you."

"It's not the same thing. Call me quickly."

Zhao Yingrou hung up the call with me in confusion, and then made a video call to me. I pointed the camera of my phone at the mountains and rivers at my feet, and then said to Zhao Yingrou: "I drove by a place with particularly beautiful scenery. It’s an advantage for you, let you take a look too.”

Zhao Yingrou seemed to be stunned by the scenery in the mobile phone lens. After a while, she asked: "Where is this? The mountains and rivers and the sunset are really amazing!"

"I can't tell you the exact location, but I just saw the street sign. It's only a hundred kilometers away from Fenghuang Ancient City. Do you know Fenghuang Ancient City?"

"I know, it's a place I really want to go, but I've never been able to go."

I was filled with the desire to share, so I said to Zhao Yingrou on the other end of the phone: "Actually, I have been here once more than four years ago, but the car was driving too fast. When I found out about this observation deck, , it was too late to brake... I never thought that I would have the opportunity to do it again in this life. This time I started to slow down ten kilometers away... If I hadn't been standing here now, I would have never known that what I missed at that time was like this. Scenery everywhere!”

"So, some regrets in life can actually be made up for, as long as you are willing."

Zhao Yingrou suddenly started talking to me about life, which really caught me off guard, so I didn't know what to say to her.

"Han Chao, I really envy you for having such an experience in your life. When you were the most youthful and passionate, you did not drown yourself in the trend of society and started an unusual journey... You really This world has been played through, and life has been seen through... Therefore, you are worthy of yourself and the woman who has been with you through thick and thin for three years."

I finally spoke: "With such a beautiful scenery, don't talk about such sad topics."

"For you, it is sad, but for me, it is unspeakable envy... Although I am still young, I will never have such an opportunity in this life to live three years of vigorous life for myself." Pause for a moment. After a pause, Zhao Yingrou smiled again and said: "I just talked a lot with Xiao Chen. I never knew what you were doing in the small town before. Xiao Chen told me... He said that you are revitalizing a scenic spot, which not only drives people to It has improved the local economy and created many jobs for the people. One of his relatives is an aborigine in Danangou. He said that the hotel that had been vacant for two or three years was now hard to find a room... No, it is no longer available. It's called Danangou, it's called Lover's Valley... If you look at the past four years since you came out as a whole, it seems that it was really successful and perfect. In the first three years, you satisfied your spiritual pursuits. This year, You have used the resources you have accumulated on the road to continuously realize your self-worth, and you have already found a path to success in your life."

"When I first decided to come out, I didn't think so much about it."

"So, you are not a particularly unlucky person. Many people pursue it deliberately, but most of them just get nothing."

I couldn't help but sigh: "You have changed. You would never be so sure of me before."

"We have been separated for seven years. Isn't it normal for some changes to occur... Thinking about it now, if I had known you had such an experience earlier, I would have really been reluctant to break up with you." "You have really taken self-interest to the extreme! "

Zhao Yingrou smiled and did not refute.

After a period of silence, I lowered my voice and said to her: "I may have to stay in Hunan for a while. I would like you to take more care of Xiao Chen and Jiani."

"Don't worry, just because you let me see such a beautiful scenery, I will do my best for them."


After finishing the call with Zhao Yingrou, I lit a cigarette for myself. While smoking, I took out my phone and recorded a short video, took about a dozen photos, and then put them together into the folder I named. In the photo album of "Korean Wave Insights".

Beautiful things are always short-lived. After just a moment's stay, the sunset completely sank, which gave the originally beautiful scenery a hint of gloom. No matter what, once it becomes gloomy, it means it is time to exit. time; so, after extinguishing the cigarette in my hand, I drove the car to a more distant place...


After a while, I passed by the place where the Mercedes-Benz G broke down more than four years ago.

Now that I am driving the same car, it is no longer the RV I used to have. I feel that this is also a passing fate. There is a huge sea of ​​people, and of course there will be no chance to meet again in this life, so I can’t help but be curious about that day. , the woman driving the Mercedes-Benz G, who was rescued in the end?

But this curiosity, just like a fleeting thought, disappeared in my mind in an instant. In such a trance, the car was already ten kilometers away.As before, I must drive fast when there are no absolute restrictions. However, before braking, I will check the rearview mirror to confirm whether there is a car very close behind, especially that kind of car. Heavy trucks; therefore, while you like to drive fast, you also need to be more cautious.

It was hard to imagine that this change was caused by a stranger whom he had never spoken to or even seen clearly.

And that woman must not have known that a strange man would change his driving habits because of her.

There are so many wonders in this world!

After walking the 100 kilometers of highway on the first day, I stayed in a small county town for one night. In the morning, I drove on nearly [-] kilometers of national highways. In addition, there were more than [-] kilometers of winding mountain roads. The task is daunting.

Before departure, I called my godfather and godmother and told them my itinerary; they were very happy. In addition to telling me to drive carefully, they also told me to prepare a lot of bacon and sausages that I like to eat, especially It's my godfather. He said that when I arrive in the evening, he must have some drinks with me. He has already prepared some old wine.

In addition to calling my godfather and godmother, I also called Qiao Jiao who was overseas. This time, she chatted with me for a long time. When I finally hung up, I had walked nearly [-] kilometers. national highway.

Therefore, compared to yesterday, today's journey was not boring at all, and the reason why I was able to chat with Qiao Jiao for so long was because everything seemed so calm.

Even at the end of the conversation, even Qiao Jiao seemed to have forgotten what she said to me yesterday. Because of this calm situation, we had a tacit understanding and consensus...

Lu Xi, she was indeed relieved.

(End of this chapter)

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