i'm not a bad man

Chapter 39: Clean and clear

Chapter 39: Clean and clear

After Ren Ran gave me this suggestion, she showed concern; I knew she really wanted to help me, but for some reason, I still felt a sense of discomfort in my heart. This discomfort made me unable to accept her with peace of mind. suggestions.

Ren Ran couldn't hold himself back and asked again: "Han Chao, why don't you speak?"

"Forget it, I can't do such a thing."

"Don't you want to get rid of this situation at all?"

"Of course I do, but I prefer that the relationship be pure. I want to be with a woman only because I like and love her, rather than treating her as a life-saving straw to change my life."

"Maybe you only have this chance in your life."

I fell into silence, and then I thought of Luan Yu; faced with the temptation that could change her life, she chose to cater to her, even going so far as to undergo hymen repair surgery, and she did not hesitate to devalue the relationship she had with me. It's not worth it; if I accept Ren Ran's proposal, what's the difference between me and Luan Yu, who is deliberately thinking about it?
If Luan Yu and I were essentially the same, we wouldn’t have parted ways because of differences in values. Therefore, it was absolutely impossible for me to approach Lu Xi with such a motive, let alone take the opportunity to ask her to come back with me. Tianjin’s requirements.

Love must be clear and clean.

Based on this understanding, I still replied with a very firm attitude: "I would rather not have such an opportunity... Sister Ran, I know you feel sorry for my experience, and I have indeed suffered for a long time because of this experience, but this After all, it is a conflict between me and my parents... I must face it myself, instead of pushing a woman between us and becoming my shield. This is not something a man can do... so , let’s not mention this matter again, because this is already my answer to you after careful consideration.”


Ren Ran hesitated to speak, and after a short silence, he spoke to me again: "Actually, I am telling you this out of selfish motives... I am worried that after you return to Tianjin, you will never come back again. If there is someone in Qingdao, I have given you a care that you can’t let go of, and you will come back.”

Ren Ran's words were sincere, and I felt guilty because of them. Just yesterday, I swore to her that I would stay in Qingdao and help her start her career. If I leave this time, I will never leave again. If he doesn't come back, wouldn't he let her down completely?

But people are not as good as God. There will always be various changes that interrupt your original plans in various unpredictable ways. This is how most of the regrets between people come from.

"I also have thoughts about returning to Tianjin. If my parents can live a normal life, I will still return to Qingdao. If they are not in good health and I have to stay and take care of them, I will consider not coming back. It is nothing more than that. Those are the two situations, but the probability of the first situation happening is very small, so don’t worry, I will probably return to Qingdao [-]% of the time. As long as I am in Qingdao, I will definitely help you do a good job in your career."

"That's what I said, I'm afraid something unexpected will happen again." After a pause, Ren Ran said: "Anyway, the project hasn't started yet. I have time in the past two days. How about I accompany you?" Let’s go to Tianjin.”


"What are you afraid of? I have a family and I won't pretend to be your girlfriend; I'm just going to accompany you. If you don't dare to face it alone, I will accompany you to face it as a sister. Tell them, it’s not easy for you to be outside for so many years. Stop blaming and complaining. If you think you can face it, I won’t meet your parents. Isn’t there a Tianjin Port in Tianjin, where all imported cars can be imported? Yes, I'll go look at the car... If there's one I particularly like, I'll exchange it for the current one. Thinking this way, it doesn't count as a special trip with you."

After saying that, Ren Ran subconsciously looked back at her car, and I followed her and saw that it was indeed an old Porsche Cayenne. She probably bought it the year she got married, so this also made her The proposal seemed so plausible that I couldn't refuse it anymore.

"If you want to relax, let's go together."

"Okay, then I will accompany you to the mall to buy some decent clothes and gifts for your parents. I have to prepare them well."

"Don't waste money, it's good to be real."

Ren Ran had an attitude that could not be refused: "No, you must spend what you need to spend... Actually, I still want to meet your parents. I want to tell them that you are ready to start a career with me. I have If you have connections, you have the skills and experience, we will definitely be able to create a great career... You will complete the important task of reviving a family, just in a different city. When the time comes, you can also bring them to Qingdao. Life, they will definitely fall in love with Qingdao just like you." I finally smiled and replied: "This is what you really think in your heart."

"It's not really an idea, just a little thought."

"Okay, let's put the clothes and gifts away for now. Didn't you say we would go and see the construction site?"

"Don't worry, we'll see after we get back from Tianjin. Anyway, no decoration company will dare to take on his project for a while. I have to put on a embarrassed look. Maybe I can get him to raise another five to sixty by then. With a budget of 60 yuan, when it comes to our side, it’s pure profit.”

"Who did you learn this trick of sitting on the floor and raising prices?"

"Who else is there besides him?"

I knew who Ren Ran was talking about, and I could tell that when she talked about that man, her tone was full of dissatisfaction and resentment.I can't help but feel a little sad. Regardless of whether it's right or wrong, when a woman no longer loves a man, it's really like this. So, it can be seen that Luan Yu really doesn't love me anymore.


After leaving the beach, Ren Ran took me to a local high-end shopping mall.Although I wanted to show my true face, she ignored my objection and bought me two sets of expensive clothes. In addition, she bought me a bracelet for my mother and a bracelet for my father. A box of extremely expensive tea.I felt increasingly sad. If I really stayed in Tianjin and never came back this time, I would be so sorry for her kindness.


We agreed on the departure time tomorrow morning, and Ren Ran left me with the gifts he had prepared. I looked at the sky and saw that it was still early, so I took a taxi back to my RV and picked up the one I was going to give to Lu Xi. deer, and then bought a box of paints for coloring in a nearby art supply store. After this round, it was already evening.

I sat in the square, lit a cigarette, and waited for Lu Xi to contact me, and the sky gradually darkened while waiting...

At about seven o'clock, Luxi finally sent me a message. To be precise, it was a location and a place where we wanted to eat together.

Different people really have different lifestyles. The place she wanted me to go to was the best sky restaurant in the area.I once read an introduction on Douyin. When you eat in this restaurant, you can see the most beautiful night view in Qingdao. This is just the added value. What is really worthy of praise is the food in this restaurant. I heard that there are Australian lobsters and king crabs. You can choose the cooking method... In addition, there is also a famous dish called Crispy Suckling Pig...

Speaking of crispy suckling pig, the last time I had it was before my dad had an accident.


This sky restaurant is located on a 69-story high-rise building. Under the guidance of the waiter, I went to the private room I had booked in Luxi. During the process, I specially observed the other people. They all looked like social elites. The dress, especially the women, are all gorgeously dressed and have a good temperament. Everyone is chatting elegantly and no one makes any noise, so it creates an aura of a high-end place invisibly; and I don’t consciously feel like it. Then I restrained myself and reminded myself to always pay attention to my image.

However, when the waiter opened the door of the private room for me, I saw Lu Xi sitting at the dining table wearing a home dress. She was also wearing a pair of hotel slippers. What's even more exaggerated is that she didn't wear any makeup at all. , didn’t even put on lipstick.

I'm a little confused.

(End of this chapter)

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