i'm not a bad man

Chapter 392 Silent Parting

Chapter 392 Silent Parting

Amidst the noise of the wind and the tractor, I sang at the top of my lungs. By the end of the song, I completely let go of all my psychological burden; I had completely forgotten that this was a song with no taste, but I just felt like I was in such a wilderness. , it is a very refreshing experience to be able to sing such a high-pitched song, and people do not have to live a serious life. The occasional vulgarity will let you see the other side of life. There is no depression, and it does not matter to others. With a clear vision, just get along with yourself, and what follows is a sense of pleasure.

At this moment, my heart was indeed filled with a kind of joy. I almost forgot that Luxi was standing behind me. Instead, I sang louder and louder and drove the tractor high until we came to the bottom of the mountain and reached the place where we stopped. In the open space that he passed, he was waiting for the village party secretary who would be coming for a while.


I was exhausted, so after the tractor stopped, I kept breathing heavily, and then I habitually lit a cigarette after my mood was shaken; but while I was hesitating, I was still ashamed to look back at the deer behind me. creek.

Lu Xi didn’t speak either. Maybe a song like this has overturned her understanding of me; you know, when we first met, when we talked about music, we only talked about Jazz, Rock & Rol, and Blues. , Countrymusic…

I really hope that she will think that I am a man of taste, so I always show it like this.

When he was about to finish smoking a cigarette, Lu Xi finally spoke: "What type of music is this?"

"Uh...a saliva song...and among saliva songs, they are also the kind that are not too serious..."

"The sound of the tractor was too loud just now. I didn't hear it clearly... Please sing it again."

I then looked back at Lu Xi, my eyes full of surprise and confusion, but I had long since lost the courage and motivation to sing again, so after a while of pondering, I replied to her: "I won't sing anymore, it's boring." Son."

"Then I'll find the original singer myself. I can clearly hear one of the lyrics. It's not difficult to find the original singer online."

"Which one?"

Lu Xi smiled half-heartedly and replied: "When I move to the city, I will pick you up in my Mercedes."

After saying that, she took out her mobile phone from her pocket, searched for a while, and then said: "It turns out this song is called Breaking the Pier..."

After saying that, she started reciting the lyrics of the song again, and I became more and more embarrassed, and finally I just stared at the dazzling sunlight until I felt dizzy.

"Han Chao..."

I pretended not to hear.

"Han Chao... let's talk about it. Why do you think this song is suitable for the occasion?"

Seeing Lu Xi's unwillingness to give up, I reluctantly replied: "Aren't we in the countryside now, and I'm seeing you off now? Is this a kind of farewell... These two points fit together. Of course it’s appropriate.”

"That's right...then your family comes from a rural area?"

“Going back three generations, we can be considered rural.”

"To justify yourself, if you can go back three generations, you are really a talent!"

I lowered my head and replied, "I'm just singing for fun, so don't take it too seriously..."

"I'm not being serious... By the time you drive the Mercedes-Benz, the woman singing in the song won't know how many lifetimes she has been reincarnated... Who would be willing to be serious with a man who likes to draw big cakes?"

I laughed dryly twice, and Lu Xi also laughed with me, and then jumped off the tractor carriage, looked around, and then showed an expression of self-liberation, and I was also at this time , took her luggage out of the carriage.


I thought it would take a while for the village party secretary to arrive, but the moment I raised my head, a Geely SUV had already driven over from a distance. In a few breaths, it would reach where Luxi and I were standing. place.

This is the car of the village party secretary. Before going down the mountain, my godfather told me that the village party secretary drove a black SUV.

"The village party secretary's car is here." Lu Xi followed my gaze and looked in the direction of the car...

I said to her again: "Be safe on the road. When you get to the place, remember to call me... If you don't want to call, you can just send me a message."

Lu Xi did not respond. She suddenly became silent and showed no sign of wanting to speak, even though this was our last chance to communicate.


I almost couldn't believe that from the time I saw the black SUV and got into the car in Luxi, she didn't say a word to me. Even her suitcase was silently carried into the car by herself. I just He can tell the village party secretary over and over again to pay attention to safety on the road.

Lu Xi put on a baseball cap and sunglasses at my instruction, and then sat in the back seat of the car, while I just watched silently, watching the car drive up the winding mountain road, and then gradually disappear. In my sight.


After Lu Xi left, I sat alone in the tractor compartment, lit a cigarette, and stared at the place where she left in a daze; gradually, I felt that this was another dream I had, because no matter it was her Whether she came or she left, it all happened so suddenly that in my mind, I could only remember the scene of meeting her and her leaving, and I could no longer recall any details.

Until the phone vibrated in my hand. I quickly raised my hand and looked at it, but it was just a call from Chang Yuli.

I calmed down and finally answered Chang Yuli's call.

On the other end of the phone, Chang Yuli fell into an extremely excited state, so much so that his voice was different from usual: "Brother Chao, do you know what the passenger flow of the scenic spot is today?"

"From the tone of your voice, it should be no less."

I seemed to be able to see Chang Yuli's expression on the other end of the phone: "So far, 2 people have made reservations for our night crawling activities. Today's passenger traffic has exceeded the [-] mark, and there will be more in the future." It’s a big explosion, because starting from next week, the highway will be free for a week until our event ends.”

"Today's passenger flow exceeded [-]?"

"It's absolutely true. I'll send you the statistical data later."


I responded, and then asked after a short pause: "Can you handle such a large flow of passengers?"

"Yes, when you left before, didn't you make an emergency plan? My dad borrowed some manpower from other scenic spots, and it is still in order... However, with a large number of passengers, our disadvantage in transportation is It showed up... From the morning until now, there have been three traffic jams. Now the scene has been taken over by the traffic police from the traffic police brigade. They can barely cope... There is another problem, which is accommodation... Anyway, there are hotels and B&Bs in the scenic area. All are operating at full capacity... Now we are trying to direct the passenger flow to hotels in the county... My dad has already talked with the county leaders. One accommodation issue and one transportation issue must be solved for our scenic spot. The county leaders are very satisfied with this time The effect of the activities, and the communication is no longer as ambiguous and unclear as before... I feel that in the end, the road expansion project may really be awarded to our scenic spot!"

"If it can be realized, it will be considered as hard work has paid off."

"It's necessary. After working for so long and paying such a high price, there has to be a harvest." After a short pause, Chang Yuli encouraged me and said: "Brother Chao, I guess it won't be long before I can The peak of passenger flow is ushering in... Otherwise, you should come back early... And Sister Jiao... In this historic moment, without you, I really feel that it is not perfect!"

"Don't discuss this matter. If you say you will go back after the New Year, you will go back after the New Year."

Chang Yuli didn't even have time to express his regrets before he was interrupted by the trivial matters on the other end of the phone. I was stunned for a while before I realized that he had hung up the phone.

And because of this, I fell into a kind of leisure that I had never dared to think about before.

I simply lay down in the car, blowing the warm wind while looking at the sky and the vegetation all over the mountains and plains. After a long time, I raised my phone in front of my eyes and started to play short videos.

I came across this short video about Luxi.

After the last drunken incident in a bar, Lu Xi, who has always disliked dealing with the media, took the initiative to clarify to the media that she and Yang Yiming were just friends, and said that she already had a man in her heart, and asked the outside world not to Making wild speculations... She was very firm in her words, saying that if the media still spreads rumors and causes trouble after the clarification, she will definitely reserve the right to pursue legal action.

I read the clarification time, which happened before she came to Hunan to find me.

(End of this chapter)

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