Chapter 424
I once again had doubts about where the money from selling the house went, but Qiao Jiao didn't take it to heart at all. She lowered her voice and said to me: "You don't have to worry about where the money went. Whether they have money or not, they are your parents... If you are not able, forget it. If you are able, you should buy them a house."

Qiao Jiao's words made me temporarily feel relieved, so I nodded and replied: "Yes, I will buy them a small apartment nearby. If they really have their own interpersonal relationships in this shanty town, buy it in These relationships won’t be cut off around here.”

"Isn't that right... Sometimes saying ten thousand beautiful words is not worth doing one beautiful thing. You can help them buy a house so that they can live comfortably and at the same time realize the changes you have made. , so that they can let go, and when they let go, you will not be so anxious. From now on, a family living in peace and harmony can be called a good life...right?"

"Yes, there is nothing better than living a good life!"

Qiao Jiao fell into silence, and after a long time, she said: "I really hope this is a good start... I also have a lot of expectations for the future... My parents estimate that there is no possibility of getting back together again in this life, so I I hope that when I start a new family, I can find that happy family feeling, so... When I meet your parents, I also regard them as part of my future... They are not like you said Even when they are so extreme, it is actually quite easy to get along with them... If, I mean if, if we can live together in the future, we can also travel with them and have children... There are many things like this in my mind The pictures are either in the early morning, or in the evening, or at the seaside, or in an ancient town... There are five of us in the family, traveling together... The children laugh heartily and circle around us. This is probably what life is like. The most weighty happiness!" After a pause, Qiao Jiao said with a complicated look on her face: "So, after having these images in my mind, I have no reason to give up, even if I know I will be bruised all over... ... People are actually quite pitiful. Not only me, but everyone, is willing to be pricked with needles, chopped with knives, and tortured alive by mental poison just for the happiness that may appear in the future... It would be okay if I could get those happiness, There is a high probability that it is not available, so forbearance has become a label for most people...In the end, the cart is put before the horse, we seem to be not living for happiness, but forbearance...Unconsciously, forbearance has run through our entire lives..."

Looking at Qiao Jiao, who looked sad because she had seen through the world, I suddenly felt a strange feeling, and I also realized that we had known each other for so long, but I had not really looked into her heart...

I have always compared her to a ball of flame, and she is indeed a ball of flame, but when the flame burns out, what is left behind is trauma and desolation all over the ground!
I finally held Qiao Jiao in my arms, then gently stroked her hair, and said softly: "The scenes you are thinking of are also what I yearn I will definitely work hard."

"What are you trying to do?"

"Work hard to make money and improve your life..."

"For whom do you work hard?"

I looked down at Qiao Jiao, with all kinds of tenderness stirring in my heart. Based on this tenderness, I said sternly: "For you, and the kind of life you envision... Jiao Jiao, there is no need for a threesome... Let's have a good time. Live together... When you come back from abroad, we will get married and then sprint towards the life we ​​want, okay?"

Qiao Jiao looked at me, with tears glistening in her eyes, but she suddenly smiled and said to me: "Can you do it? It's so easy to get carried away... I'm a very easy person to get carried away. Every time you tell me A few kind words, even if I wanted to strangle you with hatred before, I will forget everything in an instant... But forgetting does not mean that the problem has been solved... I will definitely leave. If I leave, Luxi will be like If I show you the helplessness and vulnerability in my heart like this now, you will feel sorry for her again... Then you should regret it... If you say the same thing to her, then for me It's just betrayal... It's better not to make any promises to me. While leaving some room for yourself, also leave some room for me... I always believe that the most terrifying thing in life is that after being overtaken, Suddenly woke up!"

After saying that, Qiao Jiao pushed me away, keeping a physical distance between us; she said to me again: "Do you know why I care so much about Lu Xi, and even a little scared?... Because, she She is a woman who never takes the initiative. When she makes a certain decision, it must be because something happened that made her have to do it... In love, there is no question whether rationality is greater than sensibility, or sensibility is greater than rationality. People can tell clearly... But I know that a more rational love will be less prone to mistakes and less likely to hurt the other party... You are a man who has been hurt by life, but you are still emotional, plus a As an emotional person, there are really too many uncertainties in the future... I am not afraid of you hurting me, but I am afraid that I will hurt you... But when you really love someone, how can you be willing to hurt him? ?...I have too many, too many contradictions in my heart, so it is not a bad thing for us to be separated for a while...just treat it as a test..." I can sense the contradictions in Qiao Jiao's heart, but I There was no way to help her resolve these contradictions, so she fell into silence...

"Be good, go back to sleep, there are a lot of things to do tomorrow."

After saying that, Qiao Jiao pulled me towards the hotel...


Because I went to bed late, I didn’t get up until almost noon the next day. When I got up, Qiao Jiao had already left; Lu Xi and I met in the lobby of the hotel... (Everyone guesses this book will If you don’t know how to open a harem, follow Tank himself and send a message to the public account: ***, reply "harem" to see the answer. You can also check the latest chapter)
I was particularly uncomfortable with Qiao Jiao's sudden departure, so I was lost in thought toward the door of the hotel for a while. It wasn't until Lu Xi opened his mouth to talk to me that I came back to my senses.

She said to me: "Jiaojiao told me before she left that you met with your parents last night."

I nodded, but didn't take my eyes back. Although this was something worth talking about, I didn't have such a strong desire to express myself. My mind was still filled with the memories of Qiao Jiao and her husband last night. Those words I said, I don’t know what happened to me. When I think of these words she said, I feel very disappointed, and then a desire to catch it surges up, but when I feel it with my heart, This city no longer has Qiao Jiao's aura.

This extremely long-lasting loss seemed to make me understand the contradiction and helplessness in Qiao Jiao's heart. It was at this moment that I set my sights on Lu Xi.

She seemed to realize that she was being snubbed by me, so she seemed a little at a loss, but I really didn't mean to snub her.

Just when I wanted to say something to Lu Xi, my phone vibrated. This was a message from Qiao Jiao. She said: "Brother Chao, I'm about to board the plane, but my heart is more intense than anything else." Always be practical... I don't want your liking for me to be based on dependence... I hope you come from the bottom of your heart... How can I make you realize that this love comes from the bottom of your heart? Or, you just Confused dependence and liking?... This really needs to be experienced by yourself... Anyway, this time I gave space to Lu Xi, just like when I went to the small town to accompany you, she also had the opportunity to get along with you day and night... ...As for whether she will want such an opportunity, that depends on her choice. Anyway, I have given you such fairness. No matter what the outcome is in the future, I can face it with a clear conscience... If you can't persist for a hundred days , you can also come to me abroad. When you really make the decision to come to me, I feel that I have nothing to question... Of course, it is also possible that you will never come to me, or even want me to Come back... That's okay. Staying abroad and living a good life with my mother is also a good choice... In the past two days, I really seem to have said too many what-ifs... I feel tired of saying it... But I If there is another thing I must say...I know you will definitely take Luxi to meet your parents. If your parents ask who she is, just say she is your other girlfriend...Men must be honest. Be careful, especially when facing your parents, let them see your inappropriate thoughts... Hahahaha!"

(End of this chapter)

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